Business Paper
Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
6:00PM, Tuesday 25th September, 2018
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
25 September 2018 |
The Mayor & Councillors
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420
Cootamundra NSW 2590
An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Gundagai on:
Tuesday, 25th September, 2018 at 6:00PM
The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.
Allen Dwyer
General Manager
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
25 September 2018 |
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 August 2018
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Library Funding Endorsement
8.1 Corporate Services Directorate
8.1.1 Referral of Financial Statements for Audit
8.1.2 Investment Report - August 2018
8.1.3 Monthly Finance Report for August 2018
8.1.4 Draft Workforce Management Plan
8.1.6 Councillor Workshop - 28 August 2018 - Report
8.1.7 Councillor Workshop - 11 September 2018 - Report
8.1.8 Council Meeting Action Report
8.1.9 Gundagai Historic Bridges Inc. - Request for Donation
8.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
8.2.1 Development Applications Approved August 2018
8.3.1 September Operations Report
8.4 Asset Management Directorate
8.4.1 Draft Asset Management Plans
8.4.2 Inland Rail Presentation for Council
8.4.3 Gundagai Sewer Treatment Plant Replacement Project update
8.4.4 Local Area Traffic Committee Minutes
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9.1 Notice of Motion of Rescission - CGRC Swimming Pools Fees and Charges
9.2 Notice of Motion - Disparity of Sewer Connection Fees between Cootamundra and Gundagai
Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.
25 September 2018 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 August 2018 |
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 August 2018 (attached) are submitted for confirmation. |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
28 August 2018 |
Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting centre, Cootamundra
6:00PM, Tuesday 28th August, 2018
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Meeting CENTRE, Cootamundra
ON Tuesday, 28 August,
2018 AT 6:00PM
PRESENT: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Craig Stewart, Cr Charlie Sheahan
IN ATTENDANCE: Allen Dwyer (General Manager), Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager), Tim Swan (Manager Finance),
Note: The Meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm and reconvened at 8:20pm.
1 Open Forum
List of Speakers
1. Narelle Troy – Spoke in relation to current swimming pool entry fees and in support of a spectator fee.
2. Betty Brown – Thanked Council for its letter of support in relation to her endeavours to have the Old Cootamundra Hospital added to the State Heritage Register.
2 Acknowledgement of Country
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
3 Apologies
4 Disclosures of Interest
Cr Kelly disclosed a pecuniary interest in item no. 8.2.1 Development Applications Approved July 2018 in relation to DA 10.2018.081 – Dwelling Additions at 164 Sutton Street, Cootamundra, as it is his primary place of residence.
5 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 31 July 2018 |
Note: It was noted that in relation to item 9.1 Min. 170/2018, the dates for the consultation with local property owners, potential investors/developers, real estate agents and builders was changed from 17th and 18th September to 9th and 10th October, 2018 in Gundagai and Cootamundra respectively. Resolution 176/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 31 July 2018 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
6 Mayoral Minutes
6.1 Mayoral Minute |
Resolution 177/2018 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. 2. Mason Crane be invited to address Council on the meeting regarding historic bridges held in Sydney on 10th August, 2018 which was also attended by the Mayor. Carried |
7 Reports from Committees
8 General Manager’s Report
8.1 Corporate Services Directorate
8.1.1 Investment Report - July 2018 |
Resolution 178/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Investment Report as at 31 July 2018 be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.2 Monthly Finance Report for July, 2018 |
Resolution 179/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart The Financial report for July, 2018 be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.3 Local Government NSW Annual Conference |
Resolution 180/2018 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly Recommendation 1. Cr McAlister (Mayor), Cr Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Stewart and Cr Bowden attend the 2018 Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor be nominated as Council’s voting delegates for the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 3. Other Councillors wishing to attend the Conference be granted approval upon advising the Mayor and General Manager of their decision Carried |
8.1.4 Cootamundra Tourism Action Group - 16 August 2018 - Mintues |
Resolution 181/2018 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Committee held on 16th August, 2018 be received and noted Carried |
8.1.5 Council Meeting Action Report (Late Report) |
Resolution 182/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Council Meeting Action report attached to the report be received and noted Carried |
8.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
8.2.1 Development Applications Approved July 2018 |
Note : Having disclosed a pecuniary interest in this item, Cr Kelly left the meeting at 6:34pm, during discussion and voting. Resolution 183/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The information on Development Applications Approved for the month of July, 2018 be noted.
Carried Note: Cr Kelly returned to the meeting at 6:35pm. |
8.3 Operations Directorate
8.3.1 Operations Update Report for the Month of August, 2018 |
Resolution 184/2018 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Operations Update Report and Works Program attachment for the month of August, 2018 be received. Carried |
8.3.2 CGRC Swimming Pools Report |
Note: The Resolution was carried during re-committal of this item, following the reconvening of the Meeting. Resolution 185/2018 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Doug Phillips 1. Council adopt the following Fees and Charges for the Gundagai and Cootamundra Pools for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Gundagai Fees and Charges
Cootamundra Fees and Charges
2. The Cootamundra Indoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, the Cootamundra Swimming Pool Operations Plan and the Gundagai Outdoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, attached to the report, be adopted for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Carried |
An amendment was moved by Cr’s Sheahan and Kelly:
1. Council adopt the following Fees and Charges for the Gundagai and Cootamundra Pools for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Gundagai and Cootamundra Swimming Pools Fees and Charges
Single Visit |
Adult |
$4.00 |
Child/Concession |
$3.00 |
Non-Swimming Observer |
Free |
Season Pass – 14 Oct 2018 to 10 Mar 2019 |
Adult |
$125.00 |
Child/Concession |
$100.00 |
Family |
$250.00 |
Season Pass – Annual |
Adult |
$350.00 |
Child/Concession |
$280.00 |
Family |
$700.00 |
2. The Cootamundra Indoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, the Cootamundra Swimming Pool Operations Plan and the Gundagai Outdoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, attached to the report, be adopted for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
On being put to the Meeting, the Amendment was lost.
Note: A Notice of Motion of Rescission of Minute no. 185/2018 CGRC Swimming Pools Report in the names of Cr’s Sheahan, Kelly and Bowden was lodged with the General Manager prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
8.4 Asset Management Directorate
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
10 Questions with Notice
11 Confidential Items
The Ordinary Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm to consider several matters in a workshop. The Ordinary Meeting resumed at 8:20pm.
The Meeting closed at 8:30pm.
The Minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 25th September, 2018.
................................................... ...................................................
25 September 2018 |
So as to keep Councillors and the community aware of my engagements on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes. These Minutes will also include copies of relevant correspondence received by me.
288893 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Nil |
The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. |
29 August 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Gundagai Cultural Group Meeting.
31 August 2018
Cr Bowden attended SHIFT Eastern Riverina Arts event in Temora.
1 September 2018
Mayor McAlister attended the Gundagai Remembers Official Ceremony with Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove.
Crs Bowden and Nicholson met with residents of the Cootamundra Nursing Home for morning tea.
3 September 2018
Mayor McAlister and Cr Nicholson attended the Gundagai Tourism Action Committee meeting.
Cr Sheahan attended the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group meeting.
6 September 2018
Mayor McAlister and Crs Graham, Nicholson and Sheahan attended the Inland Rail presentation in Cootamundra.
10 September 2018
Mayor McAlister attended the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) meeting.
12 September 2018
Mayor McAlister and Cr Nicholson attended the combined Gundagai and Cootamundra Tourism Action Committee meeting.
Cr Graham chaired the Coolac Advancement Group meeting.
12 - 14 September 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Local Aboriginal Network Conference in Narrabri.
20 September 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group Meeting.
21 September 2018
Cr Bowden attended the Eastern Riverina Arts Advisory Panel Meeting.
25 September 2018 |
288172 |
Abb McAlister, Mayor |
1. Email from Robert Knight-RRL-Letter of Support dated 29th August, 2018 ⇩ |
1. Council endorse the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative, Renew Our Libraries. 2. Council note the announcement by the NSW Government on 24 August 2018 of its intention to provide a $60m funding package for NSW public libraries for the quadrennial period 2019-20 to 2022-23. 3. Council support the ongoing Renew Our Libraries initiative to secure the pledged funding, clarify the funding components and liaise with the government regarding the funding model. 4. Council support Renew Our Libraries to work with the Government to develop a sustainable future funding model with a view guaranteeing an appropriate level of ongoing and indexed state funding. 5. Council make representation to the local State Member Stephanie Cook, in relation to the need for ongoing additional funding from the NSW State Government for the provision of public library services. 6. Council write to the Hon. Don Harwin, Minister for the Arts and the Hon. Walt Secord, Shadow Minister for the Arts, calling for bi-partisan support for the provision of ongoing and indexed increases in state funding for NSW public libraries, supported by a sustainable future funding model. 7. Council take a leading role in activating the campaign locally. 8. Council endorse the distribution of the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW library funding advocacy initiative information in Council libraries, as well as involvement in any actions arising from the initiative. 9. Council formally advise the NSW Public Libraries Association and Local Government NSW that Council has endorsed the library funding advocacy initiative. |
Riverina Regional Library (RRL) are lobbying their member councils and requesting support for funding through Regional Cultural Fund Grants Program and seeks endorsement from Council with the recommendations outlined above.
Council has previously supplied a letter of support which was sent 5 September, 2018.
25 September 2018 |
8.1 Corporate Services Directorate
286619 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To comply with section 413 of the Local Government Act 1993. |
Accounting Policies are detailed within the Financial Statements. |
1. GPFS Statement by Councillors and Management ⇩ 2. SPFS Statement by Councillors and Management ⇩ |
1. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, General Manager and Responsible Accounting Officer to sign the Statements by Councillors and Management for the 2018 General Purpose Financial Statements and 2018 Special Purpose Financial Statements for the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council. 2. The 2018 Financial Statements be returned for audit. 3. The General Manager be authorised to issue the 2018 Financial Statements upon receipt of the auditor’s report. |
Section 413 of the Local Government Act requires a resolution of Council to refer the draft financial statements to audit.
Section 413 (2c) requires a resolution of Council that the annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with;
- The Local Government Act 1993 (as amended) and the Regulations made there under
- The Australian Accounting Standard and professional pronouncements,
- The Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting.
And that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, the financial statements present fairly the operating result and financial position, and accord with Council’s accounting and other records.
Section 418 of the Act requires that as soon as practicable after Council receives a copy of the auditor’s report, it must fix a date for a meeting to present the audited financial statements to the public, and it must make the financial statements available for public inspection for at least seven days prior to the meeting date.
The financial statements for the reporting period ended 30 June 2018 have been completed to draft stage and are ready for audit. Pursuant to section 413(1) of the Local Government Act,
Council is required to refer the draft statements to audit.
Further information and analysis will be provided when the audit is finalised and the completed financial statements are presented to Council at the November Council meeting, including a presentation by the Audit Office.
25 September 2018 |
288242 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Council’s investment income for August 2018 was $69,056, exceeding the budgeted figure of $65,526 by 5.4%. |
Council investments comply fully with section 625 of the Local Government Act (NSW) 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 paragraph 212 and Council’s Investment Policy. |
The Investment Policy was adopted on 31 July 2018 and is due for review on 31 July 2021. |
1. Investment Report P1 ⇩ 2. Investment Report P2-5 ⇩ 3. Investment Report - Reserves ⇩ |
The Investment Report as at 31 August 2018 be received and noted. |
Returns on investments have exceeded budget and benchmarks for August, 2018.
Investments for August, 2018 have produced interest of $69,056.
Due to the excellent performance of Council’s investments in the 2017/18 financial year, the budgeted income has been increased from $52,983 per month to $65,526.
At this early stage of the financial year the interest income 9% ahead of budget, and the net return is significantly higher than the benchmark.
25 September 2018 |
288841 |
Tim Swan, Manager Finance |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Regular monitoring of Council’s finances will ensure that any issues are identified in a timely manner. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. August Monthly Finance Report ⇩ |
The Financial report for August, 2018 be received and noted. |
This is the second monthly report for the 2018/19 financial year which will provide Councillors with an update on the financial position of Council and include a progress update on the many major projects currently being undertaken by Council.
At this early stage of the year the reporting is of very limited use for identifying trends, however the small amount of data makes it easier to identify allocation errors. This has been particularly useful with our new system in its’ early months because it has enabled us to identify the inevitable configuration issues that need to be rectified. While a simple journal entry would correct the problem for reporting purposes we feel the more sensible course of action is to collate a list of issues so that the configuration issues can be addressed with the benefit of a bigger picture. We are hopeful of having the first batch of these corrected in October.
While there are no significant matters to report at this early stage of the financial year there are a few variances that may appear adverse, however, are a result of timing influences. Over time the development of the budget will include expected timing of expenditure across the months and this will reduce the occurrence of such timing variances.
The development of this report will be ongoing and as the year progresses commentary will be expanded as determined.
It was noted at the August Council meeting that the Cootamundra Depot project was reported as having no expenditure allocated, despite the preliminary planning work completed by project management staff. Due to the large number of projects being managed by council it is impossible to allocate the time of project management staff to individual projects, and a percentage of each project will be charged for project management. The charge will be processed in October when the list of projects is finalised.
25 September 2018 |
287907 |
Teresa Breslin, Governance Officer |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To comply with section 403 of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council’s draft 2018/2021 Workforce Management Plan as placed on public exhibition, be adopted. |
At its ordinary meeting on 31 July 2018 Council resolved that the draft 2018/2021 Workforce Management Plan be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
The notice of public exhibition and invitation for submissions was duly advertised as follows:
· Cootamundra and Gundagai Newspaper Snippets
· Fortnightly newsletters
· Council’s Website and Facebook pages
· Copies made available at the Council Administration Centres and Libraries
The advertisement provided direction on how to make a submission, including advice that all submissions must be lodged by 5pm Friday 31 August 2018.
As a result of the public exhibition process no submissions were received.
It is therefore recommended that the draft 2018/2021 Workforce Management Plan be adopted without amendment.
25 September 2018 |
289025 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
$15,000.00 per annum to be funded from the Operational Budget |
To comply with the Office of Local Government’s guidelines on an Audit Committee |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Cootamundra-Gundagai Audit proposal by Blackadder Associates dated 10 September 2018 ⇩ |
1. The opportunity to join the Audit Committee with the Coolamon, Junee, Lockhart and Temora Councils, and administered by Coolamon Shire Council, be accepted. 2. Blackadder Associates be appointed to manage Council’s Internal Audit function. 3. The Audit Plan detailed in the report provided by Blackadder Associates dated 10 September, 2018 attached to the report be adopted, including undertaking items 1-4. 4. The actions set out in the Cootamundra-Gundagai Audit report provided by Blackadder Associates attached to the report be undertaken. |
The Office of Local Government guidelines provide direction to Council’s Audit Committee operation and functions.
It was noted in the Mayoral Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 31st July, 2018 that Council may enter into an arrangement with another body, such as the new Joint Organisation, to appoint and administer an Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee through a shared arrangement.
At a Councillor Workshop held on 11th September, 2018 it was suggested that Council join an active Internal Audit Committee in conjunction with Coolamon, Junee, Lockhart and Temora Councils.
The attached report dated 10th September, 2018 from Blackadder Associates outlines a proposal for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council to become a member of the Internal Audit Committee managed through Coolamon Shire Council. Council is therefore required to formally determine whether it wishes to join the existing alliance administered by Coolamon Council and comprising Coolamon, Junee, Lockhart and Temora Councils. Should it wish to proceed on this basis, Council would also be required to appoint Blackadder Associates to manage its internal audit function in accordance with the details provided in the report of Blackadder Associates dated 10th September, 2018, attached to the report. The anticipated costs are $15,000.00 per annum.
It is noted that the existing alliance has already completed items 1-4 of its Audit Plan.
In joining the alliance Council will be required to commence the Audit Plan at item 5 along with the other Councils. Council will then have the option to engage Blackadder and Associates to also undertake items 1-4 at an additional cost.
25 September 2018 |
288124 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The report on the Councillor Workshop held 28 August, 2018 be received and noted. |
At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Tuesday, 28 August, 2018 Council adjourned to undertake discussions on various matters which have been detailed in the report below.
Present: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Bowden, Cr Graham, Cr Kelly, Cr Nicholson, Cr Phillips, Cr Sheahan and Cr Stewart, Allen Dwyer (GM), Phil McMurray (Deputy GM), and Tim Swan (Finance Manager).
1. Southwest fuel development – a chronology of the development was tabled and Council was advised the issue of the treatment of Yass Road was still being negotiated with all affected parties.
2. Gundagai Pre-School – Correspondence from the Pre-School was discussed with the consensus being that Council not support the request. Further, that a meeting be held with the Pre-School Committee to discuss future developments.
3. Dog on the Tuckerbox Development Issues – an options paper for development opportunities is being prepared.
4. Nangus Water Supply – Goldenfields Water has provided preliminary estimates - the next step is to coordinate a meeting of interested community members.
5. Muttama Creek – a report on potential mitigation actions is being prepared by an environmental consultant.
6. Softwoods Working Party – Cr Graham advised on the proposal to seek funding from the Federal Government to repair and reinforce logging roads in the Three Council areas.
7. Swimming Pool costings – The Finance Manager provided up to date costings on the Cootamundra and Gundagai Swimming Pools.
25 September 2018 |
288542 |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The report on the Councillor Workshop held on 11 September, 2018 be received and noted. |
Notes on the Councillor Workshop held on Tuesday, 11 September, 2018 in Gundagai Council Chambers commencing at 4:00pm.
Cr McAlister (Mayor), Cr Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Graham, Nicholson and Cr Sheahan, Michael Ryan (Riverina Agriconsultants), Allen Dwyer (General Manager), Phil McMurray (Deputy General Manager), Les Munn (Acting Manager Development and Community), Brandie Strickland (Graduate Town Planner), Susan Gheller (Project Officer) and Brooke Douglas (Executive Assistant Planning).
Cr Bowden, Cr Kelly, Cr Phillips and Cr Stewart.
Item 1: Les Munn, Blackadder & Associates, was introduced as the Interim Manager of Development and Community pending a satisfactory recruitment process.
Item 2: Michael Ryan, Riverina Agriconsultants, presented an overview of the draft land use issues papers and their role in progressing the land use strategy necessary to develop a new Local Environmental Plan (LEP). Michael advised the ‘Disused Mining and Landfill’ issues paper was yet to be developed.
Item 3: Each issues paper was discussed with Michael, gleaning information form Councillors as to what changes were desirable for a land use strategy to incorporate in a new LEP. Comment was made that much of the mapping information in the papers was quite obsolete and up to date data should be sought where possible. Councillors agreed that the proposed new LEP should retain the 40 hectare minimum lot size in RU1 for a dwelling entitlement in the former Gundagai Shire area and the 200 hectare minimum lot size in the former Cootamundra Shire area.
Item 4: Michael proposed the way forward was to amend the draft papers as required, place them on public exhibition and then have workshops in Cootamundra on 13 November, 2018 and in Gundagai on 20 November, 2018.
It was proposed that workshops in Cootamundra will include one to be held with Councillors, government agencies and indigenous groups and then at 6:00pm an evening session is to be held with Councillors and members of the community for open discussion. The Gundagai workshop will be held on 20 November, 2018 at 6:00pm with Councillors and members of the community for open discussion.
Michael also advised it would be feasible to undertake the necessary work to review the urban areas of Gundagai and Cootamundra in preparation for a new LEP in a concurrent fashion. Michael will develop a proposal, charting a way forward to expedite the process.
Item 5: Nangus water supply will be discussed at a community forum in Nangus. The discussions will revolve around the viability and feasibility of a reticulated water supply for the Village of Nangus and have been scheduled for Thursday, 27 September, 2018 at 6:00pm at the Nangus Hall.
Item 6: It was determined the public forums for economic growth be held 9 October, 2018 in Gundagai at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers. The Cootamundra public forum will be held on 10 October, 2018 at 6:00pm in the Alby Schultz Meeting Centre with RSVP being required.
Item 7: Establishment of an Internal Audit Committee – the Mayor and General Manager are to liaise with Coolamon, Junee and Temora Councils to facilitate inclusion in their existing arrangement.
Cr Nicholson left the meeting at 5:10pm.
The meeting closed at 7:00pm.
25 September 2018 |
288543 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Action Report ⇩ |
The updated Council Meeting Action Report attached to the report be received and noted. |
Actions created by reports submitted to Council for consideration are compiled in the Council Meeting Action Report to ensure completion by the respective responsible officers.
25 September 2018 |
289061 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
The amount of $1,865.37 being donated to Gundagai Historic Bridges Inc. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Gundagai Historic Bridges - Request for Donation ⇩ |
Council donate the sum of $1,865.37 for the levied amount of rates, and water and sewer access charges for the 2018/19 financial year, to the Gundagai Historic Bridges Incorporation. |
The Gundagai Historic Bridges Inc. has written to Council requesting a contribution towards the payment of their annual rates, for property located at Middleton Drive, Gundagai.
The Gundagai Historic Bridges Inc. is a volunteer committee advocating for the preservation of historic bridges in the area, in particular, the heritage listed Prince Alfred Bridge. The Committee holds the lease agreement for the Gundagai Heritage Railway Station, a State Heritage-listed timber station dating from 1886 that has now been restored in to a tourist attraction that draws thousands of visitors annually. Council has a role in supporting tourism promotion and activity.
25 September 2018 |
8.2 Development and Community Services Directorate
288174 |
Brooke Douglas, Executive Assistant |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The information on Development Applications Approved in August 2018 be noted. The following development applications were approved by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in August 2018:
288768 |
Shelley Liehr, Executive Assistant - Operations |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. 2018-2019 Works Program ⇩ |
The Operations Update Report and Works Program for the month of September, 2018 attached to the report be received and noted. |
This report provides a detailed update of the Operations Department’s works for the month of September, 2018.
Civil Works Section
Maintenance grading has been progressing over the last month and will continue subject to favourable weather conditions. Grading has been undertaken in the Stockinbingal, Berthong, Yannawah, and Tumblong, areas including Cooininee, Stockdale, Shultz, Racecourse, Forsyth’s, Snowball, Rosedale, and Brawling Roads. These maintenance works will proceed to other roads in the Yammatree, Muttama, and Coolac areas over the coming weeks.
Footpath replacement works have also continued over the last month. The section along Boundary Road between Hurley Street and Sheahan Street and the Punch Street project in Gundagai have both been completed. Works are still progressing on Bryon Street. These works are being funded by the Stronger Communities Funds.
Bitumen shire road maintenance including roadside weed spraying continues around the shire area.
Work on flood damage projects continue with both causeways in Nashes Lane now completed. Several patches have also been completed on Yeo Yeo Hampstead Road.
Interflow have also undertaken more sewer main relining in Gundagai and CCTV inspections in Cootamundra. The CCTV inspections will assist with prioritising the next mains to be relined.
Earthworks at the Gundagai sewage treatment plant has seen works undertaken on the holding ponds and placement of erosion protection along the banks.
The piers for new fishing jetty on Morley’s Creek have been installed.
Construction is underway on the turning lane and new kerb in Yass Road for the new fuel depot. Initial works will only be on the western side adjacent to the new depot with work involving excavating out the existing road shoulder and then placement and compaction of road base to provide new pavement for the expected turning traffic into the fuel depot. Replacement and extension of the kerb and gutter was also undertaken as part of the project. Completion, including asphalt surface, is expected by the end of the month in order to be completed prior to the long weekend and school holidays.
Attached is the updated 2018-2019 works program.
Parks and Recreation
Staff have completed the usual daily jobs involving CBD street sweeping, litter removal, mowing, whipper snipping, edging, hand weeding, cleaning barbeques, tree maintenance and actioning on customer requests.
Park maintenance has been carried out throughout the townships of Cootamundra and Gundagai. Irrigation maintenance and repairs were carried out in Nicholson Park. Gardens around Cootamundra have also been attended to with the roses in Albert Park being pruned, fertilized and mulched. Staff also assisted the Cootamundra Tennis Club with the opening of their newly surfaced courts. Marquees were set up, chairs were delivered for the expected crowd and additional waste bins were provided for the event. New netball posts have been installed at Nicholson Park. The new posts are removable to allow the area to also be used by Junior Rugby League. Staff also marked the athletics track at Stockinbingal Recreation Ground for the Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen Public Schools’ combined athletics carnival. With the soccer season now at a close the soccer goal posts have now been removed from Owen Vincent Oval.
This year marks 100 years of Lions Club with the milestone being celebrated by a tree planting in Albert Park which is marked with a commemorative plaque. New street trees have also been planted around the Cootamundra, Wallendbeen and Stockinbingal areas with the scheduled replacements for 2018 now completed. Albert Park was also prepared for the Show and Shine car event held during the first weekend in September.
Gundagai staff have cleared the fallen and dead trees along the creek bank on Nangus Road as well as mowing and whipper snipping to tidy the area. Staff have also commenced trimming of trees at the Cootamundra Caravan Park. Cootamundra town entrances gave also been maintained with litter and debris removed from roadsides.
The footpath sweeper has been travelling from Cootamundra to Gundagai two days a week to sweep the main street and CBD area.
Property Maintenance
Parks staff have been carrying out maintenance work in Gundagai’s main street. As part of this maintenance the handrails have been cleaned and polished. The bins and street furniture have also been re-stained.
After vandalism being discovered at various parks around Cootamundra staff have made the necessary repairs. The broken toilet paper dispensers and door locks were replaced at Jubilee Park, Albert Park, Mitchell Park and Nicholson Park public toilets. The broken concrete table and chairs at Palmer Park has been removed due to safety. Repairs were also made to a broken seat at the netball courts at Nicholson Park.
As part of the ongoing issue with pigeons nesting in the Old Hospital building repair work was carried out to block the holes that the pigeons have been using to gain entrance into the building.
Waste Services
Council has recently taken delivery of a new garbage truck for the Cootamundra area. The new truck is quieter, more efficient, and has several cameras installed around the truck. These cameras will allow drivers to monitor pickups and avoid contamination of green waste and recycling loads. The cameras also provide live data updates which will assist with service issues such as obstructed collection points, and will also enable more detailed reporting on waste collection services within the Cootamundra area.
Council’s Community Recycling Centre (CRC) sheds take fluoro tubes, household batteries and other aerosol cans. These products are accepted at Council’s CRC Sheds located at Cootamundra Waste Depot and Gundagai Waste Depot free of charge. Council will be advertising and distributing information on CRC Sheds to households in the coming weeks as Council historically experiences a higher level of this type of waste.
25 September 2018 |
8.4 Asset Management Directorate
288726 |
Phil McMurray, Director Asset Management |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To comply with section 403 of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council’s draft Asset Management Plans for Transport, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Buildings, Parks, and Waste Assets, as placed on public exhibition, be adopted. |
At the ordinary Council Meeting held 31 July 2018, Council resolved that Council’s draft Asset Management Plans for Transport, Water, Sewer, Stormwater, Buildings, Parks, and Waste Assets, be placed on Public Exhibition for 28 days.
Following the exhibition period, no submissions were received.
Council has embarked on an asset management improvement program since the time of the amalgamation. Asset management is not only a legislative requirement, it is important so that Council can understand the conditions of all its assets and can make financially sustainable decisions for the management of these assets into the future.
The improvement program has involved considerable work in consolidating disparate data sets from the former Councils, updating them, and then migrating them across to Council’s corporate asset management system (Civica Authority). Council now has a single source for all asset data and financial reporting.
The most significant outcome from the asset management improvement program is the draft asset management plans. Five asset management plans that cover all infrastructure assets have now been prepared and have been developed in consultation with staff and with councillors. These plans list the assets Council is responsible for, their value and their condition. Importantly, the plans include financial modelling information, which define the backlog and assess the funding shortfalls if Council is to address this backlog. The plans also include proposed works programs that align with Council’s current budget.
The plans identify a number of challenges associated with the management of Council’s assets. For example, the current funding levels allocated towards roads maintenance and renewal, are not adequate to reduce the backlog. Financial modelling indicates that if Council is to reduce the backlog, an additional 10% of funding compounding each year would be required. Clearly, this creates unrealistic financial burdens on Council, and Council will be considering options to manage this. Such options include reducing the level of service provided for the road network, or seeking alternative sources of income. Another example is the poor condition of water mains in Cootamundra, which results in frequent main breaks and dirty water problems for Cootamundra residents. Council is already addressing this challenge by considering a replacement program for failing cast iron water mains in Cootamundra worth several million dollars.
The asset management plans are a significant achievement for Council and will provide valuable information to assist councillors with their decision making.
The asset management plans will be continually updated and improved as better asset information becomes available.
It is recommended that the draft asset management plans as placed on public exhibition, are now adopted.
25 September 2018 |
288752 |
Phil McMurray, Director Asset Management |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Community Drop-In Sessions being co-ordinated by ARTC Inland Rail be noted. |
This report is to highlight community meetings pertaining to the significant rail project being undertaken within our LGA, and in particular a 37km section of new track between Illabo and Stockinbingal.
I would like to thank Councillors and staff whom were able to attend a presentation from representatives from Inland Rail held on 6 September 2018. The presentation from that session is provided under separate cover.
The Inland Rail project team completed a concept assessment of the 37 kilometre long Illabo to Stockinbingal section during 2016-17 which established a two-kilometre wide study area. A feasibility assessment on this study area began in early 2018 and included desktop studies, preliminary field investigations, and consultation with land owners, local Councils and other stakeholders.
Inland Rail have recently undertaken Multi Criteria Analyses (MCA) to identify a number of preferred alignments within the Illabo to Stockinbingal section. The MCA process is recognised as an industry standard. A range of factors are considered in an MCA including technical viability, environmental impacts, safety, community impacts, property impacts, operational approach, approvals, stakeholder engagement, constructability and schedule. From this analysis, Inland Rail have now narrowed the area down to a 200 to 400 metre wide study area where we will carry out for more detailed investigations.
Inland Rail are currently meeting with landowners in the study area to share more detail, gather additional feedback and discuss what the narrowed area means for them.
From the 2nd of October Inland Rail will be holding community drop in sessions at the below locations and times to provide a project update and to learn more from the local community about the project.
When: Thursday 4 October 2018 When: Friday 5 October 2018 When: Friday 5 October2018
4pm – 7pm 9am – 12pm 4pm – 7pm
Where: Illabo Uniting Church Where: Bethungra Hotel B&B Where: Ellwood’s Hall,
Cnr Crowther St function room, 32 Martin St,
and Lester St, 25 Baylis St, Stockinbingal NSW 2725
Illabo NSW 2590 Bethungra NSW 2590
When: Saturday 6 October 2018 When: Saturday 6 October 2018
9am – 12pm 2pm – 5pm
Where: Dickson Hall, Where: Temora Memorial Town Hall
Cootamundra Uniting Church 105 Loftus St,
24a Cooper St, Temora NSW 2666
Cootamundra NSW 2590
Further information may be obtained by contacting Mr Heath Martin, Stakeholder Engagement Lead NSW, Inland Rail, on mobile 0417 832 509.
25 September 2018 |
288763 |
Phil McMurray, Director Asset Management |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The progress report on the Gundagai Sewer Treatment Plant Replacement be received and noted. |
This provides a progress report on the activities associated with the replacement of the Gundagai Sewer Treatment Plant.
The plant is an Intermittent Decant Extended Aeration plant of 0.6 ML/day capacity but with the ability to be easily extended to 0.8 ML per day to cater for growth in whatever format it takes. The main components is to be constructed in one of the arms of the exiting maturation pond system and getting that pond ready was considered critical to getting on with the main construction contract. This entire pond needed to be sealed off from the other arm, the discharge point located and the pond drained before the difficult component of drying the biosolid left in the pond was commenced. These bio-solids needed to be dried sufficiently to permit their removal to the landfill site and had the potential for significant prolongation claims if during this drying period there was any significant rainfall that required some redraining of the pond. This was one of the primary reasons for separating the primary earthworks from the main contract and work on this pond is detailed separately below.
Progress on the dewatering of the maturation pond and the subsequent removal of the biosolids material that has accumulated over 60 years is much more advanced than Council anticipated should have been possible and reported in the last progress report. Below are some of the details in relation to this area of work which are:
· New temporary outlet line to the remaining maturation pond has been constructed and is operational.
· The pond has been totally dewatered and the biosolid material allowed time some to dry. Whilst this timing was poor from a drying perspective (when compared to summer) the fact that it was done in cooler conditions has allowed this to occur without a significant odour problem being generated as would have occurred in summer when the water cover was removed.
· The dewater volumes of water allowed the potable top up of the irrigation water to be ceased and has been consumed by the golf course and the parkland as both area were particularly parched and the golf club was able to to give both areas significant irrigation despite the year that has brought the grasses back from a near dead appearance to a nice green colouring and as such this access water has been able to be safely reused.
· The volume of biosolid material was more significant than anticipated but the fact that the region is in drought has allowed this to be dried more quickly than anticipated and the process of removing the biosolids material is now well advanced. This had the potential to significantly delay the contract works if this was to occur during a wet period.
· It has been possible to get a drilling rig into the maturation pond to take additional soil samples to confirm the structural analysis of the proposed new IDEA plant and the results of that soils analysis are due any day now. Those tests were carried out in the area proposed for the new plant.
· A vehicle entry into the maturation pond has been constructed for contractor access with all biosolid material removed to the landfill site but it will be available for top soiling when the plant is constructed.
· It has been determined that the best solution to the power lines on site is to underground these and Council is working through that with the energy supplier.
· In general Council is confident that this part of the works will be ready when the contractor comes on site to carry out the construction work based upon the progress made to date.
The next priority for Council was to construct a major earth mound that allowed a place on the site that was out of what would be reasonable flood levels. This was so that the contractor would have some security when they took on this project and allow them to reduce the risk component when it came to determining their tender submissions. This is off course backed by the ability to move all plant of the site with the normal 48 hour warning and with the biosolid material moved from the former maturation pond then a flood should mean little more other than pumping out the filled pond. If the pond was not cleaned then the whole dewater progress would need to be recommissioned at some considerable delay.
· The fencing for the existing STP has been restructured to encapsulate the existing works but allow the construction of a mound to allow the construction of the administration block, blower room chemical storage, etc. The existing storage facilities and office block have been removed and a caravan brought in as temporary office spacing for the operators.
· The electrical connection to the existing plant including the elevated platform has been moved to allow the flood mound to protect the works in the longer term.
· Construction of the mound above the 1 in 100 year flood zone is well advanced with material being carted in and the mound compacted to achieve high levels of compaction for the structures that will be on top of it.
· New flow diversion arrangements for the outlet arrangement were put in place.
· Minor structures pertaining to the old maturation pond removed.
Other works undertaken during this reporting period includes:
· The access road has been constructed to the plant and the temporary fencing used to seal off the works from the golfers will remain in place to protect players form construction traffic. This has required the removal of several trees around the site that impacted larger vehicles using this back gate that will become the plants new gate.
· The site was cleaned off with new vehicle parking and lay down areas completed and the internal roads to the plant site upgraded to ensure that construction vehicles have the access required.
· New fill material procured from quarries and transported to site.
· Plans for the undergrounding of the power across the site have been advanced with the power supplier. Discussions continuing over the pre ordering of new transformers.
· Existing golf course storage drained and explored and the nature of the works required there determined. Decision made to make the chlorine contact tank relatively large so that opportunity exists to clean this storage from time to time with minimum risk to the irrigated facilities.
Non Site Works Tasks Advanced during this Reporting Period.
· Discussions with DPI water to establish a back up raw water extraction arrangement at the golf course site to support the effluent reuse if there is ever a problem at the plant and to allow the cleaning of the golf course storage. Formal application lodged.
· Draft end user agreement provided to golf course management and meetings ongoing to ensure that operation is detailed and completed to allow the new recycled water management plan can be completed.
· Work on the new Recycled Water Management Plan commenced so that Section 60 application can be filled.
· Work on the Gundagai IWCM continuing to progress.
· Discussion held with the local abattoir over the potential for a joint public private energy venture to reduce energy costs to both organisations and reduce the greenhouse footprint. Currently exploring the viability of that exercise.
· Finalising details and procurement of the new chlorine contact tank to allow that component to proceed with the preliminary earthworks as they will be outside of the works compound for the main contract and will allow the reuse components to be advanced. This arrangement will also allow the cleaning out of the golf course storage from time to time and having it competed before the major construction of the plant will allow some additional security
· Currently exploring prefabricated buildings for the administration building as this may decrease the need for construction huts.
· Ongoing discussions with the EPA over the ability to periodically discharge from the plant and how that will be best achieved particularly during the construction works.
25 September 2018 |
288885 |
Phil McMurray, Director Asset Management |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Local Area Traffic Committee held 24 August 2018 ⇩ |
1. That each recommendation within the Minutes of the Local Area Traffic Committee be considered for adoption: (a) That Council approves the closure of Bourke Street Cootamundra between Parker and Cooper Streets from the hours of 7.30am and 1.30pm on Saturday 8th September in support of the Rotary Cycling event and market stalls subject to the event organizer complying with all conditions set by Council and to include an upgraded Traffic Control Plan depicting the appropriate signage in accordance with Traffic Control at Worksites manual, version 5.0. (b) That That Council endorse reinstating of the 2 hour timed parking provisions and disabled parking bays and bus zone in Sheridan Street between Otway and Homer Street as detailed in the design plans. (c) That Council endorse that further investigation be undertaken to determine if a change to the road priority to a one-way access between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets via. (i) A public consultation with affected residents in the precinct of Sutton and Hovell Street’s Cootamundra, (ii) Traffic study of vehicle movements within the un-named lane between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets, and a (iii) Report outlining the findings is tabled at the next Local Traffic Committee meeting. (d) That Council note the speed trend study undertaken of Landon Street failed to identify speeding as an issue and the data collected be provided to the local NSW Highway Patrol Police for their information. |
Minutes from the Local Area Traffic Committee held 24 August 2018 are attached for Council consideration.
25 September 2018 |
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
287960 |
Marianne McInerney, Personal Assistant to the General Manager |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The following Notice of Motion of Rescission signed by Councillors Sheahan, Kelly and Bowden was submitted on Tuesday, 28 August, 2018:
Minute No. 185/2018 of the Council Meeting held on 28 August 2018 in relation to Item No. 8.3.2 CGRC Swimming Pools Report be rescinded and the following Motion be subsequently moved: 1. Council adopt the following Fees and Charges for the Gundagai and Cootamundra Pools for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
Gundagai Fees and Charges
Cootamundra Fees and Charges
2. The Cootamundra Indoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, the Cootamundra Swimming Pool Operations Plan and the Gundagai Outdoor Swimming Pool Operations Plan, attached to the report, be adopted for the 2018/2019 swimming season.
25 September 2018 |
289053 |
Abb McAlister, Mayor |
Allen Dwyer, General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor McAlister Mayor) was submitted on 20 September, 2018.
I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 25 September, 2018:
I would like to discuss the disparity of the fees and charges in relation to sewer connection in Cootamundra and Gundagai. |
Note from Councillor
Below are excerpts from the CGRC Fees and Charges adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council 26 June 2018, in relation to the scheduled fee and charges for sewer connection and usage for the Cootamundra and Gundagai townships:
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
25 September 2018 |
The residential sewer access charge will be levied on all residential properties connected to the sewer system. All other properties will be charged in accordance with the number and size of water service meters connected to the property. Where a property is not connected to the sewer system, but access is available, a vacant charge shall apply.
The sewer access charges are billed quarterly in arrears, usually at the end of August, November, February and May. An annual minimum sewer charge is applicable to non-residential properties.
Residential sewer access charges
Residential Sewer Access Charge |
$426.00 |
$441.00 |
$0.00 |
$441.00 |
Vacant Residential Sewer Access Charge |
$213.00 |
$220.00 |
$0.00 |
$220.00 |
Non-residential sewer access charges
Meter size 20 mm |
$250.00 |
$259.00 |
$0.00 |
$259.00 |
Meter size 25 mm |
$391.00 |
$405.00 |
$0.00 |
$405.00 |
Meter size 32 mm |
$642.00 |
$664.00 |
$0.00 |
$664.00 |
Meter size 40 mm |
$1,002.00 |
$1,037.00 |
$0.00 |
$1,037.00 |
Meter size 50 mm |
$1,565.00 |
$1,620.00 |
$0.00 |
$1,620.00 |
Meter size 80 mm |
$4,008.00 |
$4,148.00 |
$0.00 |
$4,148.00 |
Meter size 100 mm |
$6,262.00 |
$6,481.00 |
$0.00 |
$6,481.00 |
Vacant non-residential sewer access charge |
$213.00 |
$220.00 |
$0.00 |
$220.00 |
Minimum total annual sewer charge |
$426.00 |
$441.00 |
$0.00 |
$441.00 |
Non-residential community sewer access charges
Meter size 20 mm |
$125.00 |
$129.00 |
$0.00 |
$129.00 |
Meter size 25 mm |
$197.00 |
$204.00 |
$0.00 |
$204.00 |
Meter size 32 mm |
$321.00 |
$332.00 |
$0.00 |
$332.00 |
Meter size 40 mm |
$501.00 |
$519.00 |
$0.00 |
$519.00 |
Meter size 50 mm |
$782.00 |
$809.00 |
$0.00 |
$809.00 |
Meter size 80 mm |
$2,004.00 |
$2,074.00 |
$0.00 |
$2,074.00 |
Meter size 100 mm |
$3,131.00 |
$3,241.00 |
$0.00 |
$3,241.00 |
Vacant non-residential community sewer access charge |
$106.50 |
$110.00 |
$0.00 |
$110.00 |
Minimum total annual sewer charge |
$426.00 |
$441.00 |
$0.00 |
$441.00 |
Applies to non-residential and non-residential community.
Sewer Usage Charges |
$2.40 |
$2.50 |
$0.00 |
$2.50 |
Residential sewer access charges |
Residential Sewer Access Charge |
$751.00 |
$777.00 |
$0.00 |
$777.00 |
Vacant Residential Sewer Access Charge |
$118.00 |
$122.00 |
$0.00 |
$122.00 |
Non-residential sewer access charges
Meter size 20 mm |
$197.00 |
$204.00 |
$0.00 |
$204.00 |
Meter size 25 mm |
$307.00 |
$318.00 |
$0.00 |
$318.00 |
Meter size 40 mm |
$787.00 |
$815.00 |
$0.00 |
$815.00 |
Meter size 50 mm |
$1,230.00 |
$1,273.00 |
$0.00 |
$1,273.00 |
Meter size 63 mm |
$1,951.00 |
$2,019.00 |
$0.00 |
$2,019.00 |
Meter size 75 mm |
$2,764.00 |
$2,861.00 |
$0.00 |
$2,861.00 |
Meter size 100 mm |
$4,916.00 |
$5,088.00 |
$0.00 |
$5,088.00 |
Unconnected access charge |
$118.00 |
$122.00 |
$0.00 |
$122.00 |
Sewer usage charges |
$2.98 |
$3.08 |
$0.00 |
$3.08 |
Minimum non-residential charge |
$751.00 |
$777.00 |
$0.00 |
$777.00 |
Trade waste annual fee |
$216.00 |
$224.00 |
$0.00 |
$224.00 |
Trade waste usage charge |
$4.00 |
$4.00 |
$0.00 |
$4.00 |
Category 2 business |
Sewerage connection fee |
$152.00 |
$158.00 |
$0.00 |
$158.00 |
Sewerage connection fee with junction to main |
$685.00 |
$712.00 |
$0.00 |
$712.00 |
25 September 2018 |