Business Paper
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6:00PM, Tuesday 30th October, 2018
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
30 October 2018 |
The Mayor & Councillors
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420
Cootamundra NSW 2590
An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra on:
Tuesday, 30th October, 2018 at 6:00PM
The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.
Allen Dwyer
General Manager
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
30 October 2018 |
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 25 September 2018
8.1 Corporate Services Directorate
8.1.1 Council Meeting Action Report
8.1.2 Tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns
8.1.3 Councillor Workshop - 16 October 2018 - Report
8.1.4 Planning and Development Committee - Non-Voting Members
8.1.5 Report from the Local Government Aboriginal Network Conference 12-14 September 2018
8.1.6 Cootamundra Tourism Action Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.7 Gundagai Tourism Action Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.8 The Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.9 Muttama Hall Management Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.10 The Art Centre Cootamundra Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.11 Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall Section 355 Committee Meeting - Minutes
8.1.12 Wallendbeen Fishing Club - Request for Donation
8.1.13 Gundagai Preschool Kindergarten Inc. - Request for Donation
8.1.14 Monthly Finance Report for September 2018
8.1.15 Investment Report - September 2018
8.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
8.2.1 Development Applications Approved September 2018
8.3.1 October Operations Report
8.4 Asset Management Directorate
8.4.1 Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
8.4.2 Cooper Street On-Road Parking zone for Driver Testing
8.4.3 Softwoods Working Group Activity
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.
30 October 2018 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 25 September 2018 |
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 25 September 2018 (attached) be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
25 September 2018 |
Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
6:00PM, Tuesday 25th September, 2018
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Chambers, Gundagai
ON Tuesday, 25
September 2018 AT 6:00PM
PRESENT: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan
IN ATTENDANCE: Allen Dwyer (General Manager), Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager), Tim Swan (Manager Finance)
1 Open Forum
List of Speakers
1. Sarah Last – Muttama Memorial Hall
2. Mason Crane – Gundagai historic bridges
2 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
3 Apologies
Note: Apologies were received on behalf of Crs Leigh Bowden and Craig Stewart Resolution 186/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly That the apology received from Cr Leigh Bowden and Cr Craig Stewart be accepted and leave of absence granted. Carried |
3 Disclosures of Interest
Cr David Graham disclosed a pecuniary interest in discussion point 2 (Gundagai Pre-School) of item 8.1.6 Councillor Workshop – 28 August 2018 – Report for the reason that he owns the subject property.
4 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 August 2018 |
Resolution 187/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr David Graham The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 August 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the Meeting Carried |
5 Mayoral Minutes
6.1 Mayoral Minute |
Resolution 188/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. Carried |
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Library Funding Endorsement |
Resolution 189/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan 1. Council endorse the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative, Renew Our Libraries. 2. Council note the announcement by the NSW Government on 24 August 2018 of its intention to provide a $60m funding package for NSW public libraries for the quadrennial period 2019-20 to 2022-23. 3. Council support the ongoing Renew Our Libraries initiative to secure the pledged funding, clarify the funding components and liaise with the government regarding the funding model. 4. Council support Renew Our Libraries to work with the Government to develop a sustainable future funding model with a view guaranteeing an appropriate level of ongoing and indexed state funding. 5. Council make representation to the local State Member Stephanie Cook, in relation to the need for ongoing additional funding from the NSW State Government for the provision of public library services. 6. Council write to the Hon. Don Harwin, Minister for the Arts and the Hon. Walt Secord, Shadow Minister for the Arts, calling for bi-partisan support for the provision of ongoing and indexed increases in state funding for NSW public libraries, supported by a sustainable future funding model. 7. Council take a leading role in activating the campaign locally. 8. Council endorse the distribution of the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative information in Council libraries, as well as involvement in any actions arising from the initiative. 9. Council formally advise the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW that Council has endorsed the library funding advocacy initiative. Carried |
6 Reports from Committees
7 General Manager’s Report
7.1 Corporate Services Directorate
8.1.1 Referral of Financial Statements for Audit |
Note: A Workshop is to be held, in Cootamundra at 4:00pm , on Tuesday, 16th October, 2018 to discuss the financial statements prior to the November, 2018 audit. Resolution 190/2018 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, General Manager and Responsible Accounting Officer to sign the Statements by Councillors and Management for the 2018 General Purpose Financial Statements and 2018 Special Purpose Financial Statements for the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council. 2. The 2018 Financial Statements be returned for audit. 3. The General Manager be authorised to issue the 2018 Financial Statements upon receipt of the auditor’s report. Carried |
8.1.2 Investment Report - August 2018 |
Resolution 191/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer Recommendation The Investment Report as at 31 August 2018 be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.3 Monthly Finance Report for August 2018 |
Resolution 192/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr David Graham The Financial report for August, 2018 be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.4 Draft Workforce Management Plan |
Resolution 193/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan Council’s draft 2018/2021 Workforce Management Plan as placed on public exhibition, be adopted. Carried |
8.1.5 Audit Committee |
Resolution 194/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. The opportunity to join the Audit Committee with the Coolamon, Junee, Lockhart and Temora Councils, and administered by Coolamon Shire Council, be accepted. 2. Blackadder Associates be appointed to manage Council’s Internal Audit function. 3. The Audit Plan detailed in the report provided by Blackadder Associates dated 10 September, 2018 attached to the report be adopted, including undertaking items 1-4. 4. The actions set out in the Cootamundra-Gundagai Audit report provided by Blackadder Associates attached to the report be undertaken. Carried |
8.1.6 Councillor Workshop - 28 August 2018 - Report |
Note: Having disclosed a pecuniary interest in discussion point 2 (Gundagai Pre-School) of this item, Cr David Graham left the meeting at 7:01pm during discussion on that matter. Cr Graham returned to the meeting at 7:02pm. Resolution 195/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly The report on the Councillor Workshop held 28 August, 2018 be received and noted. Carried
8.1.7 Councillor Workshop - 11 September 2018 - Report |
Resolution 196/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The report on the Councillor Workshop held on 11 September, 2018 be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.8 Council Meeting Action Report |
Resolution 197/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The updated Council Meeting Action Report attached to the report be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.9 Gundagai Historic Bridges Inc. - Request for Donation |
Resolution 198/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly Council donate the sum of $1,361.88 for the levied amount of rates, and water and sewer access charges for the 2018/19 financial year, to the Gundagai Historic Bridges Incorporation. Carried |
7.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
8.2.1 Development Applications Approved August 2018 |
Resolution 199/2018 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The information on Development Applications Approved in August 2018 be noted. Carried |
8.2.2 Eastern Riverina Arts, SHIFT – Report (late report) |
Resolution 200/2018 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The report on Shift, hosted by Eastern Riverina Arts, be received and noted Carried |
7.3 Operations Directorate
8.3.1 September Operations Report |
Resolution 201/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The Operations Update Report and Works Program for the month of September, 2018 attached to the report be received and noted. Carried |
7.4 Asset Management Directorate
8.4.1 Draft Asset Management Plans |
Resolution 202/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Doug Phillips Council’s draft Asset Management Plans for Transport, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Buildings, Parks, and Waste Assets, as placed on public exhibition, be adopted. Carried |
8.4.2 Inland Rail Presentation for Council |
Resolution 203/2018 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Community Drop-In Sessions being co-ordinated by ARTC Inland Rail be noted. Carried |
8.4.3 Gundagai Sewer Treatment Plant Replacement Project update |
Resolution 204/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The progress report on the Gundagai Sewer Treatment Plant Replacement be received and noted. Carried Note: Cr David Graham left the meeting at 7:24pm |
8.4.4 Local Area Traffic Committee Minutes |
Resolution 205/2018 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. That Council approves the closure of Bourke Street Cootamundra between Parker and Cooper Streets from the hours of 7.30am and 1.30pm on Saturday 8th September in support of the Rotary Cycling event and market stalls subject to the event organizer complying with all conditions set by Council and to include an upgraded Traffic Control Plan depicting the appropriate signage in accordance with Traffic Control at Worksites manual, version 5.0. 2. That That Council endorse reinstating of the 2 hour timed parking provisions and disabled parking bays and bus zone in Sheridan Street between Otway and Homer Street as detailed in the design plans. 3. That Council endorse that further investigation be undertaken to determine if a change to the road priority to a one-way access between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets via. (i) A public consultation with affected residents in the precinct of Sutton and Hovell Street’s Cootamundra, (ii) Traffic study of vehicle movements within the un-named lane between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets, and a (iii) Report outlining the findings is tabled at the next Local Traffic Committee meeting. 4. That Council note the speed trend study undertaken of Landon Street failed to identify speeding as an issue and the data collected be provided to the local NSW Highway Patrol Police for their information. Carried |
8 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9.1 Notice of Motion of Rescission - CGRC Swimming Pools Fees and Charges |
Resolution 206/2018 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly Minute No. 185/2018 of the Council Meeting held on 28 August 2018 in relation to Item No. 8.3.2 CGRC Swimming Pools Report be and is hereby rescinded.
Carried |
Resolution 207/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. Council adopt the following Fees and Charges for the Gundagai and Cootamundra Pools for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Gundagai Fees and Charges
Cootamundra Fees and Charges
2. The Cootamundra Indoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, the Cootamundra Swimming Pool Operations Plan and the Gundagai Outdoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, attached to the report, be adopted for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Carried |
9.2 Notice of Motion - Disparity of Sewer Connection Fees between Cootamundra and Gundagai |
Resolution 208/2018 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Doug Phillips The discussions at the meeting regarding the disparity of the fees and charges in relation to sewer connection in Cootamundra and Gundagai be noted. Carried |
9.3 Notice of Motion - Request that Cootamundra Tourism Action Group become a s355 Committee of Council (Late report) |
Resolution 209/2018 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly Cootamundra Tourism Action Group be granted the status of a Section 355 Committee of Council Carried |
9 Questions with Notice
10 Confidential Items
The Meeting closed at 7:30pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 30 October 2018.
................................................... ...................................................
30 October 2018 |
290617 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Nil |
So as to keep Councillors and the community aware of my engagements on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes. These Minutes will also include copies of relevant correspondence received by me.
The Mayoral Minute be received and noted. |
27 September 2018
I attended a Riverina Eastern Region of Councils (REROC) meeting in Wagga Wagga.
Cr’s Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Graham, Kelly, Nicholson, Phillips, Sheahan and I attended a Community Meeting at Nangus.
Cr Bowden attended the Gundagai Cultural Group Meeting.
29 September 2018
Cr’s Bowden, Nicholson, Stewart and Sheahan attended a Rail Trail meeting.
2 October 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting.
3 October 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party Meeting.
8 October 2018
Cr Sheahan attended the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group Meeting.
9 October 2018
Cr’s Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Bowden, Nicholson, Sheahan and I attended the Public Economic Development forum in Gundagai.
10 October 2018
Cr Nicholson attended The Australian National Busking Championships Meeting.
Cr’s Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Graham, Nicholson, Sheahan and I attended the Public Economic Development forum in Cootamundra.
12 October 2018
Cr Nicholson and I attended The Australian National Busking Championships Launch.
13 October 2018
Cr Bowden attended the CGRC Organic Farm Tour.
15 October 2018
Cr Nicholson attended a Gundagai Regional Enhancement Group Meeting.
Cr Bowden and Stewart attended the Cootamundra Development Corporation AGM.
16 October 2018
Cr’s Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Bowden, Graham, Kelly, Nicholson, Phillips, Sheahan, Stewart and I attended a Councillor Finance Workshop with Council staff.
17 October 2018
Cr Nicholson attended The Australian National Busking Championships Meeting.
18 October 2018
Cr’s Bowden and Sheahan attended the Cootamundra Tourism Action s.355 Committee Meeting.
Cr Nicholson, Sheahan and I attended a Preschool Committee Meeting.
Cr Bowden attended the Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting.
19 October 2018
Cr’s Bowden and Sheahan attended a Muttama Hall Committee Meeting with Ray Christensen.
I attended the Joint Organisation Board Meeting in Wagga Wagga.
I attended the Riverina Eastern Region of Councils (REROC) AGM in Wagga Wagga.
22 October 2018
Cr Sheahan attended the Local Aboriginal Community AGM.
21 – 23 October 2018
Cr’s Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Bowden, Stewart and I attended the Annual LGNSW Conference hosted in Albury.
24 October 2018
Cr Nicholson attended The Australian National Busking Championships Meeting.
25 October 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting.
26 October 2018
Cr’s Kelly and Sheahan attended the CGRC Fees and Charges Meeting.
27 October 2018
Cr Nicholson attended The Australian National Busking Championships Competition.
30 October 2018 |
8.1 Corporate Services Directorate
290703 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Council Meeting Action Report ⇩ |
The updated Council Meeting Action Report attached to the report be received and noted. |
Actions required as a result of resolution of Council at previous meetings are compiled in the Council Meeting Action Report to ensure completion by the respective responsible officers.
30 October 2018 |
288254 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
In accordance with Section 449 Local Government Act, 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The tabling of pecuniary interest returns from Councillors and designated staff be noted. |
Section 449 of the Local Government Act 1993, requires Councillors and designated persons to complete and lodge with the General Manager a return in the form prescribed by the regulation within three months of becoming a Councillor or designated person, and then annually thereafter.
Disclosure Returns lodged by Councillors and designated persons (as defined in Section 441 of the Local Government Act 1993) must be tabled at the first meeting after the final lodgement date of 30 September each year, in accordance with 450A of the Local Government Act 1993.
Pecuniary interest returns from Councillors and designated staff for the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 are tabled.
30 October 2018 |
290840 |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The report on the Councillor Workshop held on 16 October, 2018 be received and noted and the recommendations considered. |
Notes on the Councillor Workshop held on Tuesday, 16 October, 2018 in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre commencing at 4:00pm.
Cr McAlister (Mayor), Cr Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Bowden,
Cr Graham, Cr Kelly, Cr Nicholson,
Cr Phillips, Cr Sheahan, and Cr Stewart.
Staff: Allen Dwyer (General Manager), Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager), Tim Swan (Finance Manager), and Stephen Molloy (Consultant).
Item 1: Notes on the Nangus Community Meeting held on Thursday, 27 September 2018
1. Council engage a consultant to prepare a detailed design and specification for a potable water supply to Nangus on the basis of Council purchasing such water from Goldenfields.
2. An application be made for a grant of 75% of the project cost from the State Government Safe and Secure Water Supply Program.
3. The previously allocated merger funds of $647,000 be utilised as Council’s contribution to the project.
4. Council continue to collaborate with the developer of the proposed Coolac Service Centre with a view to preparing a detailed design and specifications for a potable water supply to Coolac.
5. Negotiations continue with the developer of the Coolac Service Station regarding their commitment of up to $500,000 towards the cost of the Coolac Water Supply.
6. Council considers allocating the development fees payable by the Coolac Service Centre (approximately $93,000) towards the funding required for the water supply.
7. The merger funding of $600,000 allocated to the connection of water to the Dog on the Tuckerbox site be utilised as part of Council’s contribution to the Coolac Water Supply Project.
Item 2: Analysis of 2017/18 Budget Variances
A media release be prepared for publication explaining the major variations in the annual statements of account resulted from the non-accrual system of accounting where income and corresponding expenditure were not always included in the same year.
Item 3: Stronger Country Community Fund Round 2 Grants
It be noted that the successful projects under SCCF Round 2 would be announced by the Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke on 5 November 2018.
Item 4: Briefing on Planning Issues
The information provided be received and noted.
Item 5: Request from Cootamundra Ex-Serviceman’s and Citizens Memorial Club
1. The matter of constructing a footpath along the Muttama Creek bank linking the path behind the Swimming Pool to the new path behind the Police Station Carpark be considered for grant applications and also referred to the budget for 2019/20.
2. The matter of resealing part of the carpark be considered in light of the extent of the resealing proposed.
Item 6: Request for Contribution to Cootamundra Nursing Home
In view of the precedent which could be established, Council not agree to contributing towards the Council related expenditure of the Nursing Home (estimated at $50,000 P.A)
Item 7: Appointment of Councillors to the Internal Audit Committee
Council determine its nominees to the proposed Internal Audit Committee.
Item 8: General Managers Performance Review
Council determine a suitable date to conduct the General Manager’s Performance Review.
Item 9: Netherleigh Lane
Advice be sought regarding the status of the road reserve between lot 5 DP 1092838 and Lots 60, 61 and 62 DP 753604 eastern end of Netherleigh Lane.
Item 9: Old Treatment Works Lane Cootamundra
The lane be inspected and repaired where possible.
30 October 2018 |
291003 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
Council has resolved to invite representatives of selected communities to attend Planning and Development Committee meetings as non-voting members. |
1. Letter from Mr Peter Beath on behalf of the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party ⇩ |
Council consider the representations made by Mr Peter Beath, on behalf of the Members of the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party, in his letter dated 24 October 2018. |
A letter dated 24 October 2018 from Peter Beath, on behalf of the Members of the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party, has been received and is attached.
Council has previously resolved to extend an invitation to one person from each of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities of both Cootamundra and Gundagai to attend Council’s Planning and Development Committee meetings as non-voting members. The attached letter from Mr Beath expresses concern over these arrangements and is submitted for consideration.
30 October 2018 |
290722 |
Leigh Bowden, Councillor |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. LGAN Correspondence ⇩ |
1. The Report from Councillor Bowden be received and noted. 2. In time, CGRC, in conjunction with the local Aboriginal communities, the Brungle-Tumut Local Aboriginal Land Council and the Young Local Aboriginal Land Council, undertake the mapping of the sites of cultural significance to Aboriginal people in this LGA. 3. CGRC, in consultation and negotiation with the Aboriginal communities of the region, form an Aboriginal Advisory Committee to liaise with Council about matters of importance and concern to local Aboriginal people. |
Councillors and Council staff attend meetings and conferences and report on their attendance.
This report has been produced in consultation with the Gundagai Cultural (NAIDOC) Group and the Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party. In the weeks following the Conference I shared with those groups the things I had heard and learnt. We had discussions about the issues raised at the LGAN Conference that they would like presented to Council. A full report of the Conference Proceedings has been forwarded to Councillors. This report examines ways forward for CGRC in response to the Conference.
I was invited to attend the Conference by the President of LGAN, Cr Dominic Wy Kanak, Deputy Mayor of Waverley, and Dr Joanne Buckskin, Senior Policy Officer (Aboriginal), Local Government NSW. The invitation was extended in response to the paper that I delivered at the ALGWA Conference in Gundagai in March this year
Attendees at the Conference were elected representatives, council staff, members of Aboriginal advisory committees, members of Aboriginal Land Councils and community members.
The conference began with a Smoking Ceremony, by Gomeroi senior law man, Steve Booby. A Welcome to Country was given in Language (Gomeroi) by a student of Narrabri Public School.
Cr Wy Kanak welcomed delegates to the 30th Anniversary Local Government Aboriginal Network Conference. Cr Wy Kanak emphasised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are not a homogenous group. They have different languages, geography, history, cultures and socio-economic circumstances. Spending time listening to each other and sharing stories is a vital social and cultural protocol
Cr Cathy Redding, Mayor of Narrabri, welcomed delegates to Narrabri and acknowledged the importance of Aboriginal Nations to the Shire, the State and the Nation. She spoke about the sites of cultural significance in the Narrabri Shire and their importance to the Aboriginal community for physical and spiritual wellbeing. Narrabri Council is supportive of Aboriginal initiatives in the area.
It was affirmed that Local Government is the level of government that has direct contact with Aboriginal people and is therefore in a position to serve the community in a culturally sensitive way. An understanding of local Aboriginal culture and ways of doing business is critical for councils committed to involving Aboriginal communities in decision-making and service development and delivery. This knowledge will help councils promote the cultural and economic development of Aboriginal people, and access the potential contribution of Aboriginal peoples to the development of sustainable local communities.
LGNSW has created a resource, Collaborate NSW, designed to promote Local Government and Aboriginal communities working together. Cr Linda Scott, President of LGNSW, spoke of the commitment LGNSW has to LGAN and the need to work together into the future. She also lamented the poor representation of Aboriginal people on councils. In NSW, at present, there are only 9 Indigenous councillors. This is a decline of 50% in the past 10 years. This number equates to less than 0.5% of the Aboriginal population of NSW, which has the largest populations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders living in Australia (208,500 people).
The LGAN Conference was an “Indigenous Space” in that Indigenous people (LGAN executive and staff) had organised it to suit Indigenous protocols and priorities and provided an opportunity for Indigenous peoples to share their issues and concerns. I would like to offer 2 pertinent observations here. At one sharing session a non-Indigenous councillor expressed his discomfort at being in an Indigenous space and said that he did not feel confident there. This was an appropriate response. Indigenous ways of being, thinking and doing business are different from dominant white ways, yet Indigenous peoples are expected to conform to doing things our way. They are literally “operating in two worlds” (Aboriginal conference participant). This councillor was congratulated on his honesty and encouraged in his learning. Another non-Indigenous councillor made a point of commenting or asking a question after each speaker. He was politely tolerated. He had still to learn that it is inappropriate and rude for non-Indigenous people to take up time from the important conversations that Indigenous people need to have together.
Our local Aboriginal communities spoke about some unwitting offense they had experienced from Council staff.
QUESTION: Does CGRC offer Cultural (Aboriginal) Competency/Cross Cultural Training to Council Staff and Councillors? If no, then
RECOMMENDATION: CGRC put in place Cultural (Aboriginal) Competency/Cross Cultural Training to Council Staff and Councillors
Aboriginal people need to be elected into local councils and but they also need to be represented in Council staff. CGRC is one of the major employers in the region. Aboriginal people make up 5% of the population of our LGA but they do not make up 5% of the Council workforce.
QUESTION: Does CGRC have an Indigenous employment strategy in place? If no, then
RECOMMENDATION: CGRC implement an Indigenous employment strategy.
Aboriginal Conference attendees spoke of the experience of feeling devalued in Local Government. They asked why the NSW Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and the NSW Minister for Local Government did not make an appearance at the Conference.
Locally, the Aboriginal communities were disappointed by the small number of Councillors who attended the NAIDOC commemorations this year, significantly less than in previous years. They, too, are feeling devalued.
Alan Murray, from the “Statement from the Heart” (formerly the Uluru Statement) Working Group, advocated for the endorsement of the Statement from The Heart by each NSW Council. The Aboriginal groups in our region agreed that there would need to be more community consultation before they would ask Council to endorse the Statement.
The Councils represented at the LGAN Conference all confirmed the importance of and need for an Aboriginal Advisory Committee. Different members of the committees bring different knowledge and skills to their work with Council. Some input requires the knowledge of specific Elders, sometimes the issues relate to Women’s Business; sometimes the issues concern youth. Some Aboriginal Advisory Committees met monthly with the mayor and general manager; some gave a written report to monthly meetings; others met bi annually or as the need arose.
The Aboriginal groups in our LGA agreed that having only one Aboriginal representative on the Planning and Development Committee was inadequate and that one person could not represent the views of the communities. They also agreed that the invitation for an Aboriginal representative to be a “non-voting member” of the Committee was tokenistic.
It was a privilege to be part of the LGAN Conference and to listen to the Indigenous people, elected representatives, council staff and community members, who are working in the Local Government sector. The advent of Aboriginal people being elected to Local Government in NSW began in 1983 began with the election of Cr Pat Dixon to Armidale Council. Pat was on Council for 17 years, 3 of those as Deputy Mayor. LGAN and local councils work together for mutually beneficial outcomes and, although the situation of Aboriginal communities is improving, non-Indigenous Australians still have much to learn about working with Aboriginal people.
Education is key and to quote Cr Uncle Martin Ballangarry, Gumbaynggir Elder and Deputy Mayor of Nambucca Valley Council, “Education of Australia is not an easy process!” May Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council be one of the leading Councils in cross cultural education and in building positive relationships with the local Aboriginal communities.
30 October 2018 |
290851 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. CTAC - 20 September 2018 - Minutes ⇩ 2. CTAC - 18 October 2018 - Minutes ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action s.355 Committee meetings held on 20 September and 18 October 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action s.355 Committee held on 20 September and 18 October 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
30 October 2018 |
290700 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Gundagai Tourism Action Committee - 03.09.2018 - Minutes ⇩ 2. Gundagai Tourism Action Committee - 10.10.2018 - Minutes ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Gundagai Tourism Action s.355 Committee meetings held on 3 September and 10 October 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Gundagai Tourism Action s.355 Committee meetings held on 3 September and 10 October 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
30 October 2018 |
290977 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Cootamundra Heritage Centre September Meeting Minutes ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 12 September 2018, attached to the report be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 12 September 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
30 October 2018 |
290944 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Muttama Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes October 2018 ⇩ 2. GSC Heritage Study 2006 ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 19 October 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee meeting held on 19 October 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
30 October 2018 |
290955 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. TACC October Meeting Minutes ⇩ |
The Minutes of The Art Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee meeting held on 18 October 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of The Art Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee meeting held on 18 October 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
30 October 2018 |
290958 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Ellwood's Hall August meeting Minutes ⇩ 2. Ellwood's Hall September meeting Minutes ⇩ 3. Market Report ⇩ |
1. The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meetings held on 30 August and 20 September 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The report on the Committee’s Market Day held on 22 September 2018 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held on 19 October 2018, are submitted for the information of Council.
Also attached is a report on the Committee’s Market Day held on 22 September 2018.
30 October 2018 |
290580 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
In the event that Council adopts the recommendation an amount of $1500 would be allocated from General Funds. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Request for donation from the Wallendbeen Fishing Club ⇩ |
Council donate the sum of $1,500 to the Wallendbeen Fishing Club, to match the amount the club has raised, for the purchase of a defibrillator and cabinet. |
It was recently identified that there is no defibrillator within the bounds of the village of Wallendbeen and as such, no immediate first aid response to a heart related incident.
The Wallendbeen Fishing Club has written to Council requesting Council match the amount raised by the Wallendbeen Fishing Club and Wallendbeen Country Women’s Association of $1,500.
This donation would enable the club to purchase a defibrillator and cabinet, which will greatly increase the survivability rate in the event of a heart related incident.
The club proposes that the defibrillator be located on the exterior of the police station, in a secure alarmed cabinet.
30 October 2018 |
290749 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
In the event that Council adopts the recommendation an amount of $1,379.36 would be allocated from Donation Funds. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
A donation of $1,379.36 be made to the Gundagai Preschool Kindergarten Inc. for the payment of Council rates. |
Council has received a requests from the Gundagai Preschool Inc. for the payment of Council rates.
The Gundagai Preschool is a non-profit community preschool that operates on Council-owned land.
Council has traditionally made a donation equivalent to the annual rates to support the continuing operation of the preschool. The amount in the current year is $1,379.36.
Council has a budget of $3,000 for donations for the current financial year which remains unspent.
30 October 2018 |
290813 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Regular monitoring of Council’s finances will ensure that any issues are identified in a timely manner. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. September Financial Reporting Pack ⇩ |
The Financial report for September 2018 be received and noted. |
This monthly reporting package provides Councillors with an update on the financial position of Council and includes a progress update on the many major projects currently being undertaken by Council.
As previously reported, this process has allowed us to identify allocation errors and issues of configuration of our new accounting system. It is anticipated that the first batch of corrections will appear in the October reports.
Income appears to be significantly ahead of budget, however this is entirely down to timing variances on rates and grant income. Expenses are tracking almost exactly to budget, with no unexplained variances that significantly affect the overall picture.
The plant replacement program appears to be over budget, however this includes several orders placed last financial year which were delivered this financial year. Adjustments will be made accordingly through next months’ Quarterly Budget Review.
30 October 2018 |
290847 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Council’s investment income for August 2018 was $67,529, exceeding the budgeted figure of $65,526 by 3.1%. |
Council investments comply fully with section 625 of the Local Government Act (NSW) 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 paragraph 212 and Council’s Investment Policy. |
The Investment Policy was adopted on 31 July 2018 and is due for review on 31 July 2021. |
1. Investment Report P1 ⇩ 2. Investment Report P2-5 ⇩ 3. Reserves ⇩ |
The Investment Report as at 31 September 2018 be received and noted. |
Returns on investments have exceeded budget and benchmarks for September, 2018.
Investments for August, 2018 have produced interest of $67,529.
Due to the excellent performance of Council’s investments in the 2017/18 financial year, the budgeted income has been increased from $52,983 per month to $65,526.
At this early stage of the financial year the interest income 7% ahead of budget, and the net return is significantly higher than the benchmark.
30 October 2018 |
8.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
289815 |
Brooke Douglas, Executive Assistant |
Les Munn, Acting Director of Development and Community |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The information on Development Applications Approved in September 2018 be noted. |
The following development applications were approved by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in September 2018:
APP. NO. |
DA2018/067 |
New Solar Panels |
Sutton Street |
DA2018/086 |
Alterations to Car Repair Station |
Middle Street |
DA2018/097 |
New Carport |
Thompson Street |
DA2018/098 |
New Dwelling and New Shed |
Five Mile Creek Road |
DA2018/100 |
New Shed |
King Street |
DA2018/101 |
Alterations to Commercial Building |
Coolac Road |
DA2018/113 |
New Dwelling |
Slate Quarry Road |
CDC2018/010 |
New School Hall |
Scott Avenue |
CDC2018/020 |
Alterations to Dwelling |
Berthong Street |
CDC2018/021 |
Alterations to Dwelling |
Sutton Street |
$1,798,398.00 |
$2,450,905.00 |
VALUE OF WORK –SEPTEMBER 2017 - $ 1,382,065.00 |
VALUE OF WORK – YTD 2017 - $ 4,207,174.00 |
30 October 2018 |
290871 |
Shelley Liehr, Executive Assistant - Operations |
Mark Ellis, Acting Director of Operations |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Works Program October 2018 ⇩ |
The Operations Update Report and Works Program for the month of October, 2018 attached to the report be received and noted. |
This report provides a detailed update of the Operations Department’s works for the month of October, 2018.
Civil Works Section
Maintenance grading has continued over the last month with roads in the Wallendbeen and Brawlin areas. These roads include Yammatree, Hines, Haynes, North Jindalee, Morrisons Hill, Blonde Vale, Fontenoy and Colorado Roads. Other roads include Cooininee, Carrs, Crowes, Kangaroo Mount, Riverview, Treatment Plant Road, Shaftsbury Lane, and Turners Lane. Several town lanes in Cootamundra have also been graded.
Work has commenced on the rehabilitation of a section of the Old Hume Highway. This work involved the reconstruction of the existing pavement in preparation for sealing.
Bitumen shire road maintenance including roadside weed spraying has continued in various parts of the LGA.
Footpath replacement works have continued in Cootamundra with work commenced on the Cooper Street footpath adjacent to the Public School and further works have progressed on the Byron Street path in Gundagai. The fishing Jetty on Morley’s Creek has been completed as well as the replacement bridge deck on the Edwardstown road bridge.
Construction works have progressed on the Cootamundra Truck Wash Upgrade. Work has now resulted in the new holding tanks being constructed, with the extensions to the wash-down slab underway. The electrical lighting upgrade at the saleyards is also progressing with commissioning of this expected in November.
The Cootamundra water main replacement works are well underway with work initially taking place on the balancing main between the two reservoirs. So far they have progressed from reservoir one down Carool Road and Florence Street. Works have also progressed from reservoir two down along to Hurley Street.
Construction works on the first stage of the Yass Road turning lane into the new fuel depot have been completed. This work involved replacing and extending the kerb and gutter up to Rodeo Drive, followed by the placement and compaction of new pavement material. These works were then finished off with asphalt seal. Works have now commenced on the opposite side to provide for the eastern side turning lanes. This work will extend down past Barnes Street and the former service station.
Earthworks at the Gundagai Sewerage treatment plant have resulted in the building pad/foundations being shaped and compacted. Other works on the ponds is still to be finished.
Attached is the updated 2018-2019 Works Program.
Parks and Recreation
October has been a very busy month for Parks staff with the new spring growth in Council’s parks and gardens. In addition to this staff, have also completed the usual daily jobs involving CBD street sweeping, litter removal, mowing, whipper snipping, edging, hand weeding, cleaning barbeques, tree maintenance and actioning on customer requests.
Cootamundra and Gundagai CBD areas have been whipper snipped and weeds have been sprayed. Staff have continued to weed, prune and mulch garden beds around the LGA. The CBD gardens have been receiving extra attention with the warmer spring weather. This included new plants, fixing irrigation and fertilising. Staff also repaired a burst pipe in the irrigation at Albert Park. Staff also assisted the RSL sub branch with the planting of a new lone pine which was planted at the Albert Park cenotaph. Playground audits have been carried out in various parks around Cootamundra and Gundagai. These audits will continue over the coming weeks.
The newly planted street trees were watered in Cootamundra, Wallendbeen and Stockinbingal. Parks staff also assisted with chipping the piles of green waste left on residents front verges from the green waste collection in Cootamundra.
The cricket wickets at Clarke Oval and Barry Grace Oval have been uncovered in preparation for the upcoming cricket season. Repairs have been completed to any tears in the synthetic surface and the crease lines have been re-painted. Soccer goal posts at Mitchell Park have been dismantled in preparation for the upcoming cricket season, with outer boundary lines being painted at Albert Park, Clarke Oval, Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen Recreation Grounds. Rugby league goal posts were also removed from Nicholson Park to make way for touch football fields. Nicholson Park was also prepared for the Cootamundra netball gala day.
Swimming Pools
Gundagai Memorial Swimming Pool
Staff and contractors completed preparation works to the pools, pool grounds, pumping equipment and buildings in late September and early October prior to the opening of the pool for the 2018/2019 season on the 14th of October 2018.
The pool is now open and operating with the pool operators advising Council they are pleased with the early numbers of patrons utilising the pool.
Cootamundra Swimming Pool
During October the Cootamundra recreation staff have completed 10 days of an Intensive Learn to Swim School Program. Three schools participated in the program, with another three schools booked for December. Preparations are also underway for the upcoming summer swim season, with recreation staff performing routine maintenance to the pool and grounds. The outdoor pool is currently being filled in readiness for the summer swimming season.
Investigations into a self-serve entry system for the Cootamundra Swimming Pool are now complete. Links Modular Systems will supply a self-serve kiosk for entry into the facility. The kiosk will allow patrons to enter via a cashless turnstile system using electronic touch screens. In addition to the entry system, delivery of an EFTPOS device, is imminent. The device will allow pool passes to be paid for on site at the swimming pool rather than customers having to visit the Administration Centre in Wallendoon Street. The new EFTPOS facilities will also be available in the canteen.
Pool maintenance works continued on the outdoor pools during September and October with staff and contractors completing the pool and grounds cleaning, the repair and reinstatement of the pools water meter and safety valves and the installation of the new liquid chlorine delivery pipework to improve safety and comply with current guidelines.
Purchase of a new three bay storage shed has been approved for the Cootamundra Swimming Pool. One bay will be used to accommodate the Cootamundra Swimming Club’s lane ropes, with the remaining two bays designated to store pool equipment and supplies. Quotes have been received and reviews completed with construction scheduled to commence in late November.
Sports Stadium
School holiday activities at the Sports Stadium have been a great success. Activities on offer during the school holidays included roller skating with approximately 250 people attending. Weekly basketball and volleyball competitions have resumed since the conclusion of school holidays have finished.
Property Maintenance
Extra preparation works were carried out at the Ellwood Hall at Stockinbingal. This included mowing, extra event bins, delivering new cabinets and topping up the sand pit for the market day held by the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall Section 355 Committee. Event bins were delivered to the showground for the annual swap meet and the Coota Picnic Car Show, the airport for the Jet Multimedia event and to the racecourse for the Cootamundra Cup held on October long weekend. These bins were then collected, washed out and stored away.
The Barry Grace Oval buildings have been freshened up with some external painting around the timber work. The roof at the Wallendbeen tennis club has been fixed to prevent any further leaking. Work has commenced on the concrete slabs for the new fitness equipment and rage cage at Wallendbeen as part of the Stronger Communities Funding.
Waste Services
The relocation of approved treated soil from the Waste Science soil remediation facility to Wallendbeen tip commenced in early October. The soil is being spread and compacted as a capping layer to the rear or southern end of the Wallendbeen waste site. It is expected there will be approximately 10,000 tonnes of the treated soil transported and utilised at the Wallendbeen site in this approved initial relocation.
In August Expressions of Interest were invited for suitably qualified and experienced waste professional to undertake a review of Council’s waste service and develop a Council wide waste strategy.
Council received nine Expression of Interest submissions with the quality of the submissions being of a high standard. Following the shortlisting and assessment process the submission from Wright Corporate was determined to be the highest ranking. Wright Corporate have been contacted and the waste services review is scheduled to commence in late October and be finalised by February 2019.
30 October 2018 |
8.4 Asset Management Directorate
290877 |
Phil McMurray, Deputy General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Figure 19 Flood Planning Area Gundagai ⇩ 2. Public Exhibition Draft (under separate cover) ⇨ 3. Appendices (under separate cover) ⇨ 4. Public Exhibition Volume 2 Figures (under separate cover) ⇨ |
The draft Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan be placed on Public Exhibition for 28 days. |
Council’s Floodplain Risk Management Committee along with consultants WMA Water have been undertaking the preparation of the Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. This is now ready for exhibition. The documentation is provided to Councillors under separate cover.
This document details the Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study; and the Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Draft Plan (abbreviated to FRMS&P). This FRMS&P follows on from the Gundagai Flood Study, adopted in March 2018, which determined the nature and extent of the flood problem in the township of Gundagai under existing conditions. Flood behaviour has been defined across a range of event sizes and include those which have been recorded in the past, as well as larger events which may occur in the future. This Floodplain Risk Management Study seeks to identify flood risk, investigate methods by which to reduce the flood risk in Gundagai, and ultimately develop a Floodplain Risk Management Plan which can be implemented by Council.
Economic Impact of Flooding
A flood damages assessment was carried out for the inundation of residential and commercial properties. The assessment was based on surveyed and estimated flood levels for all properties in the Study Area. The annual average damages for residential and commercial/industrial properties was found to be $796,750. This figure is based on the enveloped peak flood results of both Murrumbidgee River and Jones Creek flooding.
Flood Risk Management Options
The Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study assessed a range of potential options for the management of flooding. Options were identified by considering ways to improve flooding “hotspots” identified using modelled flood results, inspection of areas of property affectation using outputs from the damages assessment, and via discussions with the local community and SES personnel. Recommended options centre around improving the community’s response to flooding and reducing the operational demands on the SES, who play a key role in Gundagai’s flood emergency management. A number of property modification measures are also recommended, including raising the Flood Planning Level for areas affected by mainstream flooding to the 1% AEP level + 0.5 m freeboard, and applying a freeboard of 0.3 m for areas subject to overland flow. This is shown in the attachment Figure 19. A feasibility study to further investigate voluntary house raising and voluntary purchase is recommended, as is the provision of flood information to residents via Section 10.7 Planning Certificates, and inclusion of flood related development controls in the comprehensive Cootamundra – Gundagai Development Control Plan.
Flood modification options were generally not found to be effective in Gundagai. The assessment investigated works including converting the Otway Street causeway to a bridge over Morleys Creek, increasing culvert capacity beneath Middleton Drive, and installing a levee between Sheridan Lane and Morleys Creek. Excavation of a flood channel beneath Sheahan Bridge had been thought to assist in reducing inundation durations, however was shown to backwater initially and flood Ferry Street earlier than otherwise would have occurred, and did not reduce property damages. Options were additionally assessed via a multi-criteria matrix assessment, to establish a comparative assessment of options across a range of factors. The assessment criteria included economic benefits, social factors, environmental factors and other aspects relating to compatibility with existing Council priorities, policies and projects. Options were scored from-3 to +3 on each factor, and scores totalled to establish a ranking of each options. Options that had a positive overall score indicate that their benefits outweighed the negative aspects associated with the option, and have been recommended for implementation via the Draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan.
30 October 2018 |
290910 |
Phil McMurray, Deputy General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Proposed Driver Testing and DDA Parking in Cooper Street ⇩ |
Council approve the introduction of two dedicated driver testing parking spots, marked ‘Driver Testing Only Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm’, on the northern side of Cooper Street Cootamundra, immediately to the west of the existing disabled parking zone near Wallendoon Street, as represented in the photograph/drawing attached to the report. |
Service NSW is opening a new office in Cooper Street and has requested Council’s support for two dedicated parking spots for driver testing – marked Mon-Friday 9am to 4pm. Outside of those times the spots would still be available for general public use. The request came to Council some time ago however the proposed photograph/drawing for review was only sent through on 23 October 2018 and is attached.
The parking immediately in front of the Service NSW Office comprises two existing disabled spots with a pram ramp. The proposed location for the Driver Tester Parking is immediately to the west of these spaces towards Wallendoon Street.
The site chosen to the west is fronting government and service offices, and is a much better alternative to east which has a retail use and higher turnover vehicle demand.
The property owners adjacent to the site selected have been consulted by Council officers.
Approval of the proposal is requested.
This matter was referred to the members of the Local Area Traffic Committee for determination, as required, via email on 23 October 2018. Responses to the recommendation have been sought from the members so that Councillors can be provided with such feedback prior to consideration of this report. Formal approval of the Local Traffic Committee is also required procedurally.
Service NSW has engaged the services of a line marking company to mark the bays, subject to the endorsement of Council. This needs to be undertaken prior to the opening of the shopfront scheduled for 7 November 2018. It is anticipated that there may be an official opening by the Local Member or associated Minister.
It should be noted that heavy vehicle testing will still take place at the existing site in Cootamundra.
It is also noted that the next meeting of the Local Area Traffic Committee is scheduled for 10am on 8 November 2018 in the Gundagai Chambers 255 Sheridan Street Gundagai.
30 October 2018 |
290913 |
Phil McMurray, Deputy General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Map for GLE ⇩ |
The report on activities of the Softwoods Working Group be received and noted. |
This report provides an overview of some recent activities undertaken by the Softwoods Working Group.
Most recently an application was made under the Growing Local Economies fund, by the Councils of Greater Hume, Snowy Valleys, and CGRC, for critical rehabilitation of timber haulage roads used by industry. The attached map shows a broad overview. A site tour of the SWG area was provided for our Local Member on Friday 5 October 2018, with Mayor McAlister, Councillor Graham and Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager) representing Council. An explanation of the northern complex is provided below for information.
Northern Road Complex (Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council) – Scope of Work
The Northern Road complex is made up of three road segments and is the main transportation route that feeds all of the timber located in the Northeast section of the Local Government Area (LGA) to the processing plants in Tumut. The Nanangroe Road is located at the northern most point and the start of the road complex. This feeds into the Adjungbilly road and finally the Redhill Road before exiting the LGA, to join with the Billapaloola Road and ultimately the Bombowlee Creek Road in Snowy Valleys Council.
This road complex acts as the main spine to processing for the majority of the timber plantations located in the LGA. This road was constructed prior to introduction of plantations in the area and is now inadequate due to the increase in heavy vehicle movements and the use of B-Doubles. The ongoing cost of maintaining these roads is ever increasing and it is being found that a large portion of the Council’s maintenance budget is required to keep the road at an acceptable standard. Because of this the wider community is affected as it is hampering the ability for the Council to maintain the rest of the Council’s assets.
Details of components of funding sought:
A range of rehabilitation treatments have been included in the costings for this project. Pavement stabilisation and improving drainage is a cost effective method of improving the road surface to an acceptable level. There are a number of sections that require increased road width and shoulders to allow for safe passage of heavy vehicles and a safe place for vehicles to pull off the road in case of emergency.
The total cost of this work has been costed at $3.7 million.
Road |
km |
$(M) |
Redhill |
8.1 |
0.88 |
Nanangroe |
18.1 |
1.56 |
Adjungbilly |
11.5 |
1.26 |
Totals |
3.7 |
Changes in Road Standard to make the road fit for purpose:
The RMS Rating system for roads was used to evaluate the current road standards and estimate the increased road standard as a result of the project. The sealed sections will be improved from a S2 standard to an S4 standard which translates to improving the road surface and shoulders, providing good drainage and adequate opportunities for overtaking. Reconstruction will be by means of insitu-stabilisation to a typical depth of 300mm using 2% lime and applying a two coat seal. Approximately 20% of pavement requires reconstruction, with other sections requiring 10mm re-seals.
The unsealed sections or road will be improved from a road standard of G4 to G5 standard. This involves increasing the gravel pavement to accommodate two lanes and eliminate all pavement failures such as deformations and rutting. Full depth gravel reconstruction to 300mm, 8m wide, with drainage will be applied to approximately 10% of the route. Gravel re-sheeting to 100mm, 8m wide will be applied to 90% of the route. Following reconstruction, a two coat seal will be applied to approximately 20% of the route, increasing to budget exhaustion.
These improvements in road standards provide a large range of benefits for the community, the Council and the Forestry. The increased road safety will help to accommodate more efficient movement of timber and provide a safer access for local residents. By improving the road standard the maintenance costs will be drastically reduced and will allow the roads to be properly managed. The improved road standards will also allow for expansion in the forestry industry as it will be able to cope with increased haulage demands and ever increasing vehicle size.
On Friday 19 October 2018 a meeting was arranged to commence planning to seek a nomination of the region as a “plantation hub” under the Commonwealth’s new Billion Trees Program. Mayor McAlister, Councillor Graham and Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager) represented Council. The critical importance of securing additional plantation resources within the region was emphasised. Companies such as Visy and the region’s sawmills and timber contractors can only continue to invest and remain internationally competitive if further local wood becomes available. At present the plantation establishment rate is declining, and the Billion Trees program can reverse that. A small working group has been established to make the application.