











Ordinary Council Meeting


Alby Schultz Meeting Centre,


6:00PM, Tuesday 22nd February, 2022


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

22 February 2022


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre,
Tuesday, 22 February 2022 AT 6:00PM


PRESENT:                 Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden (Deputy Mayor), Cr Les Boyd, Cr Logan Collins, Cr Trevor Glover, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Abb McAlister, Cr Penny Nicholson

IN ATTENDANCE:     Phillip McMurray (General Manager), Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy (Manager Assets), Craig Perrin (Acting Manager Development, Building and Compliance), Andrew Brock (Manager Facilities), John Chapman (Manager Finance and Customer Service), Wayne Bennett (Manager Waste, Parks & Recreation Services)

1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.


Resolution  036/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Les Boyd

Council adjourn for Open Forum.



2            Open Forum

List of Speakers

1.      Mr. Wayne Warren – Mr. Warren addressed Council in relation to the water pressure Bartley Street Cootamundra.

2.      Mrs. Rosalind Wight – Mrs. Wight addressed Council on Council’s Cultural Awareness Program.

3.      Mrs. Yvonne Forsyth – addressed Council on the Visitor Information Centre and Heritage Centre Cootamundra.

4.      Mr. Scott Piffero – Addressed Council in relation to Item 6.1 A Working Party To Undertake An Upgrade Of The Fisher Park Stadium Facilities Be Developed.




Resolution  037/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

Council resume the Open Meeting.



3            Apologies


4            Disclosures of Interest


5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 25 January 2022

Resolution  038/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 25 January 2022 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.



6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - A Working Party to Undertake an Upgrade of the Fisher Park Stadium Facilites be Developed.

Resolution  039/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

1.   That Council, in conjunction with the Cootamundra Rugby League Football Club, seek appropriate funding to upgrade and refit the players facilities to accommodate female referees and female players in the ever increasing female sports.

2.   Funds from the sale of the Southern Phone Company share be used as a co-contribution if required.

3.   A working committee be formed with representatives from Cootamundra Rugby League Football Club and Council staff to undertake the project.



6.2         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement February 2022

Note: The following amendments were made at the meeting:

26th January, 2022

Cr Collins attended the Australia Day Pool Party with Byrce Collins, Australia Day Ambassador.

2nd February, 2022

Cr Collins attended the Wallendbeen Community Association Meeting

7th February, 2022

Cr Collins attended the Cootamundra Youth Council meeting.

Resolution  040/2022  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted.



7            Reports from Committees

7.1         Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 10 February 2022

Resolution  041/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

1.      The Minutes of the Cootamundra-Gundagai Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Thursday 10 February 2022 attached to the report be received and noted.

2.      That the Sheridan Street crossing remain with the current layout and Council will continue to monitor pedestrian movements to determine any future measures.

3.     That approval for the Cootamundra Festival of Lights event be given to the Cootamundra Development Corporation to hold the 2022 Festival of Lights event on Friday, 18 March, 2022 with the following conditions:

                              I.            The closure of Parker Street between Adams and Wallendoon Street between 4:00pm and 11:00pm. Including each of Bourke Street at Parker Street and the Woolworths carpark entry exit at Parker Street;

                            II.            That all businesses along the route be advised and road closures be advertised in the community;

                         III.            That appropriate COVID Safety Plans be adhered to;

                         IV.            That appropriate approvals are received from NSW Police for Alcohol consumption on the street;

                           V.            Council approve a temporary exemption of the Alcohol Free zone along Parker Street.

4.      That approval (Road Occupancy Licence) be given for the Cootamundra Cycle Club to hold the Haycarters Cycle race on Saturday, 14 May 2022 and the Annual Classic on Sunday, 15 May 2022, subject to the following conditions:

                             I.            The event organiser complies with any conditions set by Council and the NSW Police;

                          II.            All Traffic Control Plans for the Haycarters Race and Annual Classic are applied in accordance with the ‘Traffic Control at Worksites Manual’;

                        III.            All traffic controllers must have appropriate traffic control tickets;

                        IV.            All riders must comply with the Road Licence requirements;

                          V.            Signage being placed at all driveways to warn motorists when exiting private property onto the Council road;

                        VI.            Consent be received from both Junee and Temora Councils for the event to be held in their municipalities;

                      VII.            The event organiser has a COVID Safe Plan prepared for the event.

5.      That an onsite inspection be held between Committee members and Council staff to look at the vegetation issues in Parker Street, Cootamundra.



8            General Manager’s Report

8.1         Business

8.1.1      Delegations of the Mayor

Resolution  042/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

Pursuant to Sections 351,377 of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council delegate to the Mayor the authority to:

1.       Appoint a person to the position of Acting General Manager temporarily whilst the General Manager is incapacitated; or during such time as there is a vacancy in the position until a temporary appointment can be determined by the Council.

2.       Approve the attendance of the General Manager at conferences, seminars and courses at Council’s cost.

3.       Approve leave of absence for the General Manager in accordance with his Contract of Employment.

4.       Approve expenses incurred by the General Manager on Council’s behalf

5.      Manage complaints regarding the General Manager.

6.      To ensure the General Manager’s salary package is accurately reflected in accordance to Schedule C to the standard contract.



8.1.2      Australian Local Government Association National General Assembly - Call for Motions

Resolution  043/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.   The Australian Local Government Association -Working Together for Our Communities - Call for Motions NGA21 -Discussion Paper, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   The Rural Medical Work Force Gundagai Motion, attached to the report, be received and noted.

3.   Correspondence to Cr Linda Scott – Letter of support for the redistribution of Financial Assistance Grants be received and noted.

4.   Motions 1 and 2 be submitted by the General Manager for the National General Assembly 2022 as detailed in the Report be endorsed.

5.   That Motion 3 be submitted as a late motion to the New South Wales  Local Government  Conference to be held 28th February to 2nd March, 2022 as detailed in the report.



8.1.3      Delivery Program/Operational Plan Quarterly Progress Report

Resolution  044/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The Delivery Program incorporating the Operational Plan 2021/22, quarterly progress report, (2nd Quarter 1st  October – 31st  December, 2021), attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.1.4      Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  045/2022  

Moved:       Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held 13th December, 2021 attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.1.5      Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes and Membership

Resolution  046/2022  

Moved:       Cr Trevor Glover

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.   The Minutes of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee General Meeting held on 19th January 2022 attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   The office bearer and membership of the Muttama Hall Management s.355 Committee as detailed in the report, be endorsed.





8.1.6      Lachlan Regional Transport Committee Request for Council Delegate

Resolution  047/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.      The Lachlan Regional Transport Committee – Request for Delegate of Council to Committee, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.      Cr Boyd and Council’s Manager of Civil Works be appointed as delegates to the Lachlan     Regional Transport Committee.



8.1.7      Information Bulletin - February 2022

Resolution  048/2022  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The Information Bulletin February 2022, and attached correspondence, be received and noted.



8.1.8      Updated Council Meeting Action Report

Resolution  049/2022  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Updated Council Meeting Action Report, attached to the report, be received and noted.



8.2         Finance

8.2.1      The Arts Centre Cootamundra  - Goods and Services Tax Debt

Resolution  050/2022  

Moved:       Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

1.   The Correspondence in 21.12.2021 - The Arts Centre Cootamundra GST Proposal be received and noted.

2.   The Arts Centre Cootamundra pay $7,000 of the Goods and Services Tax Debt and pay the remaining $7,000 by an arranged monthly instalment. 




Cr Charlie Sheahan (Mayor)

Cr Les Boyd

Cr Logan Collins

Cr Trevor Glover

Cr David Graham

Cr Abb McAlister

Cr Penny Nicholson

Cr Leigh Bowden

Cr Gil Kelly








8.2.2      Investment Report - January 2022

Resolution  051/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

The Investment Report for January, 2022 be received and noted.



8.2.3      December 2021 Quarterly Budget Review Statement

Resolution  052/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.       The attachments included in the December, 2021 Quarterly Budget Review Report be received and noted.

2.       The budget variations listed in the report be adopted.



8.3         Community and Culture

8.3.1      Cootamundra Youth Council Meeting 7th February 2022

Resolution  053/2022  

Moved:       Cr Logan Collins

Seconded:   Cr Les Boyd

1.       The minutes of the Cootamundra Youth Council meeting held 7th February, 2022, attached to the report be received and noted.

2.       The new members of the Cootamundra Youth Council Laila Ismay (February, 2022) and Hannah Drum (December, 2021) be welcomed and endorsed.

3.       Council congratulate the newly elected Youth Mayor Kyle Collins.

4.       The updated Vision for the Youth Hub (attached) be endorsed.



8.3.2      Cootamundra Tourism Action Group Advisory Committee - Meeting Held 3rd February, 2022 - Late Report

Resolution  054/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

1.   The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group Advisory Committee meeting held on 3rd February, 2022, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.   Council consider the recommendation contained within the minutes.

                    i.            The Cootamundra Tourism Action Group (CTAG) requests the opportunity to hold a workshop, together with the Gundagai Tourism Action Group, with the CSP consultants to ensure tourism and economic development opportunities are adequately captured in the new Plan. CTAG also requests that Council consider further engagement activities suitable to capture the views of the younger and family demographics of the Local Government Area, along with a considered review of the existing CSP and Council strategies to ensure those items are captured.

                  ii.            CTAG requests that Council allocates resources to develop a conservation and trail management plan for Pioneer Park.

                iii.            CTAG requests Council works with the Wallendbeen Community Association and Transport for NSW to undertake temporary works to the roundabout including weed removal and temporary plantings. CTAG requests Council undertake an urgent safety review of the old service station site and conducts any necessary follow-up with the site owners



8.3.3      Gundagai Tourism Action Group Advisory Committee - Meeting Held 14th February, 2022 - Late Report

Resolution  055/2022  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Abb McAlister

1.   The Minutes of the Gundagai Tourism Advisory Group Action Committee held 14th February, 2022, attached to the report be received and noted.

2.   Council consider allocating resources to assist the Gundagai community to form a business chamber.



8.4         Development, Building and Compliance

8.4.1      Joint Regional Planning Panel - Community Representative Proposal

Resolution  056/2022  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.       Mr Gordon Lindley remaining in the position of sitting Member for Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council on the Joint Regional Planning Panel be considered.

2.       Mark Ellis, Manager Civil Works be nominated as the alternative delegate in the event Mr Lindley is unavailable to fulfil his role as representative to the Joint Regional Planning Panel.



8.4.2      Employment Zone Reform - Translation Detail to amend Land Use Tables of Cootamundra and Gundagai Local Environmental Plans

Resolution  057/2022  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

1.       The proposed translation changes to the Land Use Tables of the Cootamundra Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 and Gundagai LEP 2011 as detailed in the Translation of the Employment Zones Land Use Tables documents be endorsed.

2.       The Translation of the Employment Zones Land Use Tables documents are submitted to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for public exhibition and further processing as part of the Employment Zone Reforms.



8.4.3      Development Applications January 2022

Resolution  058/2022  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

The information on Development Applications approved in January 2022 be received and noted.



8.5         Regulatory Services

8.5.1      Regulatory Report


Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

The Regulatory Report for November 2021 to January 2022 be received and noted.



8.6         Assets


8.7         Civil Works

8.7.1      Civil Works and Technical Services Report - February 2022

Resolution  059/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Trevor Glover

The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of February 2022 be received and noted.



8.7.2      2021-22 Roads to Recovery Program Funding

Resolution  060/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.    The allocation of the 2021/22 Roads To Recovery funding for Fixing Local Roads projects and Regional Roads REPAIR program detailed below be endorsed:

·    Mackay Street                                                         $  90,000

·    Brawlin Road                                                           $  50,000

·    Warralong Road                                                      $  60,000

·    French Street                                                           $  62,276

·    Cooper Street  Laneway                                        $  50,000

·    Old Hume Highway                                                $225,000

·    Edwardstown Road                                                $145,000

·    Darbalara Road                                                       $122,776


2.   Muttama Road REPAIR                                                       $180,500 be endorsed .

3.   Council’s contribution to be funded through the  Roads To Recovery Program $985,552 be endorsed.



8.8         Technical Services


8.9         Facilities

8.9.1      Proposal to Create an Alcohol Free Zone at Carberry Park, Gundagai

Resolution  061/2022  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

The Report on the Proposal to Create an Alcohol Free Zone at Carberry Park Adventure Playground between 10:00pm to 9:00am from 23rd February, 2022 to 26th January, 2023 be considered.



8.9.2      Essentail Energy Bulk Light Emitting Diode Luminaire Upgrade

Resolution  062/2022  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The Report on the Essential Energy Bulk Light Emitting Diode Luminaire Upgrade be received and noted.



8.9.3      Facilities Works Report - February, 2022

Resolution  063/2022  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Facilities Works Report for February, 2022 be received and noted.



8.10       Waste, Parks and Recreation

8.10.1    Waste, Parks and Recreation Major Projects for 2021-22 Report

Resolution  064/2022  

Moved:       Cr Les Boyd

Seconded:   Cr Logan Collins

The Waste, Parks and Recreation Major Projects Report for 2021-22 report be received and noted.



9            Motion of which Notice has been Given

9.1         Notice of Motion - To discuss immediate emergency repairs be undertaken on Annie Pyers Drive, Gundagai, the ownership of the road and the scheduling of long-term repairs or upgrading of the road.

Resolution  065/2022  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

To discuss with the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads the need for immediate emergency repairs be undertaken on Annie Pyers Drive, Gundagai, the ownership of the road and the scheduling of long-term repairs or upgrading of the road.



10          Questions with Notice

10.1       Questions with Notice - February, 2022

Resolution  066/2022  

Moved:       Cr Abb McAlister

Seconded:   Cr Les Boyd

The Questions with Notice from Councillors and related responses from Council officers be noted.



11          Confidential Items  



The Meeting closed at 8:15pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 22 March 2022.


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CHAIRPERSON                                                                                                      GENERAL MANAGER