











Extraordinary Council Meeting


Council Chambers, Gundagai


6:00pm, Monday 28th March, 2022


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes

28 March 2022


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Extraordinary Council Meeting
Council Chambers, Gundagai
Monday, 28 March 2022 AT  


PRESENT:                    Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden (Deputy Mayor), Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Abb McAlister (via Teams), Cr Penny Nicholson

IN ATTENDANCE:      Glen McAtear (Acting General Manager)


1              Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.


2              Open Forum

There is no Open Forum held at an Extraordinary Meeting.


3              Apologies

Cr Gil Kelly


Apologies and Leave of Absence

Note: An apology was received from Cr Gil Kelly and Cr David Graham

Resolution  117/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Penny Nicholson

The apology received from Cr Kelly and Cr Graham be accepted and a leave of absence granted.





4              Disclosures of Interest


5              Confidential Items  

5.1           Closed Council Report

Resolution  118/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

1.       Items 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed.

2.       In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Items 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 be withheld from the press and public.

5.2           Electricity Procurement

Provisions for Confidentiality

Section 10A (2) (c)  – The Confidential Report contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business; and

Section 10A (2) (d(i))  – The Confidential Report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

Public Interest

It is considered that discussions of this matter in open Council would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as publication of all tendered amounts would discourage potential tenderers from submitting commercial information in the future and therefore prejudice Council's ability to secure the optimum outcome for the community.

5.3           Additional Conditions with Interim and Permanent Positions of Council

Provisions for Confidentiality

Section 10A (2) (a)  – The Confidential Report contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

Public Interest

Not applicable.

5.4           Recruitment of Interim General Manager

Provisions for Confidentiality

Section 10A (2) (f)  – The Confidential Report contains details of systems and/or arrangements that have been implemented to protect council, councillors, staff and Council property.

Public Interest

Not applicable.



5.2           Electricity Procurement

Resolution  119/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr Leigh Bowden

1.   That a reduced tender period has been considered be noted.

2.   The extenuating circumstances set out in the report that a satisfactory result would not be achieved by inviting tenders for the aggregated procurement of electricity for large market sites and streetlighting which are due to commence on 1 January 2023 be noted.

3.   Authority be delegated to the Acting General Manager to execute the contracts for the supply of electricity for large market sites and streetlighting; and

4.   Council’s resolution be forwarded to the Central NSW Joint Organisation.



5.3           Additional Conditions with Interim and Permanent Positions of Council

Resolution  120/2022  

Moved:       Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:  Cr Les Boyd

The Report on Costs Associated with Interim and Permanent Positions of Council be received and noted.



5.4           Recruitment of Interim General Manager

Resolution  121/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:  Cr Trevor Glover

1.   Mr. Les McMahon be offered the position of Interim General Manager until a permanent General Manager is appointed and commences duties.

2.   Mr. Les McMahon be paid in accordance with the current General Manager’s Standard Contract.

3.   A car from Council’s fleet be provided as an additional condition to the Total Remuneration Package. 

4.   Accommodation to the value specified in the report be provided as an additional condition to the Total Remuneration Package. 




5.5           Resumption of Open Council Meeting

Resolution  122/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:  Cr Les Boyd

The Open Council meeting resume.



5.6           Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions

Note: The Chairperson announced the resolutions made in Closed Council.


The Meeting closed at 6:32pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 26 April 2022.


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CHAIRPERSON                                           GENERAL MANAGER