








Ordinary Council Meeting


Council Chambers, Gundagai


6:00PM, Tuesday 28th May, 2024


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024



The Mayor & Councillors

Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council

PO Box 420

Cootamundra NSW 2590


An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Gundagai on:

Tuesday, 28th May, 2024 at 6:00PM

The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.

Steve McGrath

Interim General Manager


Live Streaming of Meetings Statement


This meeting is streamed live via the internet and an audio-visual recording of the meeting will be publicly available on Council's website.


By attending this meeting, you consent to your image and, or, voice being live streamed and publicly available. Please refrain from making any defamatory statements.


Statement of Ethical Obligations


The Mayor and Councillors are bound by the Oath/Affirmation of Office made at the start of the Council term to undertake their civic duties in the best interests of the people of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council and to faithfully and impartially carry out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested in them under the Local Government Act or any other Act, to the best of their skill and judgement.


It is also a requirement that the Mayor and Councillors disclose conflicts of interest in relation to items listed for consideration on the Agenda or which are considered at this meeting in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and Code of Meeting Practice.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024



Order Of Business


1       Acknowledgement of Country. 5

2       Open Forum.. 5

3       Apologies. 5

4       Disclosures of Interest 5

5       Confirmation of Minutes. 6

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 23 April 2024. 6

6       Mayoral Minutes. 17

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement 17

7       Reports from Committees. 19

7.1         Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 7 May 2024. 19

8       General Manager’s Report 24

8.1         General Manager Office. 25

8.1.1      Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Meeting Minutes. 25

8.2         Business. 59

8.2.1      Delivery Program/ Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report 59

8.2.2      Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes. 86

8.2.3      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes. 91

8.2.4      Business Team Report 94

8.3         Finance. 104

8.3.1      Finance Update - April 2024. 104

8.3.2      Quarterly Budget Review Statement - March 2024. 108

8.3.3      Restricted Cash Reconciliation - April 2024. 125

8.3.4      Investment Report - April 2024. 127

8.3.5      Ben Warby Memorial Reserve. 132

8.4         Sustainable Development 133

8.4.1      Development Application 2023/137 - 4.6 Variation to Development Standard - Lot 292 DP753604, Ingold Lane, Cootamundra. 133

8.4.2      Development Application 2023/109 - Proposed Staged 15,000 SSU Feedlot and Associated Infrastrcture - 1570 Old Cootamundra Road, Cootamundra. 189

8.5         Engineering Cootamundra. 349

8.5.1      Cootamundra Engineering Report - April 2024. 349

8.6         Engineering Gundagai 351

8.6.1      Motor Vehicle Leaseback Participants Policy. 351

8.6.2      Gundagai Engineering Report - May 2024. 357

8.7         Regional Services Gundagai 359

8.7.1      Gundagai Regional Services Works Report 359

8.8         Regional Services Cootamundra. 363

8.8.1      Regional Services - Cootamundra Divisional Monthly Report to Council 363

9       Motion of which Notice has been Given. 381

9.1         Notice of Motion - Tenancy Arrangements of The Old Cootamundra Hospital 381

9.2         Notice of Motion - Gundagai Flood Study. 382

10     Questions with Notice. 383

10.1       Questions with Notice from Councillors. 383

11     Confidential Items. 388

11.1       Closed Council Report 388

11.2       Business Cootamundra Outstanding Invoices. 388

11.3       Update - Sale of 24 Bourke Street and 11 Temora Street 389

11.4       Resumption of Open Council Meeting. 389

11.5       Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions. 389


1            Acknowledgement of Country

Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.


2            Open Forum


3            Apologies

4            Disclosures of Interest

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 23 April 2024


Teresa Breslin, Executive Assistant to Mayor and General Manager


Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager  


There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 23 April 2024      



The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 23 April 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

















Ordinary Council Meeting


Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra


6:00PM, Tuesday 23rd April, 2024


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

23 April 2024


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
Tuesday, 23 April 2024 AT 6:00PM


PRESENT:                 Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Penny Nicholson

IN ATTENDANCE:     Steve McGrath (Interim General Manager), Paul Woods (Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD), Matt Stubbs (Deputy General Manager - Operations),  Zac Mahon (Manager Finance), Michael Mason (Interim Manager Sustainable Development), Thomas Hogg (Acting Manager Engineering Gundagai), Greg Ewings (Acting Manager Regional Services Gundagai)

1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.

Adjourn Meeting For Open Forum

Resolution  075/2024  

Moved:      Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

Council adjourn for Open Forum.


2            Open Forum

List of Speakers

1.     Yvonne Forsyth – Cootamundra Wattle Day – spoke about the Wattle Day festival and hopes to bring it back. Would like to establish a committee to reinvigorate the festival.

Resume Open Meeting

Resolution  076/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

Council resume the Open Meeting.



3            Apologies and Leave of Absenc

3.1         Apologies


3.2         Leave of Absence

Resolution  077/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

Leave of Absence, from 18 April 2024 to 29 April 2024, granted for Cr Gil Kelly.



4            Disclosures of Interest


5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 26 March 2024

Resolution  078/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 26 March 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.



5.2         Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 19 March 2024

Resolution  079/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Leigh Bowden

The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 19 March 2024 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.



6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement

Resolution  080/2024  

Moved:      Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

The information in the Councillor Engagements Mayoral Minute be received and noted.



7            Reports from Committees


8            General Manager’s Report

8.1         General Manager Office

8.1.1      Inquiry into Local Government Sustainability

Resolution  081/2024  

Moved:      Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

Council endorse the submission attached to this report and forward the submission to the House Committee on Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport - “Inquiry into local government sustainability.”



8.1.2      Inquiry into the ability of Local Government to fund Infrastructure and Services

Resolution  082/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

Council endorse the submission attached to this report and forward the submission to the Standing Committee on State Development “Inquiry into the ability of local governments to fund infrastructure and services.”



8.1.3      ALGWA (Australian Local Government Women's Association) NSW 2024 Conference 14 March 2024

Resolution  083/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

The 2024 Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) NSW Conference summary report, be received and noted.



8.2         Business

8.2.1      Draft 2024/25 Operational Plan and Associated Documents

Resolution  084/2024  

Moved:      Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

Council resolve that the Draft 2024/25 Operational Plan, inclusive of the Draft Revenue Policy, Draft Fees and Charges, Draft Operating Budget and Draft Capital Works Budget, be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.



8.2.2      Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  085/2024  

Moved:      Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:  Cr Logan Collins

The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 4 March 2024, attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.2.3      Wallendbeen Memorial Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes, Membership and Fees

Resolution  086/2024  

Moved:      Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:  Cr Les Boyd

1.   The Minutes and supporting documentation of the Wallendbeen Memorial Hall s.355 Committee Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 11 March 2024, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   The office bearers and membership of the Wallendbeen Memorial Hall s.355 Committee as detailed in the report and attached AGM minutes, be endorsed.

3.   The proposed 2024/2025 schedule of hall hire charges for the Wallendbeen Memorial Hall be listed in the 2024/2025 CGRC Operational Plan Fees and Charges.



8.2.4      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  087/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Abb McAlister

The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 28 March 2024 attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.2.5      Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  088/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held 5 February 2024, attached to the report be, received and noted.



8.3         Finance

8.3.1      Restricted Cash Reconciliation - March 2024

Resolution  089/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted.



8.3.2      Finance Update - March 2024

Resolution  090/2024  

Moved:      Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

The Finance Update report, be received and noted.



8.3.3      Investment Report - March 2024

Resolution  091/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 31st March 2024, be received and noted.



8.4         Sustainable Development


8.5         Engineering Cootamundra

8.5.1      Cootamundra Voluntary Purchase Feasibility Assessment Part 1

Resolution  092/2024  

Moved:      Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:  Cr Leigh Bowden

Council adopt the Cootamundra Voluntary Purchase Feasibility Assessment dated April 2024.



8.5.2      Re-establishment of Alcohol Free Zones in Cootamundra

Resolution  093/2024  

Moved:      Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

The re-establishment of Alcohol-Free Zones, as detailed in the Cootamundra map located at the end of the report, for a four 4 year period being 1 May, 2024 to 30 April, 2028 be adopted.



8.5.3      Cootamundra Engineering Report - April 2024

Resolution  094/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Abb McAlister

The Cootamundra Engineering Report for the month of April 2024 be noted.



8.6         Engineering Gundagai

8.6.1      Plant Replacement Program 2024/2025

Resolution  095/2024  

Moved:      Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

1.   The 2024/2025 Plant Replacement Program be endorsed.

2.   Council endorses the 2024/2025 Plant Replacement Budget of $2.6m gross purchase, $972,500k asset disposals, resulting in net capital purchase of $1,627,500m.

3.   Following endorsement of the 2024/25 budget, Council authorise the advance ordering of plant given the significant lead times expected.




8.6.2      Gundagai Engineering Report - April 2024

Resolution  096/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Les Boyd

The Gundagai Engineering Report for the month of April 2024 be noted.



8.7         Regional Services Gundagai

8.7.1      Gundagai Regional Services Works Report

Resolution  097/2024  

Moved:      Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr David Graham

The Gundagai Regional Services Department, Monthly works report be received and noted.



8.8         Regional Services Cootamundra

8.8.1      Regional Services - Cootamundra Divisional Monthly Report to Council

Resolution  098/2024  

Moved:      Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:  Cr Leigh Bowden

The Regional Services Cootamundra Department Monthly Works Report be received and noted.



9            Motion of which Notice has been Given


10          Questions with Notice



11          Confidential Items

11.1       Closed Council Report

Resolution  099/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Logan Collins

1.      Items 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed.

2.      In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Items 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 be withheld from the press and public.




Resumption of Open Council Meeting

Resolution  100/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Les Boyd

The Open Council meeting resume.



Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions

Note: The Chairperson announced the resolutions made in Closed Council.


11.2       Cootamundra Voluntary Purchase Feasibility Assessment Part 2

Resolution  101/2024  

Moved:      Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

Council submit an application for grant funding with a view to implement the Voluntary Purchase Scheme in the next round of Floodplain Management Grants.




11.3       Purchase of Pavement Materials

Resolution  102/2024  

Moved:      Cr David Graham

Seconded:  Cr Leigh Bowden

That Council:

1.   Resolve in terms of s55(3)(i) of the Local Government Act 1993, that due to extenuating circumstances, no tenders are to be called for the supply of gravel associated with the subject rehabilitation works on the Olympic Highway at Migurra reserve south of Cootamundra for reasons:

1.1.    The timing of the works to be carried out for and on behalf of TfNSW under the RMCC contract; and

1.2.    The indicative savings expected to be achieved, when compared to the procurement of similar material over the last twelve months.

2.   Delegate authority to the Interim General Manager to authorise the purchase of gravel from Wyangle Quarry, in the sum of $312,000, for rehabilitation works on the Olympic Highway at Migurra reserve south of Cootamundra under the Roads Maintenance Council Contract.



11.4       Gundagai Swimming Pool 24/25 Gym Expression of Interest

Resolution  103/2024  

Moved:      Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

1.   Council reject both EOI’s submissions and delegate the Interim General Manager to;

1.1. Negotiate with Mitch Waddell from Defiance Co. and Mellisa Smart from Smart Health connections for a Lease Agreement for the Operation of the Gundagai Pool Gym for the 12-month period, 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

1.2. Following negotiations, determine and approve the rental offer for a Lease Agreement for the Operation of the Gundagai Pool Gym for the 12-month period, 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, that is in Council’s and the Communities best interest.


The Meeting closed at 7:07pm.

The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 May 2024.







Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement




Charlie Sheahan, Mayor  


Charlie Sheahan, Mayor




To keep the community aware of Councillor and my engagements, on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes.


The information in the Councillor Engagements Mayoral Minute be received and noted.

18 April 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a fortnightly meeting with the Office of Local Government (OLG) and the Interim General Manager.

23 April 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a catch-up meeting with the Interim General Manager and Deputy General Managers.

Crs Bowden, Boyd, Collins, Glover, Graham, McAlister, Nicholson and I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Council Workshop and Meeting in Cootamundra.

25 April 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the Anzac Day March and Memorial Service in Cootamundra.

Cr McAlister attended the Anzac Day Dawn Service, March and Ceremony in Gundagai.

Cr Bowden attended the Anzac Day Service in Wallendbeen.

Cr Collins attended the Dawn Service in Cootamundra.

Cr Glover attended the Anzac Day Service in Stockinbingal.

26 April 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended an online meeting with the Hon Natasha Maclaren-Jones MLC.

29 April 2024

Cr Bowden and I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the Cootamundra Sports Foundation Awards Ceremony.

30 April 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a catch-up meeting with the Interim General Manager and Deputy General Managers.


2 May 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a fortnightly meeting with the Office of Local Government (OLG) and the Interim General Manager.

3 May 2024

Cr Bowden and I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended The Art Centre Cootamundra (TACC) 20th Anniversary Festival of Turtles Opening Cocktail Party.

7 May 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a catch-up meeting with the Interim General Manager and Deputy General Managers.

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Local Traffic Committee Meeting.

9 May 2024

Crs Bowden, Glover, McAlister and I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the LGNSW Rural and Regional Forum in Sydney.

10 May 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Country Mayors Meeting in Sydney with the Interim General Manager and Cr Glover.

14 May 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a catch-up meeting with the Interim General Manager and Deputy General Managers.

Crs Bowden, Boyd, Glover, Graham, Kelly, McAlister, Nicholson and I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Council Workshop in Gundagai.

16 May 2024

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a fortnightly meeting with the Office of Local Government (OLG) and the Interim General Manager.

I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) meet with Cootamundra Health Professionals to discuss the proposed MLHD plans for Cootamundra Hospital.

18 May 2024

Cr Bowden attended the Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) Executive Meeting and Forum in Griffith.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


7            Reports from Committees

7.1         Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 7 May 2024


Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 7 May 2024      



1.   The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 7 May 2024, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   In consideration of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic recommendations detailed in the minutes, Council endorse the following:

2.1. That “No Parking – Police Excepted” signs be erected on Sutton Street between Campbell and Stratton Avenue, Cootamundra.

2.2. That Council undertake safety campaign to advise cyclists of their responsibilities when using footpaths.



The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held 7 May 2024 are submitted for the information of Council and the community.
















Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting


Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra


10:00am, Tuesday 7th May, 2024


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes

7 May 2024


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
Tuesday, 7 May 2024 AT 10:00am


PRESENT:                 Gwen Norman (Local Electorate Representative), Greg Minehan (Transport for NSW), Emma Hack (NSW Police), Luke Parsons (NSW Police), Aimee Bannister (NSW Police), Julie-anne Coomer (Transport for NSW).

IN ATTENDANCE:     Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Logan Collins, Thomas Hogg (Acting Manager Engineering Gundagai), Gary Arthur (Acting Manager Engineering Cootamundra)

1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.

2            Apologies and Leave of Absence 

2.1         Apologies

              Nadine Roberts (NSW Police)

2.2         Leave of Absence


3            Disclosures of Interest


4            Presentations

Two presenters presented to the Local Traffic Committee regarding their concerns about current restricted heavy vehicle access for agriculture purposes.


5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 15 February 2024


The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 15 February 2024, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.


6            Reports

6.1         Road Train Access - Manilda Group


The Committee note the report.


The presentation, and report highlighted concerns about the lack of access for larger trucks, in particular B Doubles and road trains. The Local Traffic Committee discussed that there is already a blanket approval for B Doubles within the Cootamundra Local Government Area.

Transport for NSW advised that they would investigate the feasibility of installing BB lines on Burley Griffin Way to discourage vehicles passing trucks which are turning. NSW Police advised that they are able to assist with compliance if they are informed.


6.2         General Road access for Heavy Vehicles


The Committee note the report.


Clr Collins requested a report about Council’s involvement with SEWOLG - South East Weight of Loads who, according to the presenters, have issued infringements for B-Doubles in Cootamundra.


6.3         Restricted Parking in Sutton Street, Cootamundra


That “No Parking – Police Excepted” signs be erected on Sutton Street between Campbell and Stratton Avenue, Cootamundra.


NSW police requested “No Parking – Police Excepted” as this will enable police to undertake stationary RBT without having to wait 30 minutes for vehicles to move.


6.4         Cootamundra Footpath CBD - Pedestrians and Bicycle Users


That Council undertake safety campaign to advise cyclists of their responsibilities when using footpaths.



The safety campaign should be educational focused.


6.5         Cootamundra CBD High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA)


That the works update be noted.


The High Pedestrian Activity Area is being implemented on 16 June 2024. Transport for NSW will undertake education about the changes.


6.6         Starry Nights Festival 2024


The events be noted and endorsed.


6.7         2024 Upcoming Events


The events be noted.


6.8         Late Report - Proposed Charity Run Gundagai


That the Committee note the report.


The event, based on the information provided, does not trigger the requirement for Local Traffic Committee endorsement.



The Meeting closed at 12:30pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Cootamundra-Gundagai Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 May 2024.


...................................................                               …………………………………………………

CHAIRPERSON                                                                                GENERAL MANAGER


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8            General Manager’s Report

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.1        General Manager Office

8.1.1      Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Meeting Minutes




Teresa Breslin, Executive Assistant to Mayor and General Manager


Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.2 Proactive, practical Council leaders who are aligned with community needs and values



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      Draft REROC Board Minutes April 2024

2.      REROC Board Agenda and papers April 2024    



The Minutes of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Board Meeting held on 19 April 2024, attached to the report, be received and noted.



The Agenda/Business Paper (including supporting documentation) and draft Minutes of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Board Meeting held 19 April 2024, are attached for the information of Council and the community.


There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

This report does not conflict with the guidelines.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.2        Business

8.2.1      Delivery Program/ Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report




Anne Chamberlain, Governance Officer


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


In accordance with section 406 of the Local Government Act, 1993.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      DP\OP Quarterly Progress Report - Quarter 3    



The Delivery Program incorporating the Operational Plan 2023/2024, quarterly progress report, (3rd Quarter January to March), attached to the report, be received and noted.



To comply with Section 406 of the Local Government Act, 1993 and in accordance with the Office of Local Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting guidelines ‘The general manager must ensure that regular progress reports are provided to the council, reporting as to its progress with respect to the principal activities detailed in its delivery’.

Accordingly, attached to this report is the quarterly progress report outlining the extent to which performance measures and targets, set out in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, have been achieved during the second quarter of the reporting year; that is between 1 January – 31 March 2024.

The next progress report will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held  27 August 2024 and will consist of status updates for actions within the 23/24 Operational Plan (4th   quarter reporting period of April - June 2024).


There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

The objective of this report does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.2.2      Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes




Anne Chamberlain, Governance Officer


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.3 Actively engaged and supportive community



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual.


1. CHCMC Minutes - 8 April 2024  

2. CHCMC Minutes - 7 May 2024



The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 8 April 2024 and 7 May 2024, attached to the report, be received and noted.



The attached Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 8 April 2024 and 7 May 2024 are submitted for the information of Council and the community.


There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.2.3      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes




Anne Chamberlain, Governance Officer


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.4 Recognised as a premier local government Council that represents and advocates for community needs



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


To Comply with the s.355 Committee Management Manual.


1.      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall meeting minutes - 18 April 2024    



The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 18 April 2024 attached to the report, be received and noted.



The attached Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 18 April 2024 are submitted for the information of Council and the community.


There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

The report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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A document with text and numbers

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.2.4      Business Team Report




Linda Wiles, Manager Business


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


2. A region for the future

2.2 A thriving region that attracts people to live, work and visit



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Business Team Report be received and noted.



In December 2022 Council implemented an Organisational Re-structure.  Part of this process incorporated combining the previous Business and Community and Culture Departments.

The Business Team Consists of Customer Service; Libraries; Visitor Information Centres; Information Technology, Records Management, Governance, Communications and Media, Tourism & Economic Development and Youth and Inclusion.

This inaugural report is an overview of the previous six months of business team actions. Future reports will provide information in relation to more recent activities.





Cootamundra Library

Cootamundra Library has now been fully renovated. Funding was received through Stronger Country Community Fund and Stronger Community Fund for Stephen Ward Room improvements. 

The renovation included replacement carpet, computer desks, cabinetry and circulation desk, lighting, blinds, painting, furniture, public computers, false ceiling in Stephen Ward Room, No:1.


The main library was temporarily closed during the renovation period; however, a smaller library was operating from the Stephen Ward rooms allowing people access to computers and printing. Customers could continue to borrow and return books. 


The staff also look forward to Berrigan Shire joining Riverina Regional Library after July 1 giving a total of 21 branch libraries to collaborate with and share resources.  RRL is the largest regional library in NSW.



Community Education

·    Cootamundra Library secured funding from the NSW State Library to run the Tech Savvy Seniors program in 2024, which is designed to increase digital literacy in the older population.  As part of this initiative, seniors completed several sessions throughout February with Tutor, Kerry Byrne, covering processes such as emails and online banking.  The next Tech Savvy sessions commence Wednesday 19 June with the basics of Smart phone use.

·    Michael Palmer from the NBN presented a ‘Stay Safe’ online workshop for 18 people in the Alby Schultz meeting rooms covering scams, shopping online and banking.  Michael is an excellent presenter and is keen to come back next year.

·    Andrew Skeoch facilitated a presentation at both Cootamundra and Gundagai libraries in April. Andrew is a highly regarded sound recordist. He is also the author of ‘Deep Listening to nature’, an invitation to open our ears to the natural world.  Audiences came away with the skills of deep breathing and slowing down their thoughts.  

·    Dr Anne Ring was the guest speaker for Senior’s Week events in Gundagai and Cootamundra.  Both events were well patronised, and residents enjoyed listening to Anne discuss her book ‘Engaging with Ageing’.


Youth And Children

Local author Catherine Rains visited both Gundagai and Cootamundra libraries in March and April for a special Storytime event and to launch her new childrens’ book ‘The SHEEPDOG WHO WAS AFRAID OF SHEEP’.


Council’s Youth and Inclusions Officer facilitated a FREE Canvas Painting workshop for local Youth. 19 students participated in the school holiday activity held in the Stephen Ward rooms. Local artist Meg Holt ran the successful afternoon.


Gundagai Library

Gundagai's regular Story Time, Lego, Mahjong, History and Book Club groups continue to thrive in the library.  The Visitor Information Centre have settled into their current temporary premises in the Library Community Toolbox Room while the centre is undergoing renovations. This has been challenging, but the staff of the visitor’s centre, library, neighbourhood centre and council have all worked closely to make the situation as easy and pleasant as possible for the public.


Cultural Events

During March, the library held Gundagai's International Women’s Day evening in the library and hosted over 50 women for a light supper and talk. The speaker was Gundagai's local vet Kathy Blay who gave an engaging and revealing presentation about the struggles, as well as some of the funnier moments, of starting out as a young woman rural vet in the early eighties. This was the first time Kathy had ever presented anything like this, being quiet and normally just focusing on the job she loves so much, her talk was met with rousing applause from the very appreciative ladies.


During April, Gundagai was fortunate to host Jo Gilbert, the granddaughter of Jack O’Hagan, for the launch and celebration of her book 'Along the Road to Gundagai, Biography of Jack O'Hagan and Birth of Australian Pop Culture'. Gundagai was made famous around the world through Jack and his timeless songs, and it was wonderful to hear Jo share her cherished memories of Jack and his fondness for Gundagai, with an enthusiastic crowd.






Community Education

During March Seniors Week was held and the library held a beginners Trove Workshop and an iPad workshop, both were well attended.  A second intermediate Trove Workshop has been planned after the success of the beginner’s class.



Gundagai and Cootamundra libraries are participating in large print stock rotation program recently started by RRL and it is proving popular with patrons benefiting from regular fresh titles in this area of our collection.


School Holiday Programs

During the April school holidays Gundagai were lucky to host 3 pre-teaching students who assisted with the running of activities at the library.  Among these were a Minute-to-win-it competition, a Lego challenge and an open STEM Day in which children got to dive into the world of AI, VR, AR, robotics and electrical circuits. Over the course of the holidays, we had a total of 136 children in attendance.



The staff from Gundagai presented a VR info and try session for the senior’s social group at Mirrabooka during February. The group experienced varying degrees of success with a few participants surprising everyone with their target skills in the Ninja archery game.




·        Youth and Inclusion Officer’s strategy is to develop an improved sense of community connectedness, resilience, and mental health for young people in the LGA.

·        Stronger and more capable Youth Council's in both Cootamundra & Gundagai.

·        Stronger links and partnerships between Council and community organisations, including indigenous groups and disability advocates.

·        Capacity to better engage with external youth service providers to increase awareness of and access to services for youth.




Cootamundra Youth Council (CYC)

Following information sessions held at the Cootamundra High School and Sacred Heart Central School, Cootamundra Youth Council membership grew by 4.  This increase in membership brings the total to 8.  CYC members and YIO meet once a month. Meetings are now being held in the new CYC Youth Hub.  Promotion of the CYC is consistent, using Council and the CYC media platforms to encourage new membership.  Further information sessions are planned for the near future.  YIO has received CYC new apparel for distribution to members at the next CYC Meeting.  CYC assisted in establishment of the CYC Youth Hub.  Consultation ensured the hub contains areas for Schooling and homework, recreation devices for movie or games nights, and essential supplies for Youth in need.  CYC members assist with the planning, resourcing and completion of events.


Gundagai Youth Council (GYC)

YIO has developed strong connections with the Gundagai High School and, with the support of the principal, has been permitted to use class time for GYC Meetings and events. The Gundagai Youth Council now consists of 6 members. YIO and GYC members visited the Gundagai Youth Hub to discuss and implement refurbishments. Similar to CYC, GYC desired both a place for study, and a place for relaxation.  The first project for the Gundagai Youth Council, as chosen by members, was a rebrand of the GYC logo. Members and fellow students were tasked with designing and voting on the new Logo.

The rebrand has been launched and GYC members will receive their new apparel at the next meeting. GYC meetings are held once a month at the Gundagai High School.   GYC is a group of motivated youth who are excited to bring new ideas to the community, however they are yet to support events held. YIO continues to explore methods of youth engagement to encourage participation with planning and attending events. This is an ongoing improvement measure across all CGRC Youth Services.



The Grand opening of the Cootamundra Youth Hub was held on Saturday, 23 March 2024. All CYC members were in attendance to carry out the official ribbon cutting ceremony. Also in attendance was Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke MP, Mayor Charlie Sheahan, Councillor Logan Collins and Councillor Leigh Bowden.   Attendees were welcomed with a free coffee or hot drink.  Mission Australia and Cootamundra Police provided free a Sausage Sizzle with soft drinks and water while CADAS provided free face painting. CYC members ran a Mario Kart Tournament, 2 winners received Frank Green drink bottles.  The Opening of the Gundagai Youth Hub is planned for the near future.


CGRC Youth Hubs Management Plan is currently being developed. This document will give a guide on how both youth hubs will operate.   The development of this document will include community consultation on usage, stakeholders, activities, and expectations for service.



Youth Activities are financed by multiple funding options made available throughout the year.

NSW Government Regional Youth, Holiday Break, Spring School Holidays 2023.



In partnership with The Arts Centre, Cootamundra, free tickets were made available to attend ‘The Greatest Showman’ Movie held on 24th September 2023. Tickets were free for under 18 and 120 tickets were secured.

A Cootamundra Police, ‘Meet and Greet’ was held at the Cootamundra Skate Park on 26 September 2023.  15 Youth attended for a free BBQ and a chat with our local police.  This event was coordinated in a short time frame, therefore impacting on attendance.

A ‘Proposed Youth Hub Hang Out’ was held on 4 October 2023. This event was held primarily to consult with Youth on what ideas, desires they wanted to see in the proposed Youth Hub.



GYC Youth Boxing Clinic was held for youth across the region on Tuesday 26 September, 2023 from 10am at the Gundagai Multipurpose Courts/Youth Space.  This event invited Youth 12 – 18 years to enjoy health and fitness related activity, and learn the discipline, and skill of Boxing.


A ‘New Gundagai Youth Space – Drop In’ was arranged for Wednesday 27 September, 2023.  Games and a free lunch were provided for attendees, encouraged to give ideas and feedback on the Gundagai Youth Space development.

Free Gundagai Handball Championships were held on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at the Gundagai Multipurpose Courts.





Youth vs. Police CrossFit Comp –16 local Police and community members competed with local Youth to see who would be presented with the title of overall champion! This event will be held again next year for the summer 2024/2025 holidays. Feedback received indicated higher participation levels if the event could be held on a weekend therefore not clashing with Youth work commitments.


Family Outdoor Movie Night was held on 19 January 2024 at Albert Park, Cootamundra featuring ‘Shark Tale’.  This event was well attended by approximately 50 people.  – The Lions club provided hotdogs and popcorn while ‘Neen’s Snacks’ sold loaded brownies.


Cootamundra Skate workshop and competition was run in partnership with the Cootamundra Police. Twenty participants, in both primary and high school aged, competed with 20 attendees also participating in the workshop.


YIO again partnered with the Cootamundra Police to coordinate Twilight Basketball.  One night each week for four weeks over summer, participants learnt, competed, and just had fun interacting and getting to know local police.  Participation grew as weeks progressed culminating in 30 participants by week three. All attendees enjoyed pizza after each week’s activity.  This event will run again next summer for additional weeks.



Family Outdoor Movie Night featuring ‘Shark Tale’ was held on Friday 12 January 2024 for 50 parents and children. Gundagai Lions Club supplied a BBQ and E.A. Touts & Co Coffee Cart sold sweet treats, coffee, and milkshakes.


Free Gundagai scooter and Skate Workshop enticed approximately 10 participants, mostly younger children, to a workshop and grip tape art for boards or scooters.

A free Multisport Day was provided at the Gundagai Netball Courts on 17 January 2024.  Soccer, Basketball, Footy, Sprints all planned.


Both towns had Reptiles on the Go! and African Drum Workshops which were well supported.





Cootamundra Multisport Day run in conjunction with the Cootamundra Sports Stadium was held on 16 April 2024 with excellent participation.  43 participants enjoyed a day of fund sport and lunch.


‘Youth Fest 2024’ inaugural event was held on 18 April 2024. – In excess of 100 youth attend including a bus load of excited Youth from neighbouring Hilltops Council. A DJ, giant games, free Dippin Dots, hotdogs, sausage sizzle, facepainting and temporary tattoos were all provided to attendees free of charge. This was run in conjunction with the Cootamundra Police and Mission Australia.


Youth Canvas Painting Workshop was held on 24 April 2024. Held in with the support of the Cootamundra Library this event was booked out (20 people). Snack trays were provided, and all participants took home their artwork.



Gundagai Inquisitive Trivia Night and Mini Games was scheduled for 12 April 2024. – This event was coordinated in conjunction with Intereach/ROAR, RAHMP and MLHD. Partners requested the event be postponed to an appropriate time in the future.  A Free bus to attend ‘Youth Fest 2024’ was organised to transport Gundagai Youth to the event held in Cootamundra on the 18 April 2024 and the Youth Canvas Painting Workshop was scheduled for 15 April 2024.  Unfortunately, both events were cancelled due to lack of numbers.


Youth Space Open Day was scheduled for 23 April 2024. This was run in conjunction with Mission Australia and the Gundagai Police. Mission prepared a free sausage sizzle and Woolworths Gundagai donated left over chocolate easter eggs for this day. Unfortunately, this event was poorly supported, with the mayor and organisers in attendance.


All Youth events are promoted in Gundagai and Cootamundra Newspapers, Gundagai Youth Council Facebook, Cootamundra Youth Council Facebook, CGRC Facebook and Website, CGRC Newsletter and Posters supplied to Schools in Gundagai and Cootamundra.


YIO will continue to implement continual improvement in our promotion and event management.



YIO regularly communicates with all schools in our LGA.  Information relating to activities, particularly school holiday events are shared. YIO has developed a good association with the Gundagai High School Principal and associated staff, working in partnership to restore and strengthen the Gundagai Youth Council. YIO attends the school monthly for the GYC Meeting and to coordinate with staff on future events.  


In partnership with Cootamundra Schools and local Police, YIO introduced an 8-week program for at risk youth.  This program mentored participants, provided breakfasts, walks to school and casual chats about what matters most to Youth in our communities.  This was a successful program and will continue in the future.   As a extension of this event the YIO assisted local Police and schools for Walk Safely to School Week, on Friday 9 May, 2024.


The YIO continues to develop connections throughout the region, attending REROC Leadership Forum with CYC members and students from Sacred Heart Central School, Cootamundra. Further YIO attend the Young Careers Expo with Sacred Heart Central School students and has been requested to assist with their Beyond Sacred Heart program.



YIO is an active participant at community meetings including Mawang Inc., Gundagai DAGG and Gundagai Interagency and Cootamundra Community Network.  Efforts are continuing to make connection with the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working party.


YIO connected with Tourism and Economic Development Officer to coordinate Cootamundra Seniors Week events for 2024.  Events included a bus tour, with 40 participants, visiting new development areas, youth hub, parks etc, culminating with a morning tea at Bradman’s Birthplace. A High Tea in conjunction with the Cootamundra Ex-service Club, as also held, with 80 Seniors, 20 stall holders and CGRC Mayor, Councillors and staff in attendance. This event gave seniors an altered format for the annual meet and greet with Councillors and Staff and increased senior participation immensely. 



Centralised Information and Information Sharing

New Businesses

CGRC New Business Toolkit has been developed and is available on Councils website. This comprehensive toolkit brings together all the necessary resources and contacts to assist businesses in their new venture.  The document features start up timeline, checklists, links to necessary planning requirements, contact details for local agencies and available business grants.


Event Organisers

TEDO staff are currently developing a comprehensive update of CGRC Event Management documentation.  The new toolkit will include current information on insurance requirements, planning conditions, agritourism constraints, licencing etc.  TEDO staff are incorporating staff training into the requirements to ensure accurate assistance is given to prospective event organisers.

Events (and services) are publicised on Councils Social Media pages, newsletters, and website consistently.  Events Calendars are visible on both ‘Visit’ websites.  

Existing Branding and Marketing Grant funding is being utilised to carryout updates to both visit Gundagai and Visit Cootamundra websites. 

Weekly compilation of events happening in Cootamundra & villages sent to @2LF radio in Young for their weekly ‘About the Towns’ radio segment.

What’s On Newsletters emailed monthly to locals and visitors in Cootamundra and Gundagai.  Additionally, the newsletter is posted to social media to ensure maximum coverage.


Regular update of grant opportunities forwarded to mailing list, individuals, and businesses via:

●         Business Update Newsletters

●         Direct contact

●         Social media


Marketing Of Our Region

TEDO have completed updates to Gundagai and Cootamundra New Resident Packs.  The packs are available on the CGRC website, admin offices and VICS. Feedback gathered from new residents to assist in future updates of the packs to ensure relevance of information.


TEDO upload all tourism assets, events, and relevant tourism businesses to Australian Tourism Data Warehouse on Destination NSW website regularly.


Country Change Riverina

CGRC maintain membership with Country Change, Riverina & Murray.  This membership ensures CGRC are highlighted on Country Change social media weekly, drawing potential visitors as well as new residents.  Country Change highlight one destination, once a year in a large month-long promotion, where they highlight employment, housing, liveability, culture, education, and healthcare of the region. – TEDO supply relevant information to Country Change to ensure currency of information displayed. TEDO also source talent for articles and photography for the promotion. Active promotion, social media liveability campaign, ‘Move to Cootamundra-Gundagai’ to feature in October 2024.


Cooperatives Marketing Campaign - City of Wagga

Collaboration to promote, highlight and generate visitation to the region.  Campaign for Gundagai – Nature and Outdoors, schedule for release following filming in July 2024.  TEDO working in partnership with Wagga on the promotion.

CGRC further feature in seasonal guides, newsletter and visitor guides are part of partnership with Wagga City.


Regular destination content is supplied to Visit Riverina for inclusion in local and regional marketing campaigns.



Phase one – AGRITOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -Council contracted regional tourism consultancy Tilma Group to develop an agritourism development program for the region.


TEDO staff worked closely with Agritourism operators and potential operators via a mentoring/development program for product and experience development.  This program provided 90 hrs of mentoring for participants on concept development, business planning, budgeting, and marketing of their Agritourism product or experience. This major project commenced in June 2023 and continues with Inspirational webinars and promotion of existing Agritourism operators. The final stage will take place in September with the launch of the Agritourism Marketing Campaign. This project partnered with Tilma Group, Destination NSW, Destination Riverina Murray, and local operators throughout Cootamundra and Gundagai.


Phase two – CGRC AGRITOURISM PHOTOSHOOT - Council staff have engaged Matt Beaver, an award-winning commercial photographer and film maker based in Wagga Wagga. Dates for the photoshoots for Cootamundra & Gundagai will be in the coming months. The photoshoot will focus on specific agritourism providers and give Council a chance to elevate and enhance our marketing and visuals on our website.


Phase three – CGRC AGRITOURISM MARKETING CAMPAIGN – ‘Welcome to the Farm-ily’ is an enchanting agritourism campaign concept that extends a warm invitation to city visitors, emphasising the familial bonds and authentic connections awaiting them in rural farm stays and tours. Through ‘Welcome to the Farm-ily,’ we invite city visitors to embark on a transformative journey of discovery, where they learn firsthand about rural life, while they unwind in the beautiful countryside, and enjoy the vibrant community.


Cootamundra is identified by Destination Riverina Murray as a focus area for Agritourism growth and development.




Reconnecting Regional Community Events Program

The Community Events Program objective was to promote economic and social recovery across regional NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs). The program assisted communities and businesses to recover from the impacts of COVID 19 restrictions and border closures and cumulative natural disasters. This program is funded and administered by Department of Regional NSW.


CGRC received a total $239,651.00 to hold events that would provide immediate positive economic and social benefits to regional NSW. All events were:

·    open to all members of the public

·    free to attend (or a very small fee to cover any extra costs)

·    have a primary purpose of reconnecting communities and improving social cohesion of the local community.


12 events were held throughout the region with approximately 6500 people attended these events.

Events included:

Cootamundra Community Pool Day

Cootamundra Lions Club Christmas Carnival

Cootamundra Family Sports Day

Creative Voice - Regional YOUTH Performance Making Project

Gundagai Camp draft Youth Clinic

Gundagai Christmas on Sheridan

Gundagai Rock the Bidgee

Cootamundra Party on Parker Community Christmas Party

Cootamundra Festival of Lights

Adjungbilly Community Night

Coolac Hall Community Night


Open Streets Program -Transport For NSW

TEDO staff were successful in securing funds under this program. $121 600 has been granted to stage the “Starry Nights Festival’ which will encompass Community Christmas Parties in both towns, the inaugural Festival of Gundagai and a revamped Wattle Time Festival.  The aim of this grant is to help transform our streets into thriving local places that support businesses, creative sectors, and the community. A further report, once funding has been received, will be presented to Council.

TEDO staff communicate, promote and assist organisations with CGRC Community Donations Program. The program is promoted via Social Media, Newsletters, visitor enquiries.



TEDO staff are developing a Strategy for improved communication, networking, and resource sharing with business owners.  The strategy will ensure consistency of communication, via usual channels, business visits, meet and greets. 


The Strategy will outline strategies to Work with business to assist in filling vacancies and developing required skills. The Strategy will further explore approaches to ensure a range of services are available to encourage visitation to the LGA.


Business Consultation will occur as part of the strategy development.




Visitor Information Centre Accreditation

As part of Visitor Information Centre accreditation, held in May, TEDO staff have reviewed and revised:

·    AVIC Accreditation Criteria

·    Insurances: Certificate of Currency

·    Business Plan

·    Operations manual

·    Customer Service Procedures including enquiry & information providing procedures.

·    Visitor monitoring procedures / customer feedback surveys examples

·    Environmental procedures

·    Staff/volunteer induction manual

·    Family documentation/records

·    Customer service training procedures (may be within the operations manual)

·    Professional development activity for the AVIC manager

·    Workplace health and safety information/procedures

·    VIC road signage

·    Maps and brochure management

·    Asset management/equipment maintenance

·    Visitation research and recording



Gundagai Producers Markets is organised by the staff at the Gundagai Visitor Information Centre in conjunction with community groups of Gundagai. These seasonal local markets are held in the heart of Gundagai at Carberry Park. The intention is to add to the local economy and celebrate the diverse local makers and suppliers by providing an event drawing visitors from the surrounding area and off the highway.


An additional page was added to the Visit Gundagai website – Gundagai Producers Market, where our online booking form is embedded, and our booking terms and conditions can be found. We promote our markets to a targeted audience using an appropriate mix of social media, local and regional newspapers, radio and through partnering tourism organisations. Posters are also displayed in the local community in the lead up to a market. We are the sole providers for this event and use any income from site bookings to be reinvested into the promotion of the next market. Staff developed a new logo and slogan to help build the brand awareness and community pride in the event.


The majority of our event promotion is online, but we have also purchased DL flyers which we share and display at other Visitor Information Centres in the region as well as major tourism operators in town such as the Museum, Caravan Parks, and Motels. A new banner has also been purchased to promote the markets in the weeks leading up to the event.


Since the rebrand from the Sundy in Gundy market to the seasonal Gundagai Producers Market we have attracted a greater number or stallholders from the region, and we have a greater number of attendees.


Staff are on-site during the markets and ensure seamless bump in and bump out of the event.


Extra information: https://www.visitgundagai.com.au/gundagai-producers-market Gundagai VIC houses a large range of local produce for sale offering producers an outlet to sell their products to visitors and locals.




There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.3        Finance

8.3.1      Finance Update - April 2024




Zac Mahon, Manager Finance


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Finance Update report, be received and noted.



The April Finance Update has been reviewed and no issues have been detected.



The operational income is at 76% when comparing actual to budget, with the annual rates already being recognised as income but becoming due and payable quarterly throughout the year.




% Received



Finance Department





OK – Income has already been recognised

Executive Department






Business Department






Building Department






Engineering Cootamundra






Engineering Gundagai






Services Cootamundra






Services Gundagai






Water Cootamundra






Water Gundagai






Sewer Cootamundra






Sewer Gundagai






Grants and Contributions













Operational Expenditure is at 87% when comparing actual to budget.




% Spent



Finance Department






Executive Department






Business Department






Building Department






Engineering Cootamundra






Engineering Gundagai






Services Cootamundra






Services Gundagai






Water Cootamundra





March QBR presented for adoption

Water Gundagai






Sewer Cootamundra






Sewer Gundagai





March QBR presented for adoption






March QBR presented for adoption









Capital income is at 52% of budget as at 30 April 2024.







Plant & Equipment - Cootamundra





Plant & Equipment - Gundagai





Property Disposal – Cootamundra






Property Disposal – Gundagai











No movement in April, Finance to follow up


Capital expenditure is at 52% of budget as at 30 April 2024. These figures are pre March QBR. The final QBR for 2024 will be presented at the May Council meeting with an expected decrease in budget as funding has been reallocated to the 2025 capital budget for projects that will not be completed in 2024 and the adjustments will be reflected in next months finance update.

Asset Category

Total YTD


% Spent



Cootamundra Building






Cootamundra Recreation






Cootamundra Waste






Cootamundra Land






Cootamundra Plant






Cootamundra Roads






Cootamundra Sewer






Cootamundra Water






Gundagai Building






Gundagai Cemetery






Gundagai Recreation






Gundagai Waste






Gundagai IT





Manager has provided update

Cootamundra IT





Manager has provided update

Gundagai Bridges






Gundagai Plant






Gundagai Roads






Gundagai Sewer






Gundagai Water











Spend lower than expected, March QBR presented for adoption by Council



There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.3.2      Quarterly Budget Review Statement - March 2024




Zac Mahon, Manager Finance


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



Decrease of net operating result of $1.626m predicting a $1.985m deficit before capital items and a 11.07m deficit after capital items as  at 30 June 2024.  Decrease in Capital expenditure of $5.02m.


Compliance with Clause 203(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation, 2005 requires that, not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter, excluding the June quarter, the responsible accounting officer must submit a budget review statement to Council. The format of the review must be consistent with the minimum requirements contained in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement Guidelines provided by the Office of Local Government.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      March 2024 Quarterly Budget Review  



1.   The March 2024 Quarterly Budget Review be received and noted.

2.   The budget variations listed in the March 2024 Quarterly Budget Review report be adopted.



The purpose of this report is to present a summary of Council’s financial position at the end of the quarter, and to report on progress made against the original budget adopted by Council in its 2023-24 Operational Plan. A summary of operating budget variances, together with details of capital projects expenditure, are included in the March 2024 Quarterly Budget Review documents enclosed in this report.


Details of the budget variations are included in the attached report below. There have been adjustments made to the capital and operational budget to accurately reflect the expected actual result as at 30 June 2024. Council is projecting an operating deficit of 1.985m based on current figures due to the prepayment of the 2024 financial assistance grant of 6.59m in 2023. Without this event Council would be projecting a surplus of 4.6m. It isn’t possible to predict if the financial assistance grant will be paid in advance for the 2025 year but if it is allocated in the same ratio as this year Council will be able to achieve a surplus before capital grants.  The other reason for this adjustment is due to grant funded projects not being completed in 2024, meaning that Council can’t recognise the associated income.

Capital projects funded from restricted assets are also under budget for 2024, and this has affected the projected available unrestricted cash balance as at 30 June 2024.

In line with the financial sustainability plan (FSP) reporting method, I draw your attention to the financial result projection after capital income which will give a true reflection of the operating result of Council. The result of a $11.07m deficit is affected by the prepaid financial assistance grant with the true result being a $4.48m deficit, which matches closely to the 2024 budget in the FSP.



Decrease of net operating result of $1.626m predicting a $1.985m deficit before capital items and a 11.07m deficit after capital items as at 30 June 2024.  Decrease in Capital expenditure of $5.02m.


OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.3.3      Restricted Cash Reconciliation - April 2024




Zac Mahon, Manager Finance


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted.



The restricted cash figures have been reconciled to 30 April 2024 as shown in the below table. Council is making progress on acquitting and/or invoicing for grant revenue that will enable Council to increase the unrestricted cash balance as at 30 June 2024.


Bal 30 June 2023

Transfers To

Transfers From

Bal 30 Apr 2024

Aerodrome Bitumen Resurfacing





Bradman's Birthplace





Cootamundra Caravan Park





Heritage Centre





Development - Land & Buildings





Employee Leave Entitlements





Quarries & Pit Restoration





Plant Replacement










Swimming Pool Pump & Equipment










Southern Phone





Waste Management











Externally Restricted Reserves





Domestic Waste





Water Supply





Sewerage Service





Stormwater Infrastructure Renewal





Developer Contributions





General Fund Unspent Grants & Contributions
















Restricted Cash Reconciliation

Restricted Cash


Cash at 30 April 2024


Unrestricted Balance


Grant Debtors Outstanding






There are no financial implications associated with this report.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.3.4      Investment Report - April 2024




Zac Mahon, Manager Finance


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



Council’s cash and investment portfolio increased $1,054,997.47 from $29,722,807.16 as at 31st March 2024 to $30,777,804.63 as at 30th April 2024.


Council investments comply fully with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.


Investments comply fully with the Council’s Investment Policy.





The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 30th April 2024, be received and noted.



A report on Council’s Investments is required to be presented for Council’s consideration in accordance with Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.


Council’s cash and investment portfolio increased $1,054,997.47 from $29,722,807.16 as at 31st March 2024 to $30,777,804.63  as at 30th April 2024.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


Cash and Investment Portfolio


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024



Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council’s investment portfolio outperformed the relevant BBSW Index benchmark by 15.95%. The average weighted yield for April was 5.07%, over an average weighted term of 84 days, with a benchmark of 4.35%.


Total Cost


Monthly Interest Received


Weighted Average Term

84 Days

Total Value


Yearly Interest Received


Weighted Average Yield



Credit Quality Compliance

Council’s investment portfolio was compliant with policy in terms of S&P long term rating credit quality limits, as displayed below.




Counter Party Compliance

As at the end of April, Council was compliant with policy. It is worth noting that capacity limits are affected by changes in the on-call account balance compared to the total portfolio balance. 

Term to Maturity

Council’s investment portfolio maturities shown graphically below were also compliant with policy requirements. All of the investments are short term to deal with liquidity and to be prepared for the demerger split.



I hereby certify that investments listed in the report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.



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Zac Mahon

Responsible Accounting Officer



communityengagement@gwcc.nsw.gov.au8.3.5  Ben Warby Memorial Reserve




Zac Mahon, Manager Finance


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.4 Recognised as a premier local government Council that represents and advocates for community needs


There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





Council decline the request to become Crown Land Manager for Reserve 88505 identified as the Ben Warby Memorial Reserve.



Crown Land has approached Council enquiring if it would be open to placing the Reserve 88505 (Details below) under council management.

The land was previously managed by the Gundagai Historical Museum Inc. however Crown Lands has been advised that they no longer wish to manage the reserve.

The recommendation is that Council declines this request as there will be additional maintenance, renewal and insurance costs involved in managing this land.

A aerial view of a road

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Reserve 88505 Gazetted: 28 Apr 1972

Management: Gundagai Historical Museum Inc (01 Jul 2020)

Purpose: Public Recreation

Account Area: 1.265ha

Title: 7002/1031311


Additional financial expenses if Council elects to place the land under council management.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.4        Sustainable Development

8.4.1      Development Application 2023/137 - 4.6 Variation to Development Standard - Lot 292 DP753604, Ingold Lane, Cootamundra




Maddison Gunter, Town Planner


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


2. A region for the future

2.2 A thriving region that attracts people to live, work and visit


3. Protected and enhanced environment

3.1 A natural environment is valued and protected




There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


Legislative implications associated with this report.

Clause 4.6 variation to development standards requires concurrence from the Planning Secretary pursuant to Section 4.6(4)(b) of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. Concurrence has been denied from the Department of Planning and Environment (now Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI); therefore, Council has no power to grant consent/approval for this development.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      Delegated Assessment Report (Officers Report) DA2023/137    



Council refuse Development Application 2023/137 for the reasons specified below:

1.   The Development Application relates to development for which concurrence is required. Pursuant to Section 4.6(4)(b) of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013, concurrence from the Planning Secretary has been denied for the proposed variation to development standards.

2.   Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the application does not demonstrate how the proposed development supports the Aims of Plan under Section 1.2 (2)(a), (b), (c) & (e) of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013.

3.   Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the proposed development does not meet the objectives specified within the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013 which support the RU1 Primary Production zone.

4.   The Development Application has failed to address how compliance with the development standard is unreasonable or unnecessary, and that there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify contravening the development standard in accordance with Section 4.6(3)(a) & (b) of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013.

5.   The information submitted with the Development Application does not provide satisfactory justification for Council (the consent authority) to support the significant variation to development standard pursuant to Section 4.6(4)(a)(i)(ii) and (b) of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013.

6.   Pursuant to Section 4.15(1)(b) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, the application fails to demonstrate appropriate grounds and/or positive impact of the development on the natural and built environment, and social and economic impacts in the locality.

7.   Based on the information provided and inconsistencies with certain sections of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013, the proposal is not in the public interest, and therefore, inconsistent with Section 4.15(1)(c) and (e) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.



The subject development application was lodged on 19/10/2023 seeking development consent for a concept (staged) development at Lot 292 DP753604 – Ingolds Lane, Cootamundra. The proposed development seeks consent for Stage 1: the boundary adjustment of Lot 292 and Lot 2 DP1244151 (and the dissolving of Lot 2 (closed road) into each allotment respectively) establishment of a building envelope (40m x 50m) for a dwelling and right of carriage way (approx. 8000m2), Stage 2: includes the construction of the dwelling. No plans have been provided in support of the proposed future dwelling to support the application.


The subject lots are located approximately 12.5km to the east of the Cootamundra township and approximately 8.75km to the south of Wallendbeen township. The land is zoned RU1 Primary Production zone pursuant to the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013. The figures below provide detail of the site location in context to the surrounding area and townships.


A map of a city

Figure 1 – Location and Context of Lot 2 DP1244151 outlined in Yellow, and the Cootamundra Township 11km to the south-west (Source: eSpatial Viewer).

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Figure 2 – Aerial Image of Lot 2 DP1244151 outlined in Yellow (Source: SixMaps).

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Figure 3 – Aerial of Lot 292 DP753604 outlined in Yellow (Source: SixMaps).


History of the Application:

The subject DA was lodged on 19/10/2023 seeking consent for the staged development as detailed above. The property does not meet any of the dwelling entitlement provisions under Section 4.2A of the LEP. Accordingly, Lot 292 does not have an assumed dwelling entitlement under this provision, therefore, the Applicant is seeking an 83.5% variation to the 200ha minimum lot size development standard, utilising Clause 4.6 of the LEP.

The objectives of Clause 4.6 are to provide an appropriate degree of flexibility in applying certain development standards to particular development, and to achieve better outcomes for and from development by allowing flexibility in particular circumstances.

This clause states that development consent must not be granted to development that contravenes a development standard unless the consent authority is satisfied the applicant has demonstrated that—

(a)        compliance with the development standard is unreasonable or unnecessary in the circumstances of the case, and

(b)        there are sufficient environmental planning grounds to justify the contravention of the development standard.

It is important to note on 1st November 2023, Clause 4.6 was amended in all LEPs across the State, to simplify requirements and to make the clause easier to interpret. In addition to this, the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) also amended the Guide to Varying Development Standards.  The subject DA was lodged on the NSW Planning Portal on 19/10/2023, therefore, the November 2023 reforms to Clause 4.6 do not apply in this instance, and an assessment will be carried out in accordance with the legislation at the time of lodgement (historical version of LEP 18 August 2023-31 October 2023) which requires concurrence from the Planning Secretary (DPE).

Extent of the variation

83.5% variation – the minimum lot size for a dwelling on this land is 200ha, and the subject lot is only 32.6ha in area (or approx. 33.6ha with the proposed boundary adjustment).


A map of land with blue squares

Figure 4– Proposed Subdivision Plan of Boundary Adjustment (Source: Applicant, uploaded on Portal on 15/04/2024).

An assessment of the Applicants justification for the proposed variation can be found with the Delegated Assessment Report attached to this report. A summary of the proposed reasons to support the variations is below:

§ allows for intergenerational transfer with management and ownership remaining with a local farming enterprise with proven record of sustainable farm management and rehabilitative skills to enhance the natural environment and conservation of native vegetation;

§ does not result in further fragmentation or alienation of resource lands, rather consolidates areas of terrestrial biodiversity into a single allotment with a residence nearby to actively manage, rehabilitate and conserve the native vegetation whilst permitting agricultural activities to continue in a manner similar to that existing;

§ provides for a farming family to undertake intergenerational transfer to allow for the erection of a dwelling for onsite management of farming activities which will assist in future potential diversification in primary production;

§ does not increase any opportunities for land use conflicts, rather allows for the ongoing management. Furthermore, the erection of a dwelling allows for immediate response to any issue by onsite active farm management.

Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (former DPE) responded to Council’s concurrence and referral on 22 April 2024 following a review of the proposal as follows:

Please be advised that the Department cannot grant concurrence to this application as a ‘building envelope’ is not a form of development. Additionally, while a full assessment of the application has not been carried out to date, the extent of variation is noted to be significant.

Council notes that the Department have declined to provide concurrence for the proposed variation to the Clause 4.6 request seeking an 83.5% variation to the minimum lot size for the erection of a dwelling house on RU1 land. As per the provisions of Clause 4.6, Council has no power to approve the development without the concurrence from DPE

Therefore, refusal of this development application is required.

The reasons for refusal are below:

·    Concurrence from the Planning Secretary is required for Council to consider granting approval to the proposed development under Section 4.6(4)(b).

·    The Applicants justification did not provide adequate reasons for the contravention of development standards and did not provide valid arguments as to why compliance with the standards are unreasonable or unnecessary.

·    The justification for succession planning is not a valid planning consideration for variation to development standards.

·    The reasons for non-compliance with the LEP provisions are not sufficient.

·    The proposed development does not support the Aims of the LEP, nor the Objectives of the RU1 Primary Production zone.

·    The proposed development is not in the public interest.


No financial implications are likely.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.4.2      Development Application 2023/109 - Proposed Staged 15,000 SSU Feedlot and Associated Infrastrcture - 1570 Old Cootamundra Road, Cootamundra




Maddison Gunter, Town Planner


Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD  


2. A region for the future

2.3 A region that can accommodate and support strategic growth


3. Protected and enhanced environment

3.1 A natural environment is valued and protected


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.3 Actively engaged and supportive community

4.2 Proactive, practical Council leaders who are aligned with community needs and values



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      Delegated Assessment Report (Officers Report) - DA2023/109

2.      Notice of Determination - DA2023/109

3.      DA Plans for Approval - DA2023/109    



1.      The Delegated Assessment Report (attachment 1) be received and noted.

2.      Council determines DA10.2023.109.1 by way of approval subject to the Notice of Determination conditions of consent (attachment 2).



The development application was submitted to Council on 24/08/2023 seeking development consent for a Staged Development Application for the purpose of Intensive Livestock Agriculture (15,000 standard sheep unit feedlot) and associated infrastructure. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (Enviro Ag Australia, Rev 2, dated 20/12/2023) was lodged in support of the proposed development in accordance with Section 4.10 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Regulations made thereunder. The development is identified under Schedule 3, Part 2, Cl27 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2021 (the Regulations) as designated development:


27  Feedlots

(1)  Development for the purposes of a feedlot is designated development if the feedlot accommodates in a confinement area, and wholly or substantially rears or fattens on prepared or manufactured feed, more than—

(a)  1,000 head of cattle, or

(b)  4,000 sheep, or

(c)  5,000 animals of any kind, excluding poultry.

(2)  This section does not apply to a facility for drought or similar emergency relief.


The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a revised SEARs (Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements) on 27th June 2023, which supported the initial SEARs which was issued by the Department on 30th April 2021.


The development is Integrated Development under Division 4.8, Section 4.46 of the EPA Act 1979, pursuant to Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, and therefore requires an Environment Protection Licence (EPL) as the development is a scheduled activity under schedule 1, section 22 of the POEO Act 1997. The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) issued the General Terms of Approval (GTA) on 30th January 2024 which have been incorporated into conditions of consent.

The development involves the establishing of a 15,000 SSU feedlot which includes the following infrastructure:

Table 1: Proposed Development





§ Holding pens (36 pens)

§ Each pen will be 25m x 40m (1,000m2), accommodating approx. 416 grown sheep.

Stocking density will average 2.4m2/SSU.

§ Shade over pens.

Lot 3 DP 750598

Water utilisation area

17.4ha WUA

Lot 2 & 3 DP750598

Water supply dam

Maximum Harvest Dam(MHR) 41ML

Lot 2 & 3 DP750598

Access road

Shoulder and access upgrades, and internal road to feedlot site

Lot 17 DP750598, Lot 1 DP 563202, and Lot 2 & 3 DP 750598

Other infrastructure:

§ Feed shed (12m x 36m);

§ Four (4) x 24 tonne silos;

§ One (1) x 43 tonne silo;

§ Electricity generator (gen.set);

§ Two (2) chemical / Servicing sheds (3m x 3m);

§ water storage dam (MHR) 41ML;

§ Wastewater irrigation area (17.4ha);

§ tailwater/contaminated agricultural runoff dam (8.9ML);

§ tailwater drain and contour drain;

§ sediment basin (4.1ML);

§ holding pond (10ML);

§ drainage structures;

§ manure storage;

§ Two (160KL) water storage tanks;

§ Truck parking area;

§ road infrastructure;

§ Site Office (12m x 3m)

Lot 2 & 3 DP750598


















Lot 17 DP750598

Existing Farm Infrastructure

§ Sheep processing yards ;

§ Shearing Sheds

Lot 17 DP750598

Operational Details


2x permanent workers;

4x casual workers;

Contractors (truck drivers etc);

Hours of Operation

·    6am to 6pm: Monday - Sunday



Establish vegetation environmental buffer (VEB)

Along the northern and southern boundaries of Lot 2 & 3 DP750598


The proposed development has been lodged as a staged development and the two (2) stages will include:

-     Stage 1 – 7,500 SSU and supporting infrastructure; and

-     Stage 2 – 7,500 SSU.


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Figure 1 – Overview of the Proposed Feedlot Site Plan and Supporting Infrastructure (EnviroAg, Rev A, Drawing No.24504.P.001.0.1, 05/03/2024).

A map of a farm

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Figure 2 – Localised Proposed Catchment Plan (EnviroAg, Rev A, Drawing No.24504.P.003.0.1, 05/03/2024).


The subject land is located to the north-west of the Cootamundra township, approximately 17.5km (direct measurement), approx. 12km south of Stockinbingal and is zoned RU1 Primary Production pursuant to the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013 (CLEP 2013). The site is irregular in shape and the subject property has largely been utilised for broadacre cropping and grazing with the property name ‘Turos’. The property ‘Turos’ forms part of a larger agricultural operation which includes ‘Amaroo’ located at 315 Berthong Road, Cootamundra, and ‘Dinyah’ located at 997 Dirnaseer Road, Cootamundra. No infrastructure is proposed on the Amaroo or Dinyah properties, however, the livestock from these properties will be transported to Turos to be conditioned and sold to market at the feedlot facility.

Please refer to the attached delegated assessment report (officers report) for a full assessment of this application.

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Figure 3 – Localised aerial of feedlot site – Proposed Feedlot Indicated in Green (Source: EnviroAg, Rev E, July 2023)

Public Exhibition & Submissions

The Development Application was publicly exhibited on the NSW Planning Portal DA Exhibitions for the duration of 10/10/2023-10/11/2023 to satisfy the provisions of Schedule 1, Part 1, Division 1, Section 8 of the EPA Act 1979 for a minimum period for public exhibition is 28 days.  Council placed the subject application on neighbour notification on 10/10/2023 until 10/11/2023, and six (6) submissions were received during this period, with two (2) submissions from the same objector. The issues raised by submission makers related to issues regarding biosecurity, land value impacts, water supply issues, waste, animal welfare, odour, amenity impacts, environmental impacts, noise, traffic, and staffing and operational issues. These issues were discussed at length within the attached Delegated Assessment Report (Officers Report). Due to the development being a Designated Development, in accordance with Section 4.16(9) of the EPA Act 1979, submissions were required to be sent to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE), now the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) immediately after public exhibition closed, and the department recommended Council ensure the concerns are adequately addressed before finalising the assessment of the application.


In the assessment of a development application, Council must consider a number of issues related to that application, and throughout the assessment, weigh up the positive and negative impacts of the proposal.  In doing so, Council does not necessarily have to be assured that there are no impacts at all, but must be confident that those that do exist, are acceptable.

Council staff are of the opinion that the proposed development has been designed to avoid impacts on the environment and minimise any remaining impacts through mitigation and management measures. The development of an Environmental Management Plan supports the development and the ongoing operations, and Council have found the level of detail is appropriate in addressing the management of adverse and residual impacts. Council staff understands that the nature of the development has the opportunity to generate negative impacts relating to odour, noise, dust, traffic, biodiversity, water management, pests and biosecurity, and overall animal welfare, however, based on the information provided within the EIS and development application, these matters can be mitigated with strict compliance with the Environment Protection Licence (EPL) and the imposed conditions of consent.

The Officers Report demonstrates that the potential impacts associated with the proposal can be adequately dealt with, Council has considered all matters under the relevant legislation, and the proposed development is appropriate having regard to those matters, and that any impacts can be managed through appropriate conditions.


The reasons for the decision of determination (as recommended to Council) and how community views were taken into account, as it relates to this application are:

§ the proposed development is consistent with the objectives of the zone,

§ the proposed development is permitted in the zone,

§ assessment of the development against the relevant guidelines demonstrates that the proposed development will not cause significant adverse impacts on the surrounding natural environment, built environment and infrastructure, community facilities, or local character and amenity,

§ the proposed development does not compromise the relevant Environmental Planning Instruments,

§ Council considers that the proposed development is appropriate having regard to the relevant matters and can be managed through appropriate conditions,

§ neighbour notification was carried out as per the CPP, and each of the issues raised has been addressed within the report, and shown to be acceptable, subject to compliance with the industry guidelines and the conditions of consent,

§ Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued concurrence by way of General Terms of Approval (GTA) as required prior to determination.



There are no financial implications as a result of this report or determination of the development application.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.5        Engineering Cootamundra

8.5.1      Cootamundra Engineering Report - April 2024




Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


5. Integrated and accessible region

5.2 Easily accessible from major cities and other regional towns



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Cootamundra Engineering Report for the month of May 2024 be noted.



The Cootamundra Engineering Report for the month of May 2024 is submitted for the information of Council and the community.


Fixing Local Roads

Service relocations have commenced on the Hovell Street Rehabilitation Sutton/Cowcumbla Streets project.

Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program

Works on the Poole Street – Mackay/Scott Streets Kerb and Gutter construction have been completed.

State Roads

Shoulder, culvert extension and pavement rehabilitation works at Migurra Reserve on Olympic Highway are continuing.

Line marking has been undertaken along the Olympic Highway and Burley Griffin Way.

Water and Sewer

The water main rehabilitation project has commenced in Ursula, Adam, Queen and Hay Streets.

General Works

Linemarking will be carried out on the following roads:

§  Rosehill Rd – 1,000m

§  Jugiong Rd – 700m

§  Dirnaseer Rd – 4,300m

§  Muttama Rd – 1,500m

§  Old Gundagai Rd – 2,500m

§  Brawlin Springs Rd – 3,500m

§  Stockinbingal Rd – 7,000m

§  Berthong Rd – 6,000m

§  North Berthong Rd – 8,000m

§  Parker Street School - School Pedestrian Crossing


Heavy Patching:   Works have been carried out on the below roads and planned for:

Old Cootamundra Road – 45,000m2

Wallendbeen Bridge, Silo Road & George Street - 3,000m2

Berthong Rd – 9,000m2

Hovell St Dip – 1,100m2

Poole St Kerb Tie in – 1,000m2

Open Drain Planning:  Planning has been undertaken on Muttama Rd, Nash’s Lane to Cowcumbla Street.

Pipe replacement:  Pipes have been replaced on Berthong Road along with creek cleaning in this area.

Roadside slashing, jet patching and minor concrete works, including footpath defects and kerb restoration works and driveway, has been carried out in the Cootamundra township and villages.


Council’s Town Attendant has been carrying out sign replacements, footpath repairs and mowing the Cootamundra township.


Council’s Street Sweeper has been in and out of action but hand sweeping has been undertaken.


Projects funded from various funding sources, as noted above.

Maintenance works funded from the General Fund.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.6        Engineering Gundagai

8.6.1      Motor Vehicle Leaseback Participants Policy




Thomas Hogg, Acting Manager Engineering Gundagai


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



This policy will guide the management of leaseback vehicles to ensure that any financial implications will be in the best interest of Council.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


This policy will guide the management and usage of leaseback, pool and commuter use vehicles for CGRC.


1.      Motor Vehicle Leaseback Participants Policy -DRAFT.docx    



The Motor Vehicle Leaseback Participants Policy be adopted.



Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council operate a fleet of light vehicles to support its day to day operations. This policy sets out the framework for ensuring that the light vehicle fleet relating to leaseback, commuter use and pool vehicles is fit for use, sustainable and value for money.


Council operate a fleet of light vehicles for commuter use and leaseback purposes for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to):

-     Ensuring that staff are able to quickly respond to callouts after hours

-     Ensuring that staff have the most appropriate mode of transport for the work they carry out on a day to day basis

-     Incentive for employment for certain positions based on industry demands.

This policy aims to allow Council to adapt to vehicle technology which is constantly evolving. By ensuring that Councils policy for leaseback vehicles is robust enough to allow for these changes will ensure that Council selects the most appropriate vehicle at the time of purchase. It also encourages the selection of vehicles which are more environmentally sustainable. At the present time, Electric Vehicles (EV’s) are a popular option, however should new technologies emerge they will also be encouraged by this policy.



This policy guides the procurement requirements of light vehicles purchased by Council. Any financial implication will be as per the adopted budget for plant replacement set each year. This policy also encourages staff to select vehicles which have Fringe Benefits Tax incentives if they are appropriate for the role they are in. This will reduce Councils FBT liability.

This policy also ensures that when a vehicle is selected the whole of life costs are considered as well as its suitability to undertake multiple tasks where possible. Whilst this may cause vehicles with a slightly higher purchase cost to be procured, it will ensure that there is a financial benefit over the life of the vehicle.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

This policy supports the procurement of vehicles which will likely become an asset in the proposed new Councils, should demerger occur. Council would already purchase vehicles to sustain its day to day operations, This policy gives additional incentives for sustainability and whole of life costs which would likely benefit the demerged Councils. 



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.6.2      Gundagai Engineering Report - May 2024




Belle Mooney, Operations Support Officer


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


5. Integrated and accessible region

5.2 Easily accessible from major cities and other regional towns



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Gundagai Engineering Report for the month of May 2024 be noted.



The Gundagai Engineering Report for the month of May 2024 is submitted for the information of Council and the community.

Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI)

Sheridan Street Block 3 Stage 2 upgrade:

Works have recommenced on Sheridan Street Stage 3 with asbestos removal and excavation taking place. Any asbestos uncovered at the foundation level and not needing to be removed will be covered up so construction works can take place without further disturbance or asbestos management procedures being implemented.


Gundagai Works

Council’s concrete team has commenced the construction of a new footpath in O’Hagan Street starting from the West Street intersection and following through to Tor Street. The works is scheduled to be completed by the end of May, weather permitting.

Preparation for retaining walls and a new traffic island in West Street is underway.

Hopewood Road causeway and roadway replacement is now completed with maintenance grading and the sealing of abutments on either side of the causeway being completed to avoid any future washouts and damages.

Rural & Regional Roads

Stage 4 of 5 of Annie Pyers Drive reconstruction works has commenced. Similar traffic measures have been put in place, having been developed and in accordance with TfNSW’s Traffic Control and Worksite Manual. This manual ensures that traffic control works are consistent throughout NSW. Council staff are monitoring and recommending improvements to the contractor where required to reduce any confusion as much as possible.


Water and Sewer

The Telemetry upgrades for Water and Sewer in Cootamundra and Gundagai is in the final stages of design. It is anticipated that works to install telemetry will commence in the next few months.

General Works

Maintenance grading is underway in Nangus areas:

-     Oakhills Road

-     Deltroit Road

-     Yabtree Road

-     Old Hume Highway

-     Rosedale Road

Hopewood Road maintenance grading has been completed with grader operators following on to Kangaroo Mount Road and Sandy Falls Road. 

Rehabilitating and topsoil levelling is being completed at the Sewerage Treatment Plant to allow for new fencing to be erected on the Golf Course side and around the sludge lagoon.


Projects funded from various funding sources, as noted above.

Maintenance works funded from the General Fund.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

Report purpose does not conflict with guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.7        Regional Services Gundagai

8.7.1      Gundagai Regional Services Works Report




Donna Britton, Operations Support Officer - Facilities


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


2. A region for the future

2.1 Recognised as a must-visit tourist destination



There are no financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





The Gundagai Regional Services Department, Monthly works report be received and noted.



The report is an overview of the works Gundagai Regional Services performed over the previous month and intends to give an update on the ongoing works being conducted.


This report focuses on the divisions projects as we progress through to completion, details our operational activities, informs, and updates the continued routine duties of this division.


Gundagai Parks & Gardens Section – Parks, Reserves, Sporting Fields, and Playgrounds - Achievements for the month include:

·    Street cleaning in readiness for Anzac Day.

·    Line marking for sporting events.

·    Preparation of Anzac Grove for the Dawn Service.

·    Painting of street furniture.

·    Tree maintenance.

·    Gardening and maintenance at Corner of West and Sheridan Streets.

Cemeteries – Nth Gundagai Lawn & Monumental, Sth Gundagai, Tumblong, Coolac, Mt Adrah, Muttama, Adjungbilly, Nangus, Wagragobilly (Darbalara). Cemetery happenings this month include:

·    There have been 2 burials across the cemeteries, one second interment and one first interments.

·    Power has been connected to the lawn cemetery in preparation for future establishment of facilities and irrigation.

·    Ongoing maintenance of grave subsidence, lawns and trees across all 10 cemeteries.

·    The gardens at the front of the lawn cemetery have had the roses and bushes pruned and tidied.

Biosecurity Section - News and Achievements include:

·    The Regional Services team attended the Regional Weeds committee meeting 8/5/24. In this meeting we were advised that the results of the competitive WAP grant funding was to be released that afternoon. We have yet to hear anything regarding the outcome of the grant process.

·    Community Engagement training will be attended by our staff to further help develop the relationship between property owners and Council.

·    Council is nearing completion of the WAP targets for the current financial year, with all private inspections, Council owned and managed land, roadside inspections being completed.

·    Targeted spraying of Tiger Pear along Jackalass Road and general weeds on Hoarse Lane have been conducted with follow up to occur.

Spray Records for the month of April 2024

Gundagai Public & Council Facilities:

Carberry Park Public Toilet block – Preparation for cladding has started. Installation has been installed in the walls. Plumbing and electrical rough in has been completed. Eaves lining has been installed. Lift and Change equipment is being prepared for installation.

Gundagai VIC Refurbishment – All framing has been completed. Roof trusses have been installed. Facia and gutters have been installed. Steel work completed for preparation of roof installation.

Sherwood Forest – Refurbishing and powder coating of outdoor furniture has been quoted and will be completed directly.

Muttama Hall – Footpaths have been backfilled and grass seeded.

The hall hosted it’s first movie night fundraiser since the refurbishment with large numbers attending for a night of food, fun and movies for the community.


Gundagai RV Park Income April 2024

01/04/24 – 30/04/24 - Total Income $253.45

Gundagai Waste:

Landfill/Transfer Station Operations

599 drums have been collected and drum muster collections are working well with appointments taking place the last Thursday of each month.

Gundagai Landfill/ Transfer Station April 2024

01/04/24 – 30/04/24 - General Income $3,244.52

Gundagai Saleyards:

·    Yard maintenance has started in preparation for the weaner sale in June.

·    Eaves have been repaired on the weigh station. Lights have been tested. Weigh station has been calibrated.

·    It is good to see the new signage being adhered to and the yards being used for overnight stays, with Council being notified of usage and numbers.




Compliance with the Companion Animals Act 1998

Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 – Reg 217(1)(f)

·    Council have rescued 7 puppies that were dumped in a bin at the Five Mile. All puppies are safe and well with one being adopted in Gundagai and the others heading to Cootamundra and being successfully sent off to be rehomed through one of our partnering groups.

·    Council have address complaints regarding barking and roaming dogs in both South and North Gundagai.

·    Notices have been issued regarding roaming stock at South Gundagai.


There are no further financial implications as all work has been carried out as per the approved 23/24 budget allocations.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

There are no implications to the guidelines.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


8.8        Regional Services Cootamundra

8.8.1      Regional Services - Cootamundra Divisional Monthly Report to Council




Shelley Liehr, Executive Assistant - Operations


Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations  


2. A region for the future

2.2 A thriving region that attracts people to live, work and visit



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


There are no Legislative implications associated with this report.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.


1.      L & R Group - April 2024

2.      Draft Minutes - SWRWMG Meeting 21 March 2024    



The Regional Services Cootamundra Department Monthly Works Report be received and noted.



This report has been prepared to inform Council of the activities undertaken by the Regional Services – Cootamundra Department over the month of April 2024.


Parks & Gardens

Autumn leaf fall has begun with staff increasing general cleaning of high maintenance areas to prevent turf declining due to shading by fallen leaves.

Fisher Park hosted a successful Youth Week event during April with Parks and Gardens staff ensuring the area was cleaned and maintained in preparation for the event.

Staff have been busy maintaining the Cenotaphs at Cootamundra and Stockinbingal in the lead up to ANZAC Day.  The Wallendbeen Cenotaph was maintained by the community in conjunction with a local contractor. Council staff placed a sandstone plinth and commemorative plaque to celebrate the planting of a Lone Pine at the Wallendbeen Cenotaph.

Routine maintenance works were carried out at Bradman’s Birthplace to keep the area in a safe and presentable condition for visitors to the facility.

Cleaning of Council’s public toilet facilities is carried out daily by staff. Some toilet blocks have been vandalised over the past month resulting in damaged toilet seats and waste bins being burnt.

Event bins were delivered to events held at the rodeo grounds, aerodrome and racecourse over the month of April.

Tree Maintenance

Staff continue to work through customer requests to maintain street trees throughout Cootamundra, Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen. Subsequent inspections were conducted, and it was determined that some trees required removal for health and / or safety reasons. Tree removals and associated stump grinding has been carried out by qualified contractors, with stump grinding continuing in line with availability of equipment.


Sports Fields

Staff have continued with transferring all sporting fields from summer sport to winter sport configuration throughout April, with all grounds now complete.

Contractors were engaged to carry out major works within Nicholson Park. The main international field has been overseeded, fertilised and 190 tonnes of top dressing applied. Council staff assisted with loading and irrigation control. All other fields have been top dressed only in preparation for the commencement of the Junior Rugby League competition season.

The covered seating between the fields in Nicholson Park has been upgraded with the walkway under the seating area being concreted. This was a joint project between Cootamundra Junior Rugby League Committee and Council, with Council supplying the materials and the Committee providing the labour to carry out the works.



There were six interments for the month of April 2024. Four of these were burials within the lawn section of Cootamundra Cemetery, and one burial within the lawn section of Stockinbingal Cemetery. One interment of ashes into an existing grave was performed within the lawn section of Cootamundra Cemetery.

A total of 29 interments have been carried out from 1 January to 30 April 2024.


Regulatory Services

During the month of April 2024 there were a total of ten (10) dogs seized. Five (5) dogs were impounded and returned to the owner. The further five (5) dogs were held for the impound period with two (2) being rehomed, and three (3) remaining in the pound waiting to be rehomed. One (1) nuisance dog order was issued, and one (1) dog surrendered. Six (6) barking dog complaints have been received over the past month, some of these are ongoing cases from previous reporting periods.

One (1) cat was impounded and held for the impound period before being rehomed. A litter of eight (8) kittens were picked up and held for the impound period before being rehomed.


Impounded and Returned to Owner

Impounded and Rehomed

Impounded  Pending Rehoming


Barking Complaint

Nuisance Order















A total of $1,283.00 was received in companion animal registrations.

An audit of the NSW Companion Animal Register of cats that are not registered is now underway, not desexed and require an annual permit. Since July 2020 the owner of any cat that is not desexed is required to pay an annual permit. These animals are still required to have lifetime registration which is a one-off payment.

There were a total of four illegal dumping incidents reported for the month of April. These incidents were inspected, documented and waste removed for disposal.

One vehicle was impounded under the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2011.


Weed Spraying

Property inspections were undertaken throughout the Council area and have been reported through the Weeds Action Program. A number of private properties and travelling stock reserves were inspected, along with Council managed lands and recognised high risk sites to ensure timely detection of any new weed incursions.

Generalised spraying has been carried out to manage vegetation in culverts and surrounding Council infrastructure.

General knockdown of residual summer weeds and un-slashed roadsides was carried out over the month of April. These works assist with improved road safety and visibility, and to reduce vegetation ahead of scheduled road work operations.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024



April 2024




Land Use




Amount of Spray Mix


Kilrush & Jugiong Roads

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Beggan Beggan & Cullinga Mines Roads

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Rosehill Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Rosehill Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Rosehill Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Cullinga Mines Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Back Brawlin Rd, Suttons Lane & Old Coota Rd

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Old Cootamundra Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Old Cootamundra Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Dudauman Road (Stock)

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Berthong Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown





















Lismore Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Dudauman Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Berthong Road

Side Jet


General Knockdown









Kamba M












Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


Waste Operations

Council’s domestic waste receivals for April have increased by 11.36 tonnes from the previous month. General waste derived predominately from servicing street bins and Domestic Rural Waste Management disposals remain relatively consistent. Self-hauled domestic waste is up by 3.14 tonnes. General household waste collected from kerbside bins has increased by 8.18 tonnes.

The below graphs show fluctuations in total waste received at the Cootamundra Landfill since 1 July 2023.



South-West Regional Waste Management Group met via Microsoft Teams on 21st March 2024. The meeting Minutes are attached to this report for your information.


The public toilets on Hovell Street side of Albert Park have had two new baby change tables installed.

The canteen building at Nicholson Park has been vandalised, damaging the roller door. The roller door has now been replaced.

Bradman Birthplace has undergone maintenance to the security system. The alarm panel and some faulty PIR sensors have been replaced to ensure continued security of the building.

Cootamundra Showground has had a new power box installed in the camping area. The additional power is being supplied to operate the recently installed water tank.

Capital Works Projects

Renovation of the Cootamundra Library is now complete. Final work is being carried out on the Stephen Ward Rooms with the project expected to be completed shortly.

Wallendbeen Hall is set to receive an upgrade of facilities with quotes obtained to replace the grease traps and septic tank. Submissions have now been assessed and the job has been awarded.

A new toilet block is due to be constructed at Ellwood’s Hall in Stockinbingal. One quote has been received from a local builder, further quotes are expected to be received over the coming weeks with the job to be awarded once procurement and budget obligations have been met.

Fields have been top dressed, seeded and fertilised at Nicholson Park as noted in the Parks and Gardens section of this report. Full drainage works are planned to improve field conditions and preserve the playing surface. Drainage works will be completed once the Rugby League season has closed.

Construction of the new building to house changerooms, bar and kiosk facilities is still in the planning stages. Council is awaiting an engineering design for the concrete slab and footings for the project to progress to the next stage.

Cootamundra Aquatic Centre and Sports Stadium

L&R Group monthly report for April 2024 is attached. Page 3, 4 and 6 removed due to containing confidential information.


All areas of expenditure relating to the operations within the Regional Services – Cootamundra department are in most part within the allocated budgets.

OLG 23a Guideline consideration

No impacts associated with this report.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


9            Motion of which Notice has been Given

9.1         Notice of Motion - Tenancy Arrangements of The Old Cootamundra Hospital




Leigh Bowden, Councillor


Charlie Sheahan, Mayor    


The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor Cr Leigh Bowden was submitted on 8 May, 2024.

I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 28 May, 2024:


That Council Staff prepare a report on all the tenancy arrangements of The Old Cootamundra Hospital and presents it to Council.


Note from Councillor

On 20 March 2024 I received information from the Manager Regional Services Cootamundra, Mr Wayne Bennett, via the Interim General Manager, in answer to questions I had raised about the Old Cootamundra Hospital.

One question was, “It [the Old Cootamundra Hospital] is currently occupied by Christine Wishart’s Dance School and Riverina Music Therapy. Rent was negotiated with Andrew Brock, but because the building is non-compliant, rent has not been collected?”

Mr Bennett replied that the downstairs of the building is now compliant, but that, “No rent is being collected from either identity as there is no formal agreement in place, however there is an agreement that they maintain the lawns etc. It is anticipated that formal lease agreements will be drafted in discussions with all current occupants.”

Christine Wishart’s Dance School and Riverina Music Therapy are commercial enterprises.

It is important that Council is receiving appropriate revenue from Council owned (managed) facilities, especially as financial sustainability is our goal.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


9.2         Notice of Motion - Gundagai Flood Study




Penny Nicholson, Councillor


Charlie Sheahan, Mayor    


The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor Cr Nicholson was submitted on 16 May, 2024.

I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 28 May, 2024:


The 2018 Gundagai Flood Study be added to Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council website for the public to easily access.


Note from Councillor

Council has engaged Flooding Consultants to undertake a Flood Study for the villages of Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara.  Council is/will be seeking input from residents. The majority of residents have little to no experience surrounding the purpose of a Flood Study, nor what it looks like.  It is important that the 2018 Gundagai Flood Study be easily accessible, on CGRC website, to enable residents to gain a better understanding, grasp the concept and get a visual of the flood mapping.


Note from Acting Manager Sustainable Development

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is the lead Agency responsible for flood matters and is the first reference point for councils and supporting agencies in times of disaster and or an emergency.

Both the Cootamundra and Gundagai Flood Studies are located on the SES Web site in the NSW Flood data portal with links as the primary point of information.

For CGRC to also post these studies on our web site would compromise the primary information source provided by the SES.

Documents change and are updated overtime, the community and responding Agencies must have a single point of reference in times of disaster or an emergency.

At the moment that single reference point is the SES.

Nevertheless, a link can be provided on the CGRC web page to the SES Flood Data Portal. 


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


10         Questions with Notice

10.1       Questions with Notice from Councillors




Teresa Breslin, Executive Assistant to Mayor and General Manager


Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager    





The following ‘questions with notice’ from Councillors has been received with the responses from Council officer/s provided respectively:


1.   Cr Abb McAlister – Nangus Water

Can an update be provided on the connection of Nangus water and confirmation of the amount of funds currently held in Restricted Funds?

Response from Council Officer:

A Flood Study for Nangus village is currently underway. At this stage, the work plan has a pending completion milestone date of 30/05/2025 for the final flood study report to be supplied to Council. Once complete, a detailed design and economic analysis can progress (Ref: RES 045/2023 – 28 Feb 2023). Of the $647,500.00 budget, $154,782.68 has been spent to date, leaving $492,717.32 remaining.



2.   Cr Leigh Bowden – CGRC Memberships

1.   What associations and organisations does CGRC belong to? i.e. Memberships?

2.   What is the cost of membership to each body and what is the total cost?

3.   Where in the Budget are those memberships recognised? And

4.   What are the benefits of each membership?

Response from Council Officer:

A list of current CGRC Memberships is detailed below, which includes the individual cost, total cost, budget location, and description/benefit to council.

Note: Figures are shown as last known membership cost, current financial year are the majority.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024



Organisation/ Association

Description/ Benefit to Council


Budget Location

The Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA)

The aim of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association is to support women's participation in local government, both as Councillors and officers.

Membership of The Australian Local Government Women's Association (ALGWA) is open to anyone interested in supporting women’s participation in Local Government. Membership includes elected Councillors, Employees in Local Government, former Mayors and Councillors, individual Councils and Shires and intending candidates for Local Government elections.



Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of NSW (CCANSW)

The Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of New South Wales (CCANSW) was established in 1965 and is an advocate for its members and the community in all matters relating to the management, governance and progress of cemeteries & crematoria in NSW and the ACT.

The CCANSW membership covers a wide cross-section of the industry, including those coming from public entities, corporations, businesses, and individuals.


Regional Services/ Cemetery Cootamundra & Gundagai

Cemeteries and Crematoria NSW (CCNSW)

Cemeteries & Crematoria NSW (CCNSW) is a statutory agency created in 2014 under the NSW Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2013. We support and regulate cemetery and crematorium operators and provide information on burial and cremation options to the public. The agency was created in response to the need for a coordinated, strategic approach to providing interment services across NSW.


Regional Services/ Cemetery Cootamundra and Gundagai

Country Change

The Country Change program is a longstanding Riverina driven initiative, rebirthed by RDA Riverina in 2009. It is a key component of our workforce development strategy and focuses on attracting workers from capital cities and their outskirts to relocate to the Riverina. They employ a variety of strategies to attract people, including a comprehensive marketing campaign consisting of the Country Change website, social media channels, EDMs, expos, and a printed and online magazine.


Business/ Tourism & Economic Development

Country Mayors Association

The New South Wales Country Mayors Association (CMA) is an incorporated body formed to speak for the residents of regional and rural New South Wales.

The NSW Country Mayors Association’s mission is to further the interests of rural and regional councils by advocating and lobbying on relevant state and national issues. Each member council is represented by their Mayor and General Manager.



Eastern Riverina Arts (ERA)

The aim of Eastern Riverina Arts is to enriches, inspires, and connects our region by fostering arts, culture, creative industry and community.

Eastern Riverina Arts (ERA) is a small organisation providing big opportunities to artists and creative people in our region. Eastern Riverina Arts supports creative practitioners, stimulates creative activity and enterprise, and increases participation in the arts. They work in collaboration with the eight Councils of Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Lockhart, Junee, Snowy Valleys, Temora and Wagga Wagga.


Business/ Museum & Art

Local Government NSW

Staff and Councillors are entitled to access a range of exclusive benefits and resources aimed at enhancing their knowledge to better address community needs.

LGNSW supports and advocates on behalf of our member councils to help strengthen and protect an effective, democratic system of local government across NSW.

LGNSW deliver a range of activities including events and learning courses to provide council staff with valuable insights, professional development and networking opportunities.


(24-25 FY)


NSW Public Libraries Association

NSW Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA) is the peak body for public libraries in New South Wales. Its main purpose is to, initiate partnerships, advocate - champion the public library cause, provide relevant information and resources to members, and overall strengthen the public library network.


Business/ Libraries Cootamundra & Gundagai

Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC)

REROC is a voluntary association of 7 General Purpose Councils and 1 water county Council. Initially established with a focus on resource sharing activities which save money for member councils, REROC’s activities have grown to encompass regional planning, intergovernmental collaborations and advocacy and lobbying. Virtually every operational area of local government has been touched by the activities of REROC with the purpose of delivering more efficient and effective outcomes by utilising both the number of members and their combined demands and resources to create scale and capacity.



Riverina Regional Library (RRL)

The Riverina Regional Library (RRL) is the largest regional library service in NSW. It provides library services to approximately 86,846 constituents of 10 local government areas, those being the shires of Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Federation, Greater Hume, Junee, Leeton, Lockhart, Snowy Valleys, Temora. The service consists of 19 stationary library branches and a mobile library spread over an area of 44,258 sq km.


(24-25 FY)

Business/ Libraries Cootamundra & Gundagai

Australian Livestock Markets Association (ALMA)

The Australian Livestock Markets' Association (ALMA) is the peak national advocacy body working to improve the long-term sustainability of the saleyard and lairage industry in Australia.

ALMA addresses key issues that have the potential to impact on the viability of the saleyard and lairage industry. It does this with the support of the industry and is recognised by government and industry as the united single national voice that speaks for and on behalf of the industry.

$ 466.54

Regional Services/ Cootamundra Saleyards

Softwoods Working Group

The Softwoods Working Group was formed in 1987 to represent the plantation-based timber industry of the South-West Slopes region of NSW and involve all sectors of the community with an interest in the industry. It has a key objective to lobby for adequate funding to upgrade and maintain the road network with a load capacity that can support the heavy haulage vehicles of the timber processing industries.

The Softwoods Working Group consists of representatives from 4 Local Government areas, (Snowy Valleys, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Greater Hume and Albury City), two Regional Development Boards (Murray and Riverina), Forestry Corporation of NSW, all the major private plantation growers and all the processing operations in this region (Visy, AKD, Hyne). Relevant NSW Government agencies (such as the Department of Regional NSW, and Transport for NSW) also attend meetings of SWG.



South-East Weight of Loads Group (SEWOLG)

South-East Weight of Loads Group (SEWOLG) is the South-Eastern division of the local government-based Weight of Loads Groups that operate in New South Wales. Sixty councils are members of these Groups which are located in rural and coastal areas of the state.

SEWOLG liaise with Operators to assist with legislative compliance and work in conjunction with the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to ensure that the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the Road Transport (General) Act 2005 and their corresponding regulations are complied with.


Engineering/ Operations Management

South-West Slopes Zone Rural Fire Service

The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) is the world's largest volunteer fire service. Our members provide fire and emergency services to approximately 95 percent of NSW. The South-West Slopes Zone takes in the Local Government Areas of Cootamundra/Gundagai, Harden, Young and Boorowa.

Since merging with Cootamundra, Gundagai is also included within this zone, which used to be part of the South-Eastern Zone. 

Note: The annual fee varies according to maintenance and capital budget proposed by RFS.


(1.7.23 - 31.3.24)




RFS Expenses-Cootamundra

Visit Riverina (The Riverina)

Visit Riverina is the tourism body of The Riverina. Working alongside Destination Riverina Murray, Visit Riverina is a marketing collective, promoting experiences, attractions, and destinations across the Riverina.

Visit Riverina is a member-based organisation whose members consist of Bland Shire Council, Carrathool Shire Council, Coolamon Shire Council, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, Griffith City Council, Hay Shire Council, Leeton Shire Council, Lockhart Shire Council, Narrandera Shire Council, Snowy Valleys Council and Temora Shire Council.


Business/ Tourism & Economic Development








Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda

28 May 2024


11         Confidential Items

11.1       Closed Council Report




Teresa Breslin, Executive Assistant to Mayor and General Manager


Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager  


4. Collaborative and progressive leadership

4.1 A clear strategic direction that is delivered upon



There are no Financial implications associated with this report.


To facilitate compliance with sections 10 and 11 of the Local Government Act 1993.


There are no Policy implications associated with this report.





Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows members of the public present to indicate whether they wish to make representations to the meeting, before it is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting dealing with any or all of the matters listed should be closed.



1.      Items 11.2 and 11.3 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed.

2.      In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Items 11.2 and 11.3 be withheld from the press and public.

11.2       Business Cootamundra Outstanding Invoices

Provisions for Confidentiality

Section 10A (2) (g)  – The Confidential Report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice as comprises a discussion of this matter, that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege.

Public Interest

Legal Professional Privilege.





11.3       Update - Sale of 24 Bourke Street and 11 Temora Street

Provisions for Confidentiality

Section 10A (2) (c)  – The Confidential Report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.

Public Interest

It is considered that discussions of this matter in open Council would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it would be prejudice Council's ability to secure the optmum outcome for the community.