











Ordinary Council Meeting


Council Chambers, Gundagai


6:00PM, Tuesday 23rd January, 2024


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

23 January 2024


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
Tuesday, 23 January 2024 AT 6:00PM


PRESENT:                 Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor), Cr Gil Kelly (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Penny Nicholson

IN ATTENDANCE:     Steve McGrath (Interim General Manager), Paul Woods (Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD), Matt Stubbs (Deputy General Manager - Operations), Linda Wiles (Manager Business), Zac Mahon (Manager Finance), Michael Mason (Interim Manager Sustainable Development), Mark Ellis (Manager Engineering Cootamundra), Thomas Hogg (Acting Manager Engineering Gundagai), Wayne Bennett (Manager Regional Services Cootamundra)

1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.

2            Open Forum


3            Apologies and Leave of Absenc

3.1         Apologies


3.2         Leave of Absence


4            Disclosures of Interest


5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 12 December 2023

Resolution  001/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

1.   The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 12 December 2023 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

2.   The Confidential Minutes of the Closed Session of Council held on Tuesday 12 December 2023 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.



6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement

Resolution  002/2024  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The information in the Councillor Engagements Mayoral Minute be received and noted.



7            Reports from Committees


8            General Manager’s Report

8.1         General Manager Office

8.1.1      Christmas in Cootamundra

Resolution  003/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Christmas in Coota overview provided by Coota Co-op be noted.



8.1.2      Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly 2024

Resolution  004/2024  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.   The 2024 Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly discussion paper, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   Motions be considered at the next Councillor Workshop scheduled for 13 February 2024.

3.   A further report be submitted to the next Ordinary Council Meeting to provide further information on the National General Assembly, and to determine potential Motions for submission to ALGA.



8.1.3      Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Meeting Minutes

Resolution  005/2024  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The draft Minutes of the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) Board Meeting held on 8 December 2023, attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.2         Business

8.2.1      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  006/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee Ordinary Meeting held on 23 November 2023 and 12 December 2023, attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.2.2      Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  007/2024  

Moved:       Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 4 December 2023, attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.3         Finance

8.3.1      Finance Update - December 2023

Resolution  008/2024  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The Finance Update report, be received and noted.



8.3.2      Restricted Cash Reconciliation - December 2023

Resolution  009/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted.



8.3.3      Investment Report - December 2023

Resolution  010/2024  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 31 December 2023, be received and noted.



8.4         Sustainable Development


8.5         Engineering Cootamundra

8.5.1      Cootamundra Engineering Report - January 2024

Resolution  011/2024  

Moved:       Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

The Cootamundra Engineering Report for the month of January 2024 be noted.



8.6         Engineering Gundagai

8.6.1      Gundagai Engineering Report - January 2024

Resolution  012/2024  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.      The Gundagai Engineering Report for the month of January 2024 be noted.

2.      Council lobby State and Federal member to expedite Disaster Recovery Funding.



8.7         Regional Services Gundagai

8.7.1      Regional Services Gundagai Works Report for December 2023

Resolution  013/2024  

Moved:       Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The Regional Services Gundagai Report for December 2023, be received and noted.



8.8         Regional Services Cootamundra

8.8.1      Regional Services Department Monthly Works Report

Resolution  014/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

The Cootamundra Regional Services Department, Monthly Works Report be received and noted.




9            Motion of which Notice has been Given

9.1         Notice of Motion - Christmas in Cootamundra

Resolution  015/2024  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

That a report be prepared and submitted to Council enabling Councils consideration for funding and organising the Christmas celebration in Cootamundra until such time as an appropriate organisation has the capacity to manage it.



10          Questions with Notice


11          Confidential Items 



The Meeting closed at 6:49pm


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 February 2024.