Minutes Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Centre, Cootamundra
6:00 PM, Tuesday 25TH AUGUST, 2020
Administration Centres: 1300 459 689 |
Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes |
25 August 2020 |
MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council
Schultz Centre, Cootamundra
ON Tuesday, 25 August
2020 AT 6:00
PRESENT: Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Craig Stewart
IN ATTENDANCE: Phil McMurray (General Manager), Kay Whitehead (Interim Deputy General Manager), Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy (Manager Assets), Mark Ellis (Manager Civil Works), Miriam Crane (Manager of Community and Culture), Sharon Langman (Manager Development, Building and Compliance), Andrew Brock (Manager Facilities), Tim Swan (Manager Finance), Glen McAtear (Manager Regulatory Services), Matt Stubbs (Manager Technical Services),
The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.
Note: Due to COVID-19 the Meeting was closed to the public and, as such, there was no Open Forum section. The Meeting was live streamed and is available to watch online at www.cgrc.nsw.gov.au. Written submissions received, if any, were read aloud during the Meeting at item 8.1.1 Open Forum Submissions.
Phillip McMurray (General Manager) disclosed an Pecuniary Interest in item 11.2 Mayoral Minute – General Managers Review as he is the General Manager
5.1 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 July 2020 |
Resolution 230/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Doug Phillips The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 28 July 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.
The information in the Mayoral Minute be received and noted.
Resolution 231/2020 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden Written submissions for the Open Forum received after the publishing of the July, 2020 Business Paper, were received and the following were read aloud. 1. Susan Manwaring – Mrs Manwaring sent a submission in support for item 8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road as the owner of the property on which the exists. 2. Alison Patterson – Mrs Patterson sent a submission in relation to the Cootamundra Concert Band withdrawing as an s355 Committee of Council. |
8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road |
Resolution 232/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan That item 8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road be moved to follow item 8.1.1 Open Forum submissions for resolution.
8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road |
Resolution 233/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan 1. Council approve the closure of Lots 3 and 6 DP 1217568 Rosehill Road Cootamundra. 2. Council enter into a Deed with Mrs. Manwaring to formalise the agreement for the proposed transfer for Nil consideration. 3. The closure of Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 be advertised through Council’s usual mediums and notification be sent to affected landholders and the relevant authorities inviting submissions for a period no less than twenty eight (28) days. 4. Pursuant to s377(1)(h) of the Local Government Act, 1993 Council approve the transfer of Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 to (Mrs Manwaring) subject to those lots being closed as public roads and there being no appeals against the road closure.
8.1.2 Final Quarter progress report on the 2019-2020 Plan of Management Delivery Program |
Resolution 234/2020 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart The Report on the Final Quarter Progress Report on the 2019/2020 Plan of Management Delivery Program be noted. |
8.1.3 Annual Local Government Association's National Local Roads and Transport Congress 2020 |
Resolution 235/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson Council resolved that the Manager Civil Works, Manager Technical Services and Cr Charlie Sheahan attend the Australian Local Government Association’s 2020 National Roads and Transport Congress being held in Wagga Wagga 6th - 18th November, 2020. |
8.1.4 Amendments to the Model Code of Conduct and Model Code of Meeting Practice - Office of Local Government |
Resolution 236/2020 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. The amendments to the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW and Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW as outlined in the reports and detailed in Circulars 20-31 and 20-32 attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The Model Code of Conduct and Model Code of Meeting Practice be updated to include the amendments referred to in 1 above and be submitted to the Council at the Ordinary Meeting scheduled for 29th September, 2020 for consideration and adoption. |
Resolution 237/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly 1. Council approve payment of $2145 for the outstanding balance for work undertaken on the Post Office clock on the basis that there was a misunderstanding. 2. Under the Local Government Act, 1993 Section 356(2) a proposed recipient who acts for private gain is not ineligible to be granted financial assistance but must not receive any benefit under this section until at least 28 days’ public notice of the Council’s proposal to pass the necessary resolution has been given. 3. Correspondence be sent to the owner of the Post Office building with relation to the matter of securing the building. |
8.1.6 Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committee Meeting - 6 August 2020 - Minutes |
Resolution 238/2020 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committee meeting held 6 August, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
8.1.7 Showground Users Group s355 Committee Meeting - 15 July 2020 - Minutes |
Resolution 239/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr David Graham 1. The Minutes of the Committee Showground Users Group s355 Committee Meeting held 15 July, 2020 be received and noted 2. The following recommendations contained within the Minutes be considered: I. Due to Covid-19, Council consider reducing the User Group Fees from $1000 to $500 for the 20/21 period. |
8.1.8 Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s355 Committee Meetings - 6 July and 3 August 2020 - Minutes |
Resolution 240/2020 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson The Minutes of the Cootamundra Heritage Centre Management s355 Committee Minutes of Meeting held on 6 July and 3 August, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
8.1.9 Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s355 Committee - Minutes of Annual Meeting |
Resolution 241/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart 1. The Minutes of Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s355 Committee’s Annual General Meeting and Meeting held 23 July, 2020, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Applications for Committee Membership submitted by Lynn Basham and Susan Caldwell be endorsed by Council. |
Resolution 242/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Gil Kelly The information and correspondence attached to the report, be received and noted. |
Resolution 243/2020 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart The Updated Council Meeting Action Report be noted. |
Resolution 244/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr David Graham The Investment Report as at 31 July, 2020 be received and noted. |
8.2.2 Updated Monthly Major Projects Program and Projects Schedule |
Resolution 245/2020 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The Updated Monthly Major Projects Program Report, and Updated Monthly Major Projects Schedule, attached to the report, be received and noted. |
8.2.3 Monthly Finance Report for July 2020 |
Resolution 246/2020 Moved: Cr David Graham Seconded: Cr Charlie Sheahan The Finance Report for July, 2020 be received and noted. |
8.3.1 Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Recreation Needs Study Final Report |
Resolution 247/2020 Moved: Cr Penny Nicholson Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. The Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Recreation Needs Study Final Report, attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. The Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Recreation Needs Study Final Report be used in the consideration of future related budget and grant opportunities. |
Resolution 248/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Banner Booking Conditions Policy attached to the report be adopted. |
8.3.3 Minutes of the Access and Inclusion Committee Meeting Held Thursday 30 July, 2020 |
Resolution 249/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. The Minutes of the Access and Inclusion Committee Meeting held on Thursday 30 July, 2020 attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. A Draft Policy be developed on the Waiving of Development Application Fees for Upgrades to Business Access and a report be prepared for the consideration of Council at a future meeting. |
8.4 Development, Building and Compliance
Resolution 250/2020 Moved: Cr Leigh Bowden Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson Council adopt the Local Strategic Planning Statement attached to the report. |
Resolution 251/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Leigh Bowden 1. The Report on the Hydroxy Airless Combustion system be noted. 2. Council facilitate EGEL with their trial plant by providing an appropriate site subject to the applicant undertaking a planning focus meeting with all stakeholders and agencies. |
Resolution 252/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Craig Stewart The information on Development Applications Approved in July, 2020 be noted. |
Resolution 253/2020 Moved: Cr Charlie Sheahan Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer 1. The Report on the Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy and role and Purpose of the Project Reference Group and CGRC Integrated Water Cycle Management Issues Paper attached to the report, be received and noted. 2. Council determine the membership of the Project Reference Group including, if desired, potential community representatives and be amended to include a representative from Goldenfields Water County Council. |
8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road |
Item 8.7.1 Proposed Road Closure Lots 3 and 6 DP1217568 Part Rosehill Road was moved to follow item 8.1.1 Open forum Submissions. |
Resolution 254/2020 Moved: Cr Gil Kelly Seconded: Cr David Graham The proposed extensions to the Alcohol Free Zone in Cootamundra, as detailed, to be implemented for a four 4 year period being 1 May, 2020 to 30 April, 2024 be adopted as follows: · Parker Street between Mackay & O’Donnell Streets; · Bourke Street between Cooper and Parker Laneways; · Wallendoon Street between Parker Lane and Hovell Street; · Hovell Street between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets; · Hovell Lane between Wallendoon and Mackay Streets; and · Extended to include the Parker and Cooper Laneways (either side of Parker Street) between Wallendoon and Adams Street.
8.7.3 Civil Works and Technical Services Report - August 2020 |
Resolution 255/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr David Graham The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of August, 2020 be received. |
8.10 Waste, Parks and Recreation
9 Motion of which Notice has been Given
Resolution 256/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr Penny Nicholson 1. Item 11.2 be considered in closed Council at which the press and public are excluded in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Local Government Act, 1993 and related public interest reasons detailed. 2. In accordance with section 11 (2) and (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, the reports, correspondence and other documentation relating to Item 11.2 be withheld from the press and public. 11.2 Mayoral Minute - General Managers Review Provisions for Confidentiality Section 10A (2) (f) – The Confidential Report contains details of systems and/or arrangements that have been implemented to protect council, councillors, staff and Council property. Public Interest Not applicable.
Note: having disclosed a Pecuniary Interest in this item Phillip McMurray (General Manager) left the Meeting |
Resolution 257/2020 Moved: Cr Dennis Palmer Seconded: Cr David Graham The Report on the General Manager’s Performance Review for the period of 1st January, 2020 to 30th June, 2020 be noted. |
11.3 Resumption of Open Council Meeting
Resolution 258/2020 Moved: Cr Doug Phillips Seconded: Cr Dennis Palmer The Open Council meeting resume. |
11.4 Announcement of Closed Council Resolutions
Note: The Chairperson announced the resolutions made in Closed Council.
The Meeting closed at 7:44 PM.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29 September 2020.
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