Business Paper
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6:00 PM, Tuesday 23rd February, 2021
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
23 February 2021 |
The Mayor & Councillors
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420
Cootamundra NSW 2590
An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra on:
Tuesday, 23rd February, 2021 at 6:00 PM
The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.
Phillip McMurray
General Manager
Live Streaming of Meetings
This meeting is streamed live via the internet and an audio-visual recording of the meeting will be publicly available on Council's website.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
23 February 2021 |
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 27 January 2021
5.2 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 3 February 2021
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement
8.1.2 Delivery Program and Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report
8.1.3 Tumorrama Brigade Station Establishment
8.1.4 The 2021 National General Assembly to be Held 20-23 June, 2021
8.1.5 Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.1.6 The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.1.7 Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.1.8 Updated Council Meeting Action Report
8.2.1 Presentation of Audited Financial Statements
8.2.2 December 2020 Quarterly Budget Review Statement
8.2.3 Monthly Finance Report for January 2021
8.2.4 Investment Report - January 2020
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Applications Approved January 2021
8.5.1 Regulatory Section Activities 2020
8.5.2 Regulatory Section Activities January 2021
8.6.1 Road Assets Condition Assessment and Valuation
8.7.1 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - February 2021
8.7.2 Proposed Street Names for the Boundary Road Subdivision Development Cootamundra
8.9.1 Otway Street and Sheridan Street Gundagai Intersection Upgrade and Tree Removal
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
8.10.1 Replacement of the Salt Cells Cootamundra Aquatic Centre
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
11.2 RFQ Asphalt Works Sheridan and West Street Intersection
11.3 Resumption of Open Council Meeting
11.4 Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions
Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.
23 February 2021 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 27 January 2021
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 27 January 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
6:00 PM, Wednesday 27TH JANUARY, 2021
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
27 January 2021 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Chambers, Gundagai
ON Wednesday, 27
January 2021 AT 6:00 PM
PRESENT: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Craig Stewart
IN ATTENDANCE: Phil McMurray (General Manager), Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager), Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy (Manager Assets), Sharon Langman (Manager Development, Building and Compliance), Andrew Brock (Manager Facilities), Tim Swan (Manager Finance), Glen McAtear (Manager Regulatory Services), Matt Stubbs (Manager Technical Services)
1 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
Resolution 001/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan Council adjourn for Open Forum. Carried |
2 Open Forum
List of Speakers
1. Rupert Tait – Submitted correspondence suggesting improvements at Bradman Oval (read aloud)
2. Chris Imrie - Made representations on behalf of his client who is the applicant for of 8.4.1 Development Application 2020/176 - 8 Chamen Street, Cootamundra - Variation to Development Control Plan.
Resolution 002/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden Council resume the Open Meeting. Carried |
3 Apologies
4 Disclosures of Interest
Cr David Graham disclosed a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in item 8.9.1 Gundagai Preschool Kindergarted Inc. and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council - Memorandum of Understanding due to being the former owner of the block of land purchased out of grant funding money for use of the Gundagai Preschool and Kindergarten Inc. development.
5 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Thursday 3 December 2020 |
Resolution 003/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Thursday 3 December 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
5.2 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 8 December 2020 |
Resolution 004/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 8 December 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
6 Mayoral Minutes
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement |
Resolution 005/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. Carried |
7 Reports from Committees
8 General Manager’s Report
8.1 Business
8.1.1 Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils Report |
Resolution 006/2021 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. The Minutes of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils Board Meeting and the Minutes of the Riverina Joint Organisation Board Meeting held 11th December, 2020 be noted. 2. The Riverina Joint Organisation Annual Performance Statement 2020, to be tabled at the January 2021 Ordinary Meeting be accepted. Carried |
8.1.2 Australian Local Government Womens Association Women's Forum |
Resolution 007/2021 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The Report on the Australian Local Government Women’s Association Women’s Forum, and correspondence attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council endorse a Women’s Forum conducted by Australian Local Government Women’s Association in Gundagai to be held 11th April, 2021. 3. The Mayor attend the Australian Local Government Women’s Association Women’s Forum and perform an official Welcome. 4. Council make representation to the Minister for Local Govern requesting funding to host the Australian Local Government Women’s Association Women’s Forum in Gundagai. Carried |
8.1.3 Section 355 Committee Management Manual Amendment |
Resolution 008/2021 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart 1. The Manual be amended to reflect that a Councillor holding full membership on an s355 Committee must disclose any conflicts of interest for any item that comes to an Ordinary Meeting of Council requiring a resolution. 2. Council endorse the amended Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Section 355 Committee Management Manual, with the inclusion of 1 above. 3. An updated copy of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Section 355 Committee Management Manual, attached to the report, with cover letter be forwarded to all Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Section 355 Committees. Carried |
8.1.4 The Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes and Membership |
Resolution 009/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan 1. The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 2 November, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Annual General Meeting held on 2 November, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 3. The letter from the Cootamundra Heritage Centre supporting Councillor Stewart’s membership, attached to the report, be received and noted. 4. The office bearers of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee as detailed in the report, be endorsed for 2021. 5. Council write to the Heritage Centre advising of Council resolution of Cr Stewart Carried |
8.1.5 Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes and Membership |
Resolution 010/2021 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan 1. The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 9 December, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Annual General Meeting held on 25 November, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 3. The office bearers and membership of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee as detailed in the report, be endorsed. Carried |
8.1.6 Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes and Membership |
Resolution 011/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. The Minutes of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 18 November 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The Minutes of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee Annual General Meeting held on 18 November 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 3. The office bearers of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee as detailed in the report, be endorsed. Carried |
8.1.7 Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 012/2021 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart 1. The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee meeting held on 3 December 2020, attached to the report be received and noted. 2. Council consider the recommendations contained within the Minutes. Carried |
8.1.8 Information Bulletin |
Resolution 013/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. The Information Bulletin and attached correspondence be received and noted. 2. Correspondence be sent to Dallas Tout (President NSW Public Libraries Association) in relation to ensuring that the future sustainability of library funding is safe beyond the existing funding increase for the next four years, through the Renew Our Libraries Campaign, for merged councils with two libraries that only receive a single funding allocation. Carried |
8.2 Finance
8.2.1 Draft Local Government Amendment (Rating) Bill 2021 |
Resolution 014/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. The Report on the Draft Bill on Local Government Rating Reform and correspondence from the Office of Local Government, attached to the report be received and noted. 2. Council respond to each item in terms of the Consultation Guide. 3. These responses be conveyed to the Minister. Carried |
8.2.2 Investment Report - December 2020 |
Resolution 015/2021 Moved: Cr Craig Stewart Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Investment Report for December 2020 be received and noted. Carried |
8.3 Community and Culture
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Application 2020/176 - 8 Chamen Street, Cootamundra - Variation to Development Control Plan |
Resolution 016/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer That Council approve DA2020/176 for the construction of an addition to the shed at Lot 5 DP10285, 8 Chamen Street Cootamundra subject to the following: Standard conditions for the construction of a residential garage as included in Council’s standard condition set; with the addition of the following specific conditions:
1. the development, including all services, be fully contained within the allotment and Council be provided with a surveyor’s report upon peg out of the development and upon completion to demonstrate compliance.
2. to ensure the amenity of the neighbourhood is maintained the building be clad in non-reflective metal material, the details of which shall be submitted to Council prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate.
3. Prior to the issue of a Construction Certificate the applicant shall provide details to Council, and receive approval, demonstrating that the stormwater system for the existing shed is capable of dealing with the cumulative water from the existing building and the proposed development.
8.4.2 Development Applications Approved December 2020 |
Resolution 017/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The information on Development Applications Approved in December, 2020 be noted. Carried |
8.5 Regulatory Services
8.6 Assets
8.6.1 Construction of Gundagai Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works Progress Report |
Resolution 018/2021 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr David Graham The Construction of the Gundagai Sewage Treatment Plant and Associated Works Progress Report and the Gundagai Sewerage Augmentation Construction of 3000EP Wastewater Treatment Plant and Associated Works Progress Report dated 15th January 2021, attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.6.2 Adoption Of Cootamundra Flood Study |
Resolution 019/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. The Report on the Cootamundra Flood Study be received and noted. 2. The Cootamundra Flood Study, attached to the report, be adopted with the minor amendments as detailed in the report. Carried |
8.7 Civil Works
8.7.1 Aerodrome Advisory Committee |
Resolution 020/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly 1. The Report on the Proposed Aerodrome Advisory Committee be received and noted. 2. Council appoint a Representative to sit on the Proposed Aerodrome Advisory Committee. 3. Cr Sheahan be appointed as the Council representative on the Proposed Aerodrome Advisory Committee and the committee be notified accordingly. Carried |
8.7.2 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - January 2021 |
Resolution 021/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of January 2021 be received. Carried |
8.8 Technical Services
8.9 Facilities
8.9.1 Gundagai Preschool Kindergarted Inc. and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council - Memorandum of Understanding |
Note: Having disclosed a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in this item Cr Graham left the meeting. |
Resolution 022/2021 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan Council endorse the Gundagai Preschool Kindergarten and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Memorandum of Understanding 2020. Carried |
8.9.2 Bradman Birthplace Rejuvenation |
Resolution 023/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden Council endorse the allocation of funds for Rejuvenation works and additional souvenirs at the Bradman Cottage site to be funded through the Bradman Reserves Carried |
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9.1 Notice of Motion - To Arrange a Meeting Between Council, the NSW Premier, the Minister for Local Government and the Member for Cootamundra to Discuss the Proposed Special Rate Variation Application being Prepared to be Submitted to IPART for Consideration |
Resolution 024/2021 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. That Council, as a matter of urgency, seek an appointment with the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Shelley Hancock, NSW Premier, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian and Member for Cootamundra, Ms Steph Cooke, MP to advise them that: I. Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council is preparing an application for a Special Rate Variation for consideration by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) to address the serious financial situation Council finds itself in as a result of the 2016 amalgamation; and II. To request the NSW State Government give financial support to Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council to prevent the adverse impact that the rate increases are likely to have on many members of its community. 2. That Representatives of Council travel to Sydney on 9th February, 2021, at their expense, to attend the meetings should an audience be granted. Carried |
9.2 Notice of Motion - To Make Representation to Australian Community Media to Recommence the Printing of the Cootamundra Herald as Soon as Practically Possible. |
Resolution 025/2021 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden That Representation be made to Australian Community Media for the resumption of the printing of a hard copy of the Cootamundra Herald to occur as soon as practicably possible. Carried |
10 Questions with Notice
10.1 Questions With Notice - January 2021 |
Resolution 026/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Questions with Notice from Councillors and related responses from Council officers be noted. Carried |
8.2.3 Monthly Finance Report for December 2020 |
Resolution 027/2021 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden The Finance Report for December 2020 be received and noted. Carried |
11 Confidential Items
11.1 Closed Council Reports |
Resolution 028/2021 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart 1. Items 11.2 and 11.3 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed. 2. In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Items 11.2 and 11.3 be withheld from the press and public. 11.2 Skid Steer Loader Request For Quotation Provisions for Confidentiality Section 10A (2) (d(i)) – The Confidential Report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Public Interest It is considered that discussions of this matter in open Council would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it would prejudice Council's ability to secure optimum outcome for the community. 11.3 Replacement of Tractor for Stabiliser - Plant 4001 Provisions for Confidentiality Section 10A (2) (d(i)) – The Confidential Report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it. Public Interest It is considered that discussions of this matter in open Council would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it would prejudice Council's ability to secure optimum outcome for the community.
Carried |
11.2 Skid Steer Loader Request For Quotation |
Resolution 029/2021 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. The report for the purchase of a Skid Steer Loader for the Cootamundra Landfill be received and noted. 2. The quotation received by Kubota Australia Pty Ltd for $94,950.90 (Ex GST) for the purchase of a Skid Steer Loader be accepted. Carried |
11.3 Replacement of Tractor for Stabiliser - Plant 4001 |
Resolution 030/2021 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The Report for the replacement of 2011 John Deere 8335R Tractor, Plant No 4001 be received and noted. 2. The quotation received from JGW Harvest & Tillage Support of $361,727.27 (Ex GST) for the purchase of a 2020 Fendt 942 G6 Pro Tractor be accepted. 3. The trade in offer of $106,000.00 (Ex GST) received from JGW Harvest & Tillage Support for the 2011 John Deere 8335R Tractor, Plant No 4001 be accepted. Carried |
11.4 Resumption of Open Council Meeting
Resolution 031/2021 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly The Open Council meeting resume. Carried |
11.5 Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions
Note: The General Manager announced the resolutions made in Closed Council.
The Meeting closed at 7:55 pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 23 February 2021.
................................................... ...................................................
23 February 2021 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 3 February 2021
The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 3 February 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Minutes Extraordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz meeting Centre, Cootamundra
11:00AM, Wednesday 3RD FEBRUARY, 2021
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
3 February 2021 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Extraordinary Council
Schultz meeting Centre, Cootamundra , Council Chambers, Gundagai
ON Wednesday, 3
February 2021 AT 11:00AM
PRESENT: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan
IN ATTENDANCE: Phil McMurray (General Manager), Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager) and Tim Swan (Manager Finance)
1 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
2 Open Forum
Open Forum was not held
3 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson and Cr Craig Stewart and leave of absence was granted.
4 Disclosures of Interest
No disclosures of interest were declared.
acceptance late report
Resolution 030/2021 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer Council accept Application for Special Rate Variation 2021- Supplementary
Carried |
5 General Manager’s Report
5.1 Finance
5.1.2 Application for Special Rate Variation 2021 - Supplementary |
Resolution 031/2021 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. Council consider this report in conjunction with item 5.1.1 Application for Special Rate Variation 2021. 2. The following recommendation be considered as an alternative to 4. That, reflective of community feedback detailed in the report, IPART consider a mechanism for a review process to be undertaken in 12 months’ time following a determination of the Minister for Local Government in response to a proposal to demerge Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC), without either CGRC or demerged Gundagai and Cootamundra Councils having to undergo another costly and emotionally challenging full SRV application process. in item 5.1.1 Application for Special Rate Variation: 4. That in response to strong community preference IPART considers using its powers under s508A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) to add a condition to the approval instrument requiring Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council to re-engaged with the community through a postal survey proximate to May, 2022. This request respects the community’s wishes to retain a voice after Council has demonstrated efficiencies and after the Minister has provided advice of the Boundary Commission’s decision. The community has made it very clear that they desire a further consultation, however, that they want to avoid the high pecuniary and emotional costs of a further full SRV application. A postal survey therefore appears to be the most efficient way to satisfy the community’s wishes. With the proposed survey as detailed below: Now that the community has been able to see the changes to efficiency as well as the outcomes of the Minister’s boundary decision, to maintain the optimum level of service to the community, Council needs to pass on the remaining three years of proposed rate increases as per the 2021 approved Special Rate Variation proposal and instrument. Do you agree that this must be done? ¨¨ Yes, Council must pass on the remaining three years of SRV rate increases as approved in the IPART instrument to ensure that service levels are maintained and council remains sustainable. ¨¨ No, Council must not pass on the remaining three years of the SRV rate increases as approved by the IPART instrument. I understand that this may mean that Council has to conduct a new costly Special Rate Variation, or that this might place Council solvency in jeopardy. Carried |
5.1.1 Application for Special Rate Variation 2021 |
Resolution 032/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. That the Addendum to 2018-2021 Delivery Program and Long Term Financial Plan for 2020/21 to 2029/30 be adopted with incorporation of amendments arising from community consultation. 2. Council adopt the Rates and Financial Charges Hardship Policy and Debt Recovery policy as presented to the December 2020 meeting of Council. 3. Council make application to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) under Section 508(A) of the Local Government Act, 1993 to be permanently included in the rate base, of successive rate increases of 20%, 16%, 5% and 5%, commencing in 2021/22, amounting to a cumulative 53.5% increase over four years. 4. That in response to strong community preference the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) considers using its powers under s508A(4) of the Local Government Act, 1993 (the Act) to add a condition to the approval instrument requiring Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council to re-engaged with the community through a postal survey proximate to May, 2022. This request respects the community’s wishes to retain a voice after Council has demonstrated efficiencies and after the Minister has provided advice of the Boundary Commission’s decision. The community has made it very clear that they desire a further consultation, however, that they want to avoid the high pecuniary and emotional costs of a further full SRV application. A postal survey therefore appears to be the most efficient way to satisfy the community’s wishes. With the proposed survey as detailed below: Now that the community has been able to see the changes to efficiency as well as the outcomes of the Minister’s boundary decision, to maintain the optimum level of service to the community, Council needs to pass on the remaining three years of proposed rate increases as per the 2021 approved Special Rate Variation proposal and instrument. Do you agree that this must be done? ¨¨ Yes, Council must pass on the remaining three years of SRV rate increases as approved in the IPART instrument to ensure that service levels are maintained and council remains sustainable. ¨¨ No, Council must not pass on the remaining three years of the SRV rate increases as approved by the IPART instrument. I understand that this may mean that Council has to conduct a new costly Special Rate Variation, or that this might place Council solvency in jeopardy.
5. Council note the conclusion of community engagement on the proposal and acknowledge the community’s contribution in developing the final application. 6. Council, through the General Manager and Management, continue to pursue operational efficiencies and savings through continuing implementation of regular service reviews and those efficiencies and savings be reported to Council on a quarterly basis. 7. A further report be submitted to Council following notification being received on IPART’s determination of Council’s Special Rate Variation application. Carried |
Resolution 033/2021 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. Council seek confirmation of the attendance of the Premier and Minister for Local Government at the requested meeting with Council and Member for Cootamundra in Sydney on 9th February, 2021. 2. Council invite Jodi McKay and Greg Warren to attend the proposed meeting in Sydney 9th February, 2021 with Premier, Minister for Local Government and Member for Cootamundra.
The Meeting closed at 11:53am.
The Minutes of this Meeting were confirmed at the Council Meeting held on 23 February 2021.
................................................... ...................................................
23 February 2021 |
5.3 Minutes of the Cootamundra Aerodrome Users Advisory Group Meeting held on Wednesday 10 February 2021
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Cootamundra Aerodrome Users Advisory Group Meeting held on Wednesday 10 February 2021
The Minutes of the Cootamundra Aerodrome Users Advisory Group Meeting held on Wednesday 10 February 2021 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
Type text here
Minutes Aerodrome Advisory Committee Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
09:30am, Wednesday 10th February, 2021
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Aerodrome Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes |
10 February 2021 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Aerodrome Advisory
Committee Meeting
Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
ON Wednesday, 10
February 2021 AT 09:30am
PRESENT: Cr Charlie Sheahan (Chairman), Clinton McKenzie, John Fleming, Paul Roberts
IN ATTENDANCE: CGRC Staff: Mark Ellis, Andrew Brock, Madlin Snell, Darren Thompson
1 Apologies
Ben Morgan
As this was the first Committee meeting, comment was asked of the participants in regards to the aerodrome use: The following is a summary of those comments:
· Shortage of Hangar space and parking is seen as an issue. Consideration should be placed on investigating more areas for potential blocks for development and sale to potential buyers.
· Development of a covered Plane port for lease to plane owners.
· Development of area for housing with hangar access.
· Availability of area for free camping inside aerodrome precedent.
· Car events seen as great way of additional aerodrome usage. Noted some issues with pilots and not adhering to NOTAM instructions.
2 Reports
2.1 Annual Aerodrome User Fees |
Recommendation For the Committee’s discussion. The issue of fees was discussed. Landing fees had been quashed as this would deter potential visitors and events. Consideration of an annual Recreational fee was viewed favourably. Somewhere in the order of $250.00 per year would seem reasonable, however all such recreational users would need to contribute. An annual commercial fee should also be investigated. It was suggested that Council seek a small increase in the percentage of fuel sold at the aerodrome by AeroRefullers. |
2.2 Dates for Future Aerodrome Advisory Committee Meetings |
Recommendation That the dates for the 2021 Aerodrome Advisory Committee Meetings be scheduled on a quarterly basis being the second Wednesday: May, August and November.
· The recent Southern Cross Glider event during January seen approximately $40,000.00 injected into the area, or $1450.00 per person. Council offered the Aerodrome for a reduced fee of $558 for this event due to its positive impact on the town.
· Council write to the owners of the discarded/ unused planes parked on the grassed parking area seeking reasons for them being parked there. Should no substantial reason be given, they then be given 28 days to be removed or Council will arrange for their disposal through public advertisement.
· The Airsock needs maintenance as it currently jams and does not correctly indicate the wind direction.
· Consideration be given to having the Terminal building available for pilots - this could create another chore for Council staff in cleaning the building on a regular basis. Will wait to see if a formal request comes in.
The Meeting closed at 10:35am.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Meeting held on 23 February 2021.
................................................... ...................................................
23 February 2021 |
343830 |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Abb McAlister, Mayor |
Nil |
So as to keep Councillors and the community aware of my engagements on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes.
The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. |
27th January, 2021
Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr’s Bowden, Graham, Nicholson, Sheahan and I attended a Councillor Workshop with Phillip McMurray (General Manager) and Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager)
1st February, 2021
Cr Sheahan Attended an Adina Care Board meeting.
2nd February, 2021
Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor) and I attended a waste meeting at Bald Hill with Phillip McMurray (General Manager).
Cr Stewart attended a Cootamundra Heritage Centre meeting.
3rd, February, 2021
Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr’s Bowden, Graham, Nicholson, Phillips, Sheahan and I attended an Extraordinary Meeting of Council with Phillip McMurray (General Manager) and Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager).
5th February, 2021
Cr Bowden attended a meeting with Member for Riverina, Ms Steph Cooke MP, in relation to the Coota Co-op.
6th and 7th February, 2021
I attended the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre for the Southern Swimming Lifesaving Club’s hosting of the Long Course Championships
7th February, 2021
In my stead, Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor) attended the Annual General Meeting of the Returned Services League Cootamundra Sub-Branch.
9th February, 2021
Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr’s Bowden, Graham, Nicholson, Sheahan and I attended Parliament House in Sydney with Phillip McMurray (General Manager) to hold meetings with the following Ministers:
· Minster for Local Government, the Hon. Shelley Hancock, MP,
· Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, the Hon. John Barilaro, MP,
· Member for Riverina, Ms Steph Cooke, MP,
· Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism, Ms Jodi McKay, MP,
· Shadow Minister for Local Government, Mr Greg Warren, MP, and
· Shadow Minister for Trade, Rural Roads, Rural Affairs and Western Sydney, the Hon. Michael Veitch, MLC.
10th February, 2021
I attended EA Southee Public School and inducted the 2021 School Captain and Student Leaders.
Cr Nicholson attended a joint meeting with Gundagai Region Enhancement Group and Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committees.
Cr Sheahan attended a Cootamundra Aerodrome Users Advisory Group meeting.
11th February, 2021
Cr Sheahan attended a Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Advisory Committee meeting.
12th February, 2021
I attended a Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Council Meeting in Wagga Wagga.
13th February, 2021
Cr Bowden attended an Australian Local Government Women’s Association Executive Meeting in Penrith.
16th February, 2021
Cr Bowden attended the Arts Centre Cootamundra Planning Day.
17th February, 2021
Cr Bowden attended a Coota Co-op Steering Group Meeting.
18th February, 2021
Cr Bowden, Sheahan and I attended an Inland Rail meeting where representatives from Inland Rail provided an update on the Stockinbingal section of the construction of the inland rail line.
Cr Bowden attended the Arts Centre Cootamundra s355 Committee meeting.
22nd February, 2021
23 February 2021 |
7.1 Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 11 February 2021
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 11 February 2021 ⇩ |
1. The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 11 February, 2021, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council consider the recommendations, if any, contained within the Minutes. |
The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 11 February, 2021 are submitted for the information of Council.
2.2 Pedestrian Crossings
That a Ministerial exemption be requested through Member for Cootamundra, Ms Steph Cooke, MP to vary the warrants for controlled crossings so that road crossings suitable for disabled pedestrians can cross Sheridan Street, Gundagai and Hovell Street, Cootamundra in the vicinity of the Railway Station.
Transport for NSW recommended the addition of High Pedestrian Access Area signs to the existing 40kph signs plus the installation of some repeater signs within the 40kph pedestrian zone.
2.3 A-Double Access to Manildra Grain Site Lewins Lane Stockinbingal
1. To Contact and register with Transport for NSW that Council and NSW Police have significant concerns regarding the proposed turning of A-Doubles onto the Burley Griffin Way. These concerns relate to the speed difference in relation to traffic on the Burley Griffin Way when approaching a slow-moving A-Double. Issue would be complicated by reduction in visibility due wet and foggy conditions and sun glare.
2. That consideration should also be given to additional warning signage.
2.4 Wallendbeen Service Station Facility
That the conditions recommended by the Roads & Maritime Services for access and egress to the new Service Station at Wallendbeen as per the Development Consent be noted.
However, the Committee had reservations regarding the proposed traffic movements negotiating the roundabout and median strips when either entering or exiting the service station and suggested that Transport for NSW should reconsider aspects of the proposal.
Potential for seeking reduction of speed to 50kph on the Olympic Highway and Burley Griffin Way through Wallendbeen.
2.7 2021 Cootamundra Anzac Day Parade
That approval be given for the Cootamundra Returned and Services League to hold the 2021 ANZAC Day March subject to the following conditions:
(a) The event organiser complies with any conditions set by Council and the NSW Police,
(b) That all Traffic Control Plans are applied in accordance with the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites Manual’,
(c) All Traffic controllers must have appropriate traffic control tickets,
(d) Council will arrange for the placement and removal of all road barriers,
(e) A COVID-19 safe plan shall be provided by the organiser, which meets NSW Health requirements,
(f) That the wording on the insurance policy be amended to Transport for NSW and not RMS.
2.8 Haycarters Race
That approval (Road Occupancy Licence) be given for the Cootamundra Cycle Club to hold the Haycarters Cycle race on Saturday, 15 May 2021 and the Annual Classic on Sunday, 16 May 2021, subject to the following conditions:
(a) The event organiser complies with any conditions set by Council and the NSW Police,
(b) That all Traffic Control Plans for the Haycarters Race and Annual Classic are applied in accordance with the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites Manual’,
(c) All traffic controllers must have appropriate traffic control tickets,
(d) All riders must comply with the Road Licence requirements,
(e) Signage being placed at all driveways to warn motorists when exiting private property onto the Council road,
(f) That consent be received from both Junee and Temora Councils for the event to be held in their municipalities,
(g) That updated Certificate of Currency be received as soon as possible,
(h) The event organiser has a COVID Safe Plan prepared for the event, which meets NSW Health requirements.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
23 February 2021 |
Minutes Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
10:00am, Thursday 11th February, 2021
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes |
11 February 2021 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Local Traffic Committee Meeting
Chambers, Gundagai
ON Thursday, 11
February 2021 AT 10:00am
PRESENT: Cr Charlie Sheahan, Manager Technical Services Matt Stubbs, RMS Fazlul Hoque, Local Electorate Representative - Gwen Norman, NSW Police Acting Sergeant Paul Kemp
IN ATTENDANCE: Anthony Carroll (Road Safety Officer), Mark Ellis (Manager Civil Works)
1 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
2 Apologies
Senior Constable Gregory Tarbit (NSW Police) and General Manager Phil McMurray
3 Disclosures of Interest
· Parker Street - One Way Street:
Concept drawing being prepared. Episodes of Traffic congestion were noted.
· First Avenue - One Way Street:
Implemented and appears to be running smoothly.
· Wallendoon Street - Change to the Give Way signs:
VMS Boards displayed changes prior to the change in traffic control arrangements. There was some observed hesitation from road users about new arrangements but situation appears settled.
· West Street, Nangus Road, Gundagai:
The Stop sign has been changed to a Give Way sign.
· Viewing Areas for Agricultural Scenery:
Some sites have been nominated. Dedicated viewing areas will need consultation with RFS, school bus operators and land owners as part of their selection. The evolving planting/ sowing of canola crops needs to be accounted to. The illegal and often dangerous parking of tourists with Canola Crops was noted.
· 2.3 Disabled Parking - Cootamundra Ex-servicemen’s and Citizens Memorial Club:
Council wrote to the Club informing them of the cost and possible alternative designs. The Ex-Servicemen’s Club Committee will discuss the alternatives and determine a course of action.
· 2.7 EA Southee School:
Signs are being moved for the shortening of the bus bays.
· 2.8 Salt Clay /Olympic Highway Intersection:
Transport for NSW will not extend the speed zone to the intersection. Driver education campaign to be investigated for turn off rules into Salt Clay Road (perhaps a turning traffic ahead sign). Illegal and dangerous parking in the area was noted especially for “trainspotters”.
· 2.11 Speed Zone Adjustments:
Three speed zones reviews need to be submitted for Council to the Customer Service of Transport for NSW : Tumblong Tavern precinct; Temora Street, Cootamundra; Wallendbeen township.
· 7.0 General Business:
Parking pad for Highway Patrol Vehicles. Stationary vehicle sites need to be audited and the resistance to fire needs to be noted so patrol vehicles do not set fire to grass. Speeding through the village was noted with some high speeds noted. Could NSW Police nominate some sites that Council could assist in establishing?
5 Reports
2.1 New Safety Measures introduced for State Highways Transport for NSW (TfNSW) has begun the roll-out of Audio Tactile markings and wide centre line markings on the Olympic Highway and Burley Griffin Way. |
Recommendation That the information be noted. |
2.2 Pedestrian Crossings |
Recommendation That a Ministerial exemption be requested through Member for Cootamundra, Ms Steph Cooke, MP to vary the warrants for controlled crossings so that road crossings suitable for disabled pedestrians can cross Sheridan Street, Gundagai and Hovell Street, Cootamundra in the vicinity of the Railway Station. Transport for NSW recommended the addition of High Pedestrian Access Area signs to the existing 40kph signs plus the installation of some repeater signs within the 40kph pedestrian zone. |
2.3 A-Double Access to Manildra Grain Site Lewins Lane Stockinbingal |
Recommendation 1. To Contact and register with Transport for NSW that Council and NSW Police have significant concerns regarding the proposed turning of A-Doubles onto the Burley Griffin Way. These concerns relate to the speed difference in relation to traffic on the Burley Griffin Way when approaching a slow-moving A-Double. Issue would be complicated by reduction in visibility due wet and foggy conditions and sun glare. 2. That consideration should also be given to additional warning signage. |
2.4 Wallendbeen Service Station Facility |
Recommendation That the conditions recommended by the Roads & Maritime Services for access and egress to the new Service Station at Wallendbeen as per the Development Consent be noted. However, the Committee had reservations regarding the proposed traffic movements negotiating the roundabout and median strips when either entering or exiting the service station and suggested that Transport for NSW should reconsider aspects of the proposal. Potential for seeking reduction of speed to 50kph on the Olympic Highway and Burley Griffin Way through Wallendbeen. |
2.5 Pedestrian and Mobility Plan (PAMPS) |
Recommendation For the Committee’s consideration noting the additional plans for Nangus, Wallendbeen and Gundagai that are being prepared and be added to the final Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council PAMPS Plan. |
2.6 Cootamundra Town Event Signage |
Recommendation 1. That the signage be approved at: · The corner of Stratton Court and Olympic Highway, and · The Olympic Highway 50m north of the Cootamundra Saleyards. 2. A section 138 application be completed and submitted to Transport for NSW. |
2.7 2021 Cootamundra Anzac Day Parade |
Recommendation That approval be given for the Cootamundra Returned and Services League to hold the 2021 ANZAC Day March subject to the following conditions: (a) The event organiser complies with any conditions set by Council and the NSW Police, (b) That all Traffic Control Plans are applied in accordance with the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites Manual’, (c) All Traffic controllers must have appropriate traffic control tickets, (d) Council will arrange for the placement and removal of all road barriers,
(e) A COVID-19 safe plan shall be provided by the organiser, which meets NSW Health requirements,
(f) That the wording on the insurance policy be amended to Transport for NSW and not RMS. |
2.8 Haycarters Race |
Recommendation That approval (Road Occupancy Licence) be given for the Cootamundra Cycle Club to hold the Haycarters Cycle race on Saturday, 15 May 2021 and the Annual Classic on Sunday, 16 May 2021, subject to the following conditions: (a) The event organiser complies with any conditions set by Council and the NSW Police, (b) That all Traffic Control Plans for the Haycarters Race and Annual Classic are applied in accordance with the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites Manual’, (c) All traffic controllers must have appropriate traffic control tickets, (d) All riders must comply with the Road Licence requirements, (e) Signage being placed at all driveways to warn motorists when exiting private property onto the Council road, (f) That consent be received from both Junee and Temora Councils for the event to be held in their municipalities, (g) That updated Certificate of Currency be received as soon as possible, (h) The event organiser has a COVID Safe Plan prepared for the event, which meets NSW Health requirements. |
2.9 2021 List of Events |
Recommendation For the Committee’s information. |
· Speeding along Temora Street
NSW Police have made a request to Transport for NSW for a speed zone review noting the high speeds of traffic entering Cootamundra from the Stockinbingal Road along Temora Street and Boundary Road, the cycle lane on the edge of the seal and the residential developments along Boundary Road.
The Meeting closed at 12:06pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Cootamundra-Gundagai Council Meeting held on 23 February 2021.
................................................... …………………………………………………
23 February 2021 |
8.1.1 Building Better Regions Fund Round Five application for the Turners Lane Industrial Subdivision Development Cootamundra
343964 |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. The Report of Funding for Turners Lane Industrial Subdivision Cootamundra be received and noted. 2. Council endorse an application to be prepared and submitted through the Building Better Regions Fund Round 5 for the Turners Lane Industrial Subdivision. |
In April, 2018 Council prepared and submitted an application for $2,056,502 of funding through the NSW Governments Growing Local Economies Program to develop an industrial site in Turners Lane, Cootamundra in an effort to accommodate two proposed developments and attract further industrial development to the area.
The proposed project was to provide an upgrade of the substation and to each lot install electricity, connect water and sewer, construct roads and upgrade the existing roads and intersection for increased traffic on Turners Lane and Muttama Road.
Council received advice from the Department of Premier and Cabinet on 9th November, 2020 this this application had been unsuccessful which was tabled at the Ordinary Meeting held 24th November, 2020.
Whilst waiting for a determination of the funding application alternative funding sources were being investigated. Council received an announcement that round 5 of the Federal Building Better Regions Fund being is now open with Grants of $5000 to $1 million. There are two streams of funding available under this programme:
The Infrastructure Projects Stream supports investment ready projects and will fund to cover 50% - 75% of the construction, upgrade or extension of infrastructure of eligible project costs that provides economic and social benefits to regional and remote area.
The Community Investments Stream provides funding of $20,000 to $10million to improve community capabilities that supports new or expanded local strategic regional plans and capability strengthening activities that provide economic and social benefits to regional and remote areas.
The closing date of these funding streams is 5th March, 2021.
There is also a Federal Community Development Grants Program which is a non-competitive grant program. Further investigation and enquiries can be made through the office of Member for Riverina, Deputy Prime Minister, the Hon. Michael McCormack.
23 February 2021 |
342859 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
In accordance with section 404(5) of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. 2nd Quarter Progress Report ⇩ |
The Delivery Program incorporating the Operational Plan 2020/21, quarterly progress report, (2nd Quater 1 October – 31 December, 2020), attached to the report, be received and noted. |
Section 404 (5) of the Local Government Act, 1993 requires that “The general manager must ensure that regular progress reports are provided to the council, reporting as to its progress with respect to the principal activities detailed in its delivery”.
Accordingly, attached to this report is the quarterly progress report outlining the extent to which performance measures and targets, set out in the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, have been achieved during the second quarter of the reporting year; that is between 1st October and 31st December, 2020.
The next progress report will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held 25th May, 2021, and will consist of status updates for actions within the 20/21 Operational Plan (3rd quarter reporting period of January-March, 2021).
23 February 2021 |
343706 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Correspondence in - Jon Gregory NSW Rural Fire Service - dated 30th November, 2020 ⇩ 2. Map-lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama ⇩ |
1. The Report on the Tumorrama Brigade Station Establishment and Correspondence in – Jon Gregory NSW Rural Fire Service - dated 30th November, 2020 and Map - lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council support the proposed construction of the new Tumorrama Brigade Station upon lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama and advice of Council’s resolution be sent to Jon Gregory as a matter of importance. |
The Riverina Highlands District of the NSW Rural Fire Service was successful in securing a grant for the proposed construction of a new station for the Tumorrama Rural Fire Brigade. The location determined as the ideal site for the proposed construction of the new station is adjacent to the Tumorrama Community Hall. However, the proposed site is fifty (50) metres inside the Cootamundra-Gundagai local government area being lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama as shown on Map - lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama attached.
An agreement between the Riverina Highlands District Rural Fire Service, Snowy Valleys Council and the Tumorrama Community Hall to build the station at the proposed site has already been established. A meeting was held on site in late 2020 between Jon Gregory, Member for Riverina, Steph Cooke, MP and Cr McAlister (Mayor) and the proposed construction of the new station was discussed.
As the landowner Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council must resolve to consent to the proposed development prior to construction commencing as part of the funding guidelines prior to construction commencing as part of funding guidelines.
This report has been prepared and submitted for the consideration of Council to resolve to support the proposed construction of a new station for the Tumorrama Rural Fire Brigade adjacent to the Tumorrama Community Hall on lot 97 in Deposit Plan 750970, 3122 Wee Jasper Road, Tumorrama and allow the Riverina Highlands District Rural Fire Service to commence the a new station project for the Tumorrama Rural Fire Brigade .
23 February 2021 |
340857 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Associated costs of registration and accommodation per attendee are detailed within the report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. National General Assembly 20-23 June 2021 - Discussion-Paper ⇩ |
1. Council determine attendees for the 2021 National General Assembly scheduled to be held in Canberra 20-23 June, 2021. 2. Registration for each attendee be finalised before 7th May, 2021 to receive the early bird rate of $989 per attendee. |
The National General Assembly is held in Canberra on an annual basis. Typically those that attend are the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager.
Any motions are to be submitted though the Australian Local Government website by Friday 26th March, 2021. The National General Assembly 20-23 June, 2021 Discussion Paper, attached to the report, details the criteria and consideration associated with motions which are submitted.
The cost per attendee is $989 for conference registration and yet to be determined for accommodation. Typically accommodation costs are between $200 -$250 dependent upon availability.
23 February 2021 |
342860 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual. |
1. Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes 7 December 2020 ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held on 7 December, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held on 7 December, 2020, are submitted for the information of Council and the community.
23 February 2021 |
343172 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual. |
1. The Arts Centre s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes 21 January 2021 ⇩ |
The Minutes of The Arts Centre Cootamundra s355 Committee meeting held on 21st January, 2021, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 21st January, 2021, are submitted for the information of Council and the community.
23 February 2021 |
343767 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual. |
1. Cootamundra Tourism Action Group Meeting Minutes 4 February 2021 ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee meetings held on 4th February 2021, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Group s.355 Committee held on 4th February 2021 are submitted for the information of Council and the community.
23 February 2021 |
343923 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Updated Council Meeting Action Report ⇩ |
The Updated Council Meeting Action Report be noted. |
23 February 2021 |
343927 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Correspondence - the Hon Shelley Hancock MP dated 17.02.2021 ⇩ 2. Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Development Contributions) Regulation 2021 (NSW) dated 12.02.2021 ⇩ 3. Improving the infrastructure contributions system in NSW dated 16.02.2021 ⇩ 4. Mirrabooka Newsletter Term 1 202 ⇩ |
The Information Bulletin and correspondence attached to the report, be received and noted.
Council received a variety of correspondence and items of interest. The attached correspondence has been included in the Information Bulletin for the interest of Council and the community.
23 February 2021 |
343864 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance and Customer Service |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Council remains in a satisfactory financial position with adequate reserves to meet current commitments. |
Sections 413 to 428 of the Local Government Act, 1993 prescribe the legislative requirements for the preparation, adoption, auditing and public presentation of the annual financial statements . |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. That Mr Brad Bohun of Crowe deliver a presentation to Council on the Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 30th June 2020. 2. The General Purpose Financial Statements, Special Purpose Financial Statements and Special Schedules for the year ended 30th June 2020 be adopted following consideration of any submission received. |
Council’s general purpose financial statements and special purpose (water and sewerage) financial statements have now been audited by the NSW Audit Office and their contract agents, Crowe. The General Manager, under delegated authority, has issued the financial statements for release. Copies of the financial statements have been placed on Council’s website, and hardcopies are on display in the Council office foyers. A copy of the financial statements has provided to Councillors separately.
A notice was placed in the Council Newsletter and on Council’s website, including:
· A statement that the business of today’s meeting would include the presentation of the audited financial statements.
· A summary of the financial statements.
· A statement to the effect that any person may make a submission to Council with respect to the financial statements. No submissions have been received at the date of preparing the report.
Mr Bohun will be in attendance to provide a presentation to and take questions from Council.
23 February 2021 |
343867 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance and Customer Service |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
As reported in the attached quarterly budget review, the revised net operating result for the year to 30 June 2021 is a profit of $16,820,000. The budget adjustments recommended to Council for approval in this report result in a net change to the operating result of $919,000. |
Compliance with Clause 203(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation, 2005 requires that, not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter, excluding the June quarter, the responsible accounting officer must submit a budget review statement to Council. The format of the review must be consistent with the minimum requirements contained in the Quarterly Budget Review Statement Guidelines provided by the Office of Local Government. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. December 2020 QBR ⇩ |
1. The December 2020 Quarterly Budget Review Report be received. 2. The budget variations listed in the report be adopted. |
The purpose of this report is to present a summary of Council’s financial position at the end of the quarter, and to report on progress made against the original budget adopted by Council in its 2020-21 Operational Plan. A detailed list of budget variances is included in the December 2020 Quarterly Budget Review attached to the report, and these are presented for adoption by Council.
Detailed commentary on the individual variations is included in the report itself. The net change to the projected operating result is an increase of $919,000 to a surplus of $16,820,000.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
23 February 2021 |
Although the net operating result shows a healthy profit, and a small loss before capital items, there remains a major concern over the projected level of unrestricted cash. The adjustments recommended increase the projected unrestricted cash figure to $2.7m, however in the current volatile climate this figure is uncomfortably low.
Budgeted Operating Result
The Council’s Income and Expenses, and Net Operating Result are reported on pages 4 & 5 of this Review Statement.
The revised estimated net operating result for the year to 30 June 2021 is a surplus of $16,820,000 (original budget was a surplus of $15,902,000) and the revised estimated result before capital grants and contributions is a $997,000 deficit (original $221,000 deficit).
No new contracts were entered into during the period.
Budget Variations to the Operating Result
The budget adjustments recommended to Council for approval in this report result in a net increase to the operating surplus of $919,000.
The material variations from the original budget for the year to date are attributed to:
Favourable variations
· Targeted reduction to roads capital expenditure of $1,000,000. Considerable grant funding for expenditure on these assets has been announced and will ensure that expenditure meets the recommendations of the recent asset valuation and condition report.
· Operating grants budgeted for 2019/20 have been carried forward to the current year. The timing of milestone payments has resulted in a net adjustment to the operating result in the current year of $201,000.
Unfavourable variations
· Grant funded projects totalling $2.591m have been carried forward to the current financial year, with an operating component of $1.455m. The income for these projects was received in previous periods and held in reserve.
Other Notes
The rates outstanding figure of 31.39% far exceeds the benchmark of 10%, and the opening balance of 6.37%. This balance varies a great deal throughout the year, and is only slightly higher than the same period last year. The increase can be attributed to the general financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the prohibition of debt collection activities.
Report by Responsible Accounting Officer
The following statement is made in accordance with Clause 203(2) of the Local Government (General) |
Regulations 2005: |
It is my opinion that the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council |
for the quarter ended 31/12/20 indicates that Council’s projected financial position at 30/6/21 will be |
satisfactory at year end, having regard to the projected estimates of income and expenditure |
and the original budgeted income and expenditure. |
Signed: |
date: 16 February 2021 |
Tim Swan |
Responsible Accounting Officer |
Income and Expense Budget Review
Detail of budget variations
Capital budget review
Detail of budget variations
Cash and investments budget review
Restricted and unrestricted cash (reserves)
Detail of budget variations
Key Performance Indicators
23 February 2021 |
343887 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance and Customer Service |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Regular monitoring of Council’s finances will ensure that any issues are identified in a timely manner. |
There are no legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no policy implications associated with this report. |
1. January 2021 Finance Report ⇩ |
The Finance Report for January 2021 be received and noted. |
The Monthly Finance Report provides Councillors with an update on the current budget status.
Operating expenditure is slightly over budget for the current year, however capital expenditure (excluding commitments) is significantly under budget, and will be the focus of several departments for the remainder of the year.
23 February 2021 |
343873 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance and Customer Service |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
Council’s investment income for January 2021 was $3,479.90, 66% under the budgeted figure of $10,250.00. |
Council investments comply fully with Section 625 of the Local Government Act (NSW), 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation, 2005 paragraph 212. |
The Investment Policy was adopted on 31st July 2018 and is due for review on 31st July 2021. |
1. January 2021 Investment Report ⇩ |
The Investment Report for January 2021 be received and noted. |
The monthly investment report provides an overview of Council’s investments, and their performance for the month.
As a result of record low interest rates, investments for the month have produced interest of $3,479.90, being 66% below the budget.
A significant adjustment to the budget has been recommended for adoption in the December, 2020 Quarterly Budget Review Statement.
23 February 2021 |
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
343744 |
Sharon Langman, Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
Compliance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and related legislation. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The information on Development Applications Approved in January, 2021 be received and noted. |
The Development Applications Approved in January, 2021 report is submitted for the information of Council regarding development applications processed.
The following development applications were approved by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in January, 2021.
APP. NO. |
CDC.2020.25 |
Dwelling Alterations |
Lot 1 DP350007 Mackay St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.214 |
Dwelling Alterations and Additions |
Lot C DP324155 Olney St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.213 |
New Rear Awning |
Lot 3 DP1158484 Thompson St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.212 |
New Manufactured Dwelling |
Lot 379 DP753622 Bridge St, Muttama |
DA.2020.211 |
Demolish Dwelling and Sheds |
Lot 2 DP518456 Congou St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.210 |
Storage Units |
Lot 3 DP1099476 Hovell St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.209 |
New Garage |
Lot 1 DP557620 Mount St, Gundagai |
DA.2020.208 |
New Dwelling |
Lot D DP407473 Back Station Creek Rd, Gundagai |
DA.2020.206 |
New Dwelling and Garage |
Lot 5 DP861374 Dalkeith Rd, Gundagai |
DA.2020.204 |
New Shed |
Lot 184 DP753594 Muttama Rd, Coolac |
DA.2020.202 |
New Carport |
Lot 3 Sec C DP1975 Warren St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.201 |
Dwelling Alterations and Additions |
Lot 1 DP405925 Stockinbingal Rd, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.197 |
New Shed |
Lot 11 DP1168163 Burley Griffin Way, Stockinbingal |
DA.2020.195 |
Dwelling Alterations and Additions |
Lot 5 DP851885 West St, Gundagai |
DA.2020.193 |
Dwelling Alterations and Additions |
Lot 6 DP20405 Crown St, Cootamundra |
DA.2020.176 |
Alterations to Garage |
Lot 5 DP10285 Chamen St, Cootamundra |
010.2020.216 |
New Subdivision - Strata |
Lot 12 Sec A DP2203 Queen St, Cootamundra |
$2,429,839.00 |
$2,429,839.00 |
VALUE OF WORK –January 2020: |
$186,505.00 |
$186,505.00 |
23 February 2021 |
8.4.2 Development Application 2020/191 - 37 Crown Street, Cootamundra - Variation to Development Control Plan
343797 |
Sharon Langman, Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Development Assessment Report For DA2020-191 - 37 Crown Street, Cootamundra for the Erection of a Shed ⇩ |
1. That Council approve DA2020/191 for the construction of a shed at Lot A DP384426, 37 Crown Street Cootamundra with an increased set back of 2.5m from the Queen Street frontage subject to the following conditions: GENERAL CONDITIONS (1) GEN Condition - Compliance Standards Any building and associated works shall comply with the statutory requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, Local Government Act, 1993 and the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
Reason: The legal obligations of the Council to administer the New South Wales building and planning laws in order to provide satisfactory standards of living and development.
(2) GEN Condition - Compliance with Council The Development being completed in accordance with plans and specifications stamped by Council listed in the table below and the Statement of Environmental Effects, except where varied by conditions of this consent.
Reason: To confirm the details of the application as submitted by the applicant and as approved by Council.
(3) GEN Condition - Utilities Approval is given subject to the location of, protection of, and/or any necessary modifications to any existing public utilities situated within or adjacent to the subject property.
Reason: To ensure that any public utilities are maintained and protected from damage.
(4) Gen Condition – Not certify compliance with BCA or NCC The issue of this Development Consent does not certify compliance with the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia or National Construction Code Series.
Reason: This consent does not certify compliance with the BCA or NCC.
PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS (1) PCW Condition – Prior to Building Work Commencing. The erection of a building in accordance with the development consent must not commence until:-
1. a construction Certificate for the building work has been issued by the consent authority, the council (if the council is not the consent authority) or an accredited certifier, and
2. the person having the benefit of the development consent has: a. appointed a principal certifying authority for the building work, and b. notified the principal certifying authority that the person will carry out the building work as an owner-builder, if that is the case, and
3. the principal certifying authority has, no later than 2 days before building works commences: a. notified the consent authority and the council (if the council is not the consent authority) of his or her appointment, and b. notified the person having the benefit of the development consent of any critical stage inspections and other inspections that are to be carried out in respect to the building work, and
4. the person having the benefit of the development consent, if not carrying out the work as an owner-builder, has, a. appointed a principal contractor for the building work who must be the holder of a contractor licence if any residential work is involved, and b. notified the principal certifying authority of any such appointment, and c. unless that person is the principal contractor, notified the principal contractor of any critical stage inspection or other inspections that are to be carried out in respect of the building work .
Reason: To ensure compliance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations.
(2) PCW Condition – Signage. Site signage shall apply and must be erected on the site in a prominent, visible position for the duration of the construction. The signage must include: -
1. Statement that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted 2. Show the name of the builder or another person responsible for the site and a telephone number at which the builder or other person can be contacted outside working hours 3. The name, address and telephone contact of the Principal Certifying Authority for the work
Any structures erected to meet the requirements of this condition must be removed when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was erected.
Reason: To meet the minimum requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation.
(3) PCW Condition – Notice of Commencement. Prior to work commencing a ‘Notice of Commencement of Building Work and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’ shall be submitted to Council at least 2 days prior to work commencing.
Reason: To meet the minimum requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation.
(4) PCW Condition – Residential Building Work. Residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the following information
1. In the case of work for which a principal contractor is required to be appointed: a. In the name and licence number of the principal contractor, and b. The name of the insurer by which the work is insured under Part 6 of that Act.
2. In the case of work to be done by an owner-builder: a. The name of the owner-builder and, b. If the owner builder is required to hold an owner builder permit under the Act, the number of the owner-builder permits.
If arrangements for doing the residential building work are changed while the work is in progress so that the information notified under subclause (1) becomes out of date, further work must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the updated information.
Reason: Statutory compliance.
(5) PCW Condition – Siting of Building. The applicant is responsible to ensure that the building is sited on the allotment and constructed to the design levels approved by Council. In this regard the applicant shall submit a revised site plan to Council showing a setback of 2.5m from the Queen Street frontage.
Reason: To ensure the development is carried out correctly on the allotment and in accordance with the resolution of Council.
(6) PCW Condition – Waste Storage During Construction. Provision shall be made on site for the proper storage and disposal of waste such that no builders' waste shall be left in the open. Specific attention should be given to items which are subject to relocation by the action of wind, e.g. Paper, sheets of iron, ridge capping, cement and lime bags and the like.
Reason: To ensure that the site is not a source of wind-blown litter.
(7) PCW Condition – Soil Erosion Control. Site erosion control measures shall be incorporated into site management during construction. Seepage and surface water shall be collected and diverted clear of the building site by a drainage system. Care shall be taken to ensure that no nuisance is created to adjoining properties or public space by way of sediment run off.
Reason: To ensure that adequate measures are in place so that damage from sediment run off to adjoining sites and waterways is minimised.
(8) PCW Condition – Second Hand Materials. No second hand materials are to be used on any external surface of the building unless made available for inspection and separately approved by Council prior to erection.
Reason: To ensure the external appearance of the building is maintained to an acceptable standard.
(9) PCW Condition – Underground Services. The applicant shall locate and identify all existing underground services prior to commencement of works and ensure there shall be no conflict between the proposed development and existing infrastructure including areas external to the development site where works are proposed.
Reason: To ensure the utility services are protected and satisfactory for the proposed development.
(10) PCW Condition – All Weather Crossover The applicant shall upgrade the existing footpath crossover (driveway) in Queen Street to an all weather access. A works in road reserve application shall be submitted, and approved by Council prior to undertaking the upgrade.
Reason: To ensure that physical and legal access is provided in a manner that is compliant with Council standards.
DURING CONSTRUCTION (1) DUR Condition – Works to be undertaken in Accordance with the Approval. All proposed works to be undertaken are to be carried out in accordance with the conditions of development consent, approved construction certificate drawings and specifications.
Reason: ensure all works are carried out in accordance with the development consent.
(2) DUR Condition – Hours of Construction Site Works. Construction site works including the entering and leaving of vehicles is limited to the following hours, unless otherwise permitted by Council:-
Monday to Saturday from 7.00am to 7.00pm Sundays and public holidays from 9.00am to 12.00pm
The applicant is responsible to instruct and control subcontractors regarding hours of work.
Reason: So that the development does not reduce the amenity of the area.
(3) DUR Condition – Footpath Storage. Building materials not to be stored on Council footway or nature strip at any time.
Reason: To ensure an adequate level of public safety is maintained.
(4) DUR Condition – Waste Removal. All debris and any waste fill are to be removed from the site and disposed of at Cootamundra Garbage Depot, in the building refuse section of the garbage depot. Please note that a separate fee applies for disposal of waste at Council's waste depot. You should contact Council's Works Operations Manager for an estimate of costs in this regard.
Reason: To ensure that the amenity and unsightly condition is minimised.
(5) DUR Condition – Tree Protection – existing vegetation. Existing vegetation along Queen Street and at the rear boundary shall be protected during the construction period.
Reason: Due to the secondary building line variation, the existing vegetation is required to be maintained to help screen the development when completed.
(6) DUR Condition - Pipe Replacement. Should the proposed building be located over existing vitrified clay sewer pipes then such pipes shall be reinstated in PVC material in the area under the proposed building.
Reason: To minimise the opportunity for damage to the building as a result of leaking sewage.
(7) DUR Condition - BCA Compliance. All building work (other than work relating to the erection of a temporary building) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (as in force on the date the application for the relevant construction certificate was made).
Reason: To ensure the building complies with the BCA.
(8) DUR Condition – Inspections. The Principal Certifying Authority is to be given a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any critical stage inspection or any other inspection nominated by the Principal Certifying Authority via the notice issued under Section 91A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
All building work (other than work relating to the erection of a temporary building) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia (as in force on the date the application for the relevant construction certificate was made).
Reason: To ensure that adequate time is given of required inspections.
(9) DUR Condition – Restricted Public Access.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to restrict public access to the building site, building works or materials or equipment on the site when building work is not in progress or the site is otherwise unoccupied in accordance with WorkCover Regulations.
Reason: To ensure public safety is maintained.
(10) DUR Condition – Storm Water. Storm water is to be discharged: -
1. To the roadside gutter, taken through the kerb and the kerb is to be made good or, alternatively, linked to existing storm water drainage which discharges at the roadside gutter
Reason: To ensure that roof water is disposed of without nuisance to neighbours, without overloading Council's laneways system and so as to minimise input to the ground water system
(11) DUR Condition – Storm Water / Ground Water Diversion. Run-off and ground water seepage shall be diverted around the building to the storm water system via a suitable ag drain or dish drain.
Reason: To minimise the opportunity for ponding and flooding.
POST CONSTRUCTION (1) POC Condition – Occupation of Building. A person must not commence occupation or use of the whole or any part of the buildings unless an occupation certificate has been issued by the appointed Principal Certifying Authority.
Reason: So that the development is substantially completed to a safe standard to allow use or occupation of said building.
ONGOING USE (1) USE Condition – Business Use. The shed is not to be let, adapted or used for separate occupation or commercial purposes.
Reason: Development consent is required for any activity other than residential.
(2) USE Condition – Clean and Tidy. The premises are to be maintained in a clean and tidy condition at all times.
Reason: So that the development does not reduce the amenity of the area.
(3) USE Condition –Amenity General. The development is to be conducted in a manner that will not interfere with the amenity of the locality by reason of the emission of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit, oil, by causing interference to television or radio reception or otherwise.
Reason: So that the development does not reduce the amenity of the area.
(4) USE Condition – Non Habitable Use. The shed is not to be used for residential occupation without prior consent of Council.
Reason: Health and safety prohibition.
(5) USE Condition – Tree Protection – existing vegetation. Existing vegetation along Queen Street and at the rear boundary shall be protected and maintained for the life of the shed.
Reason: Due to the secondary building line variation, the existing vegetation is required to be maintained to help screen the development when completed.
Council has received an application for the erection of a new shed structure at Lot A DP384426, 37 Crown Street Cootamundra. The applicant seeks a variation to the controls within Council’s adopted Development Control Plan by placing the garage in front of the secondary building line facing Queen Street. In accordance with the delegations issued to staff where variation to the Development Control Plan is greater than 10% the matter is referred to Council for determination.
Council has in place an adopted a Development Control Plan (DCP) that provides guidance on the development standards that Council believes will lead to desired outcomes in building design, streetscape, traffic, heritage and environment. The DCP contains performance criteria and associated acceptable solutions to assist applicants in achieving the desired outcomes. However, it is recognised that there are other means of achieving the desired outcomes outside of the acceptable solutions and where a similar or better result is able to be achieved such alternatives should be considered.
In considering variations to the standards contained within the DCP applicants are required to justify why the standards should be varied and how this will lead to an outcome that is equivalent, if not better, than the articulated performance criteria. In this instance the justification for varying the requirements of the DCP are summarised below with a full assessment of the proposed development contained within the assessment report attached herewith.
The applicant has proposed a setback of 1metre (m) from the secondary building line, ordinarily the secondary street setback is that of the dwelling on site. In this instance the dwelling has a setback of 3.7m from the secondary street frontage. The variation sought is 2.7m; a compromise is proposed of a 2.5m setback from the secondary street frontage and this is commensurate with past decisions of Council for reduced secondary street frontage setbacks in this area. A full discussion in this regard is contained within the attached report.
23 February 2021 |
343139 |
Glen McAtear, Manager Regulatory Services |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Regulatory Section Activities report for 2020, be received and noted. |
The following report outlines the main activities that were carried out by the Regulatory Section during 2020.
Many activities are performed by the Regulatory team such as Cemetery mowing and maintenance, truck wash and Saleyard maintenance, Companion Animal Audits and rehoming, Animal Care Facility maintenance, complaints received in regard to Companion Animals such as barking dogs, taking action on illegal dumping, abandoned motor vehicles, roadside weed spraying, biosecurity issues, roadside grazing permits and emergency management in addition to regular meetings attended by Regulatory staff just to name a few.
The following report lists some of the areas that have been quite significant, and an ongoing monthly Regulatory Section report of activities will be compiled from January 2021 for the information of Council and the community.
The following information has been compiled for the year 2020.
Biosecurity Activities
Due to COVID-19 Restrictions implemented in March, 2020 Property inspections were postponed.
Number of Property Inspections held: 48. Hectares inspected: 15,300
Grant funding was received for several projects in relation to Crown Lands and this work was carried out successfully. Part of these works was the installation of Weed Hygiene Stations along the Cootamundra Bike Track and Pioneer Park. This work will continue into 2021.
Cemetery Activities
The Muttama Cemetery fence was replaced to secure the Cemetery grounds and protect the endangered woodlands and native flowers.
Locate grave/burial enquiries for family research: 110
Burial/Interments: 103
Cemetery Locations: Coolac 4, Cootamundra 63, Gundagai North 21, Gundagai South 7, Nangus 2, Stockinbingal 2, Wallendbeen 4
Ranger Activities
The Rangers have been equipped with Body Worn Cameras to assist in their daily duties, these cameras are only activated in the event of Rangers feeling threatened, to capture direct evidence.
Two Free microchipping days were held in both Cootamundra and Gundagai.
NSW Companion Animal
Registrations: 397, amount received for 2020: $35,295.00
Dogs and Cats Seized across the LGA: 243 - Seizure Locations: Coolac 2,
Cootamundra 204, Gundagai North 20, Gundagai South 9, Nangus 1, Tumblong 3, and
Wallendbeen 4
Dog Attack Incidents: 23 - Dog Attack Incident Locations: Cootamundra 13, Gundagai North 7, Gundagai South 1, Nangus 1 and Tumblong 1
Saleyard Activities
Sheep Sales held – Cootamundra: 24 - Yarding information: Total sheep sold: 49,844 head.
Total amount of sales - $8,575,078.60. Top price: $276.00. Average Price: $226.10
In December, storm damage was occasioned to the weighbridge and office at the Cootamundra Cattle yards.
Cattle Sales – Gundagai: 1 – Yarding information: Total cattle sold: 1,377 head.
Total amount of sale - $1,836,995.00. Top price $1,660.00. Average price $970.00
Truck wash Registered Users: Cootamundra Saleyards: 77 - Amount received $22,663.90
Gundagai Saleyards: 68 - Amount received $26,568.25.
Transit Fees Received Cootamundra Yards: $280.00. Gundagai Yards: Nil
23 February 2021 |
343242 |
Glen McAtear, Manager Regulatory Services |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Regulatory Section Activities report for January, 2021 be received and noted. |
The following report outlines the main activities that were carried out by the Regulatory Section during January, 2021.
Biosecurity Activities
No property inspections were undertaken due to COVID-19 restrictions, however, farmers were engaged and consulted with in regard to Black Willows and various other weed controls. The weather has been a significant factor in regard to weed control measures in January.
Liaised with LLS in regard to Travelling Stock Reserves.
The following Roadsides have been sprayed and inspected:
Old Gundagai Rd, Muttama Rd, Stockinbingal Rd, Sutton’s Ln, all 2021 reseal areas, Mundarlo Rd, Old Hume Hwy, Deltroit Rd, Snowy Mountains Hwy, Nangus Rd and Oura Rd.
Weeds targeted: Coolatai grass, St. John’s wort, Blackberries, Silverleaf nightshade, Privet trees, Bathurst burr & Johnson grass.
Ongoing Parks and Gardens weed control for Bindi eye and Khaki weed.
drumMUSTER collections received throughout the month.
Cemetery Activities
Locate grave/burial enquiries for family research: 15
All Cemeteries mowed, sprayed and general maintenance including repairs due to feral animals burrowing and irrigation repairs.
Burial/Interments: 6
Cemetery Locations: Cootamundra 1, Gundagai North 1, Gundagai South 2, Tumblong 2
Ranger Activities
Rangers have been continuing with the Companion Animal Audit and compiling an Education package along with a New Resident package to assist with responsible pet ownership.
During this month several cat traps were hired out for feral cat capture. The Animal Care Facility was maintained and had repairs undertaken due to a break-in. The Rangers attended to several complaints, 8 Nuisance Dog issues, 1 roaming livestock complaint, 2 illegal dumping incidents and 3 abandoned motor vehicles. Dog Waste Stations were refilled with bags in all parks.
NSW Companion Animal
Registrations: 45, amount received for January 2021: $3,412.00
Dogs and Cats Seized across the LGA 18 - Seizure Locations: Cootamundra 12,
Gundagai South 1, Stockinbingal 5
Dog Attack Incidents: 2 - Dog Attack Incident Locations: Cootamundra 1, Gundagai South 1
Saleyard Activities
Sheep Sales held – Cootamundra: 2 - Yarding information: Total sheep sold: 2895 head.
Total amount of sales - $541,242.60. Top price: $250.00. Average Price: $239.00
Cootamundra yards maintained with minor welding of gates, along with weed spraying and cleaning of the facility.
Cattle Sales – Gundagai: Nil
Truck wash Registered Users: Cootamundra Saleyards: 20 - Amount received $2,246.97
Gundagai Saleyards: 32 - Amount received $2,109.50.
Transit Fees Received Cootamundra Yards: Nil. Gundagai Yards: Nil
23 February 2021 |
343815 |
Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy, Manager Assets |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The attached report prepared by Moloney Asset Management Systems on the Condition of Road Assets and Valuation of these assets to be noted and accepted.
Moloney Asset Management System (MAMS) was engaged to undertake a survey of roads assets for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council as part of the Asset Management Strategy. Subsequent to the final survey report along containing spreadsheets was produced and submitted by Moloney Asset Management Systems.
Moloney Asset Management Systems was engaged to do a detailed survey and valuation of roads, bridges and footpaths assets as part of the asset condition assessment and Asset Management systems. The attached summary report was presented along with detailed spreadsheets containing details of various assets including quantitative details and unit valves.
23 February 2021 |
343389 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of February 2021 be received. |
This report provides a detailed update of the Civil Works and Technical Services Department’s works undertaken for the month of February, 2021 and is prepared for the information of Council and the community.
Shoulder works have been completed on Gobarralong Road, Gobarralong to repair issues with pavement edge breaks along this section.
Works on the last stage of the Gap Bridge Cootamundra Rehabilitation project has been completed. This last section saw works from Campbell Street to the Cootamundry Creek Bridge completed. Sections of new guard rail and new line marking will also be installed as part of the project.
Bitumen road patching crews have been undertaking patching as required across the whole road and street network. The frequent rainfall is contributing to pavement failures and the necessity for additional repairs.
Storm damage repairs are continuing on Rosehill Road, Rosehill which has included culvert maintenance as well as batter re-establishment and rock reinforcement. These works were funded from the Natural Disaster Funding from the February 2019 storm event.
Pavement repairs are also being carried out on Rosehill Road, Rosehill to undertake repair on failed sections of pavement.
Roadside spraying has also been undertaken to spray the vegetation on various road shoulders. Grass slashing has been completed across the Local Government Area, including Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen villages.
Replacement of a section of kerb and gutter has been completed near the Cootamundra Country Club in Hurley Street, Cootamundra. This section of kerb had been damaged by the aged London Plane trees which were growing in close proximity to the kerb and had damaged the kerb and pathway being lifted by tree roots posing risks to the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. The re-laying of the pavers should be completed by the end of February 2021 weather permitting.
Preliminary investigations for the Mackay Street, Cootamundra rehabilitation are underway. The water main will be replaced from Parker Street to Margaret Street, Cootamundra including all property services, before actual roadworks can commence as the depths of such are shallow and will impact on the pavement rehabilitation. Affected residents will be notified prior to works commencing.
The first stage of rehabilitation works on Nanangroe Road, Gundagai have been completed with road widening, pavement rehabilitation and sealing undertaken. Approximately 2.5kms of this road that was previously unsealed to the north of Parsons Creek, Gobarralong has now had a primer seal applied and represents a significant improvement for local road users.
Works are continuing on Red Hill Road, Red Hill with pavement widening and reshaping underway.
Work has commenced on Adjungbilly Road, Adjungbilly with crews working on preliminary earthworks in preparation of pavement widening and shape correction.
The replacement of the concrete causeway on Finlays Lane, Muttama is nearing completion. The concrete crew have also completed the replacement of concrete footpaths on West Street and Middleton Drive, Gundagai. The new kerb return at the intersection of Sheridan and Otway Streets, Gundagai is currently being prepared and works will commence in the coming weeks.
The Sheridan and West Streets, Gundagai intersection asphalt contract has been submitted for consideration by Council in Closed Council at the February, 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting. Once the contract has been awarded it is planned for those works to resume at the intersection in early April, 2021 weather permitting. Landscaping and paving will be completed in conjunction with these works when staff are available.
Resealing works, being undertaken by Boral Asphalt, on Council roads are still ongoing around the whole Local Government Area as per the prioritised 2020/21 works program with works scheduled to commence this month around the Nangus and Gundagai areas.
23 February 2021 |
343748 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. The report on the Proposed Street Names for the Boundary Road Subdivision Development Cootamundra be received and noted. 2. The following proposed street names for the Boundary Road Subdivision Development, Cootamundra be noted: 2.1 Taylor Drive 2.2 Keith Crescent 2.3 Oliver Street, and 2.4 Louisa Street |
The developer of the new subdivision currently being developed on Boundary Road, Cootamundra has put forward the proposed street names as detailed in the report. Council has submitted several proposed names to the Geographical Names Board for consideration and approval for four (4) of the internal streets of this development.
Generally, all new proposed names for streets are given Council consent before being adopted and the following are those suggestions. Currently there is no Council policy for naming of new roads, however, all street names have to be approved by the Geographical Names Board (GNB) being a NSW Government body.
The developer has requested the new estate be named Shannonvale Estate, as it has been known as the long term name of the original property.
In terms of street names, several have been suggested by the developer with the process being first commenced in November, 2020. Unfortunately, the GNB have particular requirements for naming such which has ruled out several of the previously proposed names to date.
As the subdivision is soon to open for residential development, with requirements for street names on titles, the approval of the street names is required as soon as possible. Currently discussions with the GNB relate to the above four proposed names and it is hoped they will meet the GNB requirements and be accepted.
The proposed names submitted to, and currently being considered by, the GNB are:
Keith Drive and Taylor Crescent - these relate to the original owner of property known as Shannonvale.
Oliver Street is derived from Oliver Selwyn, who was the developer’s grandfather.
Louisa Street is derived from the developer’s grandmother, a prominent local community member who was highly active in local shows and the Gardening Club.
While these names have been proposed by the developer, they relate to people who had lived in Cootamundra for many years though the 1900’s.
As the development progresses, further proposals for road names will be put forward for consideration.
23 February 2021 |
343799 |
Andrew Brock, Manager Facilities |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. The Otway Street and Sheridan Street, Gundagai Intersection Upgrade and Tree Removal Report be received and noted. 2. Council endorse the removal of the London Plane tress and Liquid Amber trees identified within the report.
Council staff are currently undertaking intersection upgrades including kerb and gutter installation and pavement upgrades. As part of the investigation and design phase, several London Plane trees have been identified as causing safety issues with the existing pavement and gutter in the area.
Design works have been completed for the Otway and Sheridan Streets intersection and works have been scheduled to commence within the next six weeks weather permitting. Recent inspections undertaken by Parks and Garden staff have identified that there are London Plane trees and Liquid Amber trees, within the Otway street section of the upgrade that will impact the proposed kerb and gutter works.
During the inspection of the trees undertaken by staff one was discovered to be inhabited by grubs and rotting internally. The root system of two other trees located on the motel side of the street, that are lifting existing pavement and guttering creating potential safety hazards to pedestrians and vehicles. The two Liquid Amber trees located on the footpath, are unsuitable species of trees below power lines. Subsequently, the trees have been crudely maintained by contractors employed by Essential Energy as part of its Tree Maintenance Program. In due course the nature of the trees to drop limbs would create safety concerns to the public and most likely be identified for removal.
The removal of the trees during the scheduled kerb and gutter upgrade will avoid the inevitability of a future upgrade of the area due to the trees needing to be removed in years to come. This will save Council money in the long term by avoiding further works.
London Plane trees, shown below, have been identified for removal due to their destructive root systems and the ease with which their root system enters water and sewer infrastructure in addition to the obvious damage the trees cause to pavement and kerb and gutters. Failure to remove the trees now will only see continued damage occur to the area requiring costly reactive maintenance to the area.
Council staff recognise the importance of significant sized trees and the shade they provide, in conjunction with the aesthetic and amenable atmosphere they provide. As part of the redevelopment of this area, staff will create new garden beds and plant appropriate mature trees in accordance with the Gundagai Street Tree Master Plan.
23 February 2021 |
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
343244 |
Wayne Bennett, Manager Waste, Parks and Recreation Services |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
The replacement of the Salt Chlorinator has not been budgeted for in the 2020/2021 financial year and will have a $16,000 negative impact on the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre operational maintenance budget. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no direct Policy implications associated with this report. But it is important to note that if the unit is not replaced, the pool water quality will not meet health regulation requirements for public pools. |
Nil |
1. The report on the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre salt cells, be received and noted. 2. Council authorise the replacement and installation of a new existing salt dosing/water sanitation system. 3. The cost for the replacement salt dosing/water sanitation system be funded from the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre maintenance budget. |
The salt cell located at the Cootamundra Aquatic Centre needs replacement. The unit turns salt into chlorine which has the same effect as adding add liquid chlorine to the pool. This is extremely important in maintaining pool water quality and health regulation compliance.
A salt chlorine generator (also known as a salt system or a salt chlorinator) is a swimming pool chlorination system that creates chlorine from sodium chloride (salt). Before a salt chlorine generator can operate, the swimming pool water must have a salt concentration of 3,000 ppm (parts per million).
As saltwater travels through the swimming pool’s circulation system, it enters the salt chlorine generator and passes through a salt cell. As the saltwater flows through the cell, a low-voltage direct current is applied to flat, rectangular plates inside the cell, initiating electrolysis. Through electrolysis, salt and water break up into hydrogen gas and hypochlorous acid. The hydrogen gas simply leaves the swimming pool water in the form of small bubbles. The hypochlorous acid sanitizes the swimming pool water and ultimately reverts into salt, and the process repeats.
Salt chlorine generators offer a wide array of benefits. Salt chlorine generators, because they eliminate the need for chemical maintenance (which translates to lower maintenance costs). For example, at the site of electrolysis (the salt cell), chlorine is so concentrated that the swimming pool water is super chlorinated, preventing the build-up of chloramines and algae. As another example, sanitisers such as tri-chlor have very low pH levels (some as low as 2.8), which can significantly lower the pH of a swimming pool. Pools who use sanitisers with very low pH levels must use liberal amounts of sodium carbonate to offset the drop in pH. Salt chlorine generators, on the other hand, require few, if any, additional chemicals, as they produce nearly neutral pH levels.
Other advantages of salt chlorine generators include reduced skin and eye irritation, no harsh chemical odours, and swimmer safety.
There are few disadvantages associated with salt chlorine generators. Perhaps the most prominent is their negative effects on swimming pool equipment. Salt is corrosive but if maintained within the normal operating range, is benign. However, if allowed to increase more than 6,000 ppm, high salt concentrations can contribute to the breakdown of handrails, lighting systems, and swimming pool liners. Care must be taken if splash out pool water is continually pooling and evaporating, as the resulting salt concentration will increase in that area, and unless it is rinsed off, or diluted by rainfall, has to potential to create salt damage.
Other disadvantages of salt chlorine generators include high initial costs and high salt cell replacement costs.
Council engaged Mark McLean from Total Creations (the company that built the Indoor Heated Pool and Splash Park) to undertake a full investigation into the dosing system and the ability for the Aquatic Centre to meet the required health regulations associated with water quality for public pools.
Mark from Total Creations reported as follows:
‘I would like to confirm that the salt cell has reach the end of its life. This is a known asset that needs replacement every 2-3 years. The current cell is approximately 2.4 years old. A replacement cell will cost $9,200 ex GST plus labour and parts to replace’.
On investigation into the advantages and disadvantages of the existing unit and possible alternative sanitation systems, it is the recommendation that the best option is to replace the existing unit. It has been estimated that the replacement cost and installation for the Unit will be $16,000.
To put it into context, the one-off cost of $10,000 every 3 years could be compared to 3 years' worth of liquid chlorine.
Due to the nature of this existing unit, this cost is currently associated with the existing building infrastructure and is not associated with the existing pool operational contract.
The photos below give a good illustration of the damaged caused.
23 February 2021 |
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9.1 Notice of Motion - That Council Provides Support, in Principal and Inkind to the Esablishment and Ongoing Development of a Cooperative In Cootamundra, The Coota Co-op Ltd
343934 |
Leigh Bowden, Councillor |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor Leigh Bowden was submitted on 16 February, 2021.
I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 23 February, 2021:
That Council provides support, in principle and in kind, to the establishment and ongoing development of a cooperative in Cootamundra, The Coota Co-op Ltd.
Note from Councillor
Soon after the announcement by Wesfarmers of the closure of the Target store in Cootamundra in March this year a group of concerned citizens, The Coota Co-op Steering Group, have been meeting on a regular basis to progress the idea of establishing a cooperative venture to replace it.
Two public meetings have been held and a community survey undertaken. The overwhelming response from the community is that the cooperative will be called The Coota Co-op Ltd. A logo was selected from entries in a logo competition.
The rules have been written following the model rules provided by the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals and a Disclosure Statement (the Prospectus) is nearing completion. These documents will be lodged with the Department of Fair Trading for approval. Following approval, a Formation Meeting will be held to appoint the initial board after which memberships and shares can be received.
The Coota Co-op Ltd’s aim is to provide quality and affordable goods for the senior members of our community who find it difficult to travel and for young families. However the whole community will be catered for. It will also provide employment for locals. The establishment of the cooperative will help to maintain business sustainability and provide an opportunity for economic development in our town and LGA.
Examples of in kind support are, but not be limited to:
· Letters of support
· Advertising and promotion of The Coota Co-op in Council publications (newsletter, Snippets), including digital sites (eg website and Facebook)
· Printing of promotional material
· Timely and accurate advice on development applications.
· Fast tracking of approval processes
· Timely and accurate advice on WH&S inspections.
23 February 2021 |
9.2 Notice
of Motion - That Council, that is The Mayor and, or the General Manager on
behalf of all Councillors and the community, writes to each individual member
of the NSW State Cabinet stating the case for the demerger of the
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council back to the former Cootamundra Shire
Council and Gundagai Shire Council.
That the letters be sent at the time that the verdict of the Boundaries
Commission is due to be delivered.
343939 |
Leigh Bowden, Councillor |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor Leigh Bowden was submitted on 18 February, 2021.
I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 23 February, 2021:
That Council, that is The Mayor and, or the General Manager on behalf of all Councillors and the community, writes to each individual member of the NSW State Cabinet stating the case for the demerger of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council back to the former Cootamundra Shire Council and Gundagai Shire Council. That the letters be sent at the time that the verdict of the Boundaries Commission is due to be delivered.
Note from Councillor
On Tuesday, 9th February, 2021 a delegation of six Councillors and the General Manager visited NSW Parliament House to speak to state politicians about the financial crisis Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) is facing as a result of the forced merger and to put forward our case for de-amalgamation.
The delegation felt that we were listened to by the Minister of Local Government, the Hon. Shelley Hancock, MP and were supported in its desire to de-amalgamate by the Deputy Premier, the Hon. John Barilaro and Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke, MP. It has been mooted that although the decision to demerge or not is the Minister’s, it is more than likely that she will take it to a Meeting of Cabinet.
There are twenty-four members of cabinet and only six of them are nationals. It would be prudent, therefore, that each member of cabinet had a list of facts about the unique situation of CGRC and how Council is in a position to undertake the demerger. The Cabinet are the people who make the decisions which ultimately affect us all.
There was concern that the de-amalgamation of CGRC would set a precedent for the de-amalgamation of other merged councils. It needs to be demonstrate that this would not be the case. For example:
· CGRC was an anomaly – it was the only rural council in legal challenges that was nevertheless amalgamated.
· CGRC is a special case – because of the lack of integration amalgamation can be done relatively cheaply, which is not the case for most other councils.
· De-amalgamation has the support of 100% of the current CGRC councillors.
· Council has been proactive in consolidating the mechanisms of the new council eg harmonising rates and seeking an SRV, which demonstrates that Council can work together to make tough decisions and get good outcomes for its community.
· Two ‘moderately’ sustainable councils existed prior to the Proclamation of 12th May, 2016. A demerger would undo the diseconomies of scale which now burdens Council and with ad return to former cost structures. Furthermore there will be additional revenue from an increase to fees and charges adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 30th June, 2020 in addition to the proposed SRV if approved.
23 February 2021 |
343929 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
The Questions with Notice from Councillors and related responses from Council officers be noted.
Questions with Notice
The following questions with notice from Councillors have been received with the responses from Council officers provided respectively:
Leigh Bowden – The Wallendbeen Community Association is aware that approximately $40-$50k is still to be spent on works at the Wallendbeen Cenotaph. Could you please advise when these works will be undertaken? |
Response from Council Officer – A response from the Manager Waste, Parks and Recreation will be provided at the meeting. |
23 February 2021 |
344209 |
Marianne McInerney, Executive Assistant to the General Manager |
Phillip McMurray, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To facilitate compliance with sections 10 and 11 of the Local Government Act 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council’s Code of Meeting Practice allows members of the public present to indicate whether they wish to make representations to the meeting, before it is closed to the public, as to whether that part of the meeting dealing with any or all of the matters listed should be closed.