Business Paper
Ordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
6.00pm, Tuesday 24th January, 2023
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
24 January 2023 |
The Mayor & Councillors
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
PO Box 420
Cootamundra NSW 2590
An Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Gundagai on:
Tuesday, 24th January, 2023 at 6.00pm
The agenda for the meeting is enclosed.
Steve McGrath
Interim General Manager
Live Streaming of Meetings Statement
This meeting is streamed live via the internet and an audio-visual recording of the meeting will be publicly available on Council's website.
By attending this meeting, you consent to your image and, or, voice being live streamed and publicly available. Please refrain from making any defamatory statements.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
24 January 2023 |
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 13 December 2022
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Acting Deputy Mayor
8.1.1 Draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy
8.1.2 The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.1.3 Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes
8.2.1 Referral of Financial Statements for Audit
8.2.2 Finance Update - Capital and Operational Expenditure
8.2.3 Restricted Cash Reconciliation
8.2.4 Investment Report - December 2022
8.3.1 Old Mill Gundagai Development - Funding Status and Future
8.3.2 Cootamundra Youth Council Report
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Applications Approved November 2022
8.7.1 Proposed Road Names for the Back Brawlin Road Subdivision Development Cootamundra
8.7.2 Wallendbeen Bridge Detour Funding
8.7.3 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - January 2023
8.8.1 Additional Fixing Country Bridges Funding
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9.1 Notice of Motion - Dog on the Tuckerbox
Council acknowledges the Wiradjuri people, the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting is held and pays its respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extends that respect to other Aboriginal people who are present.
24 January 2023 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 13 December 2022 |
The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 13 December 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. |
Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6PM, Tuesday 13th December, 2022
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
13 December 2022 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
ON Tuesday, 13
December 2022 AT 6PM
PRESENT: Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden (Deputy Mayor), Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Penny Nicholson
IN ATTENDANCE: Les McMahon (Interim General Manager), Glen McAtear (Acting Deputy General Manager - CCD), Paul Woods (Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD), Matt Stubbs (Deputy General Manager - Operations), Linda Wiles (Manager Business), Janelle Chapman (Acting Manager Regulatory Services), Mark Ellis (Manager Civil Works), Zac Mahon (Manager Finance), Sally Atkinson (Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance), Stephen Targett (Acting Manager Technical Services), Lauren Eccleston (Economic Development Officer), Peter Beath, Colina Meadows, Amanda Levett
At 6:01 pm, Cr Les Boyd left the meeting.
Suspension of Standing Orders |
Resolution 341/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover A motion was moved that Council suspend standing orders. Carried |
1 Welcome to Country – presented by Peter Beath
1.1 Words from the Mayor
1.2 Words from CAMP members
6.4 Mayoral Minute - Bala-Yanhi Miya MOU between CAWP and CGRC |
Resolution 342/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The Bala-yahni Miya (Memorandum of Understanding) between Cootamundra Aboriginal Working Party and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council be acknowledged and signed by all parties. Carried |
Resumption of Standing Orders |
Resolution 343/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson A motion was moved that Council resume standing orders. Carried |
At 6:07 pm, Cr Les Boyd returned to the meeting.
2 Apologies
3 Disclosures of Interest
4 Confirmation of Minutes
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2022 |
Resolution 344/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 22 November 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. Carried |
5 Mayoral Minutes
Item - 6.4 Mayoral Minute - Bala-Yanhi Miya MOU between CAWP and CGRC - has been moved to another part of the document.
6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement |
Resolution 345/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. Carried |
Additions to 6.1 Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement:
Cr Abb McAlister
30th November 2022 – attended meeting with Governor of NSW Margaret Beazley
1st December 2022 – Crs Nicholson, McAlister and Graham meet with Kim Anson, OLG.
5th December 2022 – attended the Gundagai Tourism Action Committee Meeting
7th December 2022 – attended the E.A Southee School Presentation Day for Goldenfields Water
8th December 2022 – attended the Goldenfields Committee Meeting
9th December 2022 – attended the Gundagai Street Xmas Party
12 December 2022 – attended the opening of the Gundagai Sewage treatment Plant
Cr Collins
9th December 2022 - was unable to be attend the TAFE presentation day.
Cr Bowden
13 December 2022 - confirmation that Cr Bowden did attend the Workshop and Council meeting.
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Jeffery Sowiak |
Resolution 346/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister The Mayoral Minute regarding the unexpected passing of Jeffery Sowiak be noted. Carried |
6.5 Mayoral minute – C7even |
Resolution 347/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Les Boyd Council to write to C7even to congratulate them on winning the gold award at the annual PRIA Award for their work on the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Community Strategic Plan. Carried |
6.3 Mayoral Minute - IPWEA NSW & ACT Southern Regional Forum |
Resolution 348/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Les Boyd A copy of the Mayor’s opening address presented at the IPWEA conference, attached to this Mayoral Minute, be noted. Carried |
6 Reports from Committees
7 General Manager’s Report
7.1 Business
8.1.1 Meeting Dates 2023 |
Resolution 349/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. The Ordinary Council Meetings remain on the fourth Tuesday of the Month from January to November at 6:00pm. 2. The Workshop Meetings of Council be confirmed as the second and fourth Tuesday of the Month from January to November at 4:00pm. 3. The Ordinary Council Meeting and Workshop held in December remain on the second Tuesday at 6:00pm. 4. The Ordinary Meeting scheduled for 25 April 2023, be changed to the third Tuesday to accommodate a public holiday. 5. The Council Workshop scheduled for 10 January 2023, be changed to 17 January 2023. 6. The current arrangement of alternating meetings between Cootamundra and Gundagai remain in place for CGRC. 7. Alternatives to the current meeting arrangements be considered if requested. Carried |
8.1.2 Proposed CGRC Organisational Structure |
Resolution 350/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister The proposed Organisational Structure, attached to the report, be endorsed. Carried |
8.1.3 Delivery Program/ Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report |
Resolution 351/2022 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden The Delivery Program incorporating the Operational Plan 2022/2023, quarterly progress report, (1st Quarter July to September), attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.4 Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 352/2022 Moved: Cr Trevor Glover Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting held 6 September 2022 and 4 October 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.1.5 Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Comittee Meeting Minutes |
Resolution 353/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Les Boyd The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held 24 November 2022 attached to the report be, received and noted. Carried |
7.2 Finance
8.2.1 Finch Report Action Plan |
Resolution 354/2022 Moved: Cr Les Boyd Seconded: Cr David Graham Council to note, review and discuss the action plan developed in response to the Finch Report. Carried |
8.2.2 Finance Update - Capital and Operational Expenditure |
Resolution 355/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly The Finance Update report, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.3 Investment Report - November 2022 |
Resolution 356/2022 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr David Graham The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 30 November 2022, be received and noted. Carried |
8.2.4 Restricted Cash Reconciliation |
Resolution 357/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted. Carried |
7.3 Community and Culture
8.3.1 Old Mill Gundagai Development - Funding Status and Future |
RECOMMENDATION 1. The application made to the Regional Tourism Activation Fund (RTAF) in 2021, be received and noted. 2. Council consider withdrawal from the Regional Tourism Activation Fund. 3. Council consider utilising the remaining $153,457.00 allocation from the Stronger Communities Fund to masterplan the Old Mill precinct to create a shovel ready project for future funding streams. Amendment Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr David Graham That the report be stood over to a later meeting, until discussions can be had between the local member Steph Cooke and the Old Mill Committee. Resolution 358/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson That the report be stood over to a later meeting, until discussions can be had between the local member Steph Cooke and the Old Mill Committee. Carried |
7.4 Development, Building and Compliance
8.4.1 Development Applications Approved November 2022 |
Resolution 359/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The information on Development Applications approved in November 2022, be received and noted. Carried |
8.4.2 Development Application DA2022/110 - Dwelling, Lot 269 DP 750619, 113 Racecourse Lane (currently known as 91 Old Wallendbeen Road) Stockinbingal |
Resolution 360/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Les Boyd 1. That Council approve the following development, subject to the consent conditions below: · Application No: DA2022/110 · Property: Lot 269 DP 750619 113 Racecourse Lane (currently known as 91 Old Wallendbeen Rd) STOCKINBINGAL NSW 2594 · Development: Dwelling – to erect a three (3) bedroom, brick veneer dwelling, with a colorbond roof. Conditions: ADMINISTRATIVE CONDITIONS Approved plans 1. The development shall be generally in accordance with the supporting documentation, including, but not limited to, the following:
and as modified by any conditions of this consent.
2. No departure from the approved plans and specifications shall be made unless the prior approval of Council has been obtained in writing.
Compliance with relevant legislation
3. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code of Australia, Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979 and the regulations made thereunder, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by Council.
4. The issue of this Development Consent does not certify compliance with the relevant provisions of the Building Code of Australia or National Construction Code Series. Utilities
5. Approval is given subject to the location of, protection of, and/or any necessary modifications to any existing public utilities situated within or adjacent to the subject property.
Payment of section 7.12 contribution
6. Prior to the issuing of a construction certificate, a contribution is required towards the provision of public amenities and services, in accordance with the Cootamundra–Gundagai Regional Council Section 7.12 Fixed Developer Consent Levy Contributions Plan 2018.
Onsite Sewerage Management System
7. Prior to the issuing of a construction certificate, a section 68 approval under the Local Government Act 1993 shall be obtained for the installation of the onsite sewerage management system.
Finished floor level
8. The finished floor level of the dwelling shall be a minimum of 500 mm above existing ground level. Prior to the issue of a construction certificate, amended plans shall be lodged with Council, demonstrating that this condition has been met.
9. Where Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council is nominated as the Principal Certifying Authority, the following requirements shall be satisfied before works commence: § the Principal Certifying Authority Service Agreement shall be completed and signed by the applicant; and § terms and conditions of the Principal Certifying Authority Service Agreement shall be satisfied, § a minimum of 48 hours’ notice prior to any critical stage inspection or any other inspection shall be given. Signs
10. Site signage must be erected on the site in a prominent, visible position for the duration of the construction. The signage must include: -
§ statement that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted, § the name of the builder or another person responsible for the site and a telephone number at which the builder or other person can be contacted outside working hours, § the name, address and telephone contact of the Principal Certifying Authority.
Any structures erected to meet the requirements of this condition must be removed when it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was erected.
Notice of Commencement
11. Prior to work commencing a ‘Notice of Commencement of Building Work and Appointment of Principal Certifying Authority’ shall be submitted to Council at least two (2) days prior to work commencing.
Builders Toilets
12. Provision shall be made for temporary WC accommodation on site prior to the commencement of excavation or other associated building works.
Residential Building Work
13. Residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the following information
A. In the case of work for which a principal contractor is required to be appointed: § the name and licence number of the principal contractor, and § the name of the insurer by which the work is insured under Part 6 of that Act.
B. In the case of work to be done by an owner-builder: § the name of the owner-builder and, § the number of the owner-builder permit (where required).
If arrangements for doing the residential building work are changed while the work is in progress so that the information notified under subclause (1) becomes out of date, further work must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the updated information.
Prior to Building Work Commencing
14. The erection of a building in accordance with the development consent must not commence until:-
A. A construction Certificate for the building work has been issued by the consent authority, the council (if the council is not the consent authority) or an accredited certifier, and
B. The person having the benefit of the development consent has: § appointed a principal certifying authority for the building work, and § notified the principal certifying authority that the person will carry out the building work as an owner-builder, if that is the case, and
C. The principal certifying authority has, no later than 2 days before building works commences: § notified the consent authority and the council (if the council is not the consent authority) of his or her appointment, and § notified the person having the benefit of the development consent of any critical stage inspections and other inspections that are to be carried out in respect to the building work, and
D. The person having the benefit of the development consent, if not carrying out the work as an owner-builder, has, § appointed a principal contractor for the building work who must be the holder of a contractor licence if any residential work is involved, and § notified the principal certifying authority of any such appointment, and § unless that person is the principal contractor, notified the principal contractor of any critical stage inspection or other inspections that are to be carried out in respect of the building work. Cut and Fill
15. The applicant shall ensure that any cut or fill on site is appropriately graded, drained, retained and revegetated.
Siting of Building
16. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the building is sited on the allotment and constructed to the design levels approved by Council as specified on the approved site plan.
Soil Erosion Control
17. Site erosion control measures shall be incorporated into site management prior to work commencing. Seepage and surface water shall be collected and diverted clear of the building site by a drainage system. Care shall be taken to ensure that no nuisance is created to adjoining properties or public space by way of sediment run off.
Restricted Public Access
18. It is the responsibility of the applicant to restrict public access to the building site, building works or materials or equipment on the site when building work is not in progress or the site is otherwise unoccupied in accordance with WorkCover Regulations.
Works to be undertaken in accordance with the approval
19. All proposed works to be undertaken are to be carried out in accordance with the conditions of development consent, approved construction certificate drawings and specifications.
20. The builder shall maintain on the site, at all times a legible copy of the following: § development consent including plans and related documentation, § construction certificate including plans, specifications and certificates. Hours of Construction Site Works
21. Construction site works including the entering and leaving of vehicles is limited to the following hours, unless otherwise permitted by Council:- § Monday to Saturday from 7.00am to 7.00pm § Sundays and public holidays from 9.00am to 12.00pm The applicant is responsible to instruct and control subcontractors regarding hours of work.
Effluent disposal and plumbing and drainage works
22. The onsite sewerage management system shall be installed and operated in accordance with the section 68 approval.
23. All plumbing works must be undertaken by a licenced plumber or drainer. They must submit their Notice of Work (N.O.W) and pay for any associated inspections 48 hours before the first inspection. They also must submit a correct Sewer Service Diagram (S.S.D) for all works. The Certificate of Compliance (C.O.C) and S.S.D. must be submitted before an Occupation Certificate can be released by the Principal Certifying Authority (P.C.A).
The applicant shall comply with all requirements tabled under any approval issued under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, NSW Fair Trading and The Plumbing Code of Australia.
Construction waste management
24. Provision shall be made on site for the proper storage waste such that no builders' waste shall be left in the open. Specific attention should be given to items which are subject to relocation by the action of wind, e.g. paper, sheets of iron, ridge capping, cement and lime bags and the like.
25. All construction waste shall be removed from the site and disposed of to a licenced waste disposal facility, on a regular basis.
Termite Protection
26. The building and immediate surrounds shall be treated be treated in accordance with Australian Standard 3660.1 for protection against subterranean termites, and a copy of the guarantee submitted to Council.
NB: If a chemical system is selected for use as a barrier against termite attack, a durable notice shall be attached to the house providing information relating to the treatment supplied and the chemical used. This notice should be affixed permanently in either the electric meter box or at the entrance to the subfloor area.
Whilst the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and AS 3660.1 prescribe measures for protection in relation to the structural elements of a building, there are many other elements which may be susceptible to termite attack. Council therefore, encourages builders and owners to take general protective measures against termite attack according to approved industry standards and practices.
No protective measure is permanent. Owners should therefore, arrange regular inspections of their building by appropriate experts.
27. Stormwater from roof and hard stand areas, as well as any overflow from a tank, is to be discharged clear of the building and septic tank disposal area, and in such a position that it does not cause nuisance to neighbours or erosion.
28. Run-off and ground water seepage shall be diverted around the building to the storm water system via a suitable drainage system.
Water Proofing - Wet Areas
29. An owner/builder will not be permitted to provide water proofing membranes to any wet area unless that person holds a Water Proofing Membrane subcontractor's licence with the Department of Fair Trading. The application of water proof membranes to nominated wet areas is a 'Critical Stage Inspection' requiring mandatory inspection by the Council or an accredited Private Certifying Authority. The standards for compliance are AS 3740 2010 for Water Proofing Internal Wet Areas.
Slab on Ground Construction.
30. The following points must be complied with: - § internal floor level must be a minimum of 225mm above the external finished surface level adjacent to the building § external paths and ground surface adjoining the walls of the building must be graded and drained away from the dwelling in such a manner as not to cause a nuisance
31. The Hot Water System to the bathroom/ensuite is to be set not to exceed 50°C to prevent accidental scalding of children and the infirm. The licensed Plumber is to complete the attached certificate of compliance for the completed installation.
Smoke Alarms
32. A smoke alarm system complying with Australian Standard AS3786 Self Contained Smoke Alarms or listed in the Scientific Services Laboratory (SSL) Register of Accredited Products - Fire Protection Equipment shall be installed. The smoke alarm system must be connected to the mains electrical power supply and must have a standby (battery backup) power supply, and where there is more than one smoke alarm installed, all alarms must be interconnected.
Occupation of Building
33. A person must not commence occupation or use of the whole or any part of the buildings unless an occupation certificate has been issued by the appointed Principal Certifying Authority.
Compliance Certificates
34. Prior to occupation of the building an Occupation Certificate is to be obtained. If Council is requested to issue the Occupation Certificate, all relevant compliance certificates must be submitted.
35. The development is to be carried out in accordance with the current BASIX certificate and schedule of commitments approved in relation to this development.
Prior to an Occupation Certificate being issued, the applicant is to provide certification certificates to the PCA which specifies that all commitments listed in the BASIX Certificate have been completed.
Property Identification
36. The property shall be known as 113 Racecourse Lane, Stockinbingal.
37. A rural addressing number shall being affixed to the fence adjacent the property entrance, prior to the issuing of an occupation certificate.
REASONS FOR THE CONDITIONS: § To achieve the objectives of section 1.3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, having regard to the relevant matters for consideration contained in section 4.15 of the Act and the Environmental Planning Instruments applying to the land. § To ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia, to enable the achievement and maintenance of acceptable standards of structural sufficiency, safety, health and amenity, for the benefit of the community now and in the future. § To confirm the details of the application and plans submitted by the Applicant. § To ensure compliance with relevant planning controls. § To ensure that appropriate environmental protection measures are in place. § To ensure the development complies with the requirements of Council policies. § To ensure that works do not interfere with reasonable amenity expectations of residents and the community.
Carried |
8.4.3 Funding Agreement - Cootamundra/Gundagai Shire Villages (Coolac, Nangus, Tumblong and Darbalara) Flood Study |
Amendment to report, last paragraph: merger cost, not demerger cost. Resolution 361/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson That Council; 1. Endorse the signing of the Funding Agreement, and 2. Commit $37,400 to the project. Carried |
7.5 Regulatory Services
7.6 Assets
7.7 Civil Works
8.7.1 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - November 2022 |
Resolution 362/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly That the Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of November 2022 be noted. Carried |
7.8 Technical Services
8.8.1 Roads to Recovery |
Resolution 363/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister The allocation of the 2022/2023 Roads to Recovery funding of $950,630 be endorsed by council, split between the projects detailed in the body of this report. Carried |
8.8.2 Crown Land Transfers and Closures |
Resolution 364/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover 1. Council review the Crown Road closures proposed by Crown Lands NSW. 2. Council endorse the commencement of a Crown Lands transfer, for the identified portion of Mantons Road, currently maintained by council. Carried |
8.8.3 Additional Road Repair Funding |
Resolution 365/2022 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr David Graham Council endorses acceptance of the Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair funding deed totalling $473,892.81. Carried |
8.8.4 Annie Pyers Drive Funding Deed |
Resolution 366/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Abb McAlister Council endorse acceptance of the Annie Pyers Drive funding deed totalling $1 million dollars. Carried |
7.9 Facilities
7.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
8 Motion of which Notice has been Given
9 Questions with Notice
10.1 Questions with Notice - December 2022 |
Resolution 367/2022 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover The Questions with Notice from Councillors and related responses from Council officers be noted. Carried |
10 Confidential Items
11.1 Closed Council Report |
Resolution 368/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly 1. Items 11.2 and 11.3 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed. 2. In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Items 11.2 and 11.3 be withheld from the press and public. 11.2 EPA V CGRC Court Case - Leachate at Cootamundra Sewage Treatment Plant Provisions for Confidentiality Section 10A (2) (g) – The Confidential Report contains advice concerning litigation, or advice as comprises a discussion of this matter, that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege. Public Interest Not applicable. 11.3 Appointment of Interim General Manager Provisions for Confidentiality Section 10A (2) (f) – The Confidential Report contains details of systems and/or arrangements that have been implemented to protect council, councillors, staff and Council property. Public Interest Not applicable. Carried |
11.2 EPA V CGRC Court Case - Leachate at Cootamundra Sewage Treatment Plant |
Resolution 369/2022 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson That Council; 1. Agree with the Interim General Manager’s recommendation that it plead guilty to the offence. 2. Subsequently pay the penalty and cost issued by the EPA and magistrate totalling $23,675, funded from the CGRC Sewerage Reserve Budget. 3. Publish a notice of the offence within 35 days (before 9 January 2023) to the Daily Advertiser, the Gundagai Independent and the Cootamundra Herald and provide a copy, of the notices, to the EPA. Carried |
11.3 Appointment of Interim General Manager |
Resolution 370/2022 Moved: Cr Logan Collins Seconded: Cr Trevor Glover 1. Mr Steve McGrath be offered the position of Interim General Manager. 2. Mr McGrath be paid in accordance with the current General Manager’s Standard Contract. 3. A car be provided at no cost to Mr McGrath as part of his remuneration package. 4. Accommodation be provided in addition to the remuneration to Mr. McGrath. Carried |
11.4 Resumption of Open Council Meeting
Resolution 371/2022 Moved: Cr Abb McAlister Seconded: Cr Logan Collins The Open Council meeting resume. Carried |
11.5 Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions
Note: The Chairperson announced the resolutions made in Closed Council.
The Meeting closed at 7:03pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 24 January 2023.
24 January 2023 |
384089 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Nil |
To keep the community aware of Councillor and my engagements, on behalf of Council I intend to provide regular updates through my Mayoral Minutes.
The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted. |
13 December 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) and I attended a meeting with the Interim General Manager.
15 December 2022
Cr Collins and I attended the CGRC Staff Recognition Day.
Crs Bowden (Deputy Mayor), Nicholson, and I attended the Christmas Street Party ‘Party on Parker’ organised by Business Cootamundra.
21 December 2022
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended the Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee Christmas Dinner.
22 December 2022
Cr McAlister assisted with the ‘Win a Swag’ draw with Councils Road Safety Officer, in Tumblong.
Crs McAlister and Graham attended the Council Depot Christmas Break up party.
9 January 2023
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) and I attended a meeting with the new Interim General Manager and Deputy GMs.
Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a meeting with the Interim General Manager, Interim Deputy General Manager and Manager Development, Building and Compliance to discuss possible new start-up industry group.
10 January 2023
Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended the BBQ retirement gathering with Interim General Manager in recognition of Des Rowe, long term volunteer with SES for 56yrs.
12 January 2023
Cr Sheahan (Mayor) attended a Teams meeting with OLG, Interim General Manager and relevant staff.
17 January 2023
Crs Bowden, Nicholson, McAlister, Graham, Glover, Boyd and I attended a Council Workshop in Gundagai.
19 January 2023
Cr Bowden (Deputy Mayor) attended the Art Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting.
24 January 2023 |
384090 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Nil |
Cr Abb McAlister be appointed to Acting Deputy Mayor for Thursday 26 January 2023, to perform functions at the Gundagai Australia Day event including Citizenship Ceremony. |
In the absence of the Deputy Mayor, Leigh Bowden, I hereby appoint Cr Abb McAlister to Acting Deputy Mayor for Thursday 26 January 2023, to perform functions at the Gundagai Australia Day event including Citizenship Ceremony.
24 January 2023 |
24 January 2023 |
381630 |
Teresa Breslin, Acting EA to Mayor and General Manager |
Steve McGrath, Interim General Manager |
Financial implications of the draft policy are detailed within the document and subject to its adoption, provision is to be made within Civic budget. |
To comply with s.252 and s.253 of the Local Government Act 1993. |
The draft policy is presented in accordance with a model policy recommended by the Office of Local Government. |
1. Draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy.pdf ⇩ |
1. The draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy for Mayor and Councillors, attached to the report, be adopted. 2. The adopted policy be forwarded to the Office of Local Government. |
At its ordinary meeting of 22nd November 2022, Council resolved to place the draft Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities for Mayor and Councillors Policy on public exhibition for at least 28 days, and to present a further report back to council to consider any submissions received during the public exhibition period.
The invitation for submissions was duly advertised with advice that all submissions be lodged by 3rd January 2023.
No public submissions were made in relation to the Policy.
Changes to the exhibited policy:
An additional allocation was made to the policy for a monthly mobile phone contribution for the mayor. This has been incorporated into the policy at 6.34 and allocation amount described in the table on page 2 of the policy.
The $2000 Award/Presentation/Ceremony donations allocation was removed from this policy and instead will be incorporated into the Annual Community Donations policy and process.
The policy, once adopted, is required to be forwarded to the Office of Local Government within twenty-eight days.
24 January 2023 |
382828 |
Anne Chamberlain, Acting Governance Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual |
1. TACC Meeting Minutes 17 November 2022 ⇩ |
The Minutes of The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee Meeting held 17 November 2022 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
In relation to the two recommendations to Council listed in the TACC Minutes;
1: TACC committee recommends that CGRC have the forensic accountants look into what funds have and have not been used in relation to the Stronger Country Communities Grant.
2: TACC committee recommends that CGRC clarify if the grant funds are still available and if they are earmarked for the TACC technical upgrades.
Andrew Brock the Manager of Facilities contacted Amanda-Lee Boatswain (President\Chairperson), Natalie Cowled (Secretary) & Shane Kovacs (Treasurer) and provided them with the information requested.
The Committee advised that they were satisfied with the Information provided by Andrew Brock.
The attached Minutes of The Arts Centre Cootamundra s.355 Committee meeting held on 17 November 2022, is submitted for the information of Council and the community.
24 January 2023 |
383241 |
Anne Chamberlain, Acting Governance Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
To comply with the Section 355 Committee Management Manual |
1. Muttama Creek Regeneration Group Minutes 17 October 2022 ⇩ |
The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held 17 October 2022 attached to the report, be received and noted. |
The attached Minutes of the Muttama Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held 17 October, 2022 is submitted for the information of Council and the community.
24 January 2023 |
383961 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
To comply with section 413 of the Local Government Act, 1993. |
Accounting Policies are detailed within the Financial Statements. |
1. 2022 CGRC Draft Financial Statements ⇩ |
1. The Mayor, Deputy Mayor, General Manager and Responsible Accounting Officer be delegated to sign the Statements by Council and Management for the 2022 General Purpose Financial Statements and 2022 Special Purpose Financial Statements for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council. 2. The 2022 Financial Statements be referred for audit. 3. The General Manager be authorised to issue the 2022 Financial Statements upon receipt of the auditor’s report. |
Section 413 of the Local Government Act, 1993 requires a resolution of Council to refer the draft financial statements to audit.
Section 413(2)(c) requires a resolution of Council that the annual financial statements have been prepared in accordance with;
· The Local Government Act, 1993 (as amended) and the Regulations made there under.
· The Australian Accounting Standard and professional pronouncements.
· The Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting.
Further, that to the best of its knowledge and belief, the financial statements present fairly the operating result and financial position and accord with Council’s accounting and other records.
Section 418 of the Act requires that as soon as practicable after Council receives a copy of the auditor’s report, it must fix a date for a meeting to present the audited financial statements to the public, and it must make the financial statements available for public inspection for at least seven days prior to the meeting date.
The financial statements for the reporting period ended 30 June 2022 are currently being finalised and are scheduled for audit. Pursuant to section 413(1) of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council is required to refer the draft statements to audit.
The Office of Local Government as approved an extension of time to 28 February 2023 for lodgement of the statements.
24 January 2023 |
383960 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Finance Update report, be received and noted. |
The finance update for the year-to-date expenses to 31 December 2022 with a comparison to the budget are shown below.
No major issues have been detected but the finance department has highlighted some departments and asset classes and further details are shown below.
Please note that the loan repayments are considered capital and the variance between the quarterly budget review and this budget of $1.315 million is caused by this.
Finance has a detailed review of internal overheads and plant hire rates and have found some coding issues. These issues will be rectified, and the actuals will more accurately reflect the budget item.
The stormwater operational expenditure will be discussed with operations to prepare a schedule of works.
The community donations budget will require a QBR adjustment of 239k to increase income and expenses for the grant received “Reconnecting Regional NSW – Community Events Program” (deed attached). This expense is covered by the grant, not council reserves.
Operations department is working together with the finance manager to prepare a schedule of capital works for 2023. There has been delays due to the weather and flood conditions that have impacted the council area.
Operating Expense Finance Update
Total Amount |
Budget |
Budget Remain $ |
Budget Remain % |
Performance |
Notes |
57,222.62 |
119,700.00 |
62,477.38 |
52.19 |
J |
84,503.52 |
160,400.00 |
75,896.48 |
47.39 |
J |
238,394.71 |
347,700.00 |
109,305.29 |
31.44 |
J |
396,102.06 |
1,306,054.00 |
909,951.94 |
70.31 |
J |
8,324.70 |
45,400.00 |
37,075.30 |
81.66 |
J |
151,446.29 |
358,800.00 |
207,353.71 |
65.26 |
J |
84,386.37 |
211,000.00 |
126,613.63 |
60.01 |
J |
36,584.71 |
157,100.00 |
120,515.29 |
78.13 |
J |
351,237.48 |
126,399.00 |
(224,838.48) |
(90.74) |
J |
30,698.18 |
62,800.00 |
32,101.82 |
55.45 |
J |
124,313.94 |
234,773.00 |
110,459.06 |
58.45 |
J |
497,436.66 |
1,033,900.00 |
536,463.34 |
54.56 |
J |
861,625.75 |
2,581,846.00 |
1,720,220.25 |
66.63 |
J |
154,268.16 |
387,000.00 |
232,731.84 |
60.49 |
J |
735,040.54 |
1,128,200.00 |
393,159.46 |
37.18 |
J |
604,217.62 |
956,300.00 |
352,082.38 |
44.54 |
J |
729,668.72 |
712,600.00 |
(17,068.72) |
(1.84) |
K |
QBR adjustment for wages |
498,011.10 |
1,020,700.00 |
522,688.90 |
55.32 |
J |
110,157.91 |
233,500.00 |
123,342.09 |
52.97 |
J |
520,084.33 |
552,900.00 |
32,815.67 |
10.09 |
J |
217,395.47 |
921,700.00 |
704,304.53 |
77.68 |
J |
174,858.22 |
567,500.00 |
392,641.78 |
72.19 |
J |
445,361.08 |
922,100.00 |
476,738.92 |
53.12 |
J |
436,310.32 |
(1,259,100.00) |
(1,695,410.32) |
134.65 |
K |
Adjustment to be actioned |
107,404.21 |
46,100.00 |
(61,304.21) |
(132.98) |
K |
Adjustment to be actioned |
1,985.25 |
4,600.00 |
2,614.75 |
56.84 |
J |
536,673.19 |
1,411,000.00 |
874,326.81 |
62.29 |
J |
270,547.34 |
916,872.00 |
646,324.66 |
70.56 |
J |
1,544,930.66 |
5,902,700.00 |
4,357,769.34 |
74.19 |
J |
98,380.59 |
229,400.00 |
131,019.41 |
57.11 |
J |
81,094.22 |
143,600.00 |
62,505.78 |
43.53 |
J |
580,638.71 |
1,241,700.00 |
661,061.29 |
53.24 |
J |
735,535.91 |
1,450,700.00 |
715,164.09 |
54.27 |
J |
155,626.87 |
(274,289.00) |
(429,915.87) |
148.35 |
K |
Adjustment to be actioned |
143,854.78 |
183,000.00 |
39,145.22 |
21.85 |
J |
75,302.75 |
143,200.00 |
67,897.25 |
47.41 |
J |
117,003.84 |
258,900.00 |
141,896.16 |
55.22 |
J |
18,448.67 |
129,400.00 |
110,951.33 |
85.74 |
J |
673,868.49 |
1,205,700.00 |
531,831.51 |
49.04 |
J |
123,736.86 |
274,200.00 |
150,463.14 |
54.87 |
J |
539,477.36 |
382,700.00 |
(156,777.36) |
(40.87) |
J |
93,642.78 |
315,300.00 |
221,657.22 |
70.30 |
J |
47,463.92 |
931,961.00 |
884,497.08 |
94.91 |
J |
122,660.31 |
561,400.00 |
438,739.69 |
78.46 |
J |
31,333.52 |
98,400.00 |
67,066.48 |
70.85 |
J |
4,213,418.78 |
2,550,000.00 |
(1,663,418.78) |
26.71 |
J |
0.00 |
187,000.00 |
187,000.00 |
100.00 |
J |
874,117.34 |
1,286,204.00 |
412,086.66 |
60.10 |
J |
176,083.70 |
471,500.00 |
295,416.30 |
62.66 |
J |
1,128,250.54 |
3,040,809.00 |
1,912,558.46 |
63.17 |
J |
235,275.07 |
590,600.00 |
355,324.93 |
60.16 |
J |
88,743.58 |
166,000.00 |
77,256.42 |
46.77 |
J |
242,990.26 |
1,161,900.00 |
918,909.74 |
79.09 |
J |
503,323.96 |
916,700.00 |
413,376.04 |
69.08 |
J |
497,945.15 |
1,220,000.00 |
722,054.85 |
59.31 |
J |
Grand Total |
21,607,409.07 |
40,036,529.00 |
18,429,119.93 |
54.87 |
J |
Tracking to budget |
Capital Finance Update
Total |
Budget |
Budget Remaining $ |
Budget Remaining (%) |
Performance |
Notes |
885,576.69 |
1,188,939.00 |
303,362.31 |
26% |
J |
Loan to cover this cost to be updated in Dec QBR |
525,886.50 |
1,194,285.00 |
668,398.50 |
56% |
J |
54,597.58 |
175,000.00 |
120,402.42 |
69% |
J |
662,275.90 |
718,434.00 |
56,158.10 |
8% |
J |
Moratorium on plant purchases |
2,646.79 |
439,915.00 |
437,268.21 |
99% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
826,389.65 |
2,190,237.00 |
1,363,847.35 |
62% |
J |
1,045,919.20 |
7,994,887.00 |
6,948,967.80 |
87% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
309,936.46 |
3,200,000.00 |
2,890,063.54 |
90% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
2,052.15 |
1,128,000.00 |
1,125,947.85 |
100% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
33,242.18 |
3,395,023.00 |
3,361,780.82 |
99% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
Grand Total |
4,348,523.10 |
21,624,720.00 |
17,276,196.90 |
80% |
K |
Review of underspend required |
24 January 2023 |
383952 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The Restricted Cash Reconciliation report, be received and noted. |
The restricted cash figures have been reconciled to 31 December 2022 and an adjustment has been made to the plant reserve and the building reserve by 1.6 and 1 million respectively, as adopted by Council at the 22 November meeting.
Council’s restricted asset balance has increased by $93.08k. Management has met to update how the waste reserve is calculated and this is expected to reduce as well. The finance department is actively investigating how grants and restricted asset income and expenses are being coded and it is believed that the unrestricted cash position will continue to improve.
The Council has been actively recovering grant income and the position of outstanding grants has improved by $3.075m since 30 June 2022 with 366k finalised and submitted for payment and 1.57m currently being acquitted. Acquittals that were finalised include NCIF Round 1 and various SCCF2 Projects.
Council is working to reduce liability balances and acquit grants as a priority to improve the cash position.
Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council |
Restricted Cash, Cash Equivalents & Investments |
Bal 30 June 2022 |
Transfers To |
Transfers From |
Bal 31 Dec 2022 |
Internal Restrictions |
Aerodrome Bitumen Resurfacing |
165,588 |
0 |
0 |
165,588 |
Bradman's Birthplace |
76,115 |
223 |
0 |
76,338 |
Cootamundra Caravan Park |
130,057 |
10,367 |
0 |
140,424 |
Development - Land & Buildings |
2,359,693 |
0 |
(1,000,000) |
1,359,693 |
Employee Leave Entitlements |
1,752,000 |
106,493 |
0 |
1,858,493 |
Financial Assistance Grant |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Quarries & Pit Restoration |
557,351 |
12,856 |
0 |
570,207 |
Heritage Centre |
19,690 |
2,136 |
0 |
21,826 |
Plant Replacement |
2,244,471 |
1,894,883 |
(3,410,906) |
728,448 |
Saleyards |
18,078 |
71,130 |
(93,643) |
(4,435) |
Swimming Pool Pump & Equipment |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Cemetery |
44,677 |
170,070 |
(124,654) |
90,092 |
Southern Phone |
602,536 |
0 |
(406) |
602,130 |
Waste Management |
2,036,498 |
2,490,195 |
(669,456) |
3,857,236 |
Total Internal Restrictions |
10,006,755 |
4,758,352 |
(5,299,066) |
9,466,041 |
Externally Restricted Reserves |
Balance 30 June 2022 |
Transfers to |
Transfers from |
Balance 31 Dec 2022 |
Domestic Waste |
1,038,570 |
2,083,268 |
(2,083,268) |
1,038,570 |
Water Supply |
3,713,480 |
367,633 |
2,052 |
4,083,165 |
Sewerage Service |
6,514,473 |
437,359 |
17,592 |
6,969,424 |
Stormwater Infrastructure Renewal |
179,184 |
127,227 |
0 |
306,411 |
New Council Implementation Fund (2) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Developer Contributions |
637,380 |
87,843 |
(813) |
724,410 |
General Fund Unspent Grants & Contributions |
7,449,701 |
0 |
0 |
7,449,701 |
Total External Restrictions |
19,532,789 |
3,103,330 |
(2,064,437) |
20,571,681 |
29,539,544 |
7,861,682 |
(7,363,503) |
30,037,722 |
Restricted Cash Reconciliation
Restricted Cash |
$30,037,722.40 |
Cash at 31 December 2022 |
$21,817,019.90 |
Unrestricted Balance |
-$ 8,220,702.50 |
Grant Debtors Outstanding |
$366,002 |
Grants Completed but not Acquitted |
$1,577,138 |
Balance |
-$ 6,277,562.69 |
24 January 2023 |
383890 |
Zac Mahon, Manager Finance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
Council’s cash and investment portfolio decreased by $1,368,188.36 from $23,185,208.26 as at 30th November 2022 to $21,817,019.90 as at 31st December 2022. |
Council investments comply fully with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. |
Investments comply fully with the Council’s Investment Policy. |
Nil |
The report detailing Council Cash and Investments as at 31 December 2022, be received and noted. |
A report on Council’s Investments is required to be presented for Council’s consideration in accordance with Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021.
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
24 January 2023 |
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council’s investment portfolio unperformed compared to the relevant BBSW Index benchmark by 3.12%. This was due to timing differences with receipts and expenses and requiring additional cash on hand for potential expenses. The average weighted yield for December was 2.95%, over an average weighted term of 64 days, with a benchmark of 3.06%.
21,817,019 |
Yearly Interest Received 201,440 |
Weighted Average Term 64 Days |
Total Value 21,817,019 |
Monthly Interest Received 55,467 |
Weighted Average Yield 2.95% |
Credit Quality Compliance
Council’s investment portfolio was compliant with policy in terms of S&P long term rating credit quality limits, as displayed below.
Counter Party Compliance
As at the end of December, Council was compliant with policy in terms of individual financial institution capacity limits. It is worth noting that capacity limits are affected by changes in the on-call account balance compared to the total portfolio balance.
Term to Maturity
Council’s investment portfolio maturities shown graphically below were also compliant with policy requirements.
I hereby certify that investments listed in the report have been made in accordance with Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993, Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 and Council’s Investment Policy.
Zac Mahon
Responsible Accounting Officer
24 January 2023 |
384154 |
Lauren Eccleston, Tourism and Economic Development Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
Remaining grant funding of $153,457.00 from SCF available. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. Council withdraw from the Regional Tourism Activation Fund (RTAF). 2. Council utilise the remaining $153,457.00 allocation from the Stronger Communities Fund to masterplan the Old Mill precinct to create a shovel ready project for future funding streams. |
Following the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 13 December 2022, advice from Minister Stephanie Cooke via the Mayor and directed to the Old Mill Committee was that it is inappropriate for the Minister to discuss the Old Mill project or meet with the Old Mill Committee at this time. As per previous advice, there is no further funding available, and project as submitted for RTAF cannot be re-scoped. This needs to be resolved for project to progress via masterplan.
Council purchased the Old Mill Gundagai in 2018. Since purchase, funding of $200,000.00 was received from the New Council Implementation/Stronger Communities Fund. A subsequent application was successful in 2021 via the Regional Tourism Activation Fund for $687,530.00, an allocated co-contribution of $172,175.00 formed part of this application. Council has insufficient funds to make this co-contribution.
Of the initial Stronger Communities Fund the remaining funds stand at $153,457.00. To date, a funding deed for the Regional Tourism Activation Fund has not been signed due to project estimates being higher than expected and questions regarding the eligibility of the co-contribution. As such, Council has not yet received any funds from the Department of Regional NSW for this project.
The most recent quotation for the works required, as per the RTAF application, is double the initial quotation utilised for the application and does not include a contingency for expected issues that may arise. The initial quotation utilised for the application process was provided with additional conditions and questions that were not allowed for during the application budgeting process. The clarification of these items, along with increases in product costs have contributed to the increase of the most recent quotation.
Due to the nature of the Regional Tourism Activation Fund, the project needs to be completed as per the application to create a significant tourism destination. Re-scoping of the project to include structural works alone, does not fit the guidelines of this fund.
Utilising the remaining $153,457.00 to Masterplan the Old Mill “precinct” would allow for a business case and community consultation that would be beneficial to a future application when suitable funding rounds become available. This would prepare the asset and surrounding area to undergo a full transformation, from start to finish, allowing immediate tenancy of a commercial nature.
$153,457.00 remains available from the initial $200,000.00 Stronger Communities Fund. A funding deed for Regional Tourism Activation Fund of $687,530 has not been signed and Council’s 25 percent co-contribution is not available.
24 January 2023 |
383941 |
James Tonson, Youth and Inclusion Officer |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
1. Cootamundra Youth Council Code of Conduct ⇩ 2. CYC Minutes 5th December 2022 ⇩ 3. CYC Minutes 5th September 2022 ⇩ 4. CYC Minutes 1st August 2022 ⇩ 5. CYC Minutes 4th July 2022 ⇩ |
1. The Cootamundra Youth Council Code of Conduct (attached) be endorsed. 2. The minutes the Cootamundra Youth Council meetings held 4th July, 1st August, 5th September & 5th December, attached to the report be received and noted. 3. The resignations of Wil Ellis (Cootamundra Youth Treasurer), Ellenore Clapham and Tenesha Silk be noted. |
The Minutes of the Cootamundra Youth Council (CYC) Meetings held in July, August, September & December 2022 are submitted for the information of Council and the community. No formal CYC meetings were held in October and November but CYC has run a series of events during school holidays and as part of local community events, see minutes for more details.
The Gundagai Youth Council (GYC) has not formally met for sometime due to a lack of members. Recruitment efforts have garnered some interest from young people in Gundagai but this has been mitigated by the extended leave of Gundagai Youth Officer. GYC has continued to run Youth Stalls at the Sundy in Gundy Markets and the Gundagai Neighbourhood Centre is running a series of youth events over the summer holidays.
Recruitment of new members needs to be a priority for both Youth Councils in 2023 once there are staff place to support this.
CYC Code of Conduct
Following some minor instances of inappropriate behaviour Cootamundra Youth Mayor Kyle Collins initiated and drafted a Code of Conduct for Cootamundra Youth Councillors. This was developed in conjunction with Youth Officer James Tonson and CYC members all contributed to the list of values included in the code. CYC reviewed and formally adopted the Code at the December meeting and seek Council’s endorsement of it.
Youth Hubs
As per Council’s Youth Strategy 2020-2030, both CYC & GYC continue to work towards establishing a Youth Hubs in both towns.
Renovation works on the Gundagai Youth Hub are underway and expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2023.
Cootamundra Youth Council toured available spaces at the old hospital earlier this year and believe this would be a good location for a Cootamundra youth hub. Council Facilities Manager Andrew Brock has agreed to hold the space for 12 months so that funding can be sought to renovate it for a youth hub.
24 January 2023 |
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
383962 |
Sally Atkinson, Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance |
Paul Woods, Interim Deputy General Manager - CCD |
As detailed in the report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The information on Development Applications approved in December 2022, be received and noted. |
The Development Applications approved in December 2022 Report, is submitted for the information of Council regarding development applications processed.
The following development applications were approved by Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council in December 2022.
APP. NO. |
10.2022.159.1 |
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling (Rear Awning) |
Lot 3 DP238550 Cutler Avenue, Cootamundra |
10.2022.27.1 |
Proposed Solar Farm |
Lot 177 DP753601 Cowcumbla Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.134.1 |
Proposed New Dwelling with attached Garage |
Lot 2 DP1176297 Matilda Avenue, Cootamundra |
10.2022.138.1 |
Proposed Change of Use of internal area from retail store to commercial kitchen and seating for customers |
Lot C DP354717 Wallendoon Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.142.1 |
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Dwelling |
Lot 2 DP1085024 Mount Street, South Gundagai |
10.2022.146.1 |
Proposed New Carport |
Lot 9 DP203570 Thompson Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.156.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
Lot 21 DP656764 Florance Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.166.1 |
Proposed New Dwelling/Shed |
Lot 4 DP793625 Salt Clay Road, Cootamundra |
10.2022.167.1 |
Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of New Dwelling |
Lot 646 DP1206449 Pinkerton Lane, Cootamundra |
10.2022.148.1 |
Proposed Internal and External Alterations to Commercial Premises to facilitate new use as a retail premises |
Lot 1 DP224209 Parker Street, Cootamundra |
10.2021.156 MOD 1 |
Modification - Proposed New Dwelling |
Lot 57 DP751426 Chandlers Road, Nangus |
10.2022.143.1 |
Proposed Addition to Existing RFS Aviation Shed |
Lot 3 DP1243629 Quinlan Drive, Cootamundra |
10.2021.98 MOD 1 |
Modification - Change of Use (Church to Dental Clinic) |
Lot A DP363649 Cooper Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.149.1 |
Proposed demolition of existing shed and construction of new shed |
Lot 4 DP6080 White Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.110.1 |
Proposed New Dwelling |
Lot 269 DP750619 Racecourse Lane, Stockinbingal |
10.2022.113 MOD 1 |
Modification – Alterations to Existing Dwelling |
Lot 6 Sec 2 DP758915 Tumut Street, Gundagai |
10.2022.118.1 |
Proposed Shed |
Lot 5 DP793625 Salt Clay Road, Cootamundra |
10.2022.172.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
Lot 2 DP634697 Punch Street, Gundagai |
10.2022.185.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
Lot 3 DP367171 Queen Street, Cootamundra |
10.2022.160.1 |
Proposed New Shed |
Lot 86 DP750978 Nanangroe Road, Adjungbilly |
$ 2,037,778.00 |
$ 14,207,345.00 |
$ 2,190,109.00 |
$ 38,058,213.00 |
The value of approved applications is less than the same period last year, however this is something that is outside of the control of Council.
24 January 2023 |
383008 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
1. The report on the proposed Road Names for the Back Brawlin Road Subdivision Cootamundra be received and noted. 2. The following proposed road names for the Back Brawlin Road Subdivision Development, Cootamundra be noted: (i) Wonder View (ii) Evers Lane |
The developer of the new subdivision currently being developed on Back Brawlin Road, Cootamundra has put forward the proposed road names as detailed in the report below. Council has submitted the proposed names to the Geographical Names Board for consideration and approval for this development.
All new proposed names for roads are given Council consent before being adopted and the following are those suggestions. Currently there is no Council policy for naming of new roads, however, all street names have to be approved by the Geographical Names Board (GNB) being a NSW Government body.
The proposed names have been submitted to and have been pre-approved by the GNB:
Wonder View - at the rear of the property is a prominent hill. This new road leads to that hill. The view from this hill is truly panoramic and would easily be expressed as a "Wonder view". The current owner has been using ‘Wonder View’ as his unofficial name of the property.
Evers Lane – The Evers family have been long term Cootamundra and Riverina residents.
The proposed names were placed on public exhibition with submissions closing on Monday, 9 January 2023 with no submissions received.
24 January 2023 |
384086 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
Additional funding provided by TfNSW. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
The report on the Wallendbeen Bridge Detour Funding to be received and noted. |
The outcome of the Wallendbeen Bridge Detour funding is submitted for the information of Council and the community.
Back in March 2021, the Burley Griffin Way railway overbridge at Wallendbeen collapsed and as such traffic was detoured via Stockinbingal Road to Cootamundra and then back to Wallendbeen. This detour was in place until October 2021. The extra traffic on Stockinbingal Road and Old Cootamundra Road during this period caused extensive pavement damage to these roads which Council attended to in order to maintain the roads in a trafficable condition. The total of this work was approximately $490,000 and was costed to the 21/22 Block Grant funds.
Council continued to make numerous representations to Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to recover this expenditure as well as a claim to repair the pavement failures. Unfortunately, Council’s claims for reimbursement and repairs had to be considered under an insurance claim which TfNSW had lodged as they were attributed to the bridge failure.
Council has now received advice back from TfNSW regarding our request for funds to cover the damage and pavement repairs. This allocation equates to $2,793,950.00 made up of $500,000 to cover the maintenance works during the detour period, with the remainder ($2,293,950) going to future pavement repairs on Stockinbingal Road and Old Cootamundra Road. Silo Road Wallendbeen was also noted for some minor works in the initial damage assessment.
Given the above funding, works will now be slotted into the works program to be undertaken when resources are available.
Works funded by Transport for NSW.
384083 |
Julie Buckley, Operations Support Officer |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
There are no Financial implications associated with this report. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
That the Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of January 2023 be noted. |
The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of January 2023 is submitted for the information of Council and the community.
Fixing Local Roads Projects:
Due to the Christmas New Year break and limited resources no work has been carried out on any of the Fixing Local Roads projects. Works have concentrated on road repairs and gravel road maintenance in order to carry out maintenance for the grain harvest.
State Roads:
Repairs were undertaken prior to Christmas on several of the worst deteriorated sections between Cootamundra and Wallendbeen. These works were completed using a combination of contractors and the Gundagai works crew on some of the heavy patch sections. All these works were approved as matter of urgency from Transport for NSW under the contract and undertaken in order to remove the defects and sections which were closed to one lane.
It is expected more permanent repairs will be commenced in mid-January to complete the above sections as well as other prioritised sections along both the Olympic Highway and Burley Griffin Way.
General Works:
Gravel road maintenance has been undertaken on roads in the Yannawah area (east of Stockinbingal), Cullinga area, Brawlin area and Rawilla/Wavehill Roads. Works also included maintenance grading and resheeting on Hoares Lane, Cooininee Road and Sandy Falls Road in the Coolac area along with Tarrabandra Road and Bundarbo Road due to flood damage.
Bitumen road patching has been undertaken on various roads as resources permitted. Council and contract patching crews have been utilised on multiple roads across the Council area in order to assist with repairing some of the backlog of repair works. Significant damage was repaired on Rosehill, Jugiong, Muttama Road (Cootamundra) and the State Highways.
Heavy patching has been undertaken on Muttama Road prior to the Christmas closure.
The heavy patching program has commenced in the Adjungbilly area, on Threeways Road, Adjungbilly Road, Nanagroe Road and Redhill Road in January, in preparation for upcoming resealing program and to close out the timber haulage funding program.
It is expected some of the recent funding announced by the State Government under the Pothole Patching funding can be used for these repairs. Going forward future works will be determined to be included in this program.
Additional works were also carried out on Old Cootamundra Road near the Temora Shire boundary to improve the failed section of pavement. While temporary works were undertaken, this section of road will need major rehabilitation works during 2023 to fully repair the pavement.
Temporary maintenance works were completed on Annie Pyers Drive, Gundagai to ensure access over the Christmas holiday period.
Grass slashing has been undertaken around the Cootamundra township and both the Stockinbingal and Wallendbeen villages.
Projects funded from various funding sources, as noted above.
Maintenance works funded from the General Fund.
24 January 2023 |
384267 |
Stephen Targett, Acting Manager Technical Services |
Matt Stubbs, Deputy General Manager - Operations |
$220,000 additional grant income and delivery responsibility. |
There are no Legislative implications associated with this report. |
There are no Policy implications associated with this report. |
Nil |
Council endorses acceptance of the updated deed for variation for the Fixing Country Bridges Program and Bridges Renewal Program totalling $220,000 in additional funds. |
Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has funded the Lucerndale Road Bridge Replacements (BR157 and BR158) under the Fixing Country Bridges (FCB) and Bridges Renewal Program (BRP). They have since provided additional funding to ensure the Fixing Country Bridges projects can be completed and to allow for inflated costs.
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council (CGRC) signed an original funding deed with TfNSW on 3 May 2021, regarding the Lucerndale Road bridges. Due to contractor procurement, availability and weather the projects were not commenced until 2022.
Prior to commencement of works, CGRC requested that additional funds be allocated by the program to address increased industry costs for material and labour due to increased demand for these items. These additional funds were approved by TfNSW, as shown below. Current funding breakdowns are also provided.
Project |
Original FCB Funding |
Additional FCB Funding |
New FCB Funding |
BRP Funding |
Lucerndale Road Bridge (BR157) |
$168,000.00 |
$75,000.00 |
$243,000.00 |
$168,000.00 |
Lucerndale Road Bridge (BR158) |
$99,000.00 |
$145,000.00 |
$244,000.00 |
$99,000.00 |
Total |
$267,000.00 |
$220,000.00 |
$487,000.00 |
$267,000.00 |
24 January 2023 |
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
384139 |
Penny Nicholson, Councillor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
The following Notice of Motion signed by Councillor Penny Nicholson was submitted on 9 January, 2023.
I hereby give notice of my intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting of Tuesday, 24 January, 2023:
Council develops and engages, in a way forward, to progress the conditional contract existing between Council and the Dog on the Tuckerbox Developer. |
Note from Councillor
As the application, by the Developer, for $16 million funding through Regional Tourism Activation Fund (RTAF) to develop the DOT precinct was unsuccessful, it is time for Council to establish a timely advancement strategy for the precinct and honouring of the conditions in the land sale contract between Council and the Developer. The contract states that it is Council’s responsibility to connect potable water to the site.
The site has numerous and varied day to day functioning issues, that cause the current lessee inconvenience and cost Council in repairs.
I propose the following:-
· A copy of the Contract of Sale be provided to all Councillors, ensuring knowledge of Councils binding obligations are clear, with discussion at a Workshop
· The current lessee’s, Rose Misevic and Melissa be invited to attend a Council Workshop allowing Councillors the opportunity to hear the issues at the site from those at the coalface
· The Developer be invited to address Councillors at a Workshop to advise Councillors of their current plans/intentions/timeframe, post RTAF funding rejection
· Council (again) arrange a meeting, inviting ALL interested parties situated at the precinct and landowners on the Hume Highway corridor to discuss and gauge their interest, discussion of costings and consideration of financial contributions to connect water to their property and options for Sewer Pumping Station.
The current condition and facilities of the DOT is not fitting for a nationally and internationally significant attraction. Commendation is extended to the current lessees, Rose and Mel, who are outstanding ambassadors and keep the site immaculately. With funding being achieved for the works at Annie Pyers Drive, an enormous appetite from the community to see the development of the site AND a Developer who has the enthusiasm, vision, drive and expertise to progress the Development - the time is now.
Acknowledgement to Brungle Tumut Local Aboriginal Land Council (Snowy Valleys Council) for being Lead Applicant for the RTAF funding application.
Note from Interim General Manager
The Call Option Deed, incorporating the proposed Contract for Sale, can be discussed with Councillors at a workshop for this purpose noting that the normal approach would be for these documents to remain confidential given the commercial elements between the parties to the Deed.
Several additional issues will need to be considered by Councillors, including:
· The obligations of both the proposed purchaser and Council as the vendor arising from the Call Option Deed and the proposed Contract for Sale;
· Remaining timeframes under the Call Option Deed;
· The potential impact of the s23A Guidelines issued by the Deputy Secretary for Council’s guidance in the transition period up to the demerger. These Guidelines must be considered by Council when exercising its functions and potentially may need to be considered in this matter.
24 January 2023 |