Business Paper
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6PM, Tuesday 13th December, 2022
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
13 December 2022 |
The Mayor & Councillors
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420
Cootamundra NSW 2590
An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra on:
Tuesday, 13th December, 2022 at 6PM
The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.
Les McMahon
Interim General Manager
Live Streaming of Meetings Statement
This meeting is streamed live via the internet and an audio-visual recording of the meeting will be publicly available on Council's website.
By attending this meeting, you consent to your image and, or, voice being live streamed and publicly available. Please refrain from making any defamatory statements.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
13 December 2022 |
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2022
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Jeffery Sowiak
6.3 Mayoral Minute - IPWEA NSW & ACT Southern Regional Forum
8.1.2 Proposed CGRC Organisational Structure
8.1.3 Delivery Program/ Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report
8.1.4 Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.1.5 Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Comittee Meeting Minutes
8.2.1 Finch Report Action Plan
8.2.2 Finance Update - Capital and Operational Expenditure
8.2.3 Investment Report - November 2022
8.2.4 Restricted Cash Reconciliation
8.3.1 Old Mill Gundagai Development - Funding Status and Future
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Applications Approved November 2022
8.7.1 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - November 2022
8.8.2 Crown Land Transfers and Closures
8.8.3 Additional Road Repair Funding
8.8.4 Annie Pyers Drive Funding Deed
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
10.1 Questions with Notice - December 2022
11.2 EPA V CGRC Court Case - Leachate at Cootamundra Sewage Treatment Plant
11.3 Appointment of Interim General Manager
11.4 Resumption of Open Council Meeting
11.5 Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions
Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.
13 December 2022 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2022 |
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. |
Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
6:00PM, Tuesday 22nd November, 2022
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
22 November 2022 |
OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Chambers, Gundagai
ON Tuesday, 22
November 2022 AT 6:00PM
PRESENT: Cr Leigh Bowden (Deputy Mayor), Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly (via audio/visual link), Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Penny Nicholson
IN ATTENDANCE: Les McMahon (Interim General Manager), Paul Woods (Interim Deputy General Manager - Corporate, Community and Dev), Matt Stubbs (Deputy General Manager - Operations), Linda Wiles (Manager Business), Zac Mahon (Manager Finance)
1 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
2 Open Forum
3 Apologies
Resolution 312/2022 Moved: Cr Trevor Glover Seconded: Cr David Graham Apologies from Cr Charlie Sheahan be received and leave of absence granted. Carried |
4 Disclosures of Interest
5 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 18 October 2022 |
Resolution 313/2022 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 18 October 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
5.2 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 8 November 2022 |
Resolution 314/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Les Boyd The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 8 November 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
6 Mayoral Minutes
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement |
Resolution 315/2022 Moved: Cr Trevor Glover Seconded: Cr David Graham The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. Carried |
Additions to Mayoral Minutes by Cr Logan Collins
15 October 2022 – attended the Cootamundra Show.
19 October 2022
– attended a meeting with transport for NSW with the Mayor and IGM and
1-3 November 2022 – attended the National Roads Conference in Hobart.
10 November 2022 – attended a Local Area Traffic Committee meeting.
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Way Forward: One Organisation |
Resolution 316/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. That the ‘Way Forward: One Organisation’ report and attachment be received and noted. 2. That Council endorse the decision to adopt option 4, as outlined in the report, as the preferred method for regional collaboration in the Riverina. Carried |
7 Reports from Committees
7.1 Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 10 November 2022 |
Resolution 317/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 10 November 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council endorse the recommendations detailed in the report, and contained within the Minutes. Carried |
7.2 Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Meeting held on Thursday 10 November 2022 |
Resolution 318/2022 Moved: Cr Trevor Glover Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Meeting held on Thursday 10 November 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8 General Manager’s Report
8.1 Business
8.1.1 Australia Day 2023 |
Resolution 319/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister 1. Information on Australia Day Awards 2023 be received and noted. 2. The submission of the Australia Day 2023 Community Grant be noted. Carried |
8.1.2 Annual Report 2021/2022 |
Resolution 320/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Les Boyd 1. The draft 21/22 Annual Report, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council to note that the audited Financial Statements are not available at this time and are to be submitted to Council for endorsement when the audit is complete. 3. The draft 21/22 Annual Report be updated with the missing and relevant financial information once the audited Financial Statements are finalised and available. 4. A further report be presented to council for endorsement of the updated draft 21/22 Annual Report. 5. A copy of the draft 21/22 Annual Report be uploaded to Councils website and provided to the Minister of Local Government. 6. A copy of Council’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, attached to the report, be provided to the Minister for Disability Services. Carried |
8.1.3 Draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy |
Resolution 321/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister 1. The draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy for Mayor and Councillors, attached to the report, be publicly exhibited for twenty-eight (28) days. 2. Following the exhibition period, a further report be prepared and submitted to Council, with the inclusion of any submissions received for consideration. Carried |
8.1.4 Draft Code of Conduct Policies |
Resolution 322/2022 Moved: Cr Les Boyd Seconded: Cr David Graham The following three (3) reviewed Codes of Conduct policies, attached to the report, be adopted: (a) Code of Conduct for Council Staff (b) Code of Conduct for Councillors (c) Code of Conduct for Delegates and Committee Members Carried |
8.1.5 Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics |
Resolution 323/2022 Moved: Cr Trevor Glover Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The report on Code of Conduct complaint statistics for the period 1st September 2021 to 31st August 2022, be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.6 Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Comittee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 324/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held 8th August 2022 attached to the report be, received and noted. Carried |
8.1.7 The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 325/2022 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Les Boyd The Minutes of The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting Held 20 October 2022 attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.8 Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 326/2022 Moved: Cr Les Boyd Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 10 October 2022 and 7 November 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.9 Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 327/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held 27 October 2022 attached to the report be received and noted. Carried |
8.2 Finance
8.2.1 Extension for lodgement of Financial Statements |
Resolution 328/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover That the report relating to the lodgement of the Financial Statements, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.2 Request for donation from Gundagai Historical Bridges Committee regarding lease LSE 280490 at Middleton Drive Gundagai |
Resolution 329/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. Council notes that the lease LSE 280490 at Middleton Drive Gundagai is rateable as it is leased by the Gundagai Historic Bridges Committee Inc. from the Crown and used for private purposes and, as such, the levied rates cannot be waived. 2. Council to donate the amount of $1,966.50 to the Gundagai Historic Bridges Committee Inc. 3. Council to endorse the reduction of the Finance Budget, and increase to the Donations Budget, by the amount of $1,966.50 to accommodate the donation. Carried |
8.2.3 Roads to Recovery - Independent Auditor's Report 2022 |
Resolution 330/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Les Boyd The Independent Auditor’s Report, attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.4 Rural Fire Service (RFS) Assets Recognition Update |
Resolution 331/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Rural Fire Service Assets Recognition update report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.5 Restricted Cash Reconciliation |
Resolution 332/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover 1. The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report be received and noted. 2. Council approve the transfer of $1.6 million from the plant reserve fund and $1 million from the development fund to unrestricted funds, for reasons detailed in the report. Carried |
8.2.6 Finance Update - Capital and Operational Expenditure |
Resolution 333/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Les Boyd The Finance Update report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.7 Investment Report - October 2022 |
Resolution 334/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 31 October 2022, be received and noted. Carried |
8.3 Community and Culture
8.3.1 Gundagai Tourism Action Group (Advisory Committee) Monday 7th November 2022 - Minutes |
Resolution 335/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Gundagai Tourism Advisory Group meeting held Monday 7th November 2022, attached to the report, be noted. Carried |
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Applications Approved October 2022 |
Resolution 336/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The information on Development Applications approved in October 2022, be received and noted. Carried |
8.5 Regulatory Services
8.6 Assets
8.7 Civil Works
8.7.1 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - October 2022 |
Resolution 337/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr David Graham The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of October 2022 be noted. Carried |
8.8 Technical Services
8.9 Facilities
8.9.1 Flood Recovery |
Resolution 338/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr David Graham The Flood Recovery report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
10 Questions with Notice
11 Confidential Items
The Meeting closed at 6:31pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 13 December 2022.
13 December 2022 |
382099 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Nil |
To keep the community aware of Councillor and my engagements, on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes.
The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. |
10 November 2022
Cr Glover attended an Audit Risk and Improvements Committee meeting in Gundagai.
11 November 2022
Cr McAlister attended the Remembrance Day function in Gundagai.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the Remembrance Day function in Cootamundra.
15 November 2022
Cr Collins attended a Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) meeting.
16-17 November 2022
Cr Glover attended the Riverina Eastern Riverina of Councils Mapped-Out Conference.
22 November 2022
Crs Nicholson, McAlister, Graham, Collins, Glover, Kelly, and Boyd attended a Council Workshop and Ordinary Council Meeting.
23 November 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended a zoom meeting with the Office of Local Government.
Cr Glover attended the Muttama Hall s.355 Committee Annual General Meeting.
24 November 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended an Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting.
Cr Collins held a community consultation session with residents at Wallendbeen.
25 November 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended the Ellwood’s Hall Twilight Markets.
27 November 2022
Cr McAlister and Nicholson attended the Dog on the Tuckerbox 90th Birthday Celebrations.
29 November 2022
I, Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Murrumbidgee Local Health District update meeting.
30 November 2022
Crs Bowden, Glover, McAlister, and I attended the Interim General Manager Interviews in Cootamundra.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) presented the opening address at a U3a meeting.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended an Adina Care Board Meeting.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the soft opening of the Albion Hotel in Cootamundra.
Cr Collins attended a Cootamundra Flood Recovery Meeting.
Cr Collins met with Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC Governor of New South Wales.
1 December 2022
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) presented the opening address at the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (IPWEA).
Cr Collins attended a Cootamundra Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) meeting.
3 December 2022
Cr Collins again met with Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC Governor of New South Wales.
4 December 2022
Cr Collins met with the Deputy Zone Commander of the State Emergency Service’s Southern Zone (SES SHZ) to discuss flood recovery, preparations for evacuations centres and civic constructions.
5 December 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended I the EPA V CGRC court case in Cootamundra.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the Cootamundra Youth Council meeting.
Cr Nicholson attended a Gundagai Tourism Action Committee meeting.
7 December 2022
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the Cootamundra EA Southee School Presentation Day.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Catch-up meeting with the CGRC, Hilltops and Snowy Valley Councils General Managers.
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended the Heritage Centre Christmas morning tea.
9 December 2022
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Riverina Joint Organisations/Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils meeting.
Cr Glover attended the Cootamundra Public School Presentation Day.
Cr Collins attended the Cootamundra TAFE Presentation Day.
Cr Nicholson attended the Gundagai High School Presentation Day.
Cr Nicholson and Collins attended the ‘Christmas on Sheridan’ Gundagai Business Network initiative.
Cr Bowden attended the Wallendbeen Public School Presentation Day.
12 December 2022
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the opening of the Sewage Treatment Plant in Gundagai.
I, Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Muttama Creek Regeneration s.355 Committee meeting.
13 December 2022
Crs Nicholson, McAlister, Graham, Collins, Glover, Kelly, Boyd and I attended a Council Workshop and Ordinary Council Meeting.
13 December 2022 |
382557 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Nil |
The Mayoral Minute regarding the unexpected passing of Jeffery Sowiak be noted. |
It saddens me to acknowledge the unexpected passing of Jeffery Sowiak.
Mr Sowiak was a former Director at Cootamundra Shire Council and had a career in local government spanning more than 40 years across four states in Australia.
I offer my deepest condolences to Jeff’s wife Jeanette and the Sowiak family.
Mr Sowiak’s funeral was held on the 1st of December 2022. The Interim General Manager attending on behalf of Council. Council donated to the Heart Foundation in the Memory of Mr Sowiak.
13 December 2022 |
382228 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
1. Address by Charlie Sheahan at IPWEA Forum ⇩ |
A copy of the Mayor’s opening address presented at the IPWEA conference, attached to this Mayoral Minute, be noted. |
The Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA NSW & ACT) is a not for profit, membership based, professional organisation representing engineers and others involved in the provision of public works and services primarily within Local Government. IPWEA NSW is established with the purpose of advancing public works excellence in Australia, particularly in NSW by; conducting and publishing research into improvements to the processes used in public works and services to enhance NSW Communities; working with government at all levels to ensure that the interests of the community is represented in regard to the public decision-making process relating to public works and services.
I, Cr Charlie Sheahan, Mayor, attended the Institute of Public Works Engineering (IPWEA) NSW & ACT Southern Regional Forum on Thursday 1st December 2022. There I provided the opening address, of which a copy is attached to this report.
The Regional Forums are an excellent way for the Institute to deliver information to its Members across the State. With a record infrastructure pipeline of $107.1 billion invested by the State Government, the Forums highlight a phenomenal opportunity presented within the Public Works and Services sector. The one-day event showcases the exceptional work and contribution of our Members, encourages outstanding local public works projects whilst providing a full and informative program for all those involved with the Public Works, Infrastructure and Engineering industries.
13 December 2022 |
13 December 2022 |
380862 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. The Ordinary Council Meetings remain on the last Tuesday of the Month from January to November at 6:00pm. 2. The Workshop Meetings of Council be confirmed as the second and fourth Tuesday of the Month from January to November at 4:00pm. 3. The Ordinary Council Meeting and Workshop held in December remain on the second Tuesday at 6:00pm. 4. The Ordinary Meeting scheduled for 25 April 2023, be changed to the third Tuesday to accommodate a public holiday. 5. The Council Workshop scheduled for 10 January 2023, be changed to 17 January 2023. 6. The current arrangement of alternating meetings between Cootamundra and Gundagai remain in place for CGRC. 7. Alternatives to the current meeting arrangements be considered if requested. |
A report is submitted annually for Councillors to consider the dates and times of Ordinary Council Meetings and Workshops for the following year.
It is timely to review and consider alternative days and times should any Councillor be of the opinion that the current format is unsustainable. General discussion by Council is encouraged to raise any concerns in relation to the day of the month and the time the ordinary meetings are held.
It is recommended to change the meeting date for the April 2023 meeting, as the current schedule has it fall on Anzac Day. Therefore, it is recommended to reschedule this ordinary meeting to the previous week, that being, Tuesday 18th April 2023.
13 December 2022 |
380624 |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
There are financial implications associated with this report and there will be a reduction of Salary costs associated with the Reorganisation of around $200,000. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Proposed Organisational Structure ⇩ |
The proposed Organisational Structure, attached to the report, be endorsed. |
With the Demerger proposal supported by the Minister in August this year, the Council must suspend the process of reorganisation agreed by Council in June 2022.
I have now proposed a new organisation structure that will help us in the Demerger process.
With the original restructuring I proposed two (2) Deputy General Managers and five (5) Managers.
I had also offered redundancies to the Managers and two staff accepted the offer.
Further, we advertised internally and externally for both Deputy General Manager and successfully selected the DGM Operations as Matt Stubbs.
We did not appoint anyone into the Deputy Corporate, Community and Development position.
With the redundancies accepted (and I have independent legal advice to this proposal), both Manager Regulatory Services and Manager Development, Building and Compliance are now made redundant. Further the Manager Water, Sewerage and Assets has also resigned as of 11th November 2022.
With the above information, I now propose this reorganisation, as attached to the report, to guide the organisation to Demerger. I have consulted with the 3 major Unions available to staff and advised the Office of Local Government of the prospective changes to the Organisation structure as per Ministerial letter to us on the Demerger.
I will keep the two (2) DGMs and have seven (7) Managers reporting to them.
The four (4) Managers under DGM Operations will be location based - Cootamundra and Gundagai.
The Water, Sewerage and Assets section and the Regulatory section will be absorbed into the 4 Managers positions – therefore, 6 managers will be reducing to 4.
I have requested that all new positions be reassessed under our Salary System.
I have also placed the Managers names in each of these new positions as it will be a lateral transfer under their current Award provisions as they are permanent positions within our organisation.
Financial Implications
From the original organisation structure of 1 (One) DGM and 10 (Ten) Managers reporting to the General Manager, I would expect the savings to the recurrent budget with the new proposed structure to be around $200,000.
13 December 2022 |
382173 |
Anne Chamberlain, Acting Governance Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
In accordance with section 406 of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Q1 - Quarterly Progress Report ⇩ |
The Delivery Program incorporating the Operational Plan 2022/2023, quarterly progress report, (1st Quarter July to September), attached to the report, be received and noted. |
To comply with Section 406 of the Local Government Act, 1993 and in accordance with the Office of Local Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting guidelines ‘The general manager must ensure that regular progress reports are provided to the council, reporting as to its progress with respect to the principal activities detailed in its delivery’.
Accordingly, attached to this report is the quarterly progress report outlining the extent to which performance measures and targets, set out in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, have been achieved during the First quarter of the reporting year; that is between 1 July – 30 September 2022.
The next progress report will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held 28 February 2023 and will consist of status updates for actions within the 22/23 Operational Plan (2nd quarter reporting period of October-December 2022).
13 December 2022 |
381629 |
Anne Chamberlain, Acting Governance Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual. |
1. MHMC s.355 Minutes 6 September 2022 ⇩ 2. MHMC s.355 Minutes 4 October 2022 ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 6 September 2022 and 4 October 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 6 September 2022 and 4 October 2022, are submitted for the information of Council and the community.
13 December 2022 |
381878 |
Anne Chamberlain, Acting Governance Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual. |
1. Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Minutes ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held 24 November 2022 attached to the report be, received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held on 24th November 2022, is submitted for the information of council and the community.
13 December 2022 |
380605 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council to note, review and discuss the action plan developed in response to the Finch Report. |
Council engaged Finch Consulting to review Council Finances. The action plan developed in response to the report is detailed below for review and discussion.
Action Plan
Issue/ Recommendation |
Action |
1 |
Review the 2022/23 Operating Budget with a view to improving the operating result in General Fund. The review should also consider the matter raised on page 14 of the Finch Report. |
The finance manager has reconciled the restricted cash reserves, updated the carry forward budget and completed the September Quarterly Budget Review. |
2 |
Revisit the Long-Term Financial Plan for all funds to ensure financial sustainability over the longer term, including the adoption of surplus budgets. Consider budget repair strategies as outlined on page 15 of the Finch Report. |
The Long-Term Financial Plan will be updated as part of the 2024 Budget preparation. Strategies will be utilised that ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the Council. |
3 |
Revisit budget drafting techniques and processes to incorporate a “zero based” budgeting approach with appropriate input from Managers. |
Budget report completed and sent to each manager and presented to Council and in fortnightly managers meeting, planning to start budget in December for 2024 |
4 |
Adopt a Reserves policy that ensures a minimum of $3m is available as unrestricted cash to fund working capital requirements before setting aside funds as Internal Restrictions |
Unrestricted Assets policy to be updated in February 2023. |
5 |
Consider rationalising the number of Internal Restrictions to ensure they are fully funded and supported by a Council resolution. |
Reserves have been reconciled. Advice to be provided to Council and management around consolidated or abolishing internally restricted reserves. Plant replacement moratorium in effect in 22/23 Financial Year. Funds moved from plant and building reserve to general fund via Council resolution. |
6 |
Modify the budget reporting framework to ensure that that there is clear disclosure of operating results and remaining estimates by fund, capital budget funding sources and detailed commentary on adverse trends known to management. |
QBR report updated to disclose operating results by fund. |
7 |
Consider a fourth quarter budget review report to ensure that Council’s financial position and performance is sound and that the budget for the ensuing year is based on current information. |
Not required until June 2023 so not a current priority. QBR template can be used for this report. |
8 |
Establish an appropriate Project Management framework that is best practice, together with a reporting architecture that ensures accountability for budget variances. Projects should not be initiated in the General Ledger unless there is a fully funded budget allocation. |
Qld Audit Office released project management guidelines recently that will assist in the development of a framework. |
9 |
Implement annual Performance Reviews for Managers which incorporates KPIs for budget performance. |
To commence in January 2023. |
10 |
Ensure that Managers periodically report on their budget outcomes at regular Executive/Manager meetings. |
This has been implemented in September 2022. |
11 |
Review and update the existing Investment Policy and consider the appointment of an investment advisor to improve portfolio performance. |
This has been implemented with a new policy and report developed and presented to Council. Already have investment advisor, Curve Securities. |
12 |
Consider the effectiveness of the Council’s Finance Committee. If the Committee is to be maintained, Council should adopt a suitable Terms of Reference which complies with accepted meeting practice and reporting and is not in conflict with the Terms of Reference (Charter) of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. |
Response provided by ARIC chairman Tony Donoghue, presented to Council at the November 22 meeting. |
13 |
Ensure that the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee complies with its existing Charter. Implement a review of the Charter to incorporate current legislation, audit standards and the OLG’s proposed Internal Audit and Risk Management Framework The inclusion of clearer guidelines in relation to the overview of financial management and performance should also be considered. |
Response provided by ARIC chairman Tony Donoghue, presented to Council at the November 22 meeting. |
14 |
Review the membership of the ARIC to ensure that collectively there is a broad range of skills and experience relevant to the Committee’s responsibilities. Total membership should be an odd number to avoid quorum issues. Although there may be a cost to Council, the appointment of a prequalified Chair should be given serious consideration. |
Response provided by ARIC chairman Tony Donoghue, presented to Council at the November 22 meeting. |
15 |
Review all Finance Policies that are overdue for review. Ensure that adopted policies are appropriately implemented across the organisation and that compliance is regularly monitored. |
I have met with staff and listed finance policies to be updated, investment policy complete, other policies required are credit card policy, procurement policy, debt recovery policy, concealed water leak policy, hardship policy. |
16 |
Consider introducing a training program for Councillors on the basics of local government accounting and interpretation of financial reports. |
Currently not actioned. REROC is looking at providing training that can be accessed by all Councils in the region. Council will investigate suitable training options for staff and Councillors to meet our future needs. |
17 |
Ensure that sufficient resources are provided within the organisation to address the above recommendations. |
The resourcing will be developed with the 2024 budget. This process is due to commence in December 2022. |
13 December 2022 |
382562 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Finance Update report, be received and noted. |
The finance update for the year-to-date expenses to 30 Nov 2022 with a comparison to the budget are shown below.
No major issues have been detected but the finance department has highlighted some departments and asset classes and further details are shown below.
Please note that the loan repayments are considered capital and the variance between the quarterly budget review and this budget of $1.315 million is caused by this.
Finance will complete a detailed review of internal overheads and plant hire rates and ensure they are being coded properly. This has been delayed due to deadlines regarding the demerger and draft financial statements.
The stormwater operational expenditure will be discussed with operations to prepare a schedule of works.
The community donations budget will require a QBR adjustment of 239k to increase income and expenses for the grant received “Reconnecting Regional NSW – Community Events Program” (deed attached). This expense is covered by the grant, not council reserves.
Operations department is working together with the finance manager to prepare a schedule of capital works for 2023. There has been delays due to the weather and flood conditions that have impacted the council area.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
13 December 2022 |
Operating Expense Finance Update
Department |
Total YTD |
Budget |
Budget Remain $ |
Budget Spent % |
Performance |
Comments |
46,165 |
119,700 |
73,535 |
39 |
J |
73,616 |
160,400 |
86,784 |
46 |
J |
225,386 |
347,700 |
122,314 |
65 |
J |
355,518 |
1,306,054 |
950,536 |
27 |
J |
8,178 |
45,400 |
37,222 |
18 |
J |
120,377 |
358,800 |
238,423 |
30 |
J |
71,198 |
211,000 |
139,802 |
34 |
J |
36,585 |
157,100 |
120,515 |
21 |
J |
324,637 |
126,399 |
- 198,238 |
170 |
J |
27,590 |
62,800 |
35,211 |
43 |
J |
113,013 |
234,773 |
121,760 |
32 |
J |
445,993 |
1,033,900 |
587,907 |
40 |
J |
754,582 |
2,581,846 |
1,827,264 |
29 |
J |
131,864 |
387,000 |
255,136 |
34 |
J |
658,130 |
1,128,200 |
470,070 |
56 |
J |
496,179 |
956,300 |
460,121 |
48 |
J |
402,572 |
712,600 |
310,028 |
56 |
J |
438,120 |
1,020,700 |
582,580 |
39 |
J |
72,156 |
233,500 |
161,344 |
31 |
J |
472,312 |
552,900 |
80,588 |
80 |
J |
190,794 |
921,700 |
730,906 |
18 |
J |
132,281 |
567,500 |
435,219 |
23 |
J |
401,885 |
922,100 |
520,215 |
42 |
J |
282,628 |
- 1,259,100 |
- 1,541,728 |
-22 |
K |
Finance to Review |
89,734 |
46,100 |
- 43,634 |
195 |
K |
Finance to Review |
1,985 |
4,600 |
2,615 |
43 |
J |
397,189 |
1,411,000 |
1,013,811 |
28 |
J |
224,896 |
916,872 |
691,976 |
24 |
J |
1,277,560 |
5,902,700 |
4,625,140 |
21 |
J |
94,074 |
229,400 |
135,326 |
41 |
J |
64,098 |
143,600 |
79,502 |
42 |
J |
452,157 |
1,241,700 |
789,543 |
36 |
J |
610,322 |
1,450,700 |
840,378 |
37 |
J |
133,025 |
- 274,289 |
- 407,314 |
-39 |
K |
Finance to Review |
123,328 |
183,000 |
59,672 |
50 |
J |
65,738 |
143,200 |
77,462 |
46 |
J |
103,038 |
258,900 |
155,862 |
36 |
J |
18,449 |
129,400 |
110,951 |
14 |
J |
588,461 |
1,205,700 |
617,239 |
44 |
J |
103,099 |
274,200 |
171,101 |
38 |
J |
505,167 |
382,700 |
- 122,467 |
124 |
J |
70,378 |
315,300 |
244,922 |
22 |
J |
21,402 |
931,961 |
910,559 |
2 |
J |
106,803 |
561,400 |
454,597 |
19 |
J |
28,373 |
98,400 |
70,027 |
29 |
J |
3,279,361 |
2,550,000 |
- 729,361 |
42 |
J |
- |
187,000 |
187,000 |
0 |
K |
Finance to Review |
789,757 |
1,286,204 |
496,447 |
34 |
J |
160,607 |
471,500 |
310,893 |
34 |
J |
1,052,816 |
3,040,809 |
1,987,994 |
34 |
J |
197,216 |
590,600 |
393,384 |
33 |
J |
71,471 |
166,000 |
94,529 |
43 |
J |
205,379 |
1,161,900 |
956,521 |
18 |
J |
485,706 |
916,700 |
430,994 |
29 |
J |
458,165 |
1,220,000 |
761,835 |
38 |
J |
(blank) |
6,943 |
- |
- 6,943 |
100 |
J |
4,003 |
Grand Total |
18,068,456 |
40,036,529 |
21,968,073 |
37 |
J |
Capital Finance Update
Asset Class |
Total YTD |
Current Budget |
Budget Remain $ |
Budget Spent % |
Performance |
Notes |
723,494.49 |
1,188,939.00 |
465,444.51 |
61% |
J |
Loan to be finalized to cover this cost |
400,899.87 |
1,194,285.00 |
793,385.13 |
34% |
J |
53,957.58 |
175,000.00 |
121,042.42 |
31% |
J |
662,275.90 |
718,434.00 |
56,158.10 |
92% |
J |
Moratorium on plant purchases |
2,646.79 |
439,915.00 |
437,268.21 |
1% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
564,046.44 |
2,190,237.00 |
1,626,190.56 |
26% |
J |
934,923.66 |
7,994,887.00 |
7,059,963.34 |
12% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
287,366.46 |
3,200,000.00 |
2,912,633.54 |
9% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
2,052.15 |
1,128,000.00 |
1,125,947.85 |
0% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
33,092.81 |
3,395,023.00 |
3,361,930.19 |
1% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
Grand Total |
3,664,756.15 |
21,624,720.00 |
17,959,963.85 |
17% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
13 December 2022 |
382531 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
Council’s cash and investment portfolio decreased by $430,122.14 from $23,615,330.40 as at 31st October 2022 to $23,185,208.26 as at 30th November 2022. |
Council investments comply fully with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. |
Investments comply fully with the Council’s Investment Policy. |
Nil |
The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 30 November 2022, be received and noted. |
A report on Council’s Investments is required to be presented for Council’s consideration in accordance with Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
13 December 2022 |
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council’s investment portfolio unperformed compared to the relevant BBSW Index benchmark by 2.81%. This was due to timing differences with receipts and expenses and requiring additional cash on hand for potential expenses. The average weighted yield for October was 3.05%, over an average weighted term of 84 days, with a benchmark of 2.96%.
23,185,208 |
Yearly Interest Received 145,973 |
Weighted Average Term 84 Days |
Total Value 23,185,208 |
Monthly Interest Received 60,028 |
Weighted Average Yield 2.96% |
Credit Quality Compliance
Council’s investment portfolio was compliant with policy in terms of S&P long term rating credit quality limits, as displayed below.
Counter Party Compliance
As at the end of November, Council was compliant with policy in terms of individual financial institution capacity limits. It is worth noting that capacity limits are affected by changes in the on-call account balance compared to the total portfolio balance.
Term to Maturity
Council’s investment portfolio maturities shown graphically below were also compliant with policy requirements.
I hereby certify that investments listed in the report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
Zac Mahon
Responsible Accounting Officer
13 December 2022 |
382590 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted. |
The restricted cash figures have been reconciled to 30 November 2022 and an adjustment has been made to the plant reserve and the building reserve by 1.6 and 1 million respectively, as adopted by Council at the 22 November meeting.
Council’s restricted asset balance has improved by $441,111.95 and management will investigate the validity of the waste reserve that has increased to $4.045m to see if some of these funds can be moved to general funds.
The Council has been actively recovering grant income and the position of outstanding grants has improved by $1.348m since 30 June 2022 with 493k finalised and submitted for payment and 3.177m currently being acquitted.
Council is working to reduce liability balances and acquit grants as a priority to improve the cash position.
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council |
Restricted Cash, Cash Equivalents & Investments |
Bal 30 June 2022 |
Transfers To |
Transfers From |
Bal 30 Nov 2022 |
Internal Restrictions |
Aerodrome Bitumen Resurfacing |
165,588 |
0 |
0 |
165,588 |
Bradman's Birthplace |
76,115 |
336 |
0 |
76,452 |
Cootamundra Caravan Park |
130,057 |
8,389 |
0 |
138,445 |
Development - Land & Buildings |
2,359,693 |
0 |
0 |
1,359,693 |
Employee Leave Entitlements |
1,752,000 |
106,493 |
0 |
1,858,493 |
Financial Assistance Grant |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Quarries & Pit Restoration |
557,351 |
12,856 |
0 |
570,207 |
Heritage Centre |
19,690 |
2,136 |
0 |
21,826 |
Plant Replacement |
2,244,471 |
1,594,708 |
(1,640,148) |
599,031 |
Saleyards |
18,078 |
65,854 |
(70,298) |
13,635 |
Swimming Pool Pump & Equipment |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Cemetery |
44,677 |
155,679 |
(108,609) |
91,747 |
Southern Phone |
602,536 |
0 |
(406) |
602,130 |
Waste Management |
2,036,498 |
2,519,507 |
(510,213) |
4,045,791 |
Total Internal |
10,006,755 |
4,465,958 |
(2,329,675) |
9,543,038 |
Externally Restricted Reserves |
Balance 30 June 2022 |
Transfers to |
Transfers from |
Balance 30 Nov 2022 |
Domestic Waste |
1,038,570 |
2,075,369 |
(2,075,369) |
1,038,570 |
Water Supply |
3,713,480 |
197,549 |
2,052 |
3,913,081 |
Sewerage Service |
6,514,473 |
437,359 |
17,592 |
6,969,424 |
Stormwater Infrastructure Renewal |
179,184 |
127,227 |
0 |
306,411 |
New Council Implementation Fund (2) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Developer Contributions |
637,380 |
87,843 |
(813) |
724,410 |
General Fund Unspent Grants & Contributions |
7,449,701 |
0 |
0 |
7,449,701 |
19,532,789 |
2,925,346 |
(2,056,538) |
20,401,597 |
29,539,544 |
7,391,304 |
(4,386,213) |
29,944,635 |
Restricted Cash Reconciliation
Restricted Cash |
$29,944,635.31 |
Cash at 30 November 2022 |
$23,185,208.26 |
Unrestricted Balance |
($6,759,427.05) |
Grant Debtors Outstanding |
$493,861 |
Grants Completed but not Acquitted |
$3,177,138 |
Balance |
($3,088,428.05) |
13 December 2022 |
381875 |
Lauren Eccleston, Tourism and Economic Development Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
Remaining grant funding of $153,457.00 from SCF available. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. RTAF Application ⇩ 2. Email to Les McMahon from Dept. Regional NSW regarding Old Mill Status and Transfer ⇩ |
1. The application made to the Regional Tourism Activation Fund (RTAF) in 2021, be received and noted. 2. Council consider withdrawal from the Regional Tourism Activation Fund. 3. Council consider utilising the remaining $153,457.00 allocation from the Stronger Communities Fund to masterplan the Old Mill precinct to create a shovel ready project for future funding streams. |
Council purchased the Old Mill Gundagai in 2018. Since purchase, funding of $200,000.00 was received from the New Council Implementation/Stronger Communities Fund. A subsequent application was successful in 2021 via the Regional Tourism Activation Fund for $687,530.00, an allocated co-contribution of $172,175.00 formed part of this application. Council has insufficient funds to undertake this project.
Of the initial Stronger Communities Fund the remaining funds stand at $153,457.00. To date, a funding deed for the Regional Tourism Activation Fund has not been signed due to project estimates being higher than expected and questions regarding the eligibility of the co-contribution. As such, Council has not yet received any funds from the Department of Regional NSW for this project.
The most recent quotation for the works required, as per the RTAF application, is double the initial quotation utilised for the application and does not include a contingency for expected issues that may arise. The initial quotation utilised for the application process was provided with additional conditions and questions that were not allowed for during the application budgeting process. The clarification of these items, along with increases in product costs have contributed to the increase of the most recent quotation.
Due to the nature of the Regional Tourism Activation Fund, the project needs to be completed as per the application to create a significant tourism destination. Re-scoping of the project to include structural works alone, does not fit the guidelines of this fund.
Utilising the remaining $153,457.00 to Masterplan the Old Mill “precinct” would allow for a business case and community consultation that would be beneficial to a future application when suitable funding rounds become available. This would prepare the asset and surrounding area to undergo a full transformation, from start to finish, allowing immediate tenancy of a commercial nature.
$153,457.00 remains available from the initial $200,000.00 Stronger Communities Fund. A funding deed for Regional Tourism Activation Fund of $687,530 has not been signed and Council’s 25 percent co-contribution is not available. Below are details regarding OLG Guideline Section 23A.
OLG Guideline Section 23A
Financial Management
Expenditure – Should only as per the adopted detailed budget to implement Operational Plan
Item 000046 – Mill Centre – Interactive Tourist Attraction – 00.00 budget
Financial Commitments
Council should not make decisions that impose ongoing or significant commitment, including applying for grants that need to be delivered by the new council.
13 December 2022 |
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
382673 |
Sally Atkinson, Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
As detailed in the report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The information on Development Applications approved in November 2022, be received and noted. |
The Development Applications approved in November 2022 Report, is submitted for the information of Council regarding development applications processed.
The following development applications were approved by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in October 2022.
APP. NO. |
10.2022.158.1 |
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling (Glassroom) |
Lot 19 DP259786 Inala Place, Cootamundra |
10.2022.139.1 |
Proposed New Shed with Lean to |
Lot 33 DP18650 Temora Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.72.2 |
MODIFICATION - Proposed Alterations to Commercial Premises |
Lot 2 DP562670 Parker Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.133.1 |
Proposed Alterations and additions to Existing Dwelling |
Lot 2 DP513976 Poole Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.131.1 |
Proposed Swimming Pool |
Lot 44 DP1048036 Harold Conkey Avenue, Cootamundra |
10.2022.129.1 |
Proposed Alterations & Additions to Existing Dwelling |
Lot 1 & 2 DP121023 Crown Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.128.1 |
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Commercial Premises |
PLT 401 DP751421 Ol Bell Drive, Gundagai |
10.2022.127.1 |
Alterations to Change of Use – Mechanical Workshop |
Lot 3 DP1094935 Sheridan Lane, Gundagai |
10.2022.117.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
Lot 1 DP634313 Burra Road, Gundagai |
10.2022.115.1 |
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling |
Lot 1 DP366224 Berthong Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.111.1 |
Proposed Internal Alterations to Existing Building |
Lot 1 DP505450 Ursula Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.100.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
PLT 7020 DP1075145 Back Brawlin Road, Cootamundra |
10.2022.140.1 |
Proposed Installation of Manufactured Dwelling (secondary dwelling) |
Lot 6 DP753603 Jugiong Road, Cootamundra |
18.2022.16.1 |
Proposed New Swimming Pool and Retaining Walls |
Lot 98 DP757258 Edwardstown Road, South Gundagai |
18.2022.18.1 |
Proposed New Pool/Spa |
Lot 1 DP1142183 Matilda Avenue, Cootamundra |
$ 2,418,428.00 |
$ 12,169,567.00 |
$ 4,670,555.00 |
$ 35,868,104.00 |
The value of approved applications is less than the same period last year, however this is something that is outside of the control of Council.
13 December 2022 |
8.4.2 Development Application DA2022/110 - Dwelling, Lot 269 DP 750619, 113 Racecourse Lane (currently known as 91 Old Wallendbeen Road) Stockinbingal
382677 |
Sally Atkinson, Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
The proposed development seeks to vary the minimum lot size for the erection of the dwelling house, under the Cootamundra LEP 2013. |
1. Development Application DA2022/110 - Assessment Report ⇩ |
1. That Council approve the following development, subject to the consent conditions below: · Application No: DA2022/110 · Property: Lot 269 DP 750619 113 Racecourse Lane (currently known as 91 Old Wallendbeen Rd) STOCKINBINGAL NSW 2594 · Development: Dwelling – to erect a three (3) bedroom, brick veneer dwelling, with a colorbond roof. Conditions: ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONS Approved plans 1. The development shall be generally in accordance with the supporting documentation, including, but not limited to, the following:
and as modified by any conditions of this consent.
2. No departure from the approved plans and specifications shall be made unless the prior approval of Council has been obtained in writing.
Compliance with relevant legislation
3. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia, Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and the regulations made thereunder, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by Council.
4. The issue of this Development Consent does not certify compliance with the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia or National Construction Code Series. Utilities
5. Approval is given subject to the location of, protection of, and/or any necessary modifications to any existing public utilities situated within or adjacent to the subject property.
Payment of section 7.12 contribution
6. Prior to the issuing of a construction certificate, a contribution is required towards the provision of public amenities and services, in accordance with the Cootamundra–Gundagai Regional Council Section 7.12 Fixed Developer Consent Levy Contributions Plan 2018.
Onsite Sewerage Management System
7. Prior to the issuing of a construction certificate, a section 68 approval under the Local Government Act 1993 shall be obtained for the installation of the onsite sewerage management system.
Finished floor level
8. The finished floor level of the dwelling shall be a minimum of 500 mm above existing ground level. Prior to the issue of a construction certificate, amended plans shall be lodged with Council, demonstrating that this condition has been met.
9. Where Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council is nominated as the Principal Certifying Authority, the following requirements shall be satisfied before works commence: § the Principal Certifying Authority Service Agreement shall be completed and signed by the applicant; and § terms and conditions of the Principal Certifying Authority Service Agreement shall be satisfied, § a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any critical stage inspection or any other inspection shall be given.
10. Site signage must be erected on the site in a prominent, visible position for the duration of the construction. The signage must include: -
§ statement that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted, § the name of the builder or another person responsible for the site and a telephone number at which the builder or other person can be contacted outside working hours, § the name, address and telephone contact of the Principal Certifying Authority.
Any structures erected to meet the requirements of this condition must be removed when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was erected.
Notice of Commencement
11. Prior to work commencing a ‘Notice of Commencement of Building Work and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’ shall be submitted to Council at least two (2) days prior to work commencing.
Builders Toilets
12. Provision shall be made for temporary WC accommodation on site prior to the commencement of excavation or other associated building works.
Residential Building Work
13. Residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the following information
A. In the case of work for which a principal contractor is required to be appointed: § the name and licence number of the principal contractor, and § the name of the insurer by which the work is insured under Part 6 of that Act.
B. In the case of work to be done by an owner-builder: § the name of the owner-builder and, § the number of the owner-builder permit (where required).
If arrangements for doing the residential building work are changed while the work is in progress so that the information notified under subclause (1) becomes out of date, further work must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the updated information.
Prior to Building Work Commencing
14. The erection of a building in accordance with the development consent must not commence until:-
A. A construction Certificate for the building work has been issued by the consent authority, the council (if the council is not the consent authority) or an accredited certifier, and
B. The person having the benefit of the development consent has: § appointed a principal certifying authority for the building work, and § notified the principal certifying authority that the person will carry out the building work as an owner-builder, if that is the case, and
C. The principal certifying authority has, no later than 2 days before building works commences: § notified the consent authority and the council (if the council is not the consent authority) of his or her appointment, and § notified the person having the benefit of the development consent of any critical stage inspections and other inspections that are to be carried out in respect to the building work, and
D. The person having the benefit of the development consent, if not carrying out the work as an owner-builder, has, § appointed a principal contractor for the building work who must be the holder of a contractor licence if any residential work is involved, and § notified the principal certifying authority of any such appointment, and § unless that person is the principal contractor, notified the principal contractor of any critical stage inspection or other inspections that are to be carried out in respect of the building work. Cut and Fill
15. The applicant shall ensure that any cut or fill on site is appropriately graded, drained, retained and revegetated.
Siting of Building
16. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the building is sited on the allotment and constructed to the design levels approved by Council as specified on the approved site plan.
Soil Erosion Control
17. Site erosion control measures shall be incorporated into site management prior to work commencing. Seepage and surface water shall be collected and diverted clear of the building site by a drainage system. Care shall be taken to ensure that no nuisance is created to adjoining properties or public space by way of sediment run off.
Restricted Public Access
18. It is the responsibility of the applicant to restrict public access to the building site, building works or materials or equipment on the site when building work is not in progress or the site is otherwise unoccupied in accordance with WorkCover Regulations.
Works to be undertaken in accordance with the approval
19. All proposed works to be undertaken are to be carried out in accordance with the conditions of development consent, approved construction certificate drawings and specifications.
20. The builder shall maintain on the site, at all times a legible copy of the following: § development consent including plans and related documentation, § construction certificate including plans, specifications and certificates.
Hours of Construction Site Works
21. Construction site works including the entering and leaving of vehicles is limited to the following hours, unless otherwise permitted by Council:- § Monday to Saturday from 7.00am to 7.00pm § Sundays and public holidays from 9.00am to 12.00pm The applicant is responsible to instruct and control subcontractors regarding hours of work.
Effluent disposal and plumbing and drainage works
22. The onsite sewerage management system shall be installed and operated in accordance with the section 68 approval.
23. All plumbing works must be undertaken by a licenced plumber or drainer. They must submit their Notice of Work (N.O.W) and pay for any associated inspections 48 hours before the first inspection. They also must submit a correct Sewer Service Diagram (S.S.D) for all works. The Certificate of Compliance (C.O.C) and S.S.D. must be submitted before an Occupation Certificate can be released by the Principal Certifying Authority (P.C.A).
The applicant shall comply with all requirements tabled under any approval issued under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, NSW Fair Trading and The Plumbing Code of Australia.
Construction waste management
24. Provision shall be made on site for the proper storage waste such that no builders' waste shall be left in the open. Specific attention should be given to items which are subject to relocation by the action of wind, e.g. paper, sheets of iron, ridge capping, cement and lime bags and the like.
25. All construction waste shall be removed from the site and disposed of to a licenced waste disposal facility, on a regular basis.
Termite Protection
26. The building and immediate surrounds shall be treated be treated in accordance with Australian Standard 3660.1 for protection against subterranean termites, and a copy of the guarantee submitted to Council.
NB: If a chemical system is selected for use as a barrier against termite attack, a durable notice shall be attached to the house providing information relating to the treatment supplied and the chemical used. This notice should be affixed permanently in either the electric meter box or at the entrance to the subfloor area.
Whilst the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and AS 3660.1 prescribe measures for protection in relation to the structural elements of a building, there are many other elements which may be susceptible to termite attack. Council therefore, encourages builders and owners to take general protective measures against termite attack according to approved industry standards and practices.
No protective measure is permanent. Owners should therefore, arrange regular inspections of their building by appropriate experts.
27. Stormwater from roof and hard stand areas, as well as any overflow from a tank, is to be discharged clear of the building and septic tank disposal area, and in such a position that it does not cause nuisance to neighbours or erosion.
28. Run-off and ground water seepage shall be diverted around the building to the storm water system via a suitable drainage system.
Water Proofing - Wet Areas
29. An owner/builder will not be permitted to provide water proofing membranes to any wet area unless that person holds a Water Proofing Membrane subcontractor's licence with the Department of Fair Trading. The application of water proof membranes to nominated wet areas is a 'Critical Stage Inspection' requiring mandatory inspection by the Council or an accredited Private Certifying Authority. The standards for compliance are AS 3740 2010 for Water Proofing Internal Wet Areas.
Slab on Ground Construction.
30. The following points must be complied with: - § internal floor level must be a minimum of 225mm above the external finished surface level adjacent to the building § external paths and ground surface adjoining the walls of the building must be graded and drained away from the dwelling in such a manner as not to cause a nuisance
31. The Hot Water System to the bathroom/ensuite is to be set not to exceed 50°C to prevent accidental scalding of children and the infirm. The licensed Plumber is to complete the attached certificate of compliance for the completed installation.
Smoke Alarms
32. A smoke alarm system complying with Australian Standard AS3786 Self Contained Smoke Alarms or listed in the Scientific Services Laboratory (SSL) Register of Accredited Products - Fire Protection Equipment shall be installed. The smoke alarm system must be connected to the mains electrical power supply and must have a standby (battery backup) power supply, and where there is more than one smoke alarm installed, all alarms must be interconnected.
Occupation of Building
33. A person must not commence occupation or use of the whole or any part of the buildings unless an occupation certificate has been issued by the appointed Principal Certifying Authority.
Compliance Certificates
34. Prior to occupation of the building an Occupation Certificate is to be obtained. If Council is requested to issue the Occupation Certificate, all relevant compliance certificates must be submitted.
35. The development is to be carried out in accordance with the current BASIX certificate and schedule of commitments approved in relation to this development.
Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, the applicant is to provide certification certificates to the PCA which specifies that all commitments listed in the BASIX Certificate have been completed.
Property Identification
36. The property shall be known as 113 Racecourse Lane, Stockinbingal.
37. A rural addressing number shall being affixed to the fence adjacent the property entrance, prior to the issuing of an occupation certificate.
REASONS FOR THE CONDITIONS: § To achieve the objectives of section 1.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, having regard to the relevant matters for consideration contained in section 4.15 of the Act and the Environmental Planning Instruments applying to the land. § To ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia, to enable the achievement and maintenance of acceptable standards of structural sufficiency, safety, health and amenity, for the benefit of the community now and in the future. § To confirm the details of the application and plans submitted by the Applicant. § To ensure compliance with relevant planning controls. § To ensure that appropriate environmental protection measures are in place. § To ensure the development complies with the requirements of Council policies. § To ensure that works do not interfere with reasonable amenity expectations of residents and the community. |
This report assesses a development application (DA2022/110), for the erection of a dwelling house, on Lot 269 DP 750619, 113 Racecourse Lane (currently 91 Old Wallendbeen Road, Stockinbingal.
The application is referred to full Council for determination, as the application seeks to vary the minimum lot size for the erection of a dwelling, and as the variation is greater than 10%. As per Planning Circular PS 20-002 (Variations to development standards), if a development contravenes a numerical standard by greater than 10%, a delegate of Council cannot determine the application, instead it must be considered by full Council.
The assessment of the application has considered all relevant matters under Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act). The assessment concludes that the design of the development is appropriate in the local context, and the location of the dwelling will minimise the potential for conflict with adjacent land uses, and will have minimal environmental impact, and that the variation is justified in this instance. See development assessment report (Attachment 1).
It is considered that the development meets all relevant environmental and amenity criteria and that the development is in the public interest and is recommended for approval, subject to the standard conditions of consent for a dwelling.
13 December 2022 |
8.4.3 Funding Agreement - Cootamundra/Gundagai Shire Villages (Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara) Flood Study
382685 |
Sally Atkinson, Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
Council will receive $149,600 and contribute $37,400 funded from the unrestricted funds. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
That Council; 1. Endorse the signing of the Funding Agreement, and 2. Commit $37,400 to the project. |
In April 2022, Council applied for $149,600 through the Floodplain Management Program for the Cootamundra/Gundagai Shire Villages (Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara) Flood Study. In November, Council was advised that the application for the funding had been successful.
The former Gundagai Shire Council completed a Gundagai Flood Scoping Study in 2013, which recommended a sequence of studies to address the flood risks in residential areas within the LGA. Phase one was the Flood Study for the Gundagai township (completed in 2018) and Phase Two was proposed to be the discrete studies of the village areas.
This project consists of two parts;
· An initial development of a wide scale flood study encompassing the entirety of the Murrumbidgee River floodplain within the Cootamundra/Gundagai LGA. This whole of LGA Murrumbidgee modelling will be used to inform the hydraulic modelling for the village studies, and
· the development of individual flood studies for the Villages of Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara.
Council intends to rezone land to provide additional housing opportunities for the villages of Coolac, Nangus and Tumblong, as identified in the Villages Strategy. Council had previously lodged a Planning Proposal to rezone the lands, however received feedback in 2019 that the extent of flood risks on future residential land must be identified before any land in the villages can be rezoned. The completion of this project will inform Council where suitable residential intensification is appropriate and inform the new Local Environmental Plan.
The funding agreement requires that Council commits $37,400 towards the project. The finance department has $200,000 earmarked for projects from NCIF round 1 recognised as a liability, but after investigation it has been discovered that this funding is untied and can be used for other demerger costs. To reduce the liability and close the NCIF round 1, this money will be allocated to other projects that council has already paid for such as Rural Land Strategy, the Local Strategic Planning Statement and the Villages Strategy, and the money will be returned to unrestricted funds that can be used for LEP related studies, including this one over the next few financial years.
13 December 2022 |
381685 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Mark Ellis, Manager Civil Works |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
That the Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of November 2022 be noted. |
The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of November 2022 is submitted for the information of Council and the community.
Fixing Local Roads Projects:
Stage one of the Brawlin Road (Cootamundra) project has now been sealed. This involved the upgrading of 1.1 kilometres of unsealed gravel pavement to sealed standard. Stage 2 of the project will commence in the New Year with replacement culverts followed by upgrading the gravel pavement.
Local Roads & Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program:
The construction of a new footpath along Sutton Street (Cootamundra) between Hurley Street and Muttama Creek is nearing completion.
Installation of the flood warning lights at the Thompson Street (Cootamundra) causeway of Muttuma Creek has been completed. While these warning lights will be activated by the height of water in the creek, they will be more prominent than the existing signs and hopefully give drivers more warning not to drive through the flooded causeway. A second set of lights is also set to be installed at the Poole Street (Cootamundra) causeway. These lights have been funded through the LRCI Program.
Sheridan Street (Gundagai) survey and design has been completed with construction on Block 3 Stage 3 to commence early next year.
State Roads:
Work is underway on pavement rehabilitation on the Olympic Highway (just north of Cootamundra), in the Jindalee straight area. Works at the moment involves removing around 400mm of saturated pavement and replacing with new road base. This work is a slow process due to the need to excavate as well as keeping the road open to traffic, only one lane at time can be done. This portion of the works are expected to be completed in the second week of December. Further works on stabilising failed sections of pavement between Jindalee and Wallendbeen are expected to be underway early December as well.
Cleaning of table drains has now been completed on the Olympic Highway between Cootamundra and Wallendbeen as well as sections both east and west of Wallendbeen on the Burley Griffin Way. This work was approved by Transport for NSW to improve the drainage and thus road pavement.
Survey and services location have been completed on Annie Pyers Drive (Gundagai) intersection with the Hume Highway.
Bridge Renewal Program:
Final inspections have been completed on the Burra Road (Burra) and Brawlin Road (Burra Creek) bridges. Survey, design and fisheries permits have been completed for one bridge on Carrs Road (Darbalara) and two bridges on Lucerndale Road (Tumblong). Construction works have commenced on the first bridge on Lucerndale Road (Tumblong).
Flood Event – 31 October 2022
Crews have been actively trying to repair both damaged bitumen and gravel roads following this flood event. Unfortunately, the continual wet conditions have hindered progress, however, since late November the weather conditions have allowed progress on priority roads.
Numerous roads suffered severe surface damage with bitumen washed away and gravel pavements eroded creating large washes both along and across these roads.
Clean-up around the Cootamundra township and Wallendbeen and Stockinbingal Villages is slowly progressing.
General Works:
Maintenance patching is underway across the whole Local Government Area and again the dryer weather in late November/ early December is slowing the pavement deterioration and assisting with repairs.
Gravel road maintenance has concentrated on those roads damaged by flooding and is now underway on roads which are expected to carry harvest and logging trucks. In the Cootamundra area, grading has occurred on Lismore, Millvale and West Jindalee Roads. In the Gundagai area, grading and resheeting works have occurred on Sandy Falls Road, Mingay Road, Hopewood Road, Stockdale Road and Coonininee Road.
Minor pavement repairs to bitumen roads in the Cootamundra area have been completed including: Rosehill, Jugiong, Cullinga, Old Gundagai, Old Cootamundra, Berthong, Dirnaseer Roads and in the Gundagai area: Darbalara Road, Old Hume Highway, Detroit Road Gobarralong Road, Adjungbilly Road and Nanangroe Road. However, while these repairs have been completed, the condition of some eg Old Cootamundra Road will need major works to follow as a large section of approximately 1.2kms has been identified as needing full pavement rehabilitation.
Hazard reduction slashing has commenced around the Cootamundra township and is expected to move to Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen in early December.
Projects funded from various funding sources, as noted above.
Maintenance works funded from the General Fund.
13 December 2022 |
382873 |
Stephen Targett, Acting Manager Technical Services |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
Roads to Recovery funding of $950,630. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The allocation of the 2022/2023 Roads to Recovery funding of $950,630 be endorsed by council, split between the projects detailed in the body of this report. |
Council is once again allocating the Roads to Recovery (R2R) funding to maintain local and regional roads. This funding typically supplements other funding including Regional Roads REPAIR and Fixing Local Roads projects. This financial year’s funding allocation is $950,630.
At the Ordinary Meeting held 8th December 2020 Council resolved (400/2020) to fund the co-contributions for the FLR program from funds in its Roads to Recovery grants to avoid the co-contributions being taken from Council’s general revenue.
Council has been successful in obtaining approximately $5.5 million in grant funds under the Fixing Local Roads (FLR) program. Council also receives $180,500 each year from the REPAIR program for regional roads, which requires a matching council contribution. Projects approved under these grants have been successful and require a co-contribution from Council. Based on this and other infrastructure needs, the proposed allocations for this financial year are outlined in Table 1.
See Table 1 for proposed allocations.
Table 1 R2R Funding Proposed Allocations
Road Name |
Works Description |
Location |
Council Funds (Roads to Recovery) |
Total Funded Project cost (including R2R) |
West and Punch Street Intersection |
Reconstruction |
Gundagai |
$ 180,500.00 |
$ 361,000.00 |
Darbalara Road |
Pavement Rehabilitation |
Darbalara |
$ 150,078.00 |
$ 150,078.00 |
Threeways Road |
Heavy Patching |
Adjungbilly |
$ 86,052.00 |
$ 304,922.00 |
Regional Roads |
Heavy Patching |
Varies |
$ 100,000.00 |
$ 992,000.00 |
Cooper Lane |
Reconstruction |
Cootamundra |
$ 100,000.00 |
$ 387,500.00 |
Warralong Road |
Reconstruction |
Cootamundra |
$ 100,000.00 |
$ 287,500.00 |
Brawlin Springs Road |
Reconstruction (Stage 1) |
Burra Creek |
$ 70,000.00 |
$ 227,500.00 |
Brawlin Springs Road |
Reconstruction (Stage 2) |
Burra Creek |
$ 28,500.00 |
$ 330,000.00 |
French Street |
Reconstruction |
Cootamundra |
$ 30,000.00 |
$ 217,500.00 |
Salt Clay Lane |
Reconstruction |
Cootamundra |
$ 75,000.00 |
$ 300,000.00 |
Old Gundagai Road |
Reconstruction |
Cootamundra |
$ 30,500.00 |
$ 305,000.00 |
Total |
$950,630 |
The R2R budget is allocated from within Council’s capital budget for the Civil Works and Technical Services areas, with each geographical area receiving the same funds. An adjustment is made from the general fund, for the full R2R funding amount, to balance this.
13 December 2022 |
382875 |
Stephen Targett, Acting Manager Technical Services |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. Council review the Crown Road closures proposed by Crown Lands NSW. 2. Council endorse the commencement of a Crown Lands transfer, for the identified portion of Mantons Road, currently maintained by council. |
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council area has a significant number of roads, identified as Crown Roads, which Council currently maintains and even more that remain unmaintained. Council is working with Crown Lands NSW to reconcile these issues by transferring the ownership of the Crown Road to Council or sale of the Crown Road. Three roads in the Adjungbilly area have been proposed for sale by Crown Lands NSW. Council is proposing to Transfer the portion of crown lands currently maintained to Council’s control, based on a number of Development Applications (DAs) in this area.
Three crown roads, which are not currently maintained by council have been identified for sale and closure. These are located in the Adjungbilly area, adjacent to Three Ways Road and are shown in Figure 1, below.
Figure 1 – Proposed Crown Road closures
The proposal will be advertised in the Gundagai Independent on 6th December 2022 and a copy of the proposed advertisement is identified in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Crown Roads newspaper advertisement
Manton Road is currently maintained, in part, by council and in part by private owners under right of carriageways (ROCs). The entrance of Burra Road is shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3 Mantons Road entrance of Burra Road
Crown Roads NSW holds control of the portion of road maintained by council. This includes 1.48km of road as shown in Figure 4, identifying the Crown land being transferred and Figure 5, identifying the full extent of Crown Land.
The crown land past the initial 1.48km distance, does not align with the road location. This is maintained by private landowners due to a right of carriageway, established for the rural residential subdivision.
Figure 6 is satellite imagery identifying the length of road to be transferred (1.48km) while Figure 7 is satellite imagery identifying the full road length totalling 4.26km.
Figure 4 Mantons Road, Crown Land being Transferred
Figure 5 Mantons Road, Extent of Crown Land Ownership
Figure 6 Mantons Road visual transfer area
Figure 7 Mantons Road, Full Road Length
The extension of this road has two active DAs in process. Alongside the DA process, it is proposed that a Crown Lands transfer process is commenced to ensure the property owners have legal access to the properties.
The crown lands transfer process involves the following:
· Demonstrating council has undertaken maintenance on the asset
· Notifying adjoining landowners and obtaining letters of consent from each adjacent landowner.
· Preparing and submitting transfer application.
By transferring ownership council will now have the obligation to maintain this asset and the associated costs. Given council is maintaining this asset currently, no additional negative financial impact is anticipated.
13 December 2022 |
382878 |
Stephen Targett, Acting Manager Technical Services |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
Fixing Local Roads pothole repair funding of $473,892.81. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council endorses acceptance of the Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair funding deed totalling $473,892.81. |
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council applied for funding under the $50 million dollar, Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair Round and was successful. This funding can be used to repair potholes on both local and regional roads.
Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) funds a significant portion of our capital works on the local road network, through grant programs including the Fixing Local Roads program. The Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair program is the first pothole specific funding grant that has been provided through the NSW government. Council applied for funding via the Smarty Grants funding portal and was successful.
The total funding of $50 million is being distributed through the 94 successful councils, based on the length of each council’s road network. Steph Cooke MP, correctly indicated, “these grants are a rapid injection of cash to help councils get on with the job of repairing potholes to get us through the wet summer ahead.”
This funding will be utilised across all roads in the council area, using the internal and contract emulsion sealing trucks along with hand cold mix and gravel patching.
Council staff appreciate the efforts of Steph Cooke MP, the Mayor and Councillors in supporting the application.
Council was awarded a total of $473,892.81 and has received a funding deed for that amount.
13 December 2022 |
382881 |
Stephen Targett, Acting Manager Technical Services |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
Positive funding of $1 million provided by TfNSW towards the project. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council endorse acceptance of the Annie Pyers Drive funding deed totalling $1 million dollars. |
The Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, The Hon. Sam Farraway MC, has informed Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) that the NSW Government will provide Council with $1 million to upgrade Annie Pyers Drive, at Gundagai.
This project was funded as part of the 2022/23 Rural and Regional Roads Fund and will go towards improving the current road surface, commencing at the southern entrance off the Hume Highway and working towards the Dog on the Tuckerbox.
Annie Pyers Drive is currently in poor condition due to significant damage from drainage flow of the hume highway, wet weather, and mass heavy vehicle traffic. It has been subject to ongoing negotiations between Council and Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) over maintenance and upkeep. Annie Pyers Drive is the entry and exit point to the Dog on the Tuckerbox precinct and service centre located on the Hume Highway.
Council is actively working with Transport for New South Wales to ensure geotechnical investigations, civil and pavement designs are undertaken ready for the reconstruction. The funding deed allows for work in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 financial years.
The NSW government will provide council with $1 million towards the upgrade of Annie Pyers Drive from the Rural and Regional Roads Fund.
13 December 2022 |
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
13 December 2022 |
382560 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
The Questions with Notice from Councillors and related responses from Council officers be noted. |
Questions with Notice
The following questions with notice from Councillors have been received with the responses from Council officers provided respectively:
Cr Abb McAlister – I would like to discuss the construction of the new helipad intended for Gundagai. |
Response from Deputy General Manager - Operations – SES has secured local contractors and materials to construct the helipad at no cost to council. The proposed site is owned by Crown land and the normal legislative process will apply. |
Cr Les Boyd – What can council do about some of the mess accumulating on the verges of some properties in Cootamundra. Old cars etc one area is the northern end of Hovell street. |
Response from Acting Deputy General Manager – Certainly Council can take action against residents for blocking walkways and for also standing motor vehicles on the footpath, usually this parking issue would be dealt with by Police, but we can instigate proceedings. In most circumstances Council relies on complaints about these issues rather than actively pursuing the matters with a complainant. In this instance I have taken Councillors Boyd’s query as a complaint and our Ranger has taken steps to advise residents to remove vehicles etc from the footpath. |
13 December 2022 |
382598 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Les McMahon, Interim General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To facilitate compliance with sections 10 and 11 of the Local Government Act 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows members of the public present to indicate whether they wish to make representations to the meeting, before it is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting dealing with any or all of the matters listed should be closed.