Business Paper Late Reports Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
6:00PM, Tuesday 18th October, 2022
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda |
18 October 2022 |
6.2 Mayoral Minute - Can Assist in-kind donation
18 October 2022 |
379418 |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Charlie Sheahan, Mayor |
Nil |
That the Can Assist Bling it on Ball be supported by Council through an in-kind donation of the hire fees for the Cootamundra Town Hall for the event to be held 19th November 2022. |
In May 2022, Council’s Interim General Manager, Les McMahon and Manager Development, Building and Compliance Sharon Langman, met with the property owners of ‘Hurleyville’
The property owners met Council to obtain advice as to the possibility of holding the Can Assist Bling it on Ball at the property in November 2022. Council advised them at that time that as a function centre is not permitted in the RU1 zone, that the only option available to obtain approval was via a Development Application for temporary use (Clause 2.8 of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan 2013 (CLEP)). To obtain Development Consent for the Temporary Use of land, an application an relevant supporting documentation would be required to be submitted to Council for assessment, and legislative requirements would need to be met. Options such as to pre-inform neighbourhood properties and applying to the traffic committee to support traffic management concerns were discussed.
Council staff are aware that members of the Ball Committee did contact surrounding residents, personally door knocking and via written correspondence, to advise them that they were proposing to hold the event at ‘Hurleyville’.
On Tuesday 11th November 2022, Council staff were contacted by members of the community with concerns that the event was being advertised to be held at ‘Hurleyville’ on the 19th November 2022.
No development application for temporary use has been submitted to Council.
The Interim General Manager informed the Deputy Mayor and myself of the issue on Wednesday morning. Following discussions, the Interim General Manager and Acting Manager Council Development, Building and Compliance met with members of the Bling it on Ball committee and one of the property owners on Wednesday morning.
At that meeting, it was agreed that no application had been made, and that the event would not be able to go ahead at the proposed location and would need to be relocated.
The Bling it on Ball is an important community event and an important fundraising event for Can Assist. The ‘Hurleyville’ site was being offered to the Ball Committee at no cost, and the committee has already invested significant time and resources into organising the event at that site. With limited time to organise an alternate location, tickets already on sale and the event organised, the Interim General Manager made an offer for the committee to relocate the event to the Cootamundra Town Hall, which the Committee has accepted.