Minutes Extraordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz meeting Centre, Cootamundra
5PM, Thursday 3RD DECEMBER, 2020
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
3 December 2020 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Extraordinary Council
Schultz meeting Centre, Cootamundra
ON Thursday, 3
December 2020 AT 5PM
Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr David Graham, Cr Gil
Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan
and Cr Craig Stewart
IN ATTENDANCE: Phil McMurray (General Manager) and Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager)
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
2 Open Forum – Open Forum is not held in extraordinary meetings of council
4 Disclosures of Interest
5.1.1 Proposal to proceed with consultation for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) under Section 508 (a) of the Local Government Act, to be retained permanently in the rate base |
Resolution 412/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Doug Phillips 1. Council adopt the Draft Addendum to 2018-2021 Delivery Program and Draft Long Term Financial Plan for 2020/21 to 2029/30 as amended for public exhibition for a period of no less than 28 days. 2. Council endorse community consultation being undertaken in relation to proposed SRV under Section 508(A) to be permanently included in the rate base, of successive rate increases of 19%, 18%, 5%, 5% and 5%, commencing in 2021/22, amounting to a cumulative 62.6% increase per the tables in this report. 3. Council undertake Community Engagement Activities in relation to the proposed SRV as detailed in the report. 4. Professor Drew undertake further examination of ratepayer capacity to pay as detailed in the Draft Addendum to Delivery Program and in the report. 5. Council continue to pursue organisational efficiencies through continued implementation of regular service reviews; and 6. A further report be prepared for Council following conclusion of community consultation. 7. Mayoral Correspondence advising of the SRV be sent to the following Ministers: · Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Shelley Hancock, MP · Premier of New South Wales, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP · Member for Cootamundra, Steph Cooke, MP · Shadow Minister for Local Government, Gregory Charles Warren, MP · Leader of the Opposition, Ms Jodi McKay, MP |
The Meeting closed at 5:17pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 27 January 2021.
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