











Ordinary Council Meeting


Alby Schulta Centre, Cootamundra


6:00PM, Tuesday 28th April, 2020


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

28 April 2020



MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Council chambers Gundagai
Tuesday, 28 April 2020 AT 6:00PM


PRESENT:                 Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson, Cr Doug Phillips, Cr Charlie Sheahan, Cr Craig Stewart.

Note: Pursuant to s747A of the Local Government Act, 1993 Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor) and Cr’s Graham, Kelly, Nicholson, Phillips, and Stewart attended the meeting remotely using an audio visual link. Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor) chaired the meeting remotely.


Note: Cr Kelly arrived at 6:26pm for consideration of item 8.2.1 Borrowing for Cootamundra Water Mains Replacement and apologised for his late arrival.


IN ATTENDANCE:     Phillip McMurray (General Manager), Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy (Manager Assets), Mark Ellis (Manager Civil Works), Sharon Langman (Manager Development, Building and Compliance), Andrew Brock (Manager Facilities), Tim Swan (Manager Finance), and Matt Stubbs (Manager Technical Services).

1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.

2            Open Forum

Note: Due to COVID-19 the Meeting was closed to the public and there was no Open Forum. The Meeting was livestreamed. No written submissions relating to items on the agenda or any other matter were received by Council for presentation at the meeting.


3            Apologies



4            Disclosures of Interest








5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 31 March 2020

Resolution  107/2020  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 31 March 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.





6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement

Resolution  108/2020  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The Mayoral Minute be received and noted.





7            Reports from Committees



8            General Manager’s Report

8.1         Business

8.1.1      New Regulations in Response to COVID-19

Resolution  109/2020  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Dennis Palmer

1.   Council determine whether to adhere to the regular statutory timetable for the Operational Plan and rating process or delay these for the permitted 30 day extension period.

2.   The relaxation of statutory provisions in relation to advertising and access to various public documents be noted.

3.   Council continue to utilise local newspapers

4.   Council consider the impact of the new regulations outlined in the report on existing policies more fully once normal circumstances resume.

5.   Consideration of the waiving of any non-rate related Fees and Charges under a new COVID-19 category be referred to Council for determination.

6.    Facilitate, where Council determines, relief measures to local ratepayers and businesses.

7.  Council undertake a full review of the Hardship Policy and a report be prepared and submitted at the Ordinary Meeting scheduled for 26th May, 2020.





8.1.2      Financial Sustainability Review by Dr Joseph Drew

Resolution  110/2020  

Moved:       Cr Doug Phillips

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.   The report on the Financial Sustainability of Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council by Dr Joseph Drew, attached to the report, be adopted by Council as a reference document.

2.   Council consider the recommendations made by Dr Drew contained within the report.

3.   Council make representations to The Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Shelley Hancock to finance the service of Dr Joseph Drew provided by University of Technology Sydney.






8.1.3      Cootamundra Community Arts Cultural Centre - Report from Chairperson April 2020

Resolution  111/2020  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Doug Phillips

The Cootamundra Community Arts Cultural Centre – Report From Chairperson April 2020 report be received and noted.





8.1.4      Community Donations Policy

Resolution  112/2020  

Moved:       Cr Craig Stewart

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.   The proposed Community Donations Policy, attached to the report, be adopted.

2.   The appropriate provision for the budgeting and funding of the Community Donations program be included in the Operational Plan.

3.   The General Manager be delegated to develop, implement and review as required, the associated Community Donations Policy Procedures, attached to the report,  consistent with the attached draft in 1 above.

4.  The Community Donations Policy be amended to reference the Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Vision Statement values.






8.1.5      Updated Council Meeting Action Report

Resolution  113/2020  

Moved:       Cr Doug Phillips

Seconded:   Cr Dennis Palmer

The Updated Council Meeting Action Report be received and noted.





8.1.6      Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committee Meeting held 5 March 2020

Resolution  114/2020  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.       That the Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committee held 5th March, 2020, and considered, in part, by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of 31st March, 2020, be received and noted.

2.       Council confirm Committee Membership of Dotti Le Sage and Hans Bruitzman on the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s355 Committee.





8.1.7      Information Bulletin

Resolution  115/2020  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The Information Bulletin and correspondence, attached to the report, be received and noted.



Note: Cr Kelly arrived at 6:26 PM for consideration of item 8.2.1 Borrowing for Cootamundra Water Mains Replacement.



8.2         Finance

8.2.1      Borrowing for Cootamundra Water Mains Replacement

Resolution  116/2020  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

Council give authority to the General Manager to execute the loan application with Commonwealth Bank of Australia.







8.2.2      Investment Report - March 2020

Resolution  117/2020  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

That the Investment Report as at 31 March 2020 be received and noted.





8.2.3      Monthly Finance Report

Resolution  118/2020  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Craig Stewart

That the Monthly Finance Report for be received and noted.





8.2.4      March 2020 Major Projects Progress Report

Resolution  119/2020  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

1.   The March, 2020 Major Projects Progress Report on project status be received and noted.

2.   The recommended changes to the project budgets as listed be adopted.



8.3         Community and Culture









8.4         Development, Building and Compliance



8.4.1      Development Applications Approved for the Month of March, 2020

Resolution  120/2020  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Doug Phillips

The information on Development applications approved in March, 2020 be noted.




Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor)

Cr Dennis Palmer

Cr Leigh Bowden

Cr David Graham

Cr Gil Kelly

Cr Penny Nicholson

Cr Doug Phillips

Cr Charlie Sheahan

Cr Craig Stewart











8.4.2      On Site Sewerage Management System (OSSMS) Policy

Resolution  121/2020  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.       Council place the draft On Site Sewerage Management Systems Policy, attached to the report, on exhibition for a period of not less than 28 days.

2.       The Policy be adopted under delegation should there be no submissions that warrant significant changes to the Policy.




8.4.3      Adoption of Rural Lands Strategy

Resolution  122/2020  

Moved:       Cr Doug Phillips

Seconded:   Cr Craig Stewart

1.       Council place the amended draft Rural Lands Strategy, attached to the report, on exhibition for a period of 28 days.

2.       Consultation be undertaken with the relevant State Government Agencies seeking their comments.




Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor)

Cr Dennis Palmer

Cr Leigh Bowden

Cr David Graham

Cr Gil Kelly

Cr Penny Nicholson

Cr Doug Phillips

Cr Charlie Sheahan

Cr Craig Stewart









8.5         Regulatory Services


8.6         Assets

8.6.1      Plant Income Management

Resolution  123/2020  

Moved:       Cr Craig Stewart

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The Plant Income Management report for 2019/20 financial year be received and noted.



8.7         Civil Works

8.7.1      Tender for Winning and Crushing of Gravel

Resolution  124/2020  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

1.       Council endorse the open tendering method for the proposed contract for winning and crushing of gravel.

2.       A further report be prepared and submitted for the consideration of Council at the completion of the tendering process.





8.7.2      Civil Works & Technical Services Report - April 2020

Resolution  125/2020  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The Civil Works and Technical Services Report for the month of April, 2020 be received.



8.8         Technical Services



8.9         Facilities



8.10       Waste, Parks and Recreation



9            Motion of which Notice has been Given

9.1         Notice of Motion - That the Waste Strategy Plan be Adopted and Made Available for Public Review and Comment.

Resolution  126/2020  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

That the Waste Strategy Plan be adopted and made available for public review and comment.



9.2         Notice of Motion - That Council write to the Honorable Shelley Hancock, Minister for Local Government, and Ms Steph Cooke, Member for Cootamundra, advising them that Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council have undertaken the Rate Harmonisation, legislated by the State Government, and that the letter include the table of rate changes, the formula applied to ascertain the harmonisation figures and a comment on the adverse impact that the rate increases are likely to have on many members of its community.

Resolution  127/2020  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

That Council write to the Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Shelley Hancock, and Member for Cootamundra,  Ms Steph Cooke, MP advising them that Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council has undertaken the Rate Harmonisation as legislated by the State Government, and that the letter include the table of rate changes, the formula applied to ascertain the harmonisation figures and a comment on the adverse impact that the rate increases are likely to have on many members of its community.




10          Questions with Notice



11          Confidential Items  



The Meeting closed at 6:50 PM.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 May 2020.


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CHAIRPERSON                                                                                                      GENERAL MANAGER