Business Paper Late Reports Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6:00PM, Tuesday 10th December, 2024
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
10 December 2024 |
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Reconnecting River Country Program
8.3.4 Lodgement of Financial Statements for year ended 30 June 2024
10 December 2024 |
426721 |
Abb McAlister, Mayor |
Abb McAlister, Mayor |
Nil |
That Council: 1. Write to NSW Minister for Water, Housing and Homelessness the Hon Rose Jackson MLC, and to the Federal Minister for Environment and Water the Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, requesting: a. An immediate halt in the Reconnecting Rivers Country Program. b. Stakeholders, such as landholder representative groups and Councils, are consulted at each stage of the Reconnecting Rivers Country business case and Landholder Negotiation Scheme development and are included in any review of the draft prior to submission to the Australian Government and adoption. c. Legal questions about easement proposals be clarified as a matter of urgency, particularly in relation to a guarantee that an application to the court or legislative action will not be made to change the terms of the easements in perpetuity. d. Landholder property access be guaranteed in relation to any infrastructure changes associated with the Reconnecting Rivers Country program, especially road raising and bridge building. 2. Request from NSW Minister for Water, Housing and Homelessness the Hon Rose Jackson MLC a. an audit of the LNS consultation process including Number of Landholders with reference dates and method Murrumbidgee River adjoining block landholders that have been confirmed directly consulted. b. b. an audit of the DPIE consultation process including Number of Councils with reference dates and method that have been directly consulted regarding the LNS program. Including the position held of the council representative. 3. Write to all other REROC Councils and any other Councils located on the Murrumbidgee River, seeking feedback and support for our advocacy in this matter. 4. Write to the NSW Shadow Minister for Water Steph Cooke MP, requesting an overview of her knowledge and position on this issue and seek her support in advocating for ongoing consultation for the remainder of the program. 5. Demand an unredacted copy of the Business Case which is due to the Hon Rose Jackson MLC on or before the 28th February 2025 be provided to council. 6. Request an external and independent from Government investigation from the State & Federal productivity commissioners, Peter Achterstraat AM FAICD(Life) & Danielle Wood (Chair) respectively & supply a report on the effects of the Reconnecting River Country program to Farmers and the wider community. 7. Request an external and independent from Government investigation from Senator the Hon Don Farrell minister for Trade & Tourism a report on the effects of the Reconnecting River Country program to Riverina Trade & Tourism. 8. Request an external and independent from Government investigation from the Hon Ryan Park MP minister for Health a report on the effects of the Reconnecting River Country program to health in the Riverina. |
On Thursday 5 December 2024, I attended a briefing provided by the Water Group from the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in regard to the Reconnecting Rivers Country Program (RRCP) and the draft Landholder Negotiation Scheme (LNS) Regulation.
RRCP is an initiative introduced at the state level by the previous Coalition government in 2018/2019 to attempt to force more water from dam reserves to the lower lakes and the Coorong. This program has been continued under the current NSW Labor Government, so it has been endorsed across all political party lines.
To facilitate such a concept, it was deemed necessary to push water outside the natural river course and conduct what is deemed ‘overbank flows.’ In real terms, this is actually a man-made Government designed flood that will inundate vast tracts of private freehold land, along with large sections of Local Government held and controlled land and infrastructure.
Being a Local Government Area (LGA) that has river frontage, this concept severely impacts ratepayers. Our river dwellers are predominantly high productivity operations and have an economic benefit to our LGA. The Murrumbidgee River itself contributes over $5 billion to the Australian economy annually.
This economic driver to our local, and broader NSW economy is at risk under the proposed program (RRCP). While being driven by the Federal Government as NSW's response to water offsets under the Murray Darling Basin Plan (MDBP), it should therefore be required to meet the triple bottom line, which is set down as a requirement under the MDBP.
The triple bottom line states that all programs must support and not hinder or impede social, economic, or environmental outcomes. Unfortunately, under the latest phase of the RRCP, being the Landholder Negotiation Scheme (LNS), the relevant departments managing the RRP have completely failed on many levels, particularly regarding the triple bottom line requirement.
The program is required to consult with all landholders and present a business case to the Federal departments and therefore the government of the day. Under this scheme, the Government and relevant departments contracted the services of Local Land Services (LLS) to engage with landholders and collect data to assess the effects on all landholders that would be affected by such a proposal of running the Murrumbidgee River at 40,000 ml/day ± 5,000 ml (as measured at Wagga gauge), on numerous occasions. We are unable to provide a specific flow regime as this is a variable in the program, therefore making accurate assessments impossible.
The LNS consultation program has not met the requirements due to a lack of proper engagement, advertising, plus a lack of information to the affected landholders. Further to this, it is now proposed that forced easements under compulsory acquisition be imposed as early as February 2025 on Landholders if they do not participate in a program that no one knew about. Again, even Local Government was uninformed of these compulsory acquisitions. All while the Just Terms act is also under review.
The economic effects will be devastating to the agricultural sector and therefore to the greater economy of the associated towns and cities, such as our own. In economic terms, it is estimated that for every dollar produced in agricultural productivity, the associated economy experiences a seven-fold multiplier effect. Therefore, referring to the economic productivity of our greater region, this would have a negative effect of $700 million.
In reference to the social impacts, the proposed forced easements fail based on lost social cohesion, and the fabric of our local society is shattered through loss of land and businesses. Mental health issues and the increasing level of suicide in our agricultural space is deeply concerning and this program is exacerbating mental health issues due to the loss of freehold land and the right to farm.
Lastly, on an environmental factor, again the plan fails. They are, in essence, killing the river precinct to prop up small areas that do not need intervention because it does not factor in natural flooding events that water the other billabongs and lower lakes areas. The loss of ancient red gums, bank slumping, underscoring, and gouging of the riverbanks the entire length of the river system is not even measured or considered in this plan. There are no measurables or studies that have been undertaken on these effects.
The landholders that dwell along our rivers are true stewards of our river systems. They care for and look after the lands, and yet they are the very people that have been unfairly (to date) wrongly forced to endure this attack on their rights due to a lack of proper process, and consideration as to the greater effects on everyone.
The RRP poses many risks to the broader community with health risks to both people and stock through water borne diseases and mosquito carried diseases such as Ross River Fever and Japanese Encephalitis among other diseases caused by wet conditions. There are no risk reports being provided by the Government to date.
This Mayoral Minute is a snapshot of what is taking place in our own area. I urge all councillors to support the motion as presented, support stopping this program, and request that a program be designed that engages all stakeholders, including Local Government, plus say no to forced easements across vast tracts of freehold agricultural lands.
Financial Implications
The potential costs to CGRC arising from the RRCP are unknown at this stage however, it is anticipated that Council will incur clean-up costs for each Environmental release, said to be 3 to 5 each decade ongoing in perpetuity.
23A Guidelines
10 December 2024 |
428039 |
Linda Wiles, Manager Business |
Barry Paull, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. Information on Australia Day Awards 2025 be received and noted. 2. Council acknowledge the overview of the Australia Day Award nominations at its 10 December workshop and also acknowledge the nominated award recipients for the 2025 Australia Day Ceremonies. 3. The submission of the Australia Day 2025 Community Grant be noted. 4. Awards be presented in four categories being Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Sportsperson / Sports Achievement and Community Group Recognition. |
Council proposes to present its annual Australia Day Awards on Sunday, 26th January 2025, at two distinct ceremonies: one to be held in Gundagai and one to be held in Cootamundra.
Advertising and promotion for Australia Day nominations has been completed for the following categories:
1. Citizen of the Year
2. Young Citizen of the Year
3. Sportsperson of the Year / Sports Achievement Award
4. Community Group Recognition (noting there has not been any nominations received)
Nominations for categories 1-3 have been received.
The National Australia Day Council, with the assistance of the Australian Government, has once again made grants available to assist eligible event organisers to ensure Australia Day 2025 events proceed and include strong recognition of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, through the Australia Day Community Grants Program.
The intended outcomes of this grant opportunity are to provide funding for Australia Day 2025 events that deliver an inclusive event whilst supporting local businesses and communities.
Council has registered to be part of the Australia Day Ambassador program for both Cootamundra and Gundagai.
Council staff have been successful in receiving $10,000 (GST exclusive), to ensure inclusive Australia Day 2025 events proceed (Base Grant). An additional $5,000 (GST exclusive) for events that include strong recognition of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples (Additional Grant).
OLG 23a Guideline consideration
The objective of this report does not conflict with the Guidelines.
10 December 2024 |
427731 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Barry Paull, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no financial implications associated with this report. |
To comply with section 413 of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
Accounting Policies are detailed within the Financial Statements. |
1. CGRC 2024 Financial Statements ⇩ |
1. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, General Manager and Responsible Accounting Officer be delegated to sign the Statements by Council and Management for the 2024 General Purpose Financial Statements and 2024 Special Purpose Financial Statements for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council. 2. The General Manager be authorised to issue the 2024 Financial Statements upon receipt of the auditor’s report. |
Council has applied for an additional extension to 20 December 2024 to lodge the 2024 financial statements, with this extension being granted by the Office of Local Government on 29 November 2024. The financial statements are now finalised and ready to be lodged but due to material changes in the capital commitment and subsidiary disclosures, identified in the finalisation of the audit, the statements being are being presented to Council for re-signing, to acknowledge those changes.