











Ordinary Council Meeting


Alby Schultz Meeting Centre,



6:00pm, Tuesday 30th April, 2019


Administration Centres:  1300 459 689



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes

30 April 2019


MINUTES OF Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Alby Schultz Meeting Centre, Cootamundra
Tuesday, 30 April 2019 AT 6:00pm


PRESENT:                 Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor), Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor), Cr Leigh Bowden, Cr David Graham, Cr Gil Kelly, Cr Penny Nicholson and Cr Charlie Sheahan

IN ATTENDANCE:    Phil McMurray (Acting General Manager) , Ganesh Ganeshamoorthy (Manager Assets), Susan Gheller (Manager Business), Mark Ellis (Manager Civil Works), Miriam Crane (Manager Community & Culture), Sharon Langman (Manager Development, Building & Compliance), Andrew Brock (Manager Facilities), Tim Swan (Manager Finance & Customer Service), Glen McAtear (Manager Regulatory Services) and Wayne  Bennett (Manager Waste, Parks & Recreation)


1            Acknowledgement of Country

The Chairperson acknowledged the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land at which the meeting was held and paid his respects to Elders, both past and present, of the Wiradjuri Nation and extended that respect to other Aboriginal people who were present.


Resolution  103/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Dennis Palmer

The Council meeting adjourn for Open Forum.


2            Open Forum

List of Speakers

1.      Lorna Nixon – Addressed Council on concerns in relation to the toilet paper dispensers currently in Counci’s public toilets.

2.      Lyn Smart – Spoke in support of item 8.7.2 Nangus Water Supply Scheme

3.      Isabel Scott – Thanked Councillors and Council staff for attending a meeting at the Arts Centre Cootamundra

4.      Elizabeth Brown – Queried the process for reporting faulty street lights in the community and asked was Council responsible for that reporting?  

5.      Rod Chalmers and Mark Ward– Requested to meet with Council to discuss the completion of the Rugby Union Club Stronger Country Communities project.




Resolution  104/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The Open Council meeting resume.


3            Apologies


Note: An apology was received on behalf of Cr Doug Phillips.

Resolution  105/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The apology received from Cr Phillips be accepted and leave of absence granted.



4            Disclosures of Interest

Cr Dennis Palmer disclosed a pecuniary in in relation to item 8.4.2 Cootamundra LEP 2013 Proposed Amendment 7 - Deferment of Item 8 for the reason that a relative of his owns property in the vicinity of the subject land.

5            Confirmation of Minutes

5.1         Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 26 March 2019

Resolution  106/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday 26 March 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.





5.2         Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 17 April 2019

Resolution  107/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday 17 April 2019 be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting.



6            Mayoral Minutes

6.1         Mayoral Minute - Councillor Engagement

Note: the following amendments to the Mayoral Minute were noted at the meeting:

2nd April, 2019

The site inspection at the Gundagai Sewage Treatment Plant was cancelled due to inclement weather.

15th April, 2019

Cr’s Kelly, Sheahan and Stewart did not attend the Councillor Workshop.

18th April, 2019

There was no meeting of the Cootamundra Tourism Action s.355 Committee.

The Mayor and Cr’s Bowden and Nicholson attended a meeting at the Arts Centre.

19th April, 2019

The Fees and Charges meeting scheduled did not proceed.

29th April, 2019

Cr’s Kelly, Phillips and Stewart did not attend the Councillor Workshop.

Resolution  108/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The information in the Mayoral Minute, as amended, be received and noted.



7            Reports from Committees


8            General Manager’s Report

8.1         Business

8.1.1      Designated Officers

Resolution  109/2019  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

The Staff holding the positions listed in table A in the report be classified as designated persons for the purposes of completion of disclosures in accordance with the Code of Conduct.



8.1.2      Draft Code of Meeting Practice

Resolution  110/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.             The draft Code of Meeting Practice attached to the report be placed on public exhibition for a period of not less than 28 days, with members of the community invited to comment on the draft Code for a period of not less than 42 days from the commencement of the public exhibition period.

2.             Following 1 above, a report, including any submissions received, be prepared and submitted to the June, 2019 Ordinary Meeting of Council.



8.1.3      Wallendbeen Memorial Hall s.355 Committee Membership

Resolution  111/2019  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Charlie Sheahan

Membership of the Wallendbeen Memorial Hall s.355 Committee, comprising of 12 members as detailed in the report, be endorsed.







8.1.4      Stockinbingal Ellwood's Hall s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes & Membership

Resolution  112/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

1.       The Minutes of the Stockinbingal Ellwood’s Hall s.355 Committee meeting held on 28 March 2019, attached to the report, be received and noted.

2.       The appointment of the members detailed in the report be endorsed.




8.1.5      Cootamundra Showground Users Group Section 355 Committee Membership

Resolution  113/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.        The following people be endorsed as members of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee:

          APH&I – David Manwaring, Cootamundra & District Machinery Restoration Society – Rodrick Jones, Cootamundra Pony Club – Paul Clancy, Cootamundra Kennel Club – Siobhan Collins, Cootamundra Antique Motor Club – John Collins, Cootamundra Harness Racing Club – Rebecca Medhurst, Riding for the Disabled – Trish Taylor.

2.       The following people be endorsed as alternate members of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee:

          APH&I – Darren Absolon, Cootamundra & District Machinery Restoration Society – TBA at a later meeting, Cootamundra Pony Club – Alice Crawford, Cootamundra Kennel Club – Peter Collins, Cootamundra Antique Motor Club – Joan Collins, Cootamundra Harness Racing Club – Crystal Bell, Riding for the Disabled – Doreen O’Connor.









8.1.6      Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  114/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.        The Minutes of the Cootamundra Showground Users Group s.355 Committee meeting held on 20th March, 2019, attached to the report be received and noted.

2.        Council consider the Committee recommendation included in the report.




8.1.7      Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  115/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

The Minutes of the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee meetings held on 7th March, 2019 and 4th April, 2019, attached to the report, be received and noted.




8.1.8      Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee Meeting Minutes

Resolution  116/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The Minutes of the Muttama Creek Regeneration Group s.355 Committee meeting held on 4th March, 2019, attached to the report, be received and noted.





8.1.9      RV Friendly Town Application Cootamundra


Resolution  117/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

1.             The revised RV Friendly Town Assessment Form attached to the report be approved for submission and forwarded to Campervan & Motorhome Club of Australia Limited (CMCA) for assessment with the airport site reduced to 48 hours maximum stay.

2.             Two additional signs at a cost to Council of $260 be ordered so each entrance to town has Recreation Vehicle Friendly Town signage.



8.1.10    ALGWA ConfereNce 2019 Report

Resolution  118/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Dennis Palmer

1.             The report by Councillors Bowden and Nicholson in relation to the Women in Local Government Forums be received and noted.

2.             Council prepares a report on the implications of implementing 10 days paid domestic violence leave for Council staff.

3.              Council considers sending senior female staff, in addition to female Councillors, to ALGWA Conferences, with the intention of encouraging female representation and leadership in CGRC LGA.




8.1.11    Information Bulletin

Resolution  119/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The correspondence attached to the Information Bulletin be received and noted.







8.1.12    Election of Councillor Leigh Bowden as an Executive Member of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Branch

Resolution  120/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.             Council congratulate Cr Bowden on her recent election as an ALGWA NSW Branch Executive.

2.             Council support Cr Bowden by assisting her to undertake her duties in this elected position not only in her attendance at conferences but also to fulfil her role at the executive and board meetings.




8.1.13    Council Meeting Action Report

Resolution  121/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The updated Council Meeting Action Report, attached to the report, be received and noted.




8.1.14    2019 New South Wales Local Roads Congress

Resolution  122/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.             Council nominated Cr Charlie Sheahan as the Council delegate to attend the 2019 NSW Local Roads Congress to be held in Sydney 3rd June, 2019.

2.             The nominated staff delegate alternate between Council’s Manager Civil Works and Manager Technical services to attend future annual NSW Local Roads Congress forums.




8.1.15    Cootamundra Netball Courts

Resolution  123/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Dennis Palmer

Council endorse the advertisement for public comment in relation to the upgrade of the Cootamundra Netball Facility for a twenty eight (28) day period.



8.2         Finance

8.2.1      Monthly Major Projects Program Report

Resolution  124/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.             The Progress Report on Project Status be received and noted.

2.             The recommended changes to the project budgets as listed be adopted.



8.2.2      Investment Report - March 2019

Resolution  125/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

That the attached Investment Report as at 31st March, 2019 be received and noted.



8.2.3      Monthly Finance Report for March 2019

Resolution  126/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

That the attached Monthly Finance Report for March, 2019 be received and noted.




 8.3    Community and Culture

8.3.1      Final Tourism and Economic Development Strategy

Note: Late Correspondence dated 12th April 2019 from the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee was considered in conjunction with this item

Resolution  127/2019  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.       The Final Tourism and Economic Development Strategy attached to the report be adopted with the changes as noted in the late correspondence from the Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee and adopted in 7 days if no objections are received.

2.       Actions arising from the Strategy be incorporated in the relevant operational plan.

3.       Council agree to ensure that the actions listed in the late correspondence, received from Cootamundra Tourism Action Group s.355 Committee,  tabled at the April, 2019 Ordinary Meeting of Council  are undertaken as part of its adoption of the Tourism and Economic Development Strategy if there are no objections by Council within seven (7) days of the meeting.




8.3.2      Nextwave Youth Film Workshops

Resolution  128/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

Funding of $3000 be made available from 2019/20 budget to run one Screenwave workshop for high school students in both Gundagai and Cootamundra.



8.4         Development, Building and Compliance

8.4.1      Development Applications Approved March, 2019

Resolution  129/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

The information on Development Applications approved in March, 2019 be noted.



8.4.2      Cootamundra LEP 2013 Proposed Amendment 7 - Deferment of Item 8

Note: Having disclosed a pecuniary interest in this item Cr Palmer left the meeting during discussion and voting.

Resolution  130/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.       Cootamundra LEP 2013 Proposed Amendment 7 Items 1 – 7 be made.

2.       Cootamundra LEP 2013 Proposed Amendment 7 Item 8 be deferred until Council has conducted a proper assessment of the additional permitted use.




Cr Abb McAlister (Mayor)

Cr Leigh Bowden

Cr David Graham

Cr Gil Kelly

Cr Penny Nicholson

Cr Charlie Sheahan




Cr Doug Phillips

Cr Craig Stewart

Cr Dennis Palmer (Deputy Mayor)




8.5         Regulatory Services


8.6         Assets

8.6.1      Cootamundra Floodplain Management Committee

Resolution  131/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

The community members who submitted an expression of interest to be members of the Cootamundra Floodplain Management Committee be endorsed as members of the committee.







Resolution  132/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly


Council accept the tender for Cootamundra Flood Study, Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (002/2019) from WMA Water in the amount of $128,460.





8.6.3      Gundagai Water Restrictions

Resolution  133/2019  

Moved:       Cr Penny Nicholson

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

Council endorse the Acting General Manager’s actions under the Delegation of Authority to implement Water Restrictions in accordance with Council Policy.



8.7         Civil Works

8.7.1      Civil Works Report - April 2019

Resolution  134/2019  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The Operations Update Report and Works Program for the month of April, 2019 attached to the report be received and noted.




8.7.2      Nangus Water Supply Scheme

Resolution  135/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.             Council resolve to proceed with the Nangus Water Supply Project up to and including the development of a business case.

2.             Council advise Goldenfields Water County Council that all costs associated with providing property connections to Nangus and surrounding properties are to be covered in the capital works cost of any scheme developed.

3.             Council not seek a submission for funding under the Safe and Secure Water program for the first phase of the project.

4.             Council commit $350,000 toward the cost of completing the investigations and concept designs and in preparing a business case for the Nangus water project.




8.7.3      Plant Replacement - Backhoe

Resolution  136/2019  

Moved:       Cr Dennis Palmer

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The tender from JCB Construction Equipment Australia be accepted for the JCB 3CX Elite in an amount of $175,500 be accepted.




8.7.4      Cootamundra Watermains Replacement

Resolution  137/2019  

Moved:       Cr Charlie Sheahan

Seconded:   Cr Gil Kelly

The Tender for Water Mains Replacement in Cootamundra (003/2019) to replace existing aged asbestos water mains infrastructure from Killard Infrastructure Pty Ltd in the amount of $450,850 be accepted.



8.8         Technical Services



8.9         Facilities

8.9.1      Wallendbeen Hall

Resolution  138/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.       Council approve the proposed use of the Wallendbeen Memorial Hall by the Wallendbeen Community Post Office.

2.       Council authorise the Acting General Manager to undertake the necessary arrangements for the provision of a lease with the Wallendbeen Community Post office for a minimum of twelve (12) months with an option to extend the lease for a further 12 months if required.




8.10       Waste, Parks and Recreation

8.10.1    Waste Site Assessment Report

Resolution  139/2019  

Moved:       Cr David Graham

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

1.             The Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Waste Site Assessment Report Stage (1) prepared by Wright Corporate Strategy Pty Ltd attached to the report be received and noted.

2.             The Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council Waste Issues and Actions Report Stage (2) attached to the report be received and noted.

3.             Council endorse the engagement of Wright Corporate Strategy Pty Ltd to prepare a technical Waste Management and Resource Recovery (WRMM) Strategy, Stage (3), at a cost of $16,500 (Inc. GST) to be funded from the Waste Reserve.

4.             Council approve a further $16,500 (Inc GST) in the event staff consider a Community Facing Version feasible, to be funded from the Waste Reserve.





8.10.2    Cootamundra CBD Street Furniture Colour Scheme

Resolution  140/2019  

Moved:       Cr Gil Kelly

Seconded:   Cr Leigh Bowden

1.       The colour scheme for Cootamundra’s Central Business District street and park furniture be Gun Metal Hammer Tone with Dark Silver and Black Trimming.

2.       The colour for Stratton and Simpson Bridges be two differing tones of dark grey with complimenting white/black trim.



9            Motion of which Notice has been Given

9.1         Notice of Motion - Financial Assistance Grants

Resolution  141/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr David Graham

1.             Council acknowledges the importance of federal funding through the Financial Assistance Grants (FAGs) program for the continued delivery of Council services and infrastructure;

2.             Council expresses its concern about the decline in the value of Financial Assistance Grants funding at the national level from an amount equal to around 1% of Commonwealth taxation revenue in 1996 to a current figure of approximately 0.55%.; and 

3.             Council calls on all political parties contesting the 2019 Federal Election and their local candidates to support the Australian Local Government Association’s call to restore the national value of Financial Assistance Grants funding to an amount equal to at least 1 % of Commonwealth taxation revenue and therefore to provide a Fairer Share of Federal funding for our local communities.

4.             Council lobby local sitting state and federal politicians for the redistribution of Financial Assistance Grant monies going to metropolitan councils to be reallocated to rural and regional local government areas.





9.2         Notice of Motion - Council Develop a Civic Events and Ceremonial functions Policy

Resolution  142/2019  

Moved:       Cr Leigh Bowden

Seconded:   Cr Penny Nicholson

That Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council develop a Civic Events and Ceremonial Functions Policy.



10          Questions with Notice


11          Confidential Items  



The Meeting closed at 8:21pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 May 2019.


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CHAIRPERSON                                                                                                      GENERAL MANAGER